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Latest revision as of 10:08, 22 June 2020

The Scapegoat
Disciple Azazel, Warlock of the Iron Gauntlet on the Path of Pandemonium, Supernal Realm of Mind and Space and abode of Demons, Nascent and Nameless, Disciple of Space, Apprentice of Mind, Initiate of Prime.

Immediate Nimbus: Scarlet cords wind around Tanya, stretching off to unseen places. The sound of faint wailing of the suffering, and an imposing feeling of transgression or taboo.

Nimbus Tilt: +1 to Presence.

Long Term Nimbus: People’s thoughts turn more often to the weaknesses and flaws of those around them. Distortions, and possibly other types of Iris, may appear where there were none before, as the flaws of Space itself are revealed.

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RP Hooks
University: "Anthony" is currently attending UPenn to finish their thesis in Religious Studies. You may run into them on campus, though they spend most of their time in their dorm room, agonizing over said thesis.

Losing My Religion: Tanya's Catholic upbringing is barely clinging to existence in the face of new perspectives. Can you offer sympathy as someone who's lost faith, or show them a new perspective?

Prepared Soul: Tanya is a "prepared soul" on the bring of Awakening. Mages may be able to detect the signs already beginning. Will you guide them on their way, or simply observe them as a living Mystery?

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Currently Known As: Anthony Ricci
Shadow Name: Azazel
Path: Mastigos
Order: Nameless
Age: 20s
Height: 5'9"
Major: Religious Studies
Faith: Catholic

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Played By: Glitch