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Legislative Hall, Patriarch Tree Freehold Hollow


It's a pleasant Sunday afternoon--which means Legislative Hall is fairly empty. Not a lot of foot traffic, but perhaps that's the point for this sort of meeting.

As the trio open the door and step into the grand entry hall, they're met by an asian woman who had been sitting off to the side in a chair--who now rises and approaches them. She's wearing a business suit, her skin made of delicate china. She offers a polite but not very warm nod to the trio. "You are the diplomats from Shackamaxon, correct?"

Lif's dressed in a cream-colored short-sleeved blouse with lace trim, dark-wash jeans and a black broad-brimmed hat. They offer a polite nod, touching the brim of their hat in salute.

Annie's dressed fairly formally for this: knee-length light green dress, with a matching suit jacket and purse hanging from one shoulder. "Correct," she says, returning the nod. "Anneliese Kiel. My companions are Lif Loracks and Aurelio Menegi." She indicates as appropriate.

Aurelio came in behind the two other Lost, dressed up a bit more than usual in dark slacks and a dress shirt to match. He carried a wooden box carefully in both hands, giving the woman a polite nod when introduced by Anneliese. "Afternoon."

"I am Yuan Chang," the woman replies. "Please follow me." She turns to head down a hallway, leading them deeper into the building. It doesn't take long for them to get to a door, which she opens and gestures them inside. It's a large meeting room, looks like, with one of those long tables lined with chairs. Sitting on one end is a man with dark and fire features--skin made of blackened, smoldering coal, ember eyes, and short cropped hair in the form of tiny flickering flames that cover his head. Many scars dot him here and there, looking like shards of shiny obsidian embedded into his skin. On his head is a crown of burning, near-blinding Summer sunlight. He's wearing a button up shirt and dark slacks--not quite formal, but he's made an attempt to look presentable. His expression is guarded.

He stands as they make their way inside, the prosthetic leg not seeming to slow him down at all. "Good afternoon. Thank you for coming."

"Jacob Fireheart? It's an honor to meet you, sir. Thank you for your service; I had heard you're a veteran." Lif's Summer mantle is nowhere near as strong at the Summer King's, but her smile is warm and comes easily as she offers her hand to shake (though what interaction the clammy terracotta skin has with a man of smoldering coal, one hesitates to imagine).

Annie's mantle probably marks her out as not being a Summer, but she still smiles warmly at Jacob, waiting her turn to shake hands and introduce herself calmly enough.

"Good to meet you." Aurelio's mantle was likely between Lif's and the King's, the warmth of an open kiln a sharp contrast to the chill of the marble that made up his form when the opportunity to give Jacob a handshake arose. The box was gently set down on the table, ready to be offered when the time was right.

Lif's comment gets a thoughtful look. "Thank you. Yes, I'm Jacob." Despite the guarded expression, he accepts Lif's handshake--causing a brief wisp of harmless steam to rise from their hands. He likewise shakes hands with the others when offered. "Please, have a seat." Once they move to do so, Jacob settles himself down as well. He eyes the box with muted caution. "What is this?"

Lif takes a seat, glancing at Aurelio with a nod--his turn to take center stage, before the game begins in earnest.

Annie too defers to Aurelio here, letting the craftsman explain his creation before they settle down to discussing matters.

"A gift, in thanks for allowing this meeting to occur." Aurelio took a moment to open the box, revealing the circular stained glass piece within. The willow tree that stood center stage had its branches spread wide, the roots distinct in the green earth below the tree.


The King looks surprised as the gift is revealed, staring at it quietly for a moment. He exhales a soft breath, looking up from it to Yuan, who has also sat down at the table, who says nothing--their eyes just meet briefly before he looks towards Aurelio. "This is a beautiful gift. I will make sure its placed where others in the Freehold can enjoy it."

"We are here on behalf of Shackamaxon, as a diplomatic team, for outreach. You are our neighbors, and we do not know you as well as we would like. It is clear to all of us that there are some problems affecting all of us right now. It's a matter that is important to discuss. There's a lot we don't understand yet, but we'd like to--in order to see if there is a way for everything to be repaired. Made whole again." Lif smiles. "You look like you were expecting something less civil out of us."

Annie nods to Lif. "Who gains when we fight amongst ourselves, but our mutual foes Over There, after all?" She asks rhetorically. "A peaceful solution safeguards everyone."

Aurelio smiled with a note of pride at seeing the gift being well-received, giving Jacob a polite nod as he took a seat. "Glad to hear it. It was a pleasure to make."

Once settled he let the two women do the actual talking for the moment, watching the King for his reaction to the comments made.

"In times like this, it is safer to be cautious rather than naive," Jacob replies to Lif. He considers Lif and Annie for a moment. "We had heard rumors that Shackamaxon may have joined sides with History's Cradle. This is false?"

"We've spoken to History's Cradle. We've spoken to Old Iron. We're seeking to understand what the situation is, but our Freehold has not oathed aid to anyone, yet, should there be an open conflict. To do so without comprehending what exactly is going on would be irresponsible." Lif shakes their head slightly, and takes off their hat, setting it down on the table. "We come with open minds."

"Indeed," Annie says. "Who did you hear those rumours from, may I ask?" She's carefully polite, but still inquisitive.

He nods slowly. "Then know that we regret the damage that has been done to the Hedge. It has never been our intention to harm anyone. We do not want this war, but we will protect ourselves and our heritage."

Jacob glances towards Annie to acknowledge the question, but pointedly doesn't answer it.

Lif glances at Annie briefly, before her attention returns to Jacob. "By 'your heritage', what is it that you mean, exactly?"

"You seem like intelligent people. There's no need for you to play unaware." He leans back into his chair a little. "The Tree."

"Is there not a way to safeguard your heritage while also protecting the health of the Hedge?"

"Actually, my question is which tree? The Tree at the Crossroads, or Queen Cypress? It's the latter whose roots comprise the blight. A source in the Hedge said that 'her sacrifice has become a curse'." Lif lifts her chin. "I don't actually fully understand what this means. But I am an environmental scientist who works for the EPA--I come to help with your tree problems, your Majesty."

"The tree gives us life. It has protected us since this Freehold was born, and we are sworn to protect it." Despite the prodding to speak plainly, apparently the King had not expected Lif to mention Queen Cypress. He doesn't quite manage to hide his reaction--a flicker of surprise, then a troubled frown. "...You are well informed, it seems. They are one in the same."

"The one I spoke to last week said that it was the sacrifice of Queen Cypress that gave birth to the Tree at the Crossroads. Would you be willing to explain the matter to us? I'm a sucker for a good story, and this sounds like it's sure to be one."

Fireheart stares at Lif for a moment, lips pursing briefly before he exhales a breath. "You'll have to forgive me... I'm not much of a storyteller. Not the person to truly do her story honor. But... Queen Meriday Cypress was our first Spring Queen, back when the Freehold was just a handful of freedom fighters helping slaves escape to the north. Privateers were a dime a dozen, back then--and they were organized, just as people ironside organized to track people down. The story goes... that a group of freed Lost were being kept in a safe house in the Hedge, and got raided. Queen Cypress had no hope of stopping them from being taken, just laid there too hurt to move while everyone was being dragged away. So she offered herself to the Wyrd, in return for them to get to safety. The Wyrd took her, and the Hedge came alive. The Tree grew right there and her roots gave birth to our first Trods, and not a soul was lost back to the Others that day. Like I said... the Tree protects us, and we help it grow."

"And now its growth is doing harm to the Hedge and your neighbors. Because she has forgotten the purpose of her sacrifice." Lif looks pained. "And you are sworn to protect her, even in the situation you find yourselves in. What a mess! Her continued growth is causing great pain, not just to the other Freeholds, but to hobs and hedgebeasts. The Rivermen are losing dams, burrowing insects are being stirred up as their lairs are entangled."

"That is... the gist of it, yes," Jacob replies, frowning. "We have tried to get the Tree to stop. We have used magic, hedgespinning, tried even speaking to the Tree, but... nothing has yet worked. And we cannot do any harm to it. We can't hurt her." He looks to the stained glass tree, brows creasing. "History's Cradle did not appreciate our refusal to do what they saw must be done. It is... understandable, and regrettable--but we are prepared to defend ourselves if they follow through with their threats."

Annie considers Jacob for a moment. "Would you be willing to let us attempt to speak with the Tree? Perhaps as outsiders we can reach it where your own Freeholders could not."

"I'd like to examine her, through a scientific lens. If there is something like a disease or fungus, something causing her pain and anguish, it may be related to this problem. Trees suffer from illness, and grow tumors, and parasites can cause them harm. It's possible she has a need that is not being met, or is otherwise...afflicted, somehow. I've been working with samples of the roots, gathered from areas close to our Freehold. But to see the tree itself might offer insight."

Jacob is quiet for a moment, regarding Annie then Lif. At first cautious, but then thoughtful. "She has been known to communicate with people, from time to time, through dreams. I suppose it could be possible that someone outside of the Freehold could help her, but... in the state she is in currently, it would likely be dangerous." He looks to Lif. "You would have to swear to do no harm to the tree, and not to share any information with our enemies that could be used against us, before we allowed you even close to the tree."

"I can swear that oath." Lif nods. "Though I may need someone else to take samples of bark and leaves, if I may not cause harm. I have a small kit to get out of my truck, as well."

"Can do the sampling easily enough, if you allow it." Aurelio chimed in, looking to Jacob as he spoke.

"I am a medical student Ironside. Offering no harm is part of the territory," Annie adds, watching Jacob for his response.

"I'm sorry, but it is a precaution we will not compromise on currently--anyone who gets close to the tree must allow themself to be Sealed. We will however exclude taking a reasonable amount of samples from the promise."

"Good. I can do reasonable." They chuckle.

"Understandable." The Torrent nodded quietly. "More than willing to be sealed on that front."

Annie's comment gets a respectful nod from him in reply, then he looks to the others. He's quiet a moment, then ventures on, "If the Tree cannot be stopped, where will Shackamaxon fall in this conflict?"

"That's not a question that we're able to answer. But we can bring back good, detailed information about what is going on, and what your stance is, so our Crown can make informed decisions on the matter."

Annie nods at Lif's words. "We are here to negotiate, nothing more or less."

Aurelio nodded in agreement, letting the others' words speak for themselves

"As I said, we don't want this war. If a solution can be found that doesn't involve destroying the Tree, that avoids further conflict, we will do what we can to support it. But if that is not possible, and if History's Cradle... and whoever chooses to stand with them... continues to threaten us, it leaves us with little choice." The Summer King looks genuinely troubled by the thought. It's clear he has no desire for violence or bloodlust. But resigned to do what he feels he must.

Lif nods. "We want to help you, to find any other solution we can. If there must be war, let it be with our enemies, instead of among our friends. So, may we see swear and see your tree?"

He lifts his chin and stands.

Yuan oversees their swearing--it's a rather formal affair, and each of them are presumably Sealed for the following: I swear to do no harm to the Tree, save for what is necessary to take a reasonable amount of samples for study. I promise not to disclose any information I see, hear, or learn from this visit that may be used to do harm to the Tree to the enemies of Patriarch Tree, including anything discovered from the samples in the future.

Lif swears that oath, and then takes the time to go out to their truck to get their field kit.

Annie also swears that oath, letting herself be Sealed to that.

Aurelio swore the oath in kind, waiting with the others while Lif retrieved what they needed.

The door to the Freehold isn't here--but after some timey wimeyness for travel, the trio are led to Dover Air Force Base. They end up being allowed onto the base its self, and then to a fairly nondescript building that appears to serve as offices of some sort. Eventually they're brought through a gate, and end up in the Hedge.

The Hedge is alive here. It's thriving--no sign of the blight. The Hollow is a clearing filled with covered pavilions made naturally grown wood and vine, grown in beautiful designs. Wooden bridges and walkways weave around and over trickling streams, and it only takes them a moment to realize that these aren't just pathways--they're enormous roots. Which grow outwards from the largest tree any of them have ever seen. It seems to grow up and up into the sky, it's branches fanning outwards to block out the Hedge's sky, creating a huge domed ceiling. But lanterns are hung everywhere, casting the area in an ethereal glow. It's beautiful, and feels safe.

Lif walks closer to the tree slowly, and moves to press her palm against the bark without any instruments in it, the field kit still on the backpack at their back, before closing their eyes.

Lif stumbles backwards after touching the tree, gasping and coughing, before clutching their head.

Annie gives Lif a worried glance. "Are you all right?"

Jacob looks towards Lif as well, watching her carefully.

Aurelio frowned quietly, moving to offer Lif physical support if they needed it.

"Attempted to Read Lucidity on her. I feel like a fly that just got swatted away. Okay, we keep this mundane instead."

Lif begins to work in earnest, collecting samples, asking Annie's opinion on the condition of the bark, looking at the branches for tumors. They're confident, here.

Annie helps Lif work as best she can, though letting the Summer direct her actions here.

They search the tree for a long time--it's fucking huge, so it's a lot to look over. And for a while they just... don't see anything, really. The tree is strange, as all plants grown in the Hedge are, only kind of resembling a bald cypress tree in the vaguest of sense, twisted by time and the Wyrd. For all they can tell, the tree looks healthy.

Eventually they group, overseen by King Fireheart, end up climbing up along the trunk, walking along walkways and stairs built up around it--and then have to climb up into branches. There, they find a small crack in the trunk--a hollow in the split between two branches. There's a faint... oozing? That almost looks like sap, at first--but feels... off. Lif and Annie end up very, very carefully carving off a section of bark to see underneath, revealing that the tree wood below is dark and looks... almost rotten. It has that uneasy feeling about it that one gets around the roots in the blighted parts of the Hedge.

Whatever is causing the blight, it's something that is inside the Tree. Nothing that can be removed from the outside. At least physically.

But Aurelio thinks about something that Jacob said--that Queen Cypress sometimes reaches out to communicate in dreams. It makes him wonder... maybe the tree is sort of like a bastion? A huge, Wyrd-twisted bastion? In which case, perhaps the "tumor" or "parasite", if there is one, isn't going to be found in the tree its self--but inside it, if one were able to reach Queen Cypress' dreams?

Lif makes sure to point the oozing out for the King, and takes a sample of the sap. "I...don't know if it is possible to treat this solely from the outside."

Annie nods, glancing at Aurelio. "Any suggestions?"

Aurelio watched as the others worked, the gears slowly turning in the Torrent's mind. At Lif's words he nodded quietly, looking over the others. "If she became the tree, and speaks through dream, perhaps this is her bastion in a way. If it can be reached, the source of the problem might be able to be found."

Lif gives Jacob a look. "Do you have oneiromancers who could attempt to reach her, heal her from the inside? If...if she can be reminded, somehow, of the purpose of her sacrifice, of what she was originally here for, it may be able to stop her ruthless, wild spread."

Jacob looks up to stare at the tree for a moment, frowning. "She has only ever appeared in the dreams of others... No one has attempted to go into her mind. ...Or whatever is left of it. The theory is sound, but I imagine it would be incredibly dangerous."

"Is there not a saying in English about there being a first time for everything?" Annie asks rhetorically. "Surely having a few skilled people attempt to enter her dreams is less dangerous than a war that could destroy your entire Freehold?"

"A risk worth taking, I would say." Aurelio nodded quietly in agreement with Annie's words.

Lif frowns. "Her mind is...it would be dangerous. It would be truly difficult. She no longer thinks like a changeling, and she is powerful. No point in bullshitting about that. But. Queen Meriday Cypress was willing to make a sacrifice for the sake of her people. It may be time to repay that sacrifice, and save her."

"It is," he agrees, nodding. "I will have our best oneiromancers on it as soon as possible."

"Then I wish them well, for it is an art I know little of as yet," Annie says.

Lif squares her shoulders. "I know our freehold has Oneiromancers as well. We can ask them to contact you. If that sort of help would be useful and not intrusive."

He considers Lif a moment, then nods. "If you have those willing to volunteer... They may contact me."

"We will let them know on our return to Shackamaxon, then," Annie says, nodding at Lif. "Is there anything we can do for you while we are here?"

"No... You three have given me hope that we may be able to avoid war after all. That is enough." He offers a soft smile.