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Latest revision as of 21:43, 28 June 2020


On the road to the Patriarch Tree


Lif Loracks: Lif's pickup truck is white, with environmentalist bumper stickers up front. She's got the windows down, the radio on (though she has not been the sort to dictate what station it's tuned to), and seems to be in a grand old mood as they head down the highway, like they're on a normal road trip instead of on a mission.

Anneliese Kiel: Annie does not have any particular preference for what the group listens to either, beyond "quiet enough they can talk easily". "What is the plan for when we get there? Play nice, or be more confrontational?"

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio didn't have much of an opinion as far as the music went, keeping the box containing his offering to the freehold in his lap lest it slide around too much. He looked toward Lif at Annie's question, curious himself.

Lif Loracks: "Right now, what we need most is information. There is a problem that is affecting the trods, and it is coming from Patriarch Tree's territory. A hedgeghost I spoke to said that the issue is that Queen Cypress has forgotten her sacrifice. This is important information, but it lacks context. Patriarch Tree is staring down the barrel of a war, they are being blamed for the problem. But I'm not certain they are the cause. So, we empathize, and we offer help. We are connecting the dots for them, trying to find a solution before they go to war."

Lif sounds amazingly confident in this all, and they are. It's the sort of certainty that bolsters everyone around her.

Anneliese Kiel: "Play nice it is, then," Annie says. "That works for me, I am not so good at the confrontational stuff." Which is probably unsurprising, seeing as she's a Spring.

Aurelio Menegi: "Indeed." Aurelio nodded quietly. "Better to get their side of things. Alain mentioned they have the Rose on their side for the Hue if it comes to that, so the sooner this is resolved the better."

Lif Loracks: Lif nods, tucking a strand of their hair behind an ear. "We're meeting with Jacob Fireheart. He takes pride in his leadership, he's a veteran, and he's disabled. At no point do we want to come off like we're talking down to him or trying to step over him to solve his problems--that's going to rankle, almost certainly, because it's probably something he has dealt with before. He works as a counselor, he knows people. This may be the most civil meeting between three Summers and a Spring to take place during the Summer season ever, if we can keep the mood in line."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie nods. "I was not planning on talking down to him, but knowing to avoid even the appearance of doing so is important. Not that I would be interested in trying to take charge of solving the issue away from Patriarch Tree; our mission will work best if we are a neutral party, rather than siding with one faction or the other."

Aurelio Menegi: "Noted." Another small nod from the Torrent. "And agreed. This impacts us all, so working together rather than at odds would be best."

Lif Loracks: "Alright, this all sounds like the basis for a strategy. Good. We're meeting at Legislative Hall--it's the state capitol building. I don't know if that's convenience or to show off. What do you two make of the choice? It's not a historical building, not by New England standards. It was built in the 1930s. What's the message there?"

Anneliese Kiel: "...something relating to the Depression, possibly? My knowledge of American history in general is rather lacking, honestly." Annie shrugs slightly.

Aurelio Menegi: "As is mine." Aurelio sat back in his seat, thinking quietly for a moment. "Could be a nod to their prominence in the area, perhaps. Do we know if the freehold itself is nearby to allow for easier access?"

Lif Loracks: "I don't think we have that information. It could be a way of signaling the tone for the meeting. They didn't invite us to the air force base, they're not meeting us at a bar. This is business, not pleasure, but nor is it war. In some ways, it might be a friendly meeting place. On the base, we'd be surrounded by military."

There's a pause as Lif sticks a hand out the window in a rude gesture at someone driving like a maniac. "You too, asswipe!" Their mantle flares with a chlorinated scent.

"Anyway. I have a thought for something to do, about the trees, but I'm not near ready to share it with Patriarch Tree, in case it doesn't work."

Fofo: They don't know where their Freehold doors are, but they do know that the Air Force Base is important to them, controlled by them--not meeting there is a bit strange. They get the sense that it's less a friendly choice and more one born out of caution. They don't know if Shackamaxon are coming into this as allies or enemies, so they've picked a neutral place away from their "home base". Perhaps they're cautious of them spying or having nefarious intentions.

Anneliese Kiel: "Oh? What is your thought?" Annie glances at Lif then, curious.

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio smirked a touch at the sudden flash of road rage, then looked towards Lif in kind.

Lif Loracks: "The Queen Cypress may not be possible to save, to preserve, but her legacy may be. 'She has forgotten her sacrifice', and I hope she can be reminded and helped, but I'm working on something in case she can't. Starting to. It's just in the planning stages, really."

Anneliese Kiel: "Okay. Let me know if you need help with that?" Annie glances at the scenery, then back to Lif. "Do we know what the sacrifice she made was?"

Aurelio Menegi: "May have missed this, but what is this Queen Cypress? Some other denizen of the Hedge or freehold?"

Lif Loracks: "The Queen Cypress's sacrifice gave birth to the Tree at the Crossroads. Which I think is another name for the actual Patriarch Tree. As for what it is? I'm not sure, beyond that it is the plant whose roots have been sucking the life out of the Hedge, so. 'She was once good and kind, but her sacrifice has become a curse.' That is what Catherine said."

Anneliese Kiel: "The Tree at the Crossroads being another name for the Patriarch Tree proper would make sense," Annie agrees. "Perhaps something related to helping slaves escape, then? I remember hearing that Dover was a major stop on the Underground Railroad."

Aurelio Menegi: "Ah...I see." Aurelio nodded quietly. "Perhaps."

Lif Loracks: "Anyway. We have a strategy, now we just have to see how it works out when we engage."