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Latest revision as of 13:30, 19 June 2020


Maddy's Wafflehouse


Sledge: The portal into Maddy's opens, and Sledge steps inside wearing whatever passes for modest clothing in her ridiculous peacock wardrobe of mostly leather straps and pasties.

"The door is FUCKING MAGIC, my Guy." She announces to the room, turning on her heel to face the foor - and the Gangrel accompanying her. "Also the waffles are great. Y'know if you don't mind throwing up." Beat. "Where the fuck've you been lately?"

Guy Dagenham: “I’ve been doing things for the Order, and spending time out in the woods. You know, me things.” He throws an arm around her. “I see your wardrobe has evolved. How have you been?”

Sledge: "Oh, you know. Hanging around and shit," Sledge leans into the one-armed hug for a half a second before elbowing Guy in the ribs and pulling him off towards a booth. "I'm allowed to dress like this because I'm famous, Guy." Beat. "Oh, shit did you hear about the fucking wizards yet?!"

Guy Dagenham: He lets himself be dragged along, sliding into whatever booth Sledge picks. “What about them? Oh. You probably hadn’t met one before.”

Sledge: "Naw, not until very recently. One of them did some funky wizard shit to my bike, though, and now I'm pretty sure my Darling goes fast enough to leave orbit." She hops over into the wrap-around booth, and kicks her boots up onto the bench adjacent.

Guy Dagenham: He looks around the place appearing coolly aloof. Or like he’s waiting to stab someone, hard to tell with him. “Because of course that’s what we needed, you been able to go Mach 5 on the freeway.” He clicks his teeth together. “So what’s the deal with this place, besides the fact the door is magic and we ‘just had to go out’ here? And the waffles.”

Sledge: "Apparently some wizard lady owns the joint - and it's located somewhere outside Philly. If you look out the windows, it's completely different than what it should look like from the inside of a diner in the city." She leans back - craning her neck to get a better look up at Guy's face. "... and don't do that stabby stabby thing. There're a bunch of rules about using abilities - and fighting - in here. They'll throw you out if you're a bastard."

Guy Dagenham: He nods as she explains the location being shifted, and then looks down at her. “I’ll be perfectly civil while I’m here. I’m quite capable of not being a bastard, when there’s reason.” He pokes her arm, hard, and looks at her for a moment before nodding again, and starting to look at the menu.

Sledge: "Lethia and I put a request for People into the suggestion box, but they've never put any on the menu." Sledge shrugs off the poke - leaning her head back onto Guy's shoulder, and looking not unlike a lazy dog as she drapes her arm over the back of the booth. "... but yeah, the non-people waffles are pretty dope, too." Beat. "So what's the Nerd Squad been up to lately?"

... she probably means the Order.

Guy Dagenham: “New unliving arrangements. Can’t say more, except that things are settling in nicely.” He’s quiet a few long moments. “Say, Sledge? How would you feel about...having more pack mates?”

Sledge: "That's pretty sick, I guess - even if finding a new place to crash sounds... way more boring than I imagine it is in reality." Sledge tips up her shoulders, shrugging the question off as effortlessly as she shrugged off the poke. "I dunno. Depends on who. Depends on why. Why? Who?"

Guy Dagenham: “Finley. Phaedra. Rena, though we might have to change the name to make her comfortable. I’ve just...been thinking old man thoughts, as you’d put it. They’d be stronger with us, and it’d...formalize me watching over them, I guess you could say. I dunno...” He grunts, and stares down at the table.

Sledge: "I know two-out-of-three of those people... but none of them are Gangrel, so. This won't be, like, a pack so much as, like, a coterie or whatever the fuck." She finishes peering at her menu, and slides it across the table. "... and if that's the kind of pool we're looking at, I'd suggest Cory, too. Could probably use a bruiser with all those fucking nerds."

Guy Dagenham: “I mean. It’ll still be a pack. I’m the only one that has to be a Gangrel for it to work. And I’ll think about Cory. I mean, Rena’s a bruiser, so it’s not like you’d be outnumbered by nerds....I’m hoping we can get us all together, so we can all socialize before...I’d ask them about it.”

Sledge: "I mean, I guess." Sledge huffs. "Bruja just fuckin' fight better together, and none of them know how we roll so it's just." Beat. "Yeah, fuck it - I mean, if they're down with how shit works, then I'm down with how they exist."

Guy Dagenham: He chuckles. “I’m still going to want them to ride with us, at the very least. And I know. I’d be honored if you were all my Childer, but. Things are how they are, and I’ll the best I can to...be a positive part of their lives. And yours. Bleh, that sounded cheesy...you know what I meant.”

Sledge: "Yeah, I know what you mean, ya' sentimental old fuck." Sledge crosses her arms over her chest, and then slides down into the booth - wedging herself there in such a way that Guy is basically propping her up - so she can cross her legs, and prop them up on the back of the booth seat. Bisexual Seating Unchained. "Just don't overextend your fuckin' reach."

Phaedra Lamb: The small Mekhet knows her cue. She slips into the restaurant quietly, dressed in her work clothes still. So a long victorian style black dress, a black beaded veil pinned to her hair, makeup done up to make her eyes look Even BIGGER, and dark lipstick. It's a hell of a look. Seeing Guy and Sledge, she meanders in their direction.

Guy Dagenham: “Hmm? How do you mean?” He leans back against her slightly, both for the touch and to help prop her up. When Phaedra enters, he gives a little wave. “Hello, Phaedra. You look...enchanting is a good word, I think.”

Sledge: "Y'know, like. You trying to watch like fuckin' fifty people means that some of them are gonna slip through the cracks. I'm just sayin' I get that you wanna be helpful and shit, but sometimes giving people the, like, hope that you're gonna give a shit and then not being able to is worse than just not giving a shit, y'know?" Sledge grumbles under her breath, holding her absurd pose -- but then Phaedra comes in, and she lets her boots slip off the seat, and back down onto the bench with a loud thump. "Enchanting? More like hey, gad-damn," her southern accent slips through the cracks just a hair. "Get a load of that hot Goth GF."

Phaedra Lamb: "Hot? Well, I suppose the sleeves are a bit much for the weather. I just got through with work and didn't feel like heading out to the woods to change before stopping by here to hang out a little." She pauses. "Uh, can I sit with you two?"

Guy Dagenham: “I know Sledge, I’m...focusing my efforts, as best as I can...” He gives Phaedra a small smile. “Of course. How have you been today?”

Sledge: "No I meant- Hot as in- It isn't tempera- shit. Enh, fuck it." Beat. "Yeah, go for it." Sledge shifts her position so that her feet are on the floor, and the booth can accomodate Phaedra more comfortably now. "We were just talking about you, actually, so it seems appropriate that you'd just show the fuck up out of nowhere." She pauses. "Unless you were scrying, and you know we were talking about you and that's why... you're... Hrrm."

Sledge trails off into thought. It's a rare occurance these days...

Phaedra Lamb: "No, but I did pull the Chariot an awful lot while I was doing readings tonight. Your card." And then she smiles wickedly. "And I do know what you mean by hot; I just never thought you'd apply it to me. Maybe I should come to the Elysia in work clothes more often."

Her attention shifts to Guy and she shrugs. "Pretty okay, I think. The past few days have been busy and weird. I've gotten the opportunity to bewilder a few people, which is always fun."

Guy Dagenham: He chuckles softly at Sledge and Phaedra’s interaction, then nods to Phaedra as she talks about her days. “Ah, yeah, fucking with people is always a time. You’re probably nicer about it, I’m usually just trying to get people to fuck off.”

Sledge: "I don't know what the Chariot is, but I'm glad that fate was causing you think about me," Sledge offers a wink before elbowing Guy in the ribs. "Maybe just don't be a dick and you won't have to worry about whether or not people are nicer than you." She sticks out her tongue, wiggling it in such a way that her metal piercing glimmers in the light.

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra blinks a couple times, very deliberately. "Nicer?"

A glance between him and Sledge, thinking for a moment. "Well. I suppose I won't disillusion you."

Guy Dagenham: He waves his hand in a dismissive gesture. “I reserve my right to scare humans. I usually just avoid them.”

Sledge: "I mean, that's fair." Sledge waves a dismissive hand. "I prefer to be adored, but I can go for a good scare now-and-again. Especially driving by really fast on my bike." Beat. "So what does the Chariot actually mean -- and what the fuck do you do for work that requires you to dress up like Orville Peck and Morticia Adams smashed into one person?"

Phaedra Lamb: "I'm a tarot reader at Penny Dreadful, which is a Victorian occult burlesque lounge. Because I'm a reader, and not a burlesque dancer, I get to dress in period attire and play up the mystery of being a spooky fortune-teller. And really, as far as costuming options go, this one dodges offensive racial stereotypes that can arise with the other 'fortune-teller' image people have in their heads, which is a plus."

Her gaze returns to Guy, and she smiles. "I like to scare people, too. I have a bit more of a temper than most people expect, so when I pop off with a deep read of all their secrets and insecurities, they always seem so surprised. Like, who's this little Lamb, to dare speak to me that way?"

Guy Dagenham: He grins and nods. “Oh, that does sound fun. I never get to surprise people anymore. I mean, people look at me and expect me to be scary, and since it’s not safe to show off for humans anymore, I can only show off for my night friends, who tend to react to me stretching and splitting to rearrange my form with ‘ooh, kitty!’” He snorts.

Sledge: "That's pretty fuckin' dope, actually. I didn't know we had a burlesque lounge in town, and that sounds prett-" She waves her hands wildly as she cuts herself off. "Oh shit, speaking of animals -- Guy, I haven't introduced you to Princess yet, but I adopted a pitbull and she's adorable and perfect and I'm working on teaching her tricks. She's really smart and she can shake hands and give little fist bumps with her cute little fuckin' pawsies."

Phaedra Lamb: "Puppy!" Phaedra lights up. "Aww, do I get to meet her too someday?"

Guy Dagenham: “You have a dog? How haven’t I heard of this?” He smiles. “I’d love to meet her. Hell, if you’re both up for it, we could ride over, and Phaedra could get that look at my bike she wants while we meet Princess.”

Sledge: "I mean, I got shit to do after this, my Guy -- band is practicing at some point, so I probably shouldn't make plans -- but I would love to introduce you both to Princess. Right now, she's at home - and I have a friend that helps take care of her during the day when I'm indisposed." Beat. "Hold up," Sledge shifts to retreive her phone from the back pocket of her leather pants. She taps at it a few times before holding it out for Phaedra and Guy to see. "LOOK AT THIS SWEET GIRL." (https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0840/6049/articles/blue-nose-dog-blue-nose-pit-bull-portrait-dog-head-1370842_1024x1024.jpg?v=1591111813)

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra leans in to look at the picture, gasping quietly with delight. "She's precious. Though you're still cuter, Sledge."

That comes out super-casually, before she goes back to cooing over the puppy.

Guy Dagenham: He fights back a grin. “That’s a very nice dog. I’m glad you have a companion like her.”

Sledge: "She's lit-er-uh-ly the cutest thing on the planet," Sledge beams as she gives the picture of Princess one last look before setting the phone down, and quirking an eyebrow at Phaedra. "... but also I'm not cute, goddamnit. I'm fuckin' HOT and a total babe."

She's also wearing, like, the biggest fuckin' troublemaker grin.

Phaedra Lamb: "Total babe? I'm not sure about that. Some parts might be missing. Like common sense and dignity and poise..." Counting those off on her fingers.

Guy Dagenham: He has to cover his mouth to stop from laughing. “No one can say you don’t have looks or attitude, at least, Sledge.” He bumps her gently with his shoulder.

Sledge: Sledge waves a dismissive hand at the comment, making an extremely loud pshhhhhhhhh noise. "You don't need that shit to be a total babe, like, what the fuck am I gonna do with common sense? That sounds like something nerds use to make up for not being as fuckin' cool as me."

Phaedra Lamb: She tilts her head to one side. "Or something you deliberately ignore because you feel invincible, as if nothing in the world is ever going to require slowing down and thinking about."

Guy Dagenham: He grins at Sledge. “It’s ok, that’s what friends are for.” He winks, and then looks at the menu again.

Sledge: "I mean, I am basically invincible, you know -- and I can literally be invisible for short bursts of time." She says this as if explaining it doesn't entirely prove the point. "... and the world is so much more interesting at a hundred miles per hour - speaking of, holy shit Guy, just order the damn waffles." She, of course, is playful when she says this.

Phaedra Lamb: She tuts quietly, reaching out to touch the tip of Sledge's nose.

Guy Dagenham: “Fine.” He grunts, and waves someone over to order waffles and a glass of cranberry juice.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel made his way into the diner via the portal, dressed a bit more casually than usual but with the ever-present scarf around his neck, this time in a dark blue, along with a brown leather laptop bag slung over one shoulder. Seeing some familiar faces he smiled and gave a nod, moving close enough to be in proper conversation range. "Evening."

Sledge: Sledge blinks a few times upon having her nose booped, but she doesn't stay fazed for long. "WHAT UP?" She turns her "attention" to Daniel, shouting her greeting about two levels above normal conversational volume. "SIT WITH US."

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra's still in her work clothes--a very different look than her usual, all gothed out to fuck.

"Hey, been a bit. How are you?"

Guy Dagenham: He nods to Daniel. “Evening to you. Would you like to join us?” He Blushes, features filling out to life-like fullness.

Daniel Hawthorne: The Haunt flinched ever-so-slightly at the raised volume, his own whispered words quieter for it as he moved to join the trio at their booth. "Well enough, keeping busy. Yourself?"

Sledge: Now that Daniel has been invited to the table, Sledge slumps back into her booth seat. Before the server can escape, she orders a cup of coffee, and a plate of chocolate waffles. "Doin' mighty fine, thanks for asking." Beat. "What're you keeping busy with?"

Phaedra Lamb: "Do you guys all actually eat when you're here? I usually just come to hang out. I don't like throwing up afterward, that just grosses me out."

Guy Dagenham: “I’ve never been here before. And don’t worry, you get used to the vomiting eventually. It’s worth it to eat good food.”

Daniel Hawthorne: "Work, primarily. I own a clothing design studio off of Rittenhouse Square." Daniel patted the laptop bag before he set it down under the table and claimed a seat. "Only had the coffee myself so far, but this is only my second time here."

Sledge: "Agreed," Sledge offers a big shrug. "I got used to vomiting when I was a wild child teenager, so it's not so bad. Besides, eating breakfast at 2 AM reminds me of being alive, and that alone is worth the puke." Beat. "If only they had Whataburger here..."

She quirks an eyebrow at Daniel, interest clearly piqued. "Clothing design, huh? Can you design, like, costumes for stage productions?"

Phaedra Lamb: "You designed the clothes for Penny Dreadful, that's right!" She grins at Daniel. "You're awesome."

Then she shakes her head at Guy. "Vomiting just...isn't something I want to, like. Get used to, honestly. It's icky."

Guy Dagenham: He shrugs. “Bodily functions are disgusting in general, that’s why there are all sorts of responses in the brain around them. You get desensitized over time, not that there aren’t plenty I don’t miss, mind you. It’s just...one of those things. I don’t blame you for avoiding it as you can, though.”

Daniel Hawthorne: "I could, yes. Have something in particular in mind?" Daniel looked to Sledge first, then smiled at the compliment from Phaedra. "I did, and thank you."

"I try to avoid it myself, but sometimes it is worth it." Then again, it was a rare occurrence for any of the local Kindred to see the young Haunt without the Blush running, so perhaps it wasn't much of an issue anyway?

Phaedra Lamb: "Anyway, I'm going to head out. But you all take care, okay?"

Sledge: "Yeah, I totally do. Cats. Like, the Musical." Sledge nods. "We can swap numbers and I can text you about it later." Sledge's phone rings, and she looks down at the text. "... and not to bolt all of a sudden, but that's my band calling me a diva because I'm not at practice yet."

She extricates herself from the booth, unfolding and stretching like a cat. "I gotta split, too." She steals a comment card from near the suggestion box, and scribbles her number before passing it to Daniel. "Nice to meet you, dude -- and Guy, I'll catch you later. I expect to meet Rena soon, too."

Guy Dagenham: “Absolutely,” he says to Sledge, nodding to both departing women. He looks so Daniel, and is about to speak as his food, and Sledge’s, arrives.

Sledge: "Shit! Box that up for me, please?" Sledge hollers from the door, hovering impatiently as she waits for the to-go container.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Ah...haven't done much work with fur, but I'm willing to give it a shot." Daniel nodded, taking the offered number and shooting her a quick text to confirm it. "Have a good night."

Guy Dagenham: Guy even helps the waiter box up the food. “Have a good one, Sledge.”

He takes a bite of his waffle, savoring it before sipping some juice and looking to Daniel. “So...how’re things? Read anything interesting lately?”

Daniel Hawthorne: "Few things." He nodded with a slight smirk. "Starting to look into the next tier of my studies, as it were."

Guy Dagenham: He nods. “I’m going to get into that too...don’t know how I’m going to do set up at the new place. I’ll have to consider my options.”

Daniel Hawthorne: "Should be interesting, yeah. I do like the overall set up there, though."

Guy Dagenham: “Oh, sure. Not a much space, though, I don’t think I can get a good size room with a drain and speaker set up there. My method involves extreme sensory stimulus. But, I’ll figure something out.”

Daniel Hawthorne: "Ah...makes sense." Another small nod. "Could talk with Alex on it, maybe; she's officially joined and is rather tech savvy."

Guy Dagenham: “That’s a good idea, I’ll do that. Maybe we can come up with something more compact than what I was doing before. How about you? What’s your...style?”

Floretta Williams: Floretta appears at the portal and, as per usual, seems a little disoriented by the magic that brings her here. A swift shake of her head and then, she makes her way into the place. Her hands stuffed into a pair of jeans, her hair bright green and a black shirt with a raised fist with rainbow colors. Little Herbert is following along happily. She approaches the other dragons "Hey, mind if I join your table?" (Blush active)

Daniel Hawthorne: "There's usually flame involved, so I'll have to make sure there's a chamber set for that as well." Daniel looked towards Flo at her entrance, giving a polite nod. "Not at all."

Guy Dagenham: “Of course, Flo, sit with us.” He eats more waffle, Blushed himself. “How’re you doing tonight?”

Floretta Williams: "I'm doing okay, I've helped with the rat stuff a bit on my end." She leans on the table and smiles, petting her dog softly. "And I'm working on a few writings and ideas I got from that. Otherwise It's pretty normal, what about you two? Planning your next step?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Looking into it, yes. Been wanting to get to the top of that particular mountain for some time now, figure it's not a bad time to start working on it again."

Guy Dagenham: “Yes, I need to figure out how to make a new setup in our new space, I can’t exactly put a drain in the floor.”

Floretta Williams: "It does have a bit of that kind of issues, but they do keep a restaurant there, so there is some plumbing we can work from if we need it." Floretta nods once. "What do you need drained from the room?" she looks toward Daniel afterward. "And do you need any special accomodations for your studies?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Potentially, considering it will likely involve flame in some manner." He nodded, pausing a moment before smirking a touch. "Could work with our lamp-lighting friend on the matter, perhaps..."

Guy Dagenham: “I usually use pig’s blood, for convenience, but generally any blood will do for my purposes.”

Floretta Williams: "Hmm, with a restaurant in the same place we could easily work in a deal with a butcher for various animal blood in that case." Floretta takes notes on her phone. "I'll see what I can work on there." she looks to Daniel then. "Given I'm also working on Ascendency, yeah that was my idea to go with too, the ghost likes to light candles and fires and lanterns, that's definitely something we can try to arrange."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Worth asking, at the very least."

Guy Dagenham: “That will definitely make it easier to get a hold of, but yeah, getting rid of it’s the problem. I’m gonna talk to Alex about speakers and lights, that should be easier to do on the boat.”

Floretta Williams: "Just to make a thing official, I'm working as the Castellan, which means those things are my responsibilities." she points to herself "So, the things you're bringing up now, I'll do my best to help and facilitate. If you talk to Alex and she needs something to do her job or some kind permission or anything, point her my way, I'll do my best to facilitate the basics." she looks at them in turn. "I got a lot of the restaurant staff working with me in the Candlelit Visages, I can have some things arranged in that sense." she smiles. "Same with the ghost, let me know if it pose a problem to you, we got options."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Noted, and appreciate it." Daniel nodded quietly. "If there's anything I can help with, let me know."

Guy Dagenham: “Yes congratulations. Feel free to call me about anything, especially in my capacity as a Knight. I look forward to working to keep everything safe.” He smiles, appearing quite sincere. He finishes his waffles, drinking his cranberry juice down.

Floretta Williams: Floretta smiles and then spend a few moment petting her dog, running her fingers through the fur and smiling. "Of course, thank you for the offers." she smiles at them "Do you have any other projects in the work? something a little more mundane or else?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Nothing too exciting compared to the other goings on in town. Designs for work, plus looking into some things with Alex on a project of hers."

Guy Dagenham: “Plotting to get closer to my close circle of friends, more dating...” He shrugs. “I’ve got forever to do more projects.”

Nevermore Usher: Dingaling, goes the door. Inside walks Nevermore. They're fairly dancing as they step inside, their face (freshly washed but still slightly blotchy) glowing with the grin that's on it. "Hello!" They sing out as they enter.

Floretta Williams: "Good, I should meet up with Petra again, she was fun to meet with." Floretta gives just a little smile and shrug. "And good to know, hopefully Alex and you can make it work like she wants to." her attention shifts toward Nevermore "Hey there!"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Hopefully." Daniel looked towards Nevy as their entrance, smiling a touch at the obvious exuberance as he gave them a nod. The Haunt was dressed casually but with a dark blue scarf around his neck, that familiar skin-crawling feeling creeping in around the edges of an otherwise normal looking fellow. "Evening."

Guy Dagenham: “Hello, Nevermore. I hope you’re having a good evening.”

Nevermore Usher: Nevy's grin barely flickers at the Nos-Zone. "I'm having a fantastic evening, thank you." They look to Floretta and Guy and nod. "Did you two hear about this evening's work?"

Floretta Williams: "No, I did not, I was more focused on my own little corner." Floretta smiles at Nevermore "I'm guessing it's good new, however!" her dog is sleeping in her lap at this point.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel moved over to allow Nevy a seat in the booth if they so wished, shifting the laptop bag under the table along with him. "Seems like it. Daniel, by the way."

Guy Dagenham: “Haven’t heard about it, no. I’m sure it’s interesting, though.”

Nevermore Usher: Nevy takes a seat with a grin. "Thanks - so. I heard from Auntie Dandy. They got everyone out."

Floretta Williams: Floretta exhales softly, relieved. "Well, that's really, really great." she smiles at Nevermore. "Did anyone get seriously hurt?" there is a touch of worry there for a moment. "I think one of us was heading in there."

Daniel Hawthorne: There was a brief pause before Daniel nodded, looking relieved as well. "This is the business with the rats, I take it? Good to hear."

Guy Dagenham: “Everyone? That’s good. Now all that’s left is clean up.”

Nevermore Usher: Nevy gives an apologetic look. "Oh - sorry, yeah, it was the rat host, yes. And... Dandy didn't get into that much detail. She was... pretty tired, it sounded like, and I really can't blame her." Nevy nods. "I'm still being careful, since the rats are still out there, but I just..." They glance around, considering who's there and the way their skin is crawling. "I... don't suppose anyone else here is interested in a slice of pie."

Guy Dagenham: “I’m gonna head out soon, before those waffles come back up. No offense to the cooks here, they were great. Take care Nevermore, sorry to leave on you. We’ll talk soon, ok?”

Floretta Williams: "I'm not really in the mood to eat, I was just looking for people to talk to when I showed up." Floretta says with a little shrug of her shoulders. "See you later Guy" then turn to Nevermore again. "And I'm glad that lady got out alive and well, but I'm curious if anyone in the rescue teams or other peoples held captive were harmed, or contracted illnesses."

Daniel Hawthorne: "I'd be willing; haven't tried the food here yet." Daniel nodded to Nevy, then gave Guy one as well as he readied himself to leave. "Have a good night."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy waves to Guy. "See you later!" They hesitate at Floretta's words. "I... don't know yet," they say, frowning. "Like I said, Dandy didn't tell me yet."

The grin manages to recover a bit as they look at Daniel. "It's really good. Maddy's a kitchen genus."

Guy Dagenham: He gets up to go pay at the counter for him and Sledge. “See you all around, have a good night.”

Floretta Williams: "See you later Guy!" Floretta nods and takes a little breath and then, for a brief moment, looking at her hands, then back to Nevermore. "Hopefully everything went well."

Daniel Hawthorne: "So I've heard. Talked with her briefly on my first visit." Another small nod as he looked between the pair, sitting back in his seat. "One can hope."

Nevermore Usher: Nevermore nods. "Honestly, if someone did get hurt, she might not have told me. Have to protect the nibling," They give a lopsided smile. "Unless I hear otherwise, though? I'm going to hope things went well."

Floretta Williams: Floretta grabs the menu and drops it almost immediately upon reading the names of the meal and passes it along to Nevermore. "Question for later, Nevermore, do you offer commissioned work and if so, what kind of fee do you charge?"

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel gave Flo a curious look at the handling of the menu, looking it over himself to see what might have caused such an issue. The talk of commission work caught his interest, however, turning his gaze back to Nevy. "What sort of work do you do?"

Nevermore Usher: Nevy smiles again. "I absolutely do." They look at Daniel, warming to the conversation. "I'm an artist - pen and ink, mostly. Here..." They pull out a couple business cards and hand one over to each of their fellows. "I've got examples of my work on my instagram, and Floretta, you can send me a reminder at that email address and I'll send you my cost sheet. Depending on exactly what you're looking for, it could run as little as $25 or as much as a couple hundred."

Floretta Williams: "If you ever went into my office at the old Academy Daniel, there's a print on my wall that's a heart with predator shapes in them." She points to Nevermore "Bought it from them." a little smile.

Daniel Hawthorne: "I believe I did...very impressive work." Daniel nodded with a small smile, taking the card and looking it over. "I do clothing design myself out of a studio off of Rittenhouse Square."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy raises an eyebrow. "Clothing design? High fashion stuff, or...?"

Floretta Williams: "Oh, we could have you design cool uniform for the group Daniel, all of us Hufflepuffs." She grins mischievously. "But nah." she chuckles a little bit.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel gave Flo a bit of a look at the Hufflepuff crack, smirking a touch before looking back to Nevy. "Couture, mostly, but I do personal commission work as well as some projects for local businesses."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods and smiles. "I've had a couple friends who did costuming, but never couture or fashion work." They grin. "Unless you count this," They say, gesturing to their Very Fine Coat.

Floretta Williams: "Imagine us getting all something like that." Floretta grins slightly. "Imagine the business you'd get." a little amused look continue to dance about her face.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel gave the coat a good proper look, nodding with approval. "I would. It's very well done, even just looking at it from here."

"All you have to do is ask...not like I didn't do the outfits for Rhea's place, after all." He smirked at Flo before looking back to the pair. "My great-grandmother was a seamstress and of my siblings I was the most interested in learning from her. I enjoyed it and had a good hand with it, so I decided to make a career out of it."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy grins and offers a fistbump. "I respect the hustle, my friend." They grin. "How do you feel about cosplay?" There's an expression in their eye indicating that they're watching to see how he answers.

Floretta Williams: Floretta chuckles "I like to imagine the face Rena would make if we made a uniform mandatory." she is obviously joking. "That's a cool thing to know and have some skills in."

Daniel Hawthorne: The fistbump was gladly returned, and a chuckle came from picturing Rena's reaction. "She did make a comment about me making a suit at some point, so..."

"Done a few outfits for friends, although nothing for myself. When I went to conventions it was more for the tournaments than anything."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy grins and nods. "Remind me to introduce you to my friend Ellie sometime. But... what kind of tournaments?"

Floretta Williams: Floretta chuckles lightly and moves to step out of the booth, yawning a little bit and then stretching a little, as much as having her puppy in her arms would let her. "I'm going to get back out there and try to clear my head a little bit."

Daniel Hawthorne: "See you later, Floretta." Daniel gave her a nod, then looked back to Nevy with a somewhat sheepish smile. "Magic and fighting games, mostly."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. "Not my thing, but again I respect it. I mostly do the horror genre cons, myself."

Lif Loracks: The door opens, and a person comes in. Light brown skin, darker brown hair, blue-green eyes that might be startling given their owner's complexion. They're wearing an Earth Day 2018 t-shirt and dark wash jeans and a black beanie on their head. As they step inside, they give the room a quiet look-over.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Nice. Knew a few folks in New York that went to those." Daniel looked over to the door at Lif's entrance, giving her a nod. The Haunt was dressed casually but with a dark blue scarf around his neck, a leather laptop bag at his feet.

Sledge: You know who doesn't give the room a quiet look-over? Guess what, her name is Sledge. She's here, she's queer, and- oh shit, she just nearly ran into Lif while squalling her head off. "Guy, can you buh-leeve it? Those dumb bitches rain checked on me when I was basically-" She stumbles, stopping just in time to avoid colliding with Lif. "Shit, sorry."

She looks back over to the table where Guy had been earlier, and frowns. "Fuck! Now he's gone, too..."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy smiles as Lif enters, then blinks as Lif is almost immediately run over by Sledge. "H- um, hi."

Lif Loracks: There's an almost chlorinated scent in the air for a second as she makes sure to avoid colliding with Sledge. "Ey, watch where you're walking?"

Daniel Hawthorne: A little huff of air escaped Daniel's nose to push that chlorine smell back out, looking over the two at the portal with a note of concern. "You two alright?" He projected the question as well as he could manage, which...wasn't far, admittedly, but one had to applaud the effort.

Sledge: "Well," she huffs. "It's not like I can just fuckin' know what's on the other side of a fuckin' magic portal." Upon closer inspection, Sledge is dressed like a cartoonist's depiction of a rock star - tight leather pants, sleeveless crop top featuring the name of a band, carrying a soft guitar case on her back. "BUT HELLO," She turns to the table she left a little while ago, throwing her arms wide. "THE CONQUERING HERO RETURNS FROM FARAWAY LANDS WITH SPOILS TO SHARE."

Nevermore Usher: Despite themself, Nevy looks intrigued - they can't exactly turn down that much Extra. "What kind of spoils?"

Lif Loracks: Lif huffs quietly, and follows Sledge to the table. "Nevermore, good to see you again. Mind I sit?"

Her gaze moves to Daniel briefly, eyes lingering on his scarf.

Daniel Hawthorne: The look to the scarf made Daniel pause, the Haunt checking it briefly to make sure it was still properly in place before giving Lif a nod. "Daniel. Pleasure."

Sledge: Sledge unslings her gig bag, setting it aside delicately before throwing herself into the booth. "Me," she explains - as if the answer makes perfect sense. "My company, specifically."

Nevermore Usher: Nevermore shakes their head. "I don't mind it. I see Daniel's already introduced himself - and I think you've run into Sledge before." They quirk a little smile, then offer an overelaborate bow. "Well, then, if you grace us with your presence, who are we to refuse? Welcome, o singer of songs, o plucker of lutes."

No, Sledge. I'M the Extra one.

Lif Loracks: "Sorry." The apology is directed at Daniel in a murmur, before her attention shifts to Sledge. "Lif Loracks. Good to meet you, maybe."

Daniel Hawthorne: "It's alright. Long story." He replied with a wry smirk, glancing towards Nevy and Sledge as the Extra-Off began in earnest.

Sledge: "Plucking? Looting? Naw, that's a different bitch - I'm a punk, not a Goth." Sledge throws her arms up, linking her fingers behind her head as she leans back. "Sledge," she regards Lif with a nod, sticking out - and or course, wiggling - her tongue. "I'm pretty famous, actually."

Beat. "Say, what the fuck kinda name is Lif Loracks??"

Nevermore Usher: Nevermore nods. "Ah, of course. My mistake." They hesitate. "You might as well ask what kind of name Nevermore is, or Sledge, or..." They glance at the fourth member. "Okay. Daniel's actually a pretty usual name."

Lif Loracks: "Aren't they all?" The question directed at Daniel, as they reach up to touch a scar below the left side of their jaw, pale and puckered against their dark skin. It's really hard to tell what it could be from--it looks sort of like what you'd get if someone took a rondel dagger to a piece of pottery, trying to break a hole in it without shattering the whole thing (leaving spidery cracks around the area).

And then her attention returns to Sledge, her smile crooked. "I usually say it's something Germanic, but that's a load of bull. Uh, half Norse mythology, half Dr. Seuss."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Indeed..." Daniel looked the scar over before nodding slowly, a bit curious at the spidering but holding off on inquiring on such for the moment. "Mine was rather...terminal, so it's better to keep it covered in polite company."

Sledge: "Oh, like the movie. That's pretty sick I guess." There's a sloooooow nod, and then she turns to Nevy. "Well I don't know what kinda name Nevermore is either, but Sledge is a nickname - but nicknames don't usually have two names or otherwise they wouldn't be nicknames they'd just be names." Sledge taps her temple with her index finger. "... but also Maddy's is like, Switzerland, or whatever. So you can talk about shit here without breaking any rules. If you want." Beat. "I hope, anyway, because otherwise I've broken a lot of rules."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. "Fair enough. Honestly, you might be surprised how creative some of the names get at the LGBTQ center sometimes." They chuckle. "I mean, I'm not sure about the rules, but if you ask me? As long as you're not giving away a person's secrets without permission, go ahead."

Lif Loracks: "I think only Nevermore might count for polite company here. Beside the staff." There's a bit of a smirk. "I'm one of the Lost, and a student at Temple when I'm not working for the EPA as a student trainee."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Still, it's a habit I'd rather keep for the moment." Daniel smiled a touch, nodding. "Kindred myself, and a clothing designer by trade."

Sledge: There's an obnoxious death metal riff that explodes out of the speakers of Sledge's phone, and she nearly falls out of the booth trying to get her phone out of her pocket. "Oh my god will these bitches make up their minds??" Beat. "Apparently my band practice is back on??? I swear, they must be fucking with me..."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy blinks. "Oh - okay. Have a good evening." They blink at the vampunkire, then they look to the others. "I, if you weren't aware, speak to the shades of the fallen."

Lif Loracks: "You know, dressed as you are, that tracks." She nods at Nevermore, and pauses to catch a member of waitstaff to order a lumberjack breakfast with turkey bacon.

Daniel Hawthorne: The jarring noise led to another flinch from the Haunt, who let out a quiet breath as he settled back into his seat once again. "Have a good night, Sledge." When the server came by Daniel asked for a cup of coffee and a glass of water for himself, then looked to Nevy. "Haven't had any dealings on that front, admittedly."

Jessie Taylor: The door opens and in walks Jessie who is soon followed by River who, for once, seems to be the one being led into an area as Jessie tugs on the other woman’s hand. “We need to get some caffeine in you and get you full of energy. I mean yeah, it’s a little late but still, I just got back and haven’t had the time to get out much between work and the house. Besides I want brinner at 11 o’clock at night because that makes complete and total logical sense for any normal person.” A glance to the others in the waffle house and Jessie offers a polite full smile and little wave.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy chuckles, glancing down at the sugar-skull coat and the T-shirt saying "I horror." "Oh, I have plenty of those, myself." They look over at the newcomer and wave. "Hello!"

Lif Loracks: Lif glances at their Earth Day shirt thoughtfully. "I suppose I can't talk, when it comes to...you know. Wearing what you do."

River Bright: "What can caffeine do that magic can't?" River wonders outloud as she's tugged into the wafflehouse, shagging her tattooed fingers through her mane of dark blonde hair as she ambles in after the Mastigos who seems to be calling the shots. She upnods her head at the quartet on the way in, raising a hand in a wave. Her arm's covered in ink, too, it seems to be on here everywhere, crisscrossing out from underneath her clothes where it's visible, from shoulder to nailbed, one behind her right ear, designs lacing out over her shoulders and onto her collarbones, and a discreet, silver ring punctures her septum. "Yo," she says amiably to the assembled, before pawing around on an empty table for a menu. "Do I want waffles or do I want waffles..." she wonders to herself, the question almost assuredly already answered.

Sledge: Sledge bursts back through the portal into Maddy's, and scrambles over to her forgotten bass guitar. "Haha, shit. I forgot this." Then, turning back towards the portal, she quirks an eyebrow at River, fixing her with an appreciative nod and a dumb grin. "Daaaaayumn, you're fine as hell, aren't you." Beat. "ALRIGHT. SLEDGE. OW-OW-AWOOOOOOUUUUUUUUT!"

... and then she's gone again.

Daniel Hawthorne: "I made this shirt, so I can't talk much either." Daniel replied with a chuckle, looking towards the arriving maga and giving a polite nod. The Haunt was dressed casually but neatly with a dark blue scarf wrapped firmly around his neck, the Blush in full effect. His greeting to the pair came out as a whisper, faint hints of an almost-British accent wrapped around it. "Evening."

Lif Loracks: She glances up at the newcomers thoughtfully, before her eyes return to Daniel. "So. Someone tried to cut your head off, did kill you, and now you're undead. Yes?"

Nevermore Usher: Nevy sees River and looks uncomfortable, before turning to look at Daniel and Lif with interest

River Bright: River blinks stupidly, her mouth actually opens in visible surprise, and she looks in between Jessie, and the three remaining people Sledge had been sitting with, and then back at Jessie, raising her hands in a preemptively innocent 'I didn't even do anything' gesture universally recognized by anyone who has ever dated, ever. "Not that she was wrong," she points out, wagging a finger.

Daniel Hawthorne: The abruptness of the question made Daniel pause briefly, but after the moment passed he nodded. "Correct."

Lif Loracks: "You know. On some level, I think that might make you one of the lucky ones." They nod slowly, lifting their coffee cup in salute. "To surviving it."

Nevermore Usher: Nevermore nods. "To walking through the darkness and finding life there." They hesitate. "Well. Life of a sort?"

Jessie Taylor: Jessie literally just blinks seemingly momentarily stupefied "Do what now?" she'd ask to River then look back towards the now empty area where Sledge had been then towards River "I mean . . . duh? I'm not gonna get jealous because someone else thinks you're attractive because that's just a universal fact. Like saying that I look good in leather pants, there is simply no denying this fact." A pause before a verbal "Note to self, wear leather pants tomorrow because ..... reasons." this is followed by a sudden glance towards Daniel "Howdy there!" she'd respond with a cheerful tone before making a b-line towards the counter where the food was most likely to be hiding from her

Daniel Hawthorne: The arrival of his own cup of coffee was well timed, it seemed, and Daniel lifted it in a small salute in kind. "In a manner of speaking."

River Bright: "That's a very enlightened take, I especially liked the part where you turned it into a compliment for yourself by the time you got to the end of it," River peels her lips back in an affectation that is much a snarl as a smile, baring her teeth at Jessie in a mock growl to punctuate the meaningless banter. She looks at Daniel and mouths the words, 'Are you a vampire? That's so cool,' and by the look on her face, she seems to mean that in a charmingly earnest way. She passes her attention to Nevermore, despite the active aversion, and then to Lif, giving a little bob of her chin in a hello.

Lif Loracks: Lif raises a hand to her beanie in a not-at-all serious salute. "Evening."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy glances at their own menu. "Now. Am I feeling breakfast, dinner, or...?"

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel smiled a touch at the question from River and nodding to confirm it, amused at his current state of existene being called 'cool'. He took a moment to doctor his coffee before taking a sip, eyeing the menu himself. "Good question. Pie still sounds like an idea, admittedly."

Jessie Taylor: Jessie turns around to face River and . . . in a very mature showing of her elegant personality and pose, sticks her tongue out at the other woman as she drops onto a stool "Remember that spinning things is a kind of part of my job. I made sure to include the important part about you but also had to add some extra stuff about me! Vampire? For real? Oh god. I have so many questions, is it cool if I interview you?" she spins on the stool towards Daniel, her chin now firmly located between both her hands as she leans on the counter

River Bright: Seemingly encouraged by Daniel's polite response to curiosity that presses the bounds of social niceties, River is about to ask something else before Jessie seizes the moment, and the Acanthus fades back, and appears to be making a cutting motion across her neck to Daniel, indicating a very clear 'Don't do it, man,' and her gunmetal grey eyes round, widened enough to indicate that this is serious.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy glances between Daniel and Jessie. "Queen of the Damned was better," They mutter, then grin and take a sip of coffee.

Lif Loracks: "Was that an Anne Rice reference? Congrats, Daniel, you get to be a literary reference tonight, too." They out a breathy little laugh, considering the mages thoughtfully.

Daniel Hawthorne: "I preferred Pandora, admittedly." He quipped back, although that cutting motion did dim the mirth briefly before he shook his head to Jessie. "On my mundane work, certainly, but not that. Apologies."

River Bright: "I'm River, by the way, this is Jessie," River adds, pointing at herself and then over to the Mastigos until her momentary attention is consumed by a cup of black coffee that comes her way. "Now I remember what you can do that magic can't," she coos at the mug, taking it lovingly into both hands.

Jessie Taylor: "Okay well I'm just going to throw this out there and let you decide what to do with it okay? That's safe and fair, right?" she inhales, taking a deep breath before letting it out and opening her eyes "Do . . . you . . . sparkle?" This seems oddly important to her "Please say no. I need that to be bullshit, like just so I can know that the Twilight completely whiffed with that one."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy's coffee doesn't shoot out their nose. Quite. But it's a close thing. They grab a napkin. Luckily, black T-shirts hide many stains.

Lif Loracks: "Lif Loracks. Nice to meet you both." She nods at the mages, a distinct smile coming out at the choice of question. "And this is why I'm glad not to be a vampire."

River Bright: For the second time in a fairly short span, River's mouth hangs open, and she looks over at Jessie and her shoulders start to shake a little as she struggles to contain the aftershock of laughter. "Are you... babe, what?"

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel did his best to hold back a laugh and managed well enough, although the effort did send him into a bit of a coughing fit as his injured throat rebelled. He shook his head at the question, putting a hand out in an "I'm good" sort of motion.

Jessie Taylor: She leans in to the point where she was in a position that threatened her falling off the edge of her stool. Her eyes were on Daniel, intent on discovering the answer to her question. After a few moments . . . she falls off the stool and onto the ground. But one she was in a strange victorious pose that said what her mouth was unable to and that was "Fuck yes. I was right!" she starts to get up with a dumb grin on her face and does a fist pump 'Fuck you Stephenie Meyer, your books are bullshit! I don't care if you're in the fantasy section that addition is stupid!" A sigh and smile combined with an aura of confidence and utter victor "Another win for Jessie. Ahhh that always feels amazing."

Lif Loracks: Lif gently pushes Daniel's cup of water toward him, in an attempt to be helpful, a dawning look of horror on her face. "Did it...not heal at all because you're dead?"

Nevermore Usher: Nevy is eyeing Jessie, uncertain whether she's Extra, on something, or both. They glance around, looking for someone to exchange an "is she serious?" look with.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel spared Jessie a brief glance as she landed to make sure she was alright before taking the glass and drinking carefully from it. A quiet "Partially" was eventually croaked out once the coughing died down to a minimum, a longer pull taken from the glass before he settled back into his seat. "Hence why I keep it covered."

River Bright: "How long have you been walking around wondering if vampires glitter?" River wonders at Jessie; then she looks at Daniel. "He doesn't glitter, look, he's choking. Can vampires choke?" The same realization Lif has seems to dawn on her as well; she had certainly been preoccupied when the question about Daniel's head being chopped off was asked and answered, but surely, she just assumed it was hyperbole, of course! Just... just some playful word choice. Divested of this misunderstanding, she blinks at Daniel. "That must be... very uncomfortable," she supposes at him, leaning back into a stool. "Sorry, there, for barging into your conversation, but... wow," is all she finishes with.

Lif Loracks: "Usually vampires come with a different sort of neck trauma, mm?" A nod at River as they dig into their lumberjack breakfast with the hunger of a whole-ass lumberjack.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy shrugs a shoulder. "Not always. Sometimes they go for the wrist instead."

Jessie Taylor: She would look towards River before saying in a serious voice "I plead the fifth." as she starts to scramble up and back into her seat and straighten out her outfit "There are almost an infinite number of questions I could ask but also one must account for the amount of effort they, and other beings, would go to to remain hidden from the eyes of most normal people. Thus asking a question that would merit little to no actual hindrance upon them or their fellows was the best choice. While mostly unimportant, I will take the small victory and answer to an unimportant question as opposed to no answer at all. I was put on the spot and it was the first to enter my head that wouldn't be too invasive." a small nod, to her this was a logical train of thought

River Bright: River winks her agreement at Lif, clicking her tongue behind her teeth, as she stares down at Jessie, leaning over and tilting her head in such a way that she somewhat resembles a pretty owl, leering down at the fallen Mastigos. "Y'alright there?" she asks with a cat-like grin, helping her pull back up to her feet and brushing her off a bit, seeming to inspect her for damage, and then nuzzling a chaste kiss into the side of her face. "Psht, like you need to explain yourself to me. Do you." Acanthus as fuck.

Daniel Hawthorne: "It can be, but I manage. Better than the alternative." The Haunt allowed himself a small smirk, wry little thing that it was, waving off River's apology. "No harm no foul."

Lif Loracks: "The wrist?" She turns her own hand palm-up, glancing at her wrist thoughfully. "Less intimate, I suppose. I can see why some might prefer that, I guess. It's practical."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. "The only time I've ever... donated... that's how it happened."

River Bright: River peers back over at Daniel and, well, she can't help herself, she does glance a couple more times at that scarf, and she looks, desperately, like she wants to say something, teetering on the edge of pointing something out, raising her hand and one finger, inhaling the breath but not saying the words. She grits her teeth and peels her lips back again in a grimace-grin. "I could, uh," she waves her hand back and forth. "For a little while, at first. But then, permanently, if... if you wanted."

Jessie Taylor: She would briefly slide an arm around River, in a brief show of affection as she spins around and orders probably what one would consider too many waffles and bacon then spins back around to face the group, tilting her head slightly at River with a glance back towards Daniel. The wheels in the Mastigos' head were certainly turning but she didn't, at the moment, seem like she was going to say anything.

Lif Loracks: "Anyway, I should be heading out. You all be good?"

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods and waves. "As much as I ever am," They say, smirking.

River Bright: "Absolutely not," River promises Lif. "But it was nice to meet you." She looks at Jessie and raises her shoulders. "Maybe, right? I dunno. I've never tried it on something... so targeted. But it wouldn't hurt him." She glances at Daniel and affirms this reassurance. "It wouldn't hurt you."

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel went quiet at the offer, the gears clearly turning. "Plan on it." He softly replied to Lif, although he continued to watch River. "Was good meeting you."

Jessie Taylor: "I would first need to know what you're definition of "Good" is. Otherwise I can't possibly attempt to even make such a promise." she'd say to Lif "BUT I shall wish you good night!"

Nevermore Usher: Nevermore blinks at that offer from River. They sit back, watching - this is not part of the conversation where Nevermore is needed.

Lif Loracks: "A good night, indeed." She nods, leaving cash on the table for her meal and then heading out.

Daniel Hawthorne: "What would you be doing, exactly?" Daniel asked River, pale eyes still on the Acanthus.

River Bright: "Oh," River suddenly realizes. "We are with the Consilium," she says, even still a bit leery of open pronouncement amongst non-Mages, but that should say enough, perhaps. "I can wind back your clock, make your body how it was before you were hurt. It would not unmake your Embracing, you would still be Kindred," she says, her manner of speaking having subtly switched gears into something a little more formal. "But your injury would be gone."

Nevermore Usher: Nevermore blinks. "Wow," They murmur, in spite of themself.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel's eyebrows climbed high at River's answer, clearly not expecting that. "...well then."

Jessie Taylor: 'Yeah we can do some pretty crazy stuff." she'd nod her head "But I like to think that everyone's got some neat little trick up their sleeve, even if they totally aren't willing to divulge every last detail to me so that I can . . ." food is set in front of her "BACON!"

River Bright: "It's kind of a wild thing, I know," River waves a hand. "And, I've never tried it on a vampire, but, you know, if you wanna scratch that itch, or show off a little neck, or what have you, I guess," she pilfers some of the bacon from Jessie's plate, raising her shoulders again. "Could be doable. Not definitely, but maybe." She chomps off an end from the bacon and gestures with what's left of the strip at the scarf. "Not that it doesn't suit you," she adds with a dogged little grin.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy glances between them, staying quiet - they seem reluctant to draw attention to themselves.

Daniel Hawthorne: The Haunt went quiet again for a long moment, his features calm but for a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "That is...very tempting. I would like to think on it, if that's alright."

River Bright: "Oh, gosh, yeah, of course," River says, waving her hand - and the attendant bacon - again. "You've got nothing but Time, right?" She seems pretty pleased with herself at her little joke.

Jessie Taylor: "That was . . . my bacon . . ." her lip quivers and she starts to sniffle "How could you be so cruel to me? After everything we've been through. You know that brinner is my single favorite meal! Some people say Brinner isn't real but it is. Can you all believe this? My bountiful harvest, stolen from me!"

Nevermore Usher: Nevy bursts out laughing at that and flags down a waiter. “I’ve had a fantastic day. I’m ordering a round of bacon for the table.”

Daniel Hawthorne: "Indeed." He nodded quietly, smiling a touch at the bacon theft. "Sounds like an idea."

River Bright: "It's my bacon now," River shoots back, cold-blooded, unmoved by the display, and likely well accustomed to the theatrics. She points at Jessie's plate with the small nub of bacon that she's now protectively holding. "You've got plenty of bacon, brinner is still on, this part is just my harvest," she explains, Factotum-style, throwing back the remaining piece. "Look, see, more bacon."

Jessie Taylor: "War ..... war never changes." She says in her best Fallout impression she could muster. "And how dare you ignore my obvious tears and sadness like that! You know I would always comfort you if you lost something so dear to you!"

Nevermore Usher: Nevy blinks. “There’s more bacon coming,” they say. “Your harvest shall increase.”

River Bright: River gets distracted by her phone making a small ding sound from somewhere on her person, and shuffles around for it before she fishes it out and reads something on the screen, swipes, and then starts to key in some sort of a response. "Yeah, see, more bacon," she says, distracted, glancing sidelong at Jessie and giving her an unimpressed scowl followed by a mixed-signals wink.

Jessie Taylor: "I know that look, who needs what and where do I need to drive?"

Nevermore Usher: Nevy blinks at that. "Should... I hold off on the extra bacon?"

River Bright: "I think so, Nevermore, sorry," River apologizes as she finishes tap-tap-tapping something and makes another click with her tongue behind her teeth. "All the victims back from Centralia. They need Time and Mind to sort out who they all are, what happened to them and where they're from. Might be some Lex implications about where to take it from here, since, well... they've all definitely seen something, but, wasn't necessarily our something, you know what I mean?" She skulls - yes, skulls - the remainder of her coffee, and starts to push herself out of her stool. "Alright," she says conclusively to Jessie. "Let's go be Batman."