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Latest revision as of 19:31, 18 June 2020


Drake's Home


Drake Pike: Texts incoming from Drake Pike - and somehow, all of them in one big burst.


I wanted to check in on you.

Do you have a favorite alcohol?

Are you a vegetarian for moral, health, or taste reasons?

How is your glamour?

Do you like pictures of others?

Asbolus: There was a bit of a delay from when the last message went out until the reply came, the recipient needing a moment to process them.

Doing well enough, all told. I usually prefer gin, glamour is good, and it depends on the pictures. Why I don't eat meat is best not discussed over the phone, however.

Drake Pike: Then we should be in person so I can bother you more.

Asbolus: Not opposed. Where would be best for you?

Drake Pike: My home. We can be shirtless (or naked) and I have things there to make you relax.

Asbolus: Alright. Can be there in a half hour or so.

Drake Pike: The door will be unlocked. You are free to come in. Do not linger too long in the doorway or you will trigger the flamethrower.

There is a flamethrower.

A small one.

Would you like the library, a bedroom, a hot tub, or a spring?

Asbolus: Library would be fine.

Drake Pike: To this, there is no response.

There is, however, an unlocked door when Asbolus arrives. Inside there's not much noise, which might make the large space just the smallest bit creepy. It gets less so when he's coming up to the portion of the house that houses the two stories of library. There's the occasional hard drop of a book thudding on the floor.

Inside is a... barely clothed Drake currently tossing books off a shelf and onto a pile of cushions from his place on a stepladder. The wrap around his waist keeps him decent at least! Also of note is the antique Moroccan style gas lamps set about for a more soft evening mood lighting, and a rolling tray with a large silver dish on it sitting beside a selection of alcohols and mixers.

Asbolus: Asbolus quietly made his way inside the house upon his arrival, pausing as he reached the doorway into the library and saw the dragon at work. He watched for a moment, smiling a touch, then entered the room properly to get his host's attention. "Evening..."

Drake Pike: When he did catch sight of the other, he hopped (heavily) off of the ladder to make his way over. He reaches out and then stops himself before grabbing at the other. "Hello. You want me to touch you. Yes?" It was... almost a question. Definitely not a statement that was just walked back...

Asbolus: There was a brief pause on his end as well, relaxing when Drake stopped himself. "Go ahead. Thank you for asking."

Drake Pike: Drake tugged the much taller one over to press firmly against him as he looked up. His arms ran up the others back as he grinned. "You also want me to kiss you. I can tell."

Asbolus: Asbolus looked down to the smaller Lost, shaking his head quietly. He didn't seem perturbed by the comment, though, nor uncomfortable with the close contact. "Not at the moment, no."

Drake Pike: Drake's expression briefly calculated as he considers the other. "The next one will have to learn the kiss better," he muses before releasing the other. "I have food, drinks, and books. I wanted to talk to you so this is all a bribe to get you to talk."

Asbolus: "I see." He looked towards the spread, then back to the Wizened with a small smile. "A 'bribe' isn't necessary for that, but thank you for the thought. What did you wish to speak about?"

Drake Pike: "Desire," says the Spring with a fondness that could melt a sweet little heart, if it had the chance.

Asbolus: "Alright...let's talk, then."

Drake Pike: Drake gestures to the spreads and then goes to sit on the arm of one of the couches, careful to keep himself covered. "Did you have a good date? What can we do better next time?"

Asbolus: Asbolus took a seat on the couch, looking up to Drake as he thought on the questions asked. "I did enjoy myself, yes. I will say that the effects of that particular contract were...jarring, in retrospect. I'm not accustomed to being that...libertine, and it was somewhat uncomfortable when they ran their course."

Drake Pike: The dragon's head tilted to one side. "You finally seemed relaxed. Isn't that better? Is there a side effect - something nauseating maybe like after you've taken some good drugs?"

Asbolus: "There wasn't a physical reaction, no. I was a little too relaxed, though, at least for my own comfort after the fact."

Drake Pike: "I don't understand," states Drake. "You prefer to be uncomfortable?"

Asbolus: "No, but it was...too large of a step towards openness to have taken at once, at least for me. I did enjoy what happened, no question of that, but it's not something I would have indulged in normally at that speed."

Drake Pike: "... Instant gratification can be good for you. It helps me stay sane," says Drake. "And you never know when you, or those around you, may be dead. Forever."

Asbolus: "It can be, yes, and very true." Asbolus nodded quietly. "I'm glad it works for you, but it's not a path I see myself going down all the time."

Drake Pike: Drake's quiet another moment. "I release you from the obligation of a second date. If you do not enjoy the moment to moment, you may leave whenever the moments stop being fun."

Asbolus: "To paraphrase a rather skilled composer I enjoy, if life is only moments then you'll never know you've had one." He thought a moment before offering Drake a hand. "I'm not one to leave when things get difficult; if it's worth fighting for I do so, despite what roadblocks may come up along the way."

Drake Pike: Drake reaches out to take the hand slowly. "... I don't understand. Is this you declaring you wish to fight for me? I have a knight for that. He is incredibly skilled. You should meet him."

Asbolus: "I'm saying that I'm enjoying getting to know you and that I won't stop being your friend if things become 'less fun'." He gave the dragon's hand a light squeeze, pale eyes looking the man over. "The people I let get close are dear to me, and that's a rather short list to be on."

Drake Pike: "... I'm your friend?" asks Drake before squeezing back. "Ok then." A pause. "Mearcstapa made me have questions. Can you handle more questions?"

Asbolus: "I'd say so." He nodded with a small smile. "Go ahead."

Drake Pike: "Do you care if I'm fucking other people - fucking being a loose term as sometimes it's the other way around?" asks the incredibly blunt man who's not giving anything less that 110% eye contact.

Asbolus: Asbolus' eyebrow arched at that, although he met Drake's gaze without issue. "I know that you're with Atalo already, so no, it's not an issue."

Drake Pike: "What about dating? Do you mind if I am dating other people? Are you dating and or fucking other people? Do you only date or fuck one person at a time? Those are separate questions because you could be on a date, and then you both find someone you'd like to harvest from, and one thing leads to another..." explains Drake entirely too directly.

Asbolus: "I don't mind, no, and I'm not. I have been monogamous overall in my previous relationships, mind, but that was more personal preference than anything." He nodded quietly, smirking a touch as Drake continued. "I'm not one to besmirch how one harvests, unless it brings the other to unnecessary harm."

Drake Pike: "Do you still want me to sweep you off your feet, sometimes legitimately, for the attempt to woo you like in the books?" asks Drake. "Of which I've piled many. I chose the steamiest ones I had because I thought they might make you blush again to read them aloud later. Also, because you saying things like rode me off into the sunset like a bucking stallion in our intimate embrace seems fun to watch."

Asbolus: "I'm not opposed, no. And so I noticed..." Asbolus looked to the book pile with a small smile, a chuckle coming when he noted exactly what sort of books they were. "I see."

Drake Pike: "Not opposed is not the same as wanting," counters Drake before he releases the other's hand to go and stand before the drinks. "Do you drink your gin straight or mixed?"

Asbolus: "Touche. It is something I would enjoy, yes." He nodded, looking over the selection. "Usually mixed."

Drake Pike: Drake takes a moment, selecting a highball glass. He juices a lime there, tossing in a bit. Gin goes in heavily (Monkey 47), crème de framboise liqueur, and ginger ale of all things. It gets served over ice, and ends up a fizzy red-pink concoction that tastes of raspberry and a hint of lime. Before handing it to him, a lime wedge is added and a mini umbrella stabbed into the wedge.

This is handed over rather easily. "Don't eat the umbrella. I learned that the hard way after too, too, too many of these back in Baltimore."

Asbolus: Asbolus watched as the drink came together, taking it when it was offered with a small smirk forming at the warning. "I can imagine..." He took a test sip, nodding with approval. "Very nice."

Drake Pike: "So why didn't you drink so long?" asks Drake as he comes back to sit, changes his mind, and moves to roll over the food cart... "Are you hungry? You're one of the few I have here that eat..."

Asbolus: "Not sure I follow...I drink socially, but usually let others indulge and make sure they get home in one piece." He gave Drake a curious look at that, nodding at the question that followed. "A bit, yes."

Drake Pike: "Yes, but aren't you supposed to get a turn as well?" asks Drake as he goes to unveil a small containers kept heated by small burners - aloo matar, palak paneer, Bhindi ki subji, and a few others. And, of course, rice. "Everyone should get a chance to live wildly."

Asbolus: "The evening with Mearcstapa and the others was the first in a while, admittedly, but I do on occasion."

Drake Pike: "There will be more occasions now," assures Drake. "I have a strange question." Which considering what's already been asked...