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Jessie Taylor, Leta Abbott, Little Fox, Vasily Tometchko, Accipiter, Kayla Sockum, Dandelion, Council of the Wise


Consilium Hall


The Council of the Wise, each in their respective robes, are all arrayed behind their various seats at the council table on the dais of the auditorium. The various officers of the consilium are present, though not seated on the dais and instead in the front of the gallery seating. Man and Gardener stand at the edges of the room, looking surly and officious. Yoshitsune alone stands atop the dais behind the council, and more to the point behind Penance in his role as her provost. Having an Adamant Sage as a provost is a really great way to keep your head on your shoulders, it must be said.

As the session is an irregular session, and only being held for introducing new business to the upcoming full meeting of the Consilium, the council and those in attendance do have a certain level of C-Span style ambivalence to the whole matter. Much will be pro forma, much will be casual, and nobody seems to think much of anything of controversy is likely to arise. Which may be wishful thinking.

Penance begins by whacking the gavel three times. "Members of the Consilium of the Martyr's Tree, Lesser Convocation of the Northeast, please rise and be Recognized. I, Hierarch Penance, do hereby bring this irregular meeting of the consilium to order. We will now hear new business from the audience. If you have no new business, please return to your seat. Otherwise, please state your name and your business to be entered into the agenda."

Dandelion shows up to the meeting in her own robes--white with silver and gold High Speech runes embroidered on them. Her hair is worn back in a pair of french braids that join on the back of her head. She has no immediate business to bring, so she simply finds a seat--near Pavlichenko if she manages to find him in the crowd.

Anthelion is already seated towards the back of the room when the meeting is called to order. She's wearing her hair up in a messy bun, business-casual clothing - like perhaps she left work to be here - and a black cloak with gold trim draped about her shoulders. She's also carrying a notepad and pen - either for note taking purposes, or as a reminder of whatever things she might need to talk about.

Kay shows up and takes her regular place in the seats, sitting down, bright yellow dress against her darker skin, hair in tiny little braids, she studies the people gathered casually. For once, there is no magic woven into her pattern, though she is bringing a small suitcase along with her and she waits for things to proceed with other people. She isn't bringing new business, hers has already been written and announced by the people in charge, but her presence might serve as a potential reminder of her own.

Alethia was already in the Consilium hall and had been waiting for a little while, she didn't make a grand entrance as this wasn't an overly formal Council meeting. When asked if anyone had new business she stood up, wearing a rather nice white dress with various embroidery about it to give it something of a more "elegant" look. She inhales a deep breath before she starts to speak

"Alethia, Warlock of the Path of Scourging, and Famulus of the Vox Draconis. I would like to make a request to the Council to enter into the Astral realm and see if there has been any abnormal effects centering around the tree there. I would welcome additional individuals if they so choose to come a long but will not do so unless given the proper consent by the Council of the Wise. I hope that the Council can see that even simply making sure that things are as they should be could be of valuable knowledge to us all."

She would continue to stand and await any further indication from the Council as to their opinions and thoughts

Penance nods her head to Aletheia and gestures her hand aside to Yaroslav, the Mastigos Councilor. Yaroslav leans forward and addresses her constituent, hands folding up before herself. "Do you have experience traveling to the Anima Mundi, Famulus?" As the conversation starts, Bodhisattva can be seen to be scribbling her shorthand into a large log book, recording the minutes in real time.

Curled up at the feet of Anthelion is one small red fox with a white patch on her back. Said fox looks sleepy. So sleepy. She opens one green-gold eye to watch the goings-on.

Pavlichenko is present. He stands when asked to stand, but sits indicating he has no business to bring before the chair. Though he does lean aside and whisper to Dandelion, "You might want to bring Bernice up." Because in addition to the conversation the two just had before the meeting, it would spare the ST having to raise it themself to the NPCs they are running!

"Quite a bit, yes, my Shadow Self is even quite more potent there. The Astral Realms are of a constant interest to me and something of a personal hobby of mine." She would nod in confirmation

Dandelion pulls a pen and notepad out of her robe (has she sewn a pocket in there? Absolutely, she has), and begins to jot down notes as proceedings begin. At the whisper from Pavlichenko, Dandelion lets out a bit of a laugh, then stands.

She leans a bit on the row of seats in front of her instead of standing straight, though. Her arthritis must be acting up again.

Accipiter slips in alongside Anthelion and slides into a seat next to her, leaning down to scratch the sleepy fox behind the ears for a few moments before reclining back into her chair and observing the goings-on with a keen, pale blue gaze.

This has the whole council murmuring. Eyebrows go up in surprise, Baldur even looks openly impressed. Which is a feat. Getting Baldur to look anything is a feat. Yaroslav doesn't, though. She just lifts a hand to quiet the murmuring and continues to question her petitioner, "Are you willing to bring others with you in this, and if so who do you suggest accompany you?"

Anthelion leans forward to scritch behind the sleepy Fox's ears. Which I typed up but forgot to hit enter and now I look like I'm jacking Accipiter's pose like weirdo, but oh well Foxes get two scritches. She returns to her note taking shortly after.

Her attention shift to Aletheia for a moment, attention drawn to the woman she recognize from a little while ago and then turn back to the council in particular. Her expression shift to joy at something currently occuring and offering discreet greetings to the Firebirds.

"I would absolutely be willing to go in with others, after all this does effect each and every one of us so it's only natural that if others wish to participate and are able to that they should come along. I have been out of town for the past several months so I will freely admit I do not know how much everyone has progressed in that time period so I would take volunteers who believe they have something to contribute."

Oh yes, one small Fox receives two scritches! It is amazing! She makes a low quiet chirrup under her throat, happy as can be.

Yaroslav doesn't belabor the point. She merely nods her head and looks aside to Penance, "The idea has merit, the Famulus would not lie to the Council, and we need more information. I am in favor of the proposal. I'd like to call the vote."

Penance responds with a nod, "All in favor of allowing Famulus Aletheia to organize a team to visit the Martyr's Tree in the Anima Mundi, say aye."

Yaroslav, Baldur, Walsingham, and Constantine all say aye.

Ecgberht snort-snores loudly and starts awake, in counterpoint, "Hmm?"

Penance just keeps the meeting moving, "The motion passes four ayes and one abstention. Ecgbehrt, please drink some coffee."

He coughs, clears his throat, and makes several muttering sounds before motioning to Bodhisattva who-- because she doesn't have enough on her plate --runs to get the old man some coffee.

Penance then shakes her head just a bit in decidedly maternal resignation and notes, "We will enter your mission into new business for this weekend's meeting. Hopefully we can find you some volunteers then, Famulus. Thank you for showing initiative."

Her attention then moves to Dandelion, "Factotum. You are Recognized by the chair."

"Thank you for your time and your approval." is her final sentence before giving a slight bow of appreciation and respect and resuming her seat

"Thank you. I wish to raise the matter of Centralia. A group consisting of Kindred, Awakened and Lost assaulted the Beshilu nest there several nights ago, and managed to destroy most of the Beshilu--Rat Hosts. However, there were rats that escaped, damage done to the Gauntlet of Centralia, and a manifestation of a Marquess of Decay."

She pauses. "On the matter of the escaped rats, each one has the potential to create a new Beshilu. I've done some preliminary research, and there've been more calls for exterminators at abandoned buildings in the north side of town, which may be related. The Marquess of Decay is currently bound to the will of Pavlichenko, of the Firebirds, but that is a time-limited arrangement. While I don't have a permanent solution, I know this: it is not malicious, it is a spirit. It is not causing an excess of harm where it currently is. However, I've also done the legwork to dig up its bane, any weapon made from something that was alive in the previous three days. This can be wood from a tree, or bones from a creature or person."

Diamond set her cases upon her lap there and quickly draw out a few pieces of paper from the thing, as things slowly advances in terms of topics and and situations, she seems to have remembered a thing or two she could bring up at the moment and make the necessary adjustment in position to go forward once others have had their chances to speak up.

"Are you suggesting a legal remedy in your auspices of Factotum, Dandelion? If so, we would be very interested to hear your thoughts. If you're suggesting we discuss how best to handle the matter at our upcoming session, I would be happy to suggest we add your concerns to the New Business and seek to find you whatever assistance you might need in resolving this matter. We have found in the past that it is sometimes best for us not to involve ourselves too much in affairs that span across our own world, nevermind those of other supernatural societies. Obliging you all to obey our edicts in a matter leaves you no room for compromising with other groups as you go about your business. If you could, between now and that meeting, ascertain if any other groups continue to be invested in this matter, or if they feel their involvement is finished? That would be wonderful. If and when this is solely a matter for the Consilium and its Awakened and Quiescent allies, we would be most interested in taking this matter up as more than an issue on which we are advising on." That's a lot of words, but surely she's getting to a point. "All that to say: How can we help you, Dandelion? What do you need?"

Anthelion - currently chewing on her pen's cap like a little gremlin - lifts the writing implement into the air, signalling that she'd like to put forth something for discussion once the matter at hand has been settled.

"This isn't in my auspices as Factotum, this is me speaking as someone who had rather intimate experience with the Beshilu for almost two weeks. What I need is to know that there aren't going to be rat hosts kidnapping people for human sacrifices in the future. And honestly, I think that comes down to discovering the root of the matter. The Marquess of Decay is of a nature and level of power where it must have been lured here by a promise of some kind. There is someone who had a plan here, for the Beshilu and the Marquess, and they need to be dealt with."

"Do you know if the person who assisted the Beshilu was ever apprehended, Factotum?" Walsingham asks this. Because of course the Guardian asks this particular question of all the questions he might ask with that sweet, buttery voice of his. Constantine nods at the question, ximself and adds, "It was necessary to advise our teams to be mindful of their violence around that individual, but I imagine they would be able to answer most of the questions your observations conjure, Factotum."

Aletheia would raise a hand to indicate that she had something to say but had no intention of interrupting:

"I'm not aware of if they were apprehended or not." She shrugs, arms spread slightly. "I was unfortunately only so involved in planning at that point."

Walsingham covers his face with a hand for a moment. Constantine settles back into his chair with a small nod of the head. Penance glances between both Councilors, then looks back to Dandelion, "We will put this matter on the agenda for the meeting. I won't put my gavel or my position behind it?" And here she sets the gavel aside and leans forward onto her elbow, "But, honey, we gotta find that man. Sure would be nice if someone were to take it upon themselves to find him within the boundaries of the law and in cooperation with our various allies."

Every Guardian in attendance is examining their fingernails at present. They have no idea what she's on about.

"Is there more you would ask of us, Dandelion?" The question is sincere from Penance.

"Nothing further. I just wanted to be certain everyone was aware of where the matter stands, rather than simply celebrating the successful assault." She nods, sitting down.

"You were Wise to bring this to our attention, Factotum. Thank you." Penance then reiterates, "We do not wish to make an official ruling mandating anything in relation to this matter, because nothing has come through official channels to us. This is not, I wish to reiterate, a bad thing. We're not about to interfere with you all being good citizens and good neighbors. But this topic will be discussed at the next meeting, and if necessary we will begin involving ourselves. Thank you, Dandelion."

Penance then looks back to Aletheia, "You had more to add, Famulus?"

"Yes, I am also an Adept of Spirit and as a personal opinion, a Marquess of Decay being in a "wasteland" isn't that unnatural as it is a great source of decay. But what is slightly unusual is it getting actually involved in the matter personally as they usually have their Barons or Knights work for them instead. I am not certain how versed in Spirit everyone is so I wanted to put that out there in the hopes that it might be useful."

"Mastery of Spirit does not necessarily carry along with it mastery of the politics of the Spirit domains," Baldur observed in their dry and acidic manner, "so your caution is warranted. No doubt the Beshilu kept the Marquess well provided for. I suggest Pavlichenko accompany those wishing to meet the Marquess and question her. If, as Dandelion suggests..." Baldur has to close their eyes when they use the name, "'Bernice' was lured there. She will be able to tell you by whom. And please find its actual name? Please?"

Penance is more amused than anything else, she just grins down at Aletheia and motions for her to sit, "Thank you, Famulus." And then to the room at large, "Are there any others who have business before the chair?"

For reasons obvious to no one except everyone that knows the Rat Host ST and PC are being steered by the same operator, Accipiter is unbothered by the insinuation from Penance.

She draws up to their feet after a moment, when there's a natural pause in the cadence of conversation. "If I might," she interjects calmly, voice like a low wind. "I have risen to the task of finding the Seer that tried to assassinate Disciple Rashida, to discover them and bring them heel," she offers. "This is not a request, simply an announcement, for your own edification, and for that of anyone else who wishes to be of aid," she says, inclining her head with the exact appropriate amount of respect and deference, but no more.

Pavlichenko lowers his sunglasses and murmurs over to Accipiter, "I help." Then the glasses go back up and he resumes his grumbly slav slouch.

Accipiter shoots a congenial wink at Pavlichenko, and then gives the Council a rakish grin and another little nod, then slinks back down into her seat.

"We exist to bear witness to your premeditated murder, as always," Penance only half-jokes, "so thank you for bringing that to our attention. If you desire to invoke any precepts along the way, I'm certain you know which ones and how. Thank you for looking out for Rashida and for assisting the Soul Wardens in this."

Another brief pause, "Any further business?"

"Better than on accident," Accipiter allows under her breath, sidelong to Pavlichenko, when Penance invokes the wry notion of premeditated murder.

Anthelion reaches down to scritch Fox behind the ears one more time before standing. She smooths out her skirts and tucks the pen and paper into a pocket in the interior of her cloak. "I wish to raishe zhe," Anthelion realizes she didn't take the pen cap out of her mouth before speaking, and spits it into her hand unceremoniously before tucking it into the same pocket as her notepad. Eesh. "Though I believe Pavlichenko already brought it up via memo board, I wish to call to attention - for the official record - the matter of... more confirmed Seer activity, apparently. The corpse of a Seer-aligned Proximus was discovered in Doylestown about a week ago - and though we've yet to identify the killer, he was seen wearing regalia - a ring and cuff links - with Seer insignias." There's a pause as she reaches into the pocket for her notepad - which has an ink smear on one of the pages, now. "He's likely looking for an object that was lost by the victim - an acoustic guitar, and a hard case - which I believe probably houses something of great value." Beat. "Beyond the guitar. I mean, it was a pretty cool guitar - like, somewhere in the realm of eight hundred dollars - but I don't think our guy's trying to learn Wonderwall or anything. So." She clears her throat, tucking the notepad back into her pocket. "The Firebirds have already begun investigating - and have turned up more than a few leads - but until this asshole is dead, it should be noted that he's definitely rooting around up in our shit, and he's crafty as hell. That's it, I think."

"This Consilium has long held the belief that any seer operating within the region of the Delaware Valley be invited to leave face first or feet first. Both of these seers have shown themselves to be either killers or willing to kill, both while using magic, and both on the Unawakened. These are capital offenses before the Lex Magica. If you can capture them alive, very well. But we will understand if you can only bring back a body. It goes without saying that those who stop the agents of the Lie and the servants of the Iron Pyramid will be rewarded by this consilium. I wish both of your cadres the best in your respective hunts."

Penance then glances about the room again, "Any additional business?"

The fox raises her head from where she's been resting, and warbles affirmation. It's just a sort of 'yep, I was there and this is true' sort of sound, which happens to come after Penance talks because that's how timing works sometimes. Therefore, Fox lays down and puts her tail over her nose.

"Coooooool. Nothing further from me." Leta retakes her seat, crossing one leg over the opposite knee and continuing to take notes in silence.

Diamond advances "I have a few things to bring up."

Penance is always too optimistic with her reach for the gavel. She sets it back down with a little pat-pat of her hand and gestures towards Diamond, "You have the floor, Maga."

When it seems like things are going quiet on that particular topic she steps forward. "Master Diamond, Emissary to the Ancestor of the Children of The Tree." She announces herself. "I do have further business to discuss that are unrelated to the Rat Host and Seers, but relate to the upcoming expedition to the Underworld."

A beat "But first, I would state that I'd be interested in assisting Master Accipiter in the investigation regarding the Seer that assaulted Rashida in direct fashion and I do suspect there might be links among them too."

"Then, I have a question regarding the new blossom on the Tree, has it been linked to a new awakening? If so, is there someone watching over the potential new awakened." Diamond asks.

"To follow. As it pertains to the Tree in the Underworld area. I have some research done regarding the Domain in which it is found and a permission to request once I've completed the first expedition." She pauses for a moment "I'd like to bring all of the available Master of Death to the Tree so that future expeditions to the Underworld be made with less fuss than this one, as it is possible to open an avernian gate to somewhere you've visited before. Also as part of that, organise regular visits and defense for that Tree as well. "

"Before we sanction the creation of a new Iris to the Underworld," Walsingham interjects both in his role as Moros Councilor and in his role as a Guardian of the Veil, "where are you intending to place the other end of the portal? You would create a new locus of death resonance in the area of the gate which could corrupt existing ley lines. And furthermore, creating an easy walk to the Tree presents various and sundry security concerns that would need to be addressed. An expedition is one thing; creating a gate to and from the Domains is... not what I had voted to approve." Walsingham glances aside to Penance.

Penance for her part turns the question back on Diamond, "What are your responses to these concerns, Diamond?"

Hearth slipped quietly into the meeting, the scent of cinnamon wafting in with her.

Dandelion perks up at that scent, giving Hearth a quiet smile and a nod.

The little fox at Anthelion and Pavlichenko's feet rises, pads forward on velvet-soft feet -- pap pap pap -- and melts upward into a tiny, barefoot Thyrsus. Little Fox stands a hair under five feet tall, wearing a forest-green linen tunic embroidered around the neckline with little orange-and-red firebirds, and wearing a wooden coin-shaped necklace on a leather thong. Her hair is washed and braided neatly. She folds her hands in front of herself and waits politely, head ticked to the side like the curious vulpine that she is.

Diamond listens to the concerns regarding the formation of a new Iris and seems to be taking the wariness with an understanding ears and eyes. "Well, the first expedition would not change at all as I've never visited the Domain of the Tree in the Underworld and I wasn't planning on creating a new Avernian gate for the first visit since Master Walsingham has already offered one that already exists for the use of this expedition." a beat "What I'm offering now is something that would occur after that expedition and one where I would create a temporary gate to bring the other Master of Death so that they could visit the Tree's Domain and gain the ability to facilitate travels there in the future in turns."

Diamond nods once. "I believe finding a proper place to make a temporary gate so that it wouldn't disrupt the existing ley line and their natural energies wouldn't be impossible. The fact that the gate would be temporary makes the logistic of security as equally temporary. The goal is to make it simpler to organize visits to this Emanation of the Tree in the future."

Walsingham starts to speak, but Penance lifts a hand to cut him off. A fact that clearly doesn't amuse him any. But he abides the gentle shushing. "You will ensure that all reasonable measures are taken, Diamond. Find a suitable location, and never open a gate without proper bans and wards present. If you require guidance in how best to bring that about, no doubt Councilor Walsingham will have ample guidance for you in how to assist you in making this reasonable request a possibility."

The Hierarch humoreth, the Hierarch humoreth not.

"We will allow you to make your request at the coming consilium meeting. If you are unable to attend, we will make the request for you. Thank you, Maga Diamond."

Walsingham never gets out more than a grumble after Penance begins speaking, and is left rather displeased. But so it goes.

Penance then looks to Little Fox, "Sister Revontulet. You are not a member of this Consilium, but you seem to wish to be Recognized by it. What may we do for you?"

Hands folded in front of herself, Fox smiles briefly: a flash of vulpine teeth. "жар-птица, the Firebirds, have acquired a home on the top floor of a building in Rittenhouse Square -- or I should say, it was acquired for us by Adept Pheme -- and in this home is a Hallow which currently slumbers. It is my understanding that the appropriate behavior, whether a member of this Consilium or not, is to present our desire to Awaken said Hallow to the Consilium so that the Mysterium can sign off on it, lest we upset the ley lines as they are currently known." A beat's pause, and her green-gold eyes slowly blink closed, and slowly open again. "Therefore, I appear to do so."

Diamond moves back to where she came from and goes to take a different seat this time, near Heather and Dandelion, waving quietly and making heart shape with her hands both their ways.

Aletheia shoots Diamond a smile

"If your cadre would be willing to provide the coordinates of your hallow and its elevation to Epiphanius, he will consult the archives and let you know if this is a known hallow or a new one. A new and undiscovered hallow would be quite exciting for you all, I'm sure! Assuming Epiphanius signs off on the matter, I believe the council can offer its approval in a pro forma manner." The rest of the council nod their heads when she looks their way, even Walsingham. "Very well. Get Epiphanius's approval and you have our own. Thank you, Revontulet. It's a pleasure to have you with us."

And finally, "Are there any other matters before the chair? Last call." She reaches for her gavel again.

Hearth winked back at Diamond and gave her a thumbs up.

Bobbing her head in agreement, Fox steps back from the space she's taken, and sits down on the floor at Anthelion and Pavlichenko's feet right where she was before as a fox, as if there's no practical difference in her head between the two forms. (There isn't.)

She lifts the gavel and bangs it once. "I hereby call this meeting of the Consilium of the Martyr's Tree to a close. Thank you all for attending." She sets the gavel down and the council as a whole begin to shuffle to their feet and head for the exits and slash or their office doors.