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Latest revision as of 09:26, 5 July 2020


Freehold Hollow


Petra Fichette: Petra was relaxing at the freehold hollow, or trying to after the incident up at Old Iron the other evening. She'd refreshed her supply of ointments and tried reading a medical journal about the latest research, and just couldn't focus anymore. So the birb was sprawled out on the lawn, arms and wings outstretched as she stared up at the sky.

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio made his way into the freehold hollow from the mundane entrance rather than though the Thorns, heading towards the board to see if any new updates had been posted since his last visit. The Torrent was in his customary all-black casual ensemble, his pace leisurely for the time being.

Anneliese Kiel: Annie's mostly coming to the Freehold Hollow in search of somewhere to study without noise from neighbours or the risk of being disturbed by her boss prior to her shift later. Like Aurelio, she's casually dressed, though for the Nymph that means colours rather than plain black.

Petra Fichette: "Heeeey two of my favorite people," Petra called, waving lazily without even bothering to get up after they came within view. "How's are you guys holding up?" She made grabby hands at Annie, trying to lure her closer.

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio smiled as he spied the smol birb in the grass, peeking at the board briefly before heading over to join her. "Doing well. You?"

Anneliese Kiel: Annie arches an eyebrow at the grabby hands from Petra, but strolls closer nonetheless. "As well as can be expected, I suppose." Aurelio's question gets a nod as she waits for the other Aesculapian to answer him.

Petra Fichette: "I'm ok. Just in a bit of a mood." She threw a hug around Annie's ankles, seeing as it was all she could reach without moving. "I can't stop thinking about Old Iron and the entire situation there... and what's going to come out of it. Which is nothing good."

Aurelio Menegi: "Hmm." Aurelio frowned quietly, taking a seat beside Petra. "Is not an easy fix, no question. The tree must be shown what it is doing and made to pull back its roots."

Anneliese Kiel: Petra's words elicit a sigh from Annie. "There is still the possibility of averting a full-scale war, but it will depend on the likes of Enyo being made to see reason and give us the time in which to fix things peacefully."

Petra Fichette: "Maybe he'll talk to me," she said with a sigh and scooted over to give Aurelio a hug when he sat down too. "I hate playing politics though. I'm not good at it. And I liked Nick."

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio looped an arm around Petra's shoulders as she came in for the hug, the mix of mantle and icy marble probably making for an unusual combination. "Never had much of a head for it either. Will take some doing, I imagine, what with how he gained the crown."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie nods. "Still, that does not mean we should not try. The fact we were up there two days ago healing his Freehold should earn some credit, whether we did it for repayment or not." She glances between the two. "If need be, I can make another trip to try and talk to them, though we should see what the Crown has decided Shackamaxon's path will be first."

Petra Fichette: "Probably," she agreed. "Devon kinda scares me though," she admitted. "Like, holy shit, why isn't he an Autumn level of scary."

Aurelio Menegi: "Agreed...all avenues should be tried before war is called." Aurelio nodded quietly, then gave Petra a curious look. "What makes you say so?"

Anneliese Kiel: Annie arches an eyebrow at Petra, curious to hear her reasoning.

Petra Fichette: "Well he's so... And then he just looks... And he's so still. And then he fucks up the bad guys." Petra flailed. "Aaaaagh. It's just scary." Said the bird who had a thing for nearly the entire Summer court. "I can't read him at all."

Aurelio Menegi: "Ah..." Aurelio nodded, smiling a touch. "Can see that being intimidating."

Anneliese Kiel: "I will have to take your word for it," Annie says, shrugging one shoulder. "I do not think I have actually met him yet, after all."

Petra Fichette: "I haven't seen him this season either," she admitted. "I'm just... Antsy. Stressed out. Having anxiety about the whole thing I guess. I need to do something. I don't know what but I don't have anything to do."

Aurelio Menegi: "Can understand that. Been focused more on mundane work, but staying ready in case the court calls."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie nods. "I have been meaning to get better at travelling the Hedge, so helping me with that is a possibility if either of you are willing. Otherwise... we could use oneiromancers willing to travel to Patriarch Tree and offer their help there."

Petra Fichette: "I'm not going to be a huge help going back there. That was my first freehold you know. Not my favorite place."

Aurelio Menegi: "Still getting used to the Hedge here, but I'd be willing to help." He nodded to Annie, then gave Petra another curious look. "Oh? What happened, if you mind saying?"

Anneliese Kiel: "Fair enough," Annie admits. "With what you have said of your time here I would be reluctant to return myself, in your shoes."

Petra Fichette: "Eeeeh, I was fresh out of the hedge and made a series of sub optimal personal decisions," she told Aurelio. "I'd rather go hang out with Enyo."

"Hell, I'd rather TP Devon's hut. Or assault the Summer hollow with water balloon ballistas."

Aurelio Menegi: "Ah hah..." Another slow nod from the Torrent at that. "Had some similar issues when I got back as well from the time lost, so I follow." His head tilted a bit at the unfamiliar term, then an eyebrow arched before he glanced towards the aforementioned ballista. "Don't see that going over well..."

Anneliese Kiel: "Could be interesting, though..." Annie muses, grinning slightly at Petra. "You should probably be the first victim, though, since it was your idea."

Petra Fichette: "The TP or water balloons?" Petra laughed. "The latter would be pretty fucking awesome. And what's the worst that could happen anyways? Well I don't know how to use the thing. Do you guys?"

Aurelio Menegi: "Can't say that I do, no..."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie shrugs one shoulder. "They were outdated even in my time and I am no soldier, so no. What is the worst that could happen, though?"

Petra Fichette: Petra wagged her eyebrows at Aurelio. "Can't, or won't?" She teased. "Isn't it like a big bow and arrow? I'm pretty sure we were told to learn how to use it? Weren't we? Practicing defending the hollow or something? Didn't that happen?"

Aurelio Menegi: "I've not used on before, so no." He chuckled, shaking his head with a small smirk. "Would rather not have to explain to Devon why our hollow was used for target practice, though..."

Anneliese Kiel: "Familiarising yourself with defense against unexpected attacks?" Annie offers blandly.

Petra Fichette: "Showers. Y'all need showers after working so hard being badass," Petra agreed seriously, then sat up and grinned. "This is sounding better and better. It's in no way a bad idea."

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio looked down to the two Verdant courtiers before letting out a quiet sigh. "Don't see talking you two out of it..."

Petra Fichette: "We can hide after, and blame Winter. They're sneaky. Or you can claim you're showing leadership qualities! Aren't those a thing?" Petra couldn't quite stop giggling. "Stars above, let's do this before I vomit."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie chuckles. "Think of it as a morale booster, after everything that has been going on recently."

Aurelio Menegi: "Perhaps..." Aurelio stood with a smirk, offering Petra a hand up if the Beast needed it. The mention of vomiting made him pause, however, looking her over. "You alright?"

Petra Fichette: "I'm fine! Great even!" She insisted, taking his hand and hauling herself up. "This is the best plan I've had all day. Which way is the Summer hollow, that way?" She pointed in not quite the right direction.

Anneliese Kiel: Annie peers at Petra. "Are you sure? There is no shame in not being fully functional at all times."

Aurelio Menegi: "More that way." He motioned the right way, still watching Petra with a note of concern on his features. "What were you up to before you came here?"

Petra Fichette: "Well I didn't crash the traditional family barbeque," she grumbled. "I stayed home and watched Hamilton like three times."

Anneliese Kiel: "...And what did you do while you watched it, Petra?" Annie presses.

Aurelio Menegi: Quiet Elemental is quiet, letting the Nymph handle the questioning...

Petra Fichette: She glowered at them both. She didn't seem incapacitated, just impared enough that driving would be a poor choice. "I sang along at the top of my lungs of course, what do you think I did?! I had one drink tonight, Annie. And for the record it was after the Hamilton marathon."

Petra is telling the truth, more or less. Possibly not about the singing. She's a terrible singer. And it was probably a singular drink but Annie knows she's a lightweight. Petra's just having some trouble processing and now the Inquisition is putting a damper on her attempts to distract/amuse herself.

Anneliese Kiel: "...All right," Annie says, after considering Petra for a long moment. "You know your limits, after all. Do you need somewhere to crash later?"

Petra Fichette: "Naw, I'll be ok. I'll call Guy and have him fly home with me before dawn." She relaxed slightly when Annie relented, then grinned. "So...?"

Aurelio Menegi: "If you're certain." Aurelio nodded quietly, glancing towards the ballista briefly before looking back to Petra.

Anneliese Kiel: "Let me know if that situation changes, okay? Yu Jin and I may only have a couch to offer, but it is still better than nothing." There's a pause as she follows Aurelio's line of sight. "So, who wants to give this thing a go first?"

Petra Fichette: "Give me a position, show me where the ammunition is!" Petra warbled. It couldn't really be called singing due to a complete lack of ability to carry a tune.

Aurelio Menegi: "Can give you a lift as well if needed. Have a motorcycle rather than a car, but you should be able to fit." He smiled a touch, looking over the ballista as he approached it. "Not sure as far as ammunition goes, though...might need to make it?"

Anneliese Kiel: "...Please do not," Annie says to Petra, wincing exaggeratedly before turning her attention to Aurelio and the ballista. "Seems like a chance to practice Hedgespinning, honestly."

Petra Fichette: She huffed a laugh at Annie. "Fine, party pooper. Spin me up some water balloons and I'll stop singing for now."

Aurelio Menegi: "Seems so." Aurelio nodded, thinking a moment before looking to the pair with a somewhat sheepish smirk. "Not quite sure what they look like, if you follow. Seen balloons filled with air before, but not water."

Anneliese Kiel: "They look pretty much the same, from what I understand. Just, well, filled with water instead of air." Annie considers for a moment before starting to hum.

Petra Fichette: Petra stared at Aurelio in shock. "Oh sweet Summer. How the hell have you missed out on water balloons? Let's just go ahead and pop that cherry for you." She inspected Annie's work and smiled with satisfaction. "So... let's do this. How do I do this?"

Aurelio Menegi: "Not really a thing when and where I'm from." He chuckled, picking up one of the balloons to test it once the spinning was complete. "Like I said, never really used one before..."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie shrugs one shoulder. "They were not around Before for me either, but both apartment complexes I have lived in had a bunch of families with young children."

Petra Fichette: "You throw- or launch with this weapon thingy- it hits and pops. Spoosh. The target gets wet. Classic Summer game. If we were attacking Autumn it would be more of a problem. I'm reliably informed that they melt when wet.."

Aurelio Menegi: "Ah...good to know." The talk of melting caught him off-guard, however, giving Petra a confused look.

Anneliese Kiel: Annie also looks puzzled at the melting talk. "This is a reference to something, I take it?"

Petra Fichette: Petra sighed. "Ok, so not all Autumns. But witches. They melt, I shit you not. Have you ever seen one get wet?" Ok, so maybe she was a little.

Aurelio Menegi: "Can't say that I have, no..."

Anneliese Kiel: "Nor have I, honestly," Annie shrugs one shoulder.

Petra Fichette: She arched an eyebrow and held her hands out as if to say 'see?!' Petra began to examine the ballista herself, trying to work out how to operate it.

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio shook his head as he filed that little tidbit away for later, setting the balloon he had in hand down with the rest before joining in with Petra to deciper the controls for the ballista. "Let's see what we have here..."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie pretty clearly has no more idea how to use it than either of the other two. Possibly even less, in fact.

Petra Fichette: "Hmmm. Who the heck ever thought of this?" she muttered as she followed one mechanism to the other. "Ah! So I think this bit is for aiming-" she pointed to the step mechanism that held the ballista in place while firing. "And cranking this ratchets the string back. Presumably then we can fire the trigger?"

Aurelio Menegi: "Makes sense." Aurelio nodded, following the motions she made in kind. "Won't know until we try, no?"

Anneliese Kiel: "Indeed not," Annie admits. "Who wants first go?"

Petra Fichette: "It's my idea so I'll take the first shot and associated blame," Petra said with a little laugh. "Unless you guys are dying to."

Aurelio Menegi: "All yours..." Aurelio held both hands up, and even stepped a pace or two back from the machine just in case.

Anneliese Kiel: "Go ahead," Annie says, stepping back as well.

Petra Fichette: Petra frowned. "Where's the Summer hollow again?" she asked.

Aurelio Menegi: With a small smirk Aurelio pointed in the proper direction, quietly saying something under his breath in his native tongue before adding a "That way" in English.

Anneliese Kiel: "Two can play at that game," Annie murmurs to Aurelio in Yiddish, arching an eyebrow at the Summer.

Petra Fichette: Peta loaded up one of the wonderfully magic water balloons and cackled as she pulled the trigger and sent the balloon flying through the hedge.

Aurelio Menegi: The Yiddish earned a curious look in kind, almost a 'that sounds familiar' sort of thing, before Aurelio's attention was drawn back to the ballista as it launched outward. "Nicely done."

Anneliese Kiel: "Yes?" Annie blinks at Aurelio's curious look, before turning her own attention to Petra. "Good shot."

Petra Fichette: Petra looked positively gleeful and loaded up another one to launch, stealing a second shot before letting Aurelio and Annie take turns if they wanted to.

Aurelio Menegi: "Sounds familiar, is all." He offered a small shrug, waving off the offer to take up the ballista. "Should be getting back home, truth be told. Good seeing you both, though."

Anneliese Kiel: "Fair enough," Annie says. "Pleasure talking to you again, Aurelio."

Petra Fichette: "Good night," Petra said warmly, giving Aurelio a hug. "Thanks for the company tonight. This was fun."

Anneliese Kiel: After the Summer's out of earshot, Annie grins wickedly at Petra. "So we are saying this was all his idea, right?"

Petra Fichette: "Goodness gracious! I wouldn't want to lie to get him in trouble! I'll just tell anyone who asks that it was all my idea. Honestly. Aurelio didn't even want to do it. We made him help," she said earnestly. "Want to take a shot?"

Anneliese Kiel: "...Yeah, okay." Annie steps up to the ballista, loads, aims, and fires. Unfortunately, the missile goes nowhere near the intended target.

Petra Fichette: Petra couldn't help but laugh and loaded another one for her. "Try again."

Anneliese Kiel: !dice roll chance because i'm not spending wp on this

Anneliese Kiel: This second one makes it closer to the target, at least? But it's pretty clear Annie's not going to win any awards for "accuracy with a ballista" anytime soon.

Petra Fichette: Petra stepped up for another shot and managed to get it on target, soaking... well, something. Or someone She couldn't quite tell from this distance. "It's probably a good thing we aren't summers. This is so not our forte."

Anneliese Kiel: "True enough," Annie says amusedly. "I hope they do have someone who actually knows how to use this, because it seems like rather a waste otherwise."

Petra Fichette: "It is pretty cool. Bet they can spin up some neat weaponry for it beyond water balloons too," she agreed. "Let's, uh, get out of here though. Just in case."

Anneliese Kiel: "Seems like a good plan," Annie agrees. "Are you sure you do not need to crash at mine?"

Petra Fichette: "I'm ok to fly, I think. If I don't make it, blame the owls." She joked.

Anneliese Kiel: "Okay, then." Annie leads the way out of the Hollow and back Ironside. "I should probably get to work, honestly."

Petra Fichette: "And I'm tired," Petra said with a yawn. She threw her arms around Annie and turned into a bird, cuddling up on Annie's shoulder... and promptly falling asleep.

Anneliese Kiel: Annie blinks at shoulder!birb before shrugging the other one slightly.