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Old Ordo Dracul Chapterhouse


Floretta Williams: Floretta is sitting amidst the middle of the libraries and she is reviewing the content of each book rapidly and setting them in different piles. It's a bit of a mess but she seems content working on all of that. She's dressed in a pair of jeans, barefooted and a pink button up shirt, which clash a lot with the green hair. She's whistling a little bit as she does so.

Her phone is playing some instrumental music and on the background wallpaper is a picture of her, Eyr and Herbert taken a while back at her own haven.

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: Having heard the listening as she enters, Eyrgjafa works her way through the stacks until she finds Floretta, blinking at the piles of books. "What're you looking for?"

Floretta Williams: "Right now I'm curating what Alex might need to modernize first and deciding what I have to actually make readable." Floretta explains "And maybe see who or what I may need to include in my announcements." she turns her head toward Eyr and smiles at the sight of her. "After helping with my part in the Rat Host situation, I'm settling in with new responsibilities." she pushes a few books aside to make a spot for Eyr to join her.

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: Eyrgjafa does indeed join Floretta, smiling slightly at the other woman. "You have announcements planned? Should I be worried about what they're going to contain?"

Floretta Williams: "Basically, I'm trying to function as the Castellan and I need some kind of way to make more money." Floretta set another book aside and reach to squeeze Eyrgjafa's hand. "And I managed to, somehow, convince enough people that I'm well versed enough in this thing so that I'd be Twilight judge." there is the face of Stress ™️ flashing on Floretta's expression. "And I'm basically to make the first announcement a codification of a few peculiarities we have in the domain." a soft breath.

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: Returning the squeeze, Eyrgjafa reaches up to pat Floretta on the shoulder with her free hand. "Well, I'm sure you'll do well as a Twilight Judge." Beat. "Do you need any help getting on top of the Castellan duties?"

Floretta Williams: "My inner little gremlin is screaming right now." Floretta leans into the little squeeze of her shoulder and seem to relax a bit, even as she laugh. "Right this instant, I have more income because I finalized the last things I needed for the cult. We'd need a room or two set up with a few things." she smiles and its clear she's struggling a little bit. "A drain for liquids and fireproof at least one of them and I don't have any funds available in a timely manner for it because I funded something for the Rat Hosts, so yes, I need your help."(edited)

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "Well, I can't guarantee that I'll have enough funds available for it, but I can certainly put the ones I do have towards that," Eyrgjafa offers, considering Floretta for a moment. "Are you dealing with the responsibilities okay? You're allowed to take breaks, you know."

Floretta Williams: "The Castellan ones, yes. I think I might actually have some fun with that!" Floretta explains and smiles. "I always enjoy helping others along their research, so I think it's a nice spot for me." Stress face again. "The Twilight Judge thing is a little heavier, I know what I'm doing there but..." she close her eyes again. "It's kind of a step beyond what I'm usually comfortable with."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "Oh? Is it just being responsible for settling disputes that's worrying you, or something deeper?"

Floretta Williams: "Settling dispute is not that complicated to be honest." Floretta admits. "But the things I want to make happen. I'm planning on making a few of our local customs and peculiarities into actual, formalized things. Restrict Voivode, Permit Ziva, Officialy change our lower level code words." she looks around "I'm not blind to the consequences that could have."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "Those all make sense to me," Eyrgjafa admits after a moment. "Are you worried about how other Academies will react, or some of the more established members locally?"

Floretta Williams: "I'm worried about the other academies a bit, but it's why I'm taking time working on this particular announcement, I want to try and make it make sense for even those people." Floretta leans forward "And if that fails, I want to try and minimize the damage, if that make sense." she looks around and pick another book and set it on her lap.

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: A nod. "Fair enough. Do you want help working on the wording or the like?" Eyrgjafa matches the lean.

Floretta Williams: "If you want to review it, sure. But right now the draft is like back at my haven and well." Floretta gesticulate vaguely around her to her current task. "This needs to be done too." she smiles "Thanks for the support."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "You're welcome," Eyrgjafa says, returning the smile. "How's sorting through the records for digitisation going?"

Floretta Williams: "It's going, I'm basically sorting the stuff that gives actual information against like, the journal and reports and such." She points at one of the journal nearby. "Those need reviews to see if they hold up to what we know or if they contain stuff I need to restrain or maybe get someone onto."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "Oh? Any in particular that need especial review, or should I just start helping you sort what goes into which pile?"

Floretta Williams: "Right now I'm sorting via piles, I'll probably need a bit of review assistance later on, but I'm mostly trying to work fast to get Alex what she'd need to do the modernisation." Floretta explains "And it's not like I'm going to burn things down if I decide something should be restricted either, I just want to make sure there's not another Holden or whatever the fuck the dickbag who made Rena is named."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: Eyrgjafa nods. "Makes sense to me. Which pile is which?" Eyrgjafa picks up one of the unsorted books, glancing through to check the subject matter.

Daniel Hawthorne: As the pair talked Daniel made his way into the library with notable purpose in his stride, although seeing the books being sorted slowed his pace and brought a small frown to his face. Another night, perhaps... "Evening. Needing a hand?"

Floretta Williams: "Were you needing to do some research?" Floretta asks Daniel. She pushes a leg outward and makes some space for him to join both of them other Dragons "The pile over there are actual books and encyclopedias and such and these are like, hand written reports and results from experiments. If you want to help us, it'd be nice, just making sure to hand over Alex something soon for the modernisation efforts."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: Eyrgjafa glances up at Daniel. "Evening. How've you been?" She asks, placing the book she'd been skimming on the appropriate pile.

Daniel Hawthorne: "I was. Can do that later, though." He moved to join the pair and pitch in in the sorting effort, thinking a moment on Eyr's question before answering. "Well enough. Had an...interesting conversation at Maddy's last night."

Floretta Williams: "Oh dear." Floretta says and smiles "Come on and tell us about it, but first, what did you want to research?" Floretta slowly works on checking the content in the books before sorting them in the proper piles.

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: Eyrgjafa also seems interested in what the discussion was about.

Daniel Hawthorne: "If we had any documentation on the impact of non-Kindred magic on the banes we deal with as part of our nature." He seemed almost reluctant to voice it, looking between the pair. "One of the magic-users offered to 'rewind time', as she put it, to reverse this." He motioned towards his neck briefly, covered this evening by a stylish black scarf. "I'm...very tempted to see if it would work, but I wanted to know if we had any knowledge of what repercussions might come from taking her up on the offer."

Floretta Williams: "Hmm, and what is that particular thing? I don't think I've been made particularly aware of it?" Floretta seems curious for a moment "A scar from before your Embrace? Something that won't heal? Or is it something in regard to a bloodline or clan?" she asks curious. "In any case, if you find something regarding the wizards? Let me know, I'm curious too." she roll her shoulders. "I don't know how their magic would interact with our condition in general, but I had a bit of magic applied to my knowledge of occult and it appeared to function as intended."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "That's a good question," Eyrgjafa admits. "I don't know much about them, but it's possible somebody had similar questions at some point." Beat. "I think Rena was talking to them about trying to get our condition reversed, but I've no idea what if anything came of that."

Daniel Hawthorne: "The wound that would have killed me if my sire hadn't stepped in. It only partially healed; I always assumed it was the mark of my clan, as it were. If it could be reversed, it would make some things considerably easier, but I worry that the blood may show itself in some other way that I wouldn't have any control over."

Floretta Williams: "That depends entirely on how diplomatic she was, I suppose?" Floretta tilt her head to the side at the mention of Rena doing something like that, then turn to Daniel "I do wonder if their powers could work out the little... quirks of our curse." She ponders aloud.

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "Knowing Rena, probably not very," Eyrgjafa admits with a chuckle. "That could be a good research project, when we're not busy with other things. We'd have to find a mage we could trust, of course."

Daniel Hawthorne: "The magic-user in question fixed her phone as well, so Rena made a good enough impression it seems." Daniel nodded, sitting back as his thoughts turned on the matter. "I'm not interested in a 'cure', but I joined the Academy to get passed what I could of our curse. If working with these sorcerers could help with that, it might be worth looking into."

Floretta Williams: "The one who I worked with on the Rat Host project was nice enough and such." A shrug of her shoulders. "I do think caution need to be exerted. I'd like to avoid large diplomatic incidents on our behalf if possible." she roll a shoulder. "If something wrong happen with the magic or if something they provoke an unexpected frenzy, that would be terrible."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: Eyrgjafa nods. "Probably best to do it somewhere a frenzy can't do too much damage, and with observers able to pull the mage out of reach if one does happen."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Agreed...treat it like any other Chrysalis, where a false move could cause major issues." He nodded again slowly, letting out a low breath. "I can reach out to the one I spoke to and see if her idea works and doesn't have any ill effects. If it goes smoothly, maybe we can pursue other avenues with them."

Floretta Williams: "I think maybe a bit of supervision from one of our people, just in case something doesn't go as planned." A little shrug of her shoulder. "Also, I don't know how serious they are with secrecy, so that's something."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "Probably at least as serious as we are, overall, honestly," Eyrgjafa shrugs. "If you're willing to have observers from both sides, Daniel, I can't see any harm in reaching out to her."

Daniel Hawthorne: "I'd be willing." He looked between the pair, a glimmer of hope clear in those pale eyes. "It's worth trying at least, right? If it doesn't work, oh well, but if it does we'll have more to learn."

Floretta Williams: "It is worth giving it a try, If it can help us push forward." She keeps idly setting books in different piles. "Even if it doesn't work, I'm sure we'll learn something from it somehow."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: Eyrgjafa nods. "Having avenues of research we know aren't fruitful lets us spend more time on the ones that might be, at the very least."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Indeed." Daniel nodded quietly, turning his attention back to the books and sorting them accordingly. "Anything else you two are working on at the moment?"

Floretta Williams: "Announcements details regarding some of our local specialties, Modifications to the Moshulu as I mentioned yesterday." She consider briefly. "I'm trying to work on how I could get more resources to make these things easier to happen." a pause "Maybe sit down and try to apply some of what I learned and worked on and try to push my knowledge of the coil further."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "Furthering my knowledge of the coils. Trying to figure out a way to resolve the whole Rihat situation." Eyrgjafa shrugs slightly. "I met with Shiri about that a few nights ago, which's given me a few new avenues to pursue."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Looking towards reaching the next tier of the Ascendant as well, as we discussed. And as I said before, if there's anything I can help with let me know."

Floretta Williams: "When I reach the fourth coil of Ascendencay, I am so doing this research to learn the scale that goes with it." She chuckles "Take a bath and then the sun barely hurts. I'm taking a day walk with Herbert at some point."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: Eyrgjafa grins. "That does sound useful. I've never looked into the scales, but I might try and deepen my knowledge of the Ascendant just for that." She sighs. "There's never enough hours in the night for everything I want to accomplish, even with being able to use the day for research as well."

Daniel Hawthorne: "That one is interesting, for sure. Would be good for the afternoon shows my sister goes to in my stead at the moment."

Floretta Williams: "I mean, it wouldn't be painless, mind you, but it would allow me to just... exist for a while." A soft smile "I do have other things to get to in the mean time." A swift shrug and a smile. "And yeah, the day is typically something I use to do mundane stuff."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: Eyrgjafa nods. "Apparently if you get deep enough the coil of Ziva can allow you to do such things without pain, but at a different cost."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Really...interesting. I'll admit the conversation we had on the boat was the first time I've heard of that particular coil. Is it just rarer than usual?"

Floretta Williams: "It's a coil that let you connect with your humanity, or rather that let you keep your connection to it." She explains softly. "It helps you retain it when you struggle with it. It affect the banes of your clans, or the ones you've acquired struggling with your humanity." she points to herself. "It's heresy in some domains, unspoken in others. Because it's seen as devolving into some lesser form. Which is, let me tell you, a weird take on it."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "Most Academies would see us as the weird ones for it being so common, from what I read when I was first learning of it's existence." Eyrgjafa shrugs slightly. "But then, pricks like Holden or Koenig are all too common elsewhere."

Daniel Hawthorne: "...ah hah." Daniel nodded quietly. "I see."

Floretta Williams: Floretta nods and stretches. "and the power that I think, Eyrgjafa was referring to here was." she ponder for a moment "It's like, a temporary transformation that lets you deal with the sun, I haven't gotten that far yet." Floretta shrug her shoulder and then focus her attention toward books.

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: Eyrgjafa nods. "Nor have I, but it's something to pursue in the future." She glances at Daniel. "How's your fashion stuff going? Produce any interesting designs recently?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "The ones for Rhea's parlor are the most interesting lately. She was very pleasant to work with, though."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "Oh? More of the faux-Victorian stuff she wanted for Penny Dreadful, or a different aesthetic?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "For Penny Dreadful, in this case."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: Another nod. "No commissions since then, I take it? Or are you just working on ideas right now?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "I've had others, but you asked about the most interesting." He smiled a touch at that.

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "...No, I asked if you'd had any interesting ones, not which was the most interesting."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Right...the others I've had recently have been rather run of the mill suits and whatnot. Hers was the most interesting as of late, being able to work in that particular style but adding the flair that she wanted to it."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "Ah. Not especially interesting at all, then." Eyrgjafa shrugs slightly. "Not that I've ever understood the appeal of suits. They're all so boringly cut."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Inclined to agree, but if it's done properly it's worth it. Most off-the-rack menswear is haphazard at best, and people don't think about getting it fitted for them." He shook his head quietly. "A little more effort can elevate an outfit more than one would think."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "I'll have to take your word for it, then," Eyrgjafa shrugs again. "Mind you, I tend not to put much effort into outfits except for special occasions."

Daniel Hawthorne: "To each their own." He gave a little nod, smirking a touch. "I tend to modify what I don't make myself, if only to give it my own little touch."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "Fair enough," Eyrgjafa chuckles. "I do know how to sew, but these nights I only really use that knowledge if I'm having to mend something, and don't want to just replace it."

Daniel Hawthorne: "They don't teach it much these days, outside of the occasional elective in school. I learned from my great-grandmother, who was a seamstess herself."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "She'd probably have been of an age with me, honestly. Maybe a generation younger, depending." Eyrgjafa shrugs slightly. "It's much easier to just buy cheap stuff that'll only last a season than anything with actual quality."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Most likely. My regnant kept her in his service for quite some time, but she passed when I was in high school, so about twenty years ago now." He nodded, letting out a soft sigh. "Sad but true...it's a shame, really."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: Eyrgjafa nods in turn. "Still, I imagine that means you get more business from people who do want that little extra effort but don't have the time or skill to put it in themselves."

Daniel Hawthorne: "I do indeed. The little details that makes something your own are a big part of why I enjoy the work." He smiled softly. "It's not much, but I like seeing the way that people wearing what I make carry themselves different because of it."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "Makes sense," Eyrgjafa nods again. "Are there any particular details you especially like putting in?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Embroidery work and smaller accents for the most part. Different fabrics for pockets than the norm, older pieces worked into new designs, things like that."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "Sounds interesting. Do you have favourite fabrics, or is it more the contrast that appeals?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "I do have a few, but it depends on the design." He glanced down briefly, rubbing the tip of his finger with his thumb. "One perk of my Embrace was heightened senses, so I can practically feel the thread count at a touch. Rather handy."

Eyrgjafa Freyjasdóttir: "That does seem rather useful for assessing fabric quality, yeah," Eyrgjafa agrees. "I should be going, though. Errands to run, and whatnot."