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Latest revision as of 01:41, 8 July 2020


Maddy's Wafflehouse


Phaedra Lamb: Here's the thing. Phaedra...she's been shifting slightly, becoming even more of a Seer, more noticeably eerie. There's something about her that now sets people on edge, like she's looking through their skin when her eyes graze over them. It's, to put it frankly, almost scarier than being on the bad end of Guy glowering at you.

But, but, she counterbalances that with her usual cheeky smile and a floral-embroidered dress, waiting outside the portal door to Maddy's, impatiently rocking forward onto the balls of her feet and back down again while she waits for her Gangrel friend (she's still wearing those sandals Atalo brought her. They've gotten very dirty over time, though).

Atalo Ceres: Atalo arrives with Cerberus in tow, dressed in plain clothing, a white t-shirt and jeans. If not for the currently concealed silver axe on his back, he'd be entirely unremarkable. The gift from Drake is paired with the Greek coin Lamara gifted him and he nods at Phaedra with a smile, bowing his head. "Seer." A hand gestures towards the axe. "I won't conceal it when we're inside. Nor will I violate any rule unless I need to for your well-being."

Petra Fichette: Petra swanned in shortly after, looking a little tired but cheerful nonetheless. She was a tiny thing with warm brown skin and hair that was a mass of tight curls. She had a bright yellow halter top on today. She lit up when she saw Atalo and took a few steps over before she spotted Phaera and stutter stepped to a stop. Then Petra plastered a bright smile on and continued over. "Atalo! Good to see you again." She offered Phaedra a smile, slightly strained. "Hi, I'm Petra, nice to meet you."

Phaedra Lamb: "Even for my well-being, it's really not best to." She opens the door, holding it for Atalo and for Petra. "The mages are not the people to piss off."

Petra gets a slow look-over and then a smile as well. "Phaedra Lamb. Nice to meet you as well. You're going inside? Come, sit with us."

Atalo Ceres: "I'd be a poor Guardian if you came to harm with me and I did nothing." He answers, a touch stubbornly. "But if they're as you say, danger shouldn't be a factor." He nods once, stern face cracking in a smile again. "I enjoy sanctuary when we find it. How has everything been?"

Turning to Petra he nods, raising a hand in greeting. "It's been some time, and it's good to see you. Phaedra's a friend and won't harm you without reason." A warm smile follows. "You should join us. This is Petra, Phaedra, mate to Guy."

Petra Fichette: Petra made a face at Atalo. "Mate? Let's go with girlfriend. It's less weird and creepy." Her smile broadened though, softening into something more genuine and less nervous and she held her hands out to Phaedra. "Guy's friend! I've been wanting to meet you! Life's just been a shitstorm lately and I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off."

Phaedra Lamb: "...ooooh, you're that Petra?" Her eyes rake over the changeling, before she accepts Petra's hand. Phaedra isn't Blushed tonight (they're going into a space where she doesn't need to pretend to be human), so her handshake is cold, inhuman. "He talks about you, you know."

Atalo Ceres: "Girlfriend." Atalo absorbs the word, nodding as he heads in. A hand gesture and the axe on his back comes into full view. It's a work of art despite its deadliness, a carving of a stag with the moon between it antlers on the surface. "Whichever you prefer." He looks over to Phaedra, smiling curiously. "I don't see Guy so often. You must matter a good deal if he does then, Petra. Would you like something to drink?" This to the Changeling, his and Phaedra's options are of a different nature.

Petra Fichette: Petra squeezed Phaera's hands, her own were warm and she smelled of earth and growing things. "Guy's amazing. He's such a sweetheart. Tea sounds n- Whoa, sweet axe!" she said, actually jumping in place to try and get a better look at the decoration engraved on the surface.

Phaedra Lamb: "Almost a holy relic, that axe." She moves out of Petra's way, so she can examine the shiny, laughing. "And you're right about Guy being a sweetheart. He invited me and my friend Fin to join his pack. Which is going to be interesting. I'm going to learn how to ride a motorcycle! But...beyond that, he's kinda one of the gentlest people I've ever met."

Atalo Ceres: "I don't argue." He beams at Phaedra, normally reserved expression brightening. "It was forged by a dragon, and one of the most fascinating men I've ever met." He unstraps it from his back, resting it across his palms so Petra can study it. "What sort of tea would you like?" A curious cant of his head. "That means a very great deal to a Gangrel. Congratulations to both you and Finley Phaedra."

Petra Fichette: "Peppermint? Thanks." Petra nodded seriously at the mention of it being forged by a dragon. "Drake's done a lot of good work but I didn't realize he'd taken work outside the freehold. It's lovely. I like the motifs used." Petra settled into a seat next to Phaedra. "I like Fin, and I'm glad you're joining his family too. He needs more people around him."

Phaedra Lamb: "Guy? Yeah, he does. He's...really the definition of 'don't judge a book by its cover', you know?" Phaedra nods eagerly. "How'd you meet Finley?"

And then she turns her smile upon Atalo. "Thank you. Was totally not something I was actually aiming for, but...what's that line from that one poem? 'The best laid plans of mice and men...'"

Atalo Ceres: "He knows a great deal of what matters to me." Atalo nods at Petra. "He chose it that way for very particular reasons. And I'm starting to feel from speaking to you both that I should spend more time getting to know Guy." He stands, grinning lightly at Phaedra. "I confess I don't know it. But I do know plans rarely survive unexpected events, for the better it sounds in this case." He pauses. "The pack I see is more akin to the Circle, though others are capable of making their way in." With that he heads to the counter to sort Petra's tea.

Petra Fichette: "Fin's friends with Artie, who's a friend of mine, so we've hung out a couple of times." She leaned her elbows on the table, sitting up to get a little bit more height. "So what's the circle?" she asked curiously.

Phaedra Lamb: "A group of vampires for whom vampirism is a divine gift, most of whom are pagan of one sort or another, many of whom worship a mother-goddess as progenitor. Formally, it's 'the Circle of the Crone', with members referred to as Acolytes, if you're being polite. It's a big personal pet peeve of mine when people refer to us collectively as 'Crones'--that's an earned title."

She shakes her head, then looks sidelong at Atalo. "You should get to know Guy better. And Cian, for another member of your clan who needs more friends."

Atalo Ceres: "That is what I just said." He nods at Phaedra with a twitch of amusement, setting a mug of tea before Petra. It's very hot, but he's not holding it by the handle. "But I should for them both, mm. I'll make efforts. I'm more outgoing than I used to be." He smiles, retaking a seat. "Phaedra is much better at explaining it than me, but yes. We differ in ways, for instance, I pledge myself to Artemis."

Petra Fichette: "Thanks!" She accepted the hot tea, hissing a bit at the temperature before taking the handle instead and blowing across the top. "That sounds really cool. I've never been very religious. Well, church at Christmas and Easter when I was a kid but I haven't had super good experiences with godlike powers sooo... " She shrugged.

Phaedra Lamb: "That's understandable. I don't have a good relationship with Christianity, and that had a definite influence on me as a young vampire figuring myself out. I mean, yes, my sire was in the Circle, but she didn't pressure me into it."

Atalo Ceres: "I won't linger on the subject, but from what I know of Changelings, I understand that." A nod to Phaedra. "In both cases, in fact. And me and Henevi agree there. You cannot force religious belief, and faith. You can force someone to act the role, but what an empty thing that is. I consider the details very private, but I had an experience over a hundred years ago Petra, that led to how I believe now."

Petra Fichette: "There are more things in heaven and earth," she agreed. "I can respect your experience even if I don't understand it. I'm sure there are godlike things out there that aren't Them, you know? "

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra nods slowly. "There definitely are. Like the void in the depths of the sea." Some of her enthusiasm seems to have drained out of her, an almost-worried expression on her face.

Atalo Ceres: "There are." Atalo confirms himself, before frowning and looking to Phaedra, a hand briefly tapping the hilt of his axe. "There's no reason to think it's hunting you, is there? We know, in theory, how to divert its attention."

Petra Fichette: Petra blanched at the mention of something in the depths of the sea, then shook her head to try and leave the thoughts in her head behind. "Something's hunting you?" she asked softly.

Phaedra Lamb: "No, it's not hunting me, but. It's something godlike that has nothing to do with you changelings, which I once had a very intimate encounter with. Which I remember, and always will remember." She shakes her head.

Atalo Ceres: "I won't say harsh experiences should be considered good, but you faced it, survived, and you learned from the experience. If you don't forget, you also don't forget what you learned." A nod to Petra too. "It's no threat to you and yours, as far as is known."

He pauses, then rests his hand on the table, mid way towards Phaedra with his palm upwards as he talks.

Petra Fichette: "I didn't really think there was." She wrapped her hands around the warm cup and took a sip. "But gods in the depths of the sea is a broad thematic category and it doesn't bring up good memories." Petra put on a smile. "It's ok. If there's anything I can do to help though, let me know. Guy cares about you and that's no small thing to me."

Phaedra Lamb: She quietly rests her hand on top of Atalo's palm. "Guy...he's desperate for people who he can care about. Atalo lives to protect. Guy doesn't, not really, not below the surface. He lives to take care. Which is really weird for me, but I think I like it."

Atalo Ceres: "We'll say if there is." He nods to Petra, smiling. "Thank you. I'll offer the same, for the same reason. Guy was as reserved as me in many ways, you helped him revive and connect to the world more." He stops, looking over to Phaedra. "I am good, as I am?"

Petra Fichette: "Not everyone is a caretaker. I like fixing things, people. But I have a harder time with the person side of people sometimes If that makes any sense."

Phaedra Lamb: She nods at Atalo's question. "You're good. And each of us is exactly as we are, for whatever reasons. But it's always good to see people being self-aware. I hate people who try to lie to themselves in front of me. It pisses me off."

Atalo Ceres: "I am very bad with people too." Atalo admits. "It always surprises me when many don't seem to mind. But I'm driven to protect, yes. And I try to be honest Phaedra, as often as I can. You can see deception, illusion. Not that I would lie to you if you couldn't." He pats her hand carefully, looking to Petra. "And fixing things and people, that's a worthwhile focus too, I feel."

Petra Fichette: "People lie to themselves all the time. I think it's a form of mental self defense. Remake yourself or your world to be something you can handle instead of reality? I don't blame people for doing it. The world's a harsh place sometimes."

Phaedra Lamb: "I know the world is harsh. I'm not naive, Petra." The words are slow and low and dangerously soft.

Atalo Ceres: He cants his head but doesn't interject, glancing between them both.

Petra Fichette: "I didn't say you are," she countered. "Just that everyone deals with it in different ways. I'm sure you've got your own way of handling things."

Phaedra Lamb: "By trying to see, to know everything that will help prevent those I care about from having to face the harshness. I stare into the abyss, sometimes even caress it, for the good of my people. That's what I'm meant to do. But for that, I need to cut through lies, not indulge them." She shrugs. "Which isn't perfect, and Guy and I have talked some about my...stuff, some."

Atalo Ceres: "And the Abyss is a dangerous creature to reach for." Atalo adds in quietly. "Even when you approach as a friend. It changes you, leaves traces behind. Seeing the world in full truth helps sharpen your awareness Seer, yes? You can see more of the hidden dangers in the powers you engage with."

Petra Fichette: "You're a Seer?" she asked with interest. "That's so cool. And I get your dislike for self delusion if that's your calling. Some of my people can do the prophetic thing. Visions in dreams or whatever. It's not really in my wheelhouse though."

Phaedra Lamb: "Seer, Seeker, Haruspex. As long as you don't try to call me a prophet, that's a whole other thing and not what I do." She leans in to murmur at Atalo--though it's less to conceal it from Petra than to be clear it's an aside meant for him in particularly. "I've recently learned more of Auspex, speaking of. It may make the upcoming ritual easier, I think. Maybe."

Atalo Ceres: "You know what you do far more than me." He nods in agreement with Phaedra's aside. "And curious Petra. I wonder where their own visions are drawn from." He settles back, musing. "I feel it might, though I lack yours and Henevi's skill. Still, I think it'd be of benefit for what we're planning."

Petra Fichette: "Can you share some of what you do?" Petra clearly suffered from chronic curiosity. "If it's sacred and that's inappropriate, I'm sorry. I don't mean to offend.."

Phaedra Lamb: She tilts her head to one side. "No offense taken. A lot of what I do is ritual in nature--blood sorcery. To scry with a ritual vessel or to force myself to dream of another's secrets. But I also do divination work with tarot cards and what we Kindred call 'Auspex', which is in some ways comparable to the powers of mortal psychics. Which is kinda fitting in ways, I used to be a mortal psychic, before I was Embraced. The new level I've attained, for example, allows me to connect with others telepathically."

Atalo Ceres: Atalo falls silent once more, content to listen and consider what's said and revealed in the discussion between the other two.

Petra Fichette: "Blood magic makes sense considering the whole vampire thing," Petra said seriously. "A lot of our kind can do similar psychicish things I guess? But I've focused on the transformative. Myself and others. Healing, shapeshifting, all that jazz."

Phaedra Lamb: "Transformation is...a talent of Guy and Atalo's clan, not something I can learn easily or without a cost." She lets out a bit of a laugh. "We all have our talents, though, I suppose."

Atalo Ceres: "I can to a degree." Atalo nods lightly. "Guy may be more talented, I'm unsure. I don't think I can display it here, given the rules. But I can alter myself in a number of ways."

Petra Fichette: "And the world be poorer if we didn't," she said with a grin. "Guy's got some pretty sexy talents but I'll leave those to him to reveal or not. I'd love to see what you can do sometime, Atalo! You should come hang out sometime too. Do you do tarot readings for people when it's not part of your ritual work, Phaedra?"

Phaedra Lamb: "I do--that's actually my, well, not 'day job', but it's how I earn a paycheck. I read at a Victorian occult burlesque lounge called Penny Dreadful." She grins broadly. "And I'm good at it, too."

Atalo Ceres: He chuckles. "I'll see what Guy does and doesn't wish to reveal, mm. And I'd be glad to spend time with you both." Atalo gives Phaedra a broad smile before standing. "I wonder how many you read for have the sense to heed your advice. Hopefully some have that wisdom.

For now, I should get back to the shop, but thanks to you both, and to you Phaedra, for showing me this place."

Petra Fichette: "Ooooh! I'll have to come by and have you do one then. I've never gotten one before and it's always sounded really interesting." She stood up and offered Atalo a hug. "It was good to see you in a new setting. Take care of yourself, ok?"

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra touches Atalo's sleeve lightly as he stands. "Give Cerberus a scritchy for me. Please?" But she remains seated, apparently planning on sticking around a bit longer.

Atalo Ceres: He stills, then hugs Petra back, gently enough he seems terrified of harming her. "I will. And I'll visit you both when I'm welcome to do so. Stay safe for yourself." He turns to Phaedra, brushing fingers over her hand gently. "I will. He's always happy to see you." With a nod, he turns to amble his way out.

Petra Fichette: "Friends are always welcome," Petra said cheerfully, then settled back into her seat. "So what do you like do when you're not busy with seer stuff?"

Phaedra Lamb: "Catching up. I grew up in...abnormal circumstances, and don't have the sort of understanding of pop culture or even, like, the sort of things most people learn in school. So right now, a lot of my time is going to studying for my GED, so I can take night classes at one of the local community colleges." She smiles. "Which probably makes me sound boring."

Petra Fichette: "No way! I had to do the exact same thing," she said sympathetically. "I didn't... miss extra time the way some people do or how you guys can sleep through years, but I missed high school graduation so I had to get my GED and then I did community college and became a paramedic. I swear I spent so long doing nothing but be boring. So if you want a study buddy or just someone to hang out and make you buckle down to study, I can do that!"

Ripeka Carpenter: As the pair talk, a very round brown bird enters, pulling a backpack along with its long beak. Glancing around, the bird releases the backpack, hopping up on the seat next to Phaedra and looking up at her, almost inquisitively.

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra eyes the bird, then holds her hand out like you might to a strange unfamiliar dog.

"I didn't fall asleep; I was only Embraced five years ago, but. I grew up, um. Homeschooled. Taught mostly out of the Bible, see. So, I'm unlearning, and then learning again. I'm always glad for study buddies."

Petra Fichette: "Well... damn. That sounds really tough to handle." Petra lit up with obvious delight at the exotic bird's arrival, bigger and fatter than her own ground finch-form and certainly not a native species. "Hello!" She pulled the backpack up on the seat for the bird. "That's an adorable choice of featherform. Nice to meet you. I'm Petra."

Ripeka Carpenter: The bird rubs its head against Phaedra's hand, turning slightly to peer at Petra before chattering at her, the call almost certainly not one either of the human-shaped people present have heard before.

Phaedra Lamb: Blink. Blink. "Sorry, I didn't understand that."

Petra Fichette: "Yeah if you want to be understood, you're going to have to be human. Or we'd all have to be birds? I have peppermint tea right now though."

Ripeka Carpenter: A tilt of the head as the bird seems to be considering that, before it hops down again, retrieving the backpack and dragging it off to the bathroom. Which a Very Tall brown woman emerges from a few moments later. "Sorry about that. I forget not everyone can make themselves speak bird, sometimes." Beat. "I'm Rīpeka, by the way. Nice to meet the both of you."

Guy Dagenham: Guy steps into the restaurant, eyes casting around for a moment. He makes his way to where the others are seated, and sits next to Petra. (If possible)

“Hello, everyone,” he says as he takes in Rīpeka for a moment.

Petra Fichette: "Guy!" Petra stood up and jumped off her chair at him, wrapping her arms around this shoulders. "Missed you. I met Phaedra!"

Phaedra Lamb: "The other option would have been me poking you in the brain and translating your thoughts into words, but I'd have needed some way to get consent from your bird-self." A pause, then she looks to Guy, eyes lighting up. "Heya, you. How is?"

Ripeka Carpenter: "Tap once for yes, twice for no?" Rīpeka suggests to Phaedra, before glancing between Guy and Petra. "I'm assuming those two know each other?"

Guy Dagenham: He shamelessly steals a kiss from Petra, then looks to Phaedra. “I’m well. How about you?” He nods to Rīpeka. “We live together,” he says as he pets Petra’s hair. “So I should think.” He cracks a small smile.

Petra Fichette: And Petra shamelessly returned the kiss with enthusiasm. "Yeah I don't normally do this with random strangers," she said lightly. You missed Atalo, he just left."

Phaedra Lamb: "We were talking about him earlier, too, so he might have been trying to make it in time for a 'speak of the devil' moment and just came in a little late." She laughs, before offering a (cold, pale, lifeless) hand to Ripeka. "I'm Phaedra."

Ripeka Carpenter: Rīpeka shakes it, seeming unconcerned about the lifelessness. "Atalo? I don't think I've met him yet."

Guy Dagenham: “Ah, a shame. I should stop by his shop, it’s been a while.” He idly strokes Petra’s upper back where it’s bare from the halter top, unwittingly rubbing between her wings at their base. “Atalo is a compatriot of Phaedra and mine. Guy Dagenham, by the way, it’s nice to meet you.”

Petra Fichette: She leaned against him and smiled. "And I'm Petra."

Phaedra Lamb: "Atalo owns a thrift shop--a certain portion of every sale goes to a local charity, too. He's good folks to know, if a tad overprotective sometimes. He doesn't know how to care for someone without trying to protect them. It's his love language." She grins.

Ripeka Carpenter: "Good to know," Rīpeka smiles slightly. "Not that I generally need much protecting. When you can shapeshift more or less at will it becomes pretty hard to harm you."

Guy Dagenham: He nods with a small smile. “It is handy, isn’t it?” He looks over the menu casually, still holding Petra.

Petra Fichette: Petra arched an eyebrow. "Until another, bigger shapeshifter tries to eat you," she said blandly over her tea. "Are you going to order something?" she asked Guy.

Phaedra Lamb: "I'm the only non-shapeshifter at the table, huh?" She shakes her head. "Oh, well. I have my own talents, even if I don't have talons."

Ripeka Carpenter: "What kind of talents are those, if you don't mind my asking?" Rīpeka grins at Phaedra. "And if you really want I could shapeshift you, though you'd have to decide what you wanted to be first."

Guy Dagenham: “I’d be happy to teach you, if you felt the time was right,” he says to Phaedra with a nod. “But that’s just an offer. It’s true, you have your own talents, and they’re incredible, I have to say.” He looks to the menu again, then to Petra. “What do you think? We could get something you want, and I could eat a little.”

Petra Fichette: "I'm happy with my tea." She bumped her shoulder against him. "But thanks. Just not super hungry at the moment so you get what you want if anything. Really though, with how many shapeshifters we have flapping around, maybe we should make being able to turn into a bird a universal mandate for everyone living in Philly."

Phaedra Lamb: "Mostly? I know things. The comment about reading your mind to translate from bird to word wasn't completely a joke, but I'm also a seer, a haruspex. A seeker of secrets. Don't worry, I'm not getting nosy here--I know the rules." She chuckles, then looks at Guy. "Thank you for offering. I'll consider it, but. It feels like a not-yet thing for me right now? I've been concentrating on the study of Auspex, lately."

Ripeka Carpenter: Rīpeka shrugs one shoulder. "I wasn't expecting you to break them." She grins at Petra, then. "But there are so many other things I could turn into, why limit myself to just birds?"

Guy Dagenham: He nods to Phaedra. “Of course.” He frowns at Petra, then looks at the menu. “Mmm...a Croque Madam sounds delish, then.”

Petra Fichette: "Sure, but birds are the best." She grinned with all her teeth. "They're little tiny dinosaurs! Who wouldn't want to be a dinosaur."

Phaedra Lamb: "A croak-what?" She blinks at Guy, clearly not familiar with the sandwich.

Daniel Hawthorne: As the quartet at the table talked Daniel made his way in through the portal, the fully-Blushed Haunt dressed neatly as was his wont with a black scarf firmly wrapped around his next and a laptop bag slung over one shoulder. He smiled as he spotted some familiar faces, giving Guy and Phaedra a nod. He whispered a polite "evening" once he was in conversation range, the words tinged with an almost-British accent.

Ripeka Carpenter: "A croque madam," Rīpeka repeats for Phaedra. "It's a ham and cheese sandwich with a fried egg on top." She glances at Daniel, then. "Evening," she repeats back to him, before turning her attention to Petra. "Oh, well, if it's dinosaurs you want you should turn into a full-size one."

Guy Dagenham: “And cheese, that’s very important.” He nods to Daniel when he appears. “I hope your having a good day, Daniel.” He waves someone over to order his sandwich and orange juice.

Petra Fichette: Petra smiled vaugely. "There's an idea..."

Phaedra Lamb: "Careful, Daniel. We're surrounded by shapeshifters at this table." Phaedra's clearly teasing, a warm smile on her lips. "They're talking about turning into dinosaurs even."

Daniel Hawthorne: "So far so good." Daniel replied, an eyebrow quirking up curiously at the mention of shapeshifters before he asked the departing server for a coffee of his own. "Interesting...not something I can do, personally. More of the 'nothing to see here' sort."

Ripeka Carpenter: Rīpeka blinks at Guy, before deciding not to press on him on why he'd repeated what she said, instead turning to Daniel. "Not something you'd be interested in trying out, then?"

Guy Dagenham: “I find the...philosophy of shapeshifting as interesting as the practical benefits. It’s always nice to meet more who practice it.” He thinks for a moment. “This place is interesting, I’m glad I was told about it.”

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra tilts her head to one side. "What philosophy?"

Petra Fichette: "My philosophy is more that it's what I am than what I do," Petra offered.

Ripeka Carpenter: "I just find it fun, honestly," Rīpeka shrugs one shoulder. "There doesn't have to be a deeper meaning to everything, does there?" Says the mage.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Not at the moment, admittedly." Rather than cram into the booth Daniel grabbed a chair and sat at the end of the table, setting his bag down beside him for the moment. "It is an interesting thought in general, though."

Guy Dagenham: “Hmmm. The flesh is a lie, the body merely a vessel.” Something presses on his face from the inside momentarily, before his whole body seems to ripple.

Phaedra Lamb: She tilts her head at Guy quietly, thinking about that for a moment. "What do you consider it to be a vessel for?"

And then her attention drifts to Ripeka. "Everything has meaning, whether you go looking for it or not. The world's dots are connected." She traces a line in the air with a pointer finger.

Petra Fichette: "The soul's a real thing," Petra offered. "I know humans are a bit iffy on the subject overall, but it's kind of an essential part of people."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Indeed." Daniel nodded in agreement with Phaedra's comments to Ripeka. "Pull one thread and it ripples outward, impacting more than you'd think at first blush."

Ripeka Carpenter: "But is the meaning you see the same one I do?" Rīpeka counters.

Phaedra Lamb: "Almost certainly not the same. What we bring to the table of ourselves affects what we see, kinda like no matter how gently I try to pass a kaleidoscope to you, the beads will shift and you can't see what I saw when I looked into it." She grins, seeming more animated as she speaks now. "And that's a good thing, I think, that we're not all the same, thinking the same, seeing the same, reading the same meanings everywhere."

Guy Dagenham: “It’s a vessel for the self, one’s essence. Call it a soul, if that’s how you see it, but for Kindred it’s literally the Blood.”

Petra Fichette: "You've definitely got a soul," Petra murmured to Guy, grabbing his hand and squeezing it tightly.

Ripeka Carpenter: Rīpeka grins at Phaedra. "Well thought out. Its looking for the deeper meanings something you do often, then?"

Guy Dagenham: He squeezes Petra’s hand back. “So do you, my love,” he replies quietly.

Phaedra Lamb: She looks at Guy. "I'd have called it the Beast rather than the Blood, but it might be fun to discuss the nuances of that someday. As for deeper meanings, Ripeka? Yeah, it is, and always has been. When I was still human, as young as eight or nine, I was psychic; I could read what my uncle called 'signs from God'. While I'm really skeptical as to any god being involved, let along my uncle's vision of God, they were real. They always were real."

Petra Fichette: "Of course I do. It's a wee bit tattered just like yours is a wee bit hungry, but it's mostly here all the same."

Ripeka Carpenter: Rīpeka shrugs one shoulder. "Everyone has mana, yes. Was that ever in doubt?"

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel smiled softly at the exchange between Petra and Guy, albeit with a brief flicker of something across his features before fading like it hadn't been there at all. "That must have been interesting..." he looked to Phaedra, an eyebrow arched. "Is that what drew you to the card readings?"

Phaedra Lamb: She raises both eyebrows at Daniel for a moment, before shaking her head. "My sire introduced me to the cards. She gave me the deck I read with at work. And yes, recognizing some of the symbols helped with learning them, but there were differences enough that it felt different."

Guy Dagenham: “I’d be happy to discuss that in depth, Phaedra, but I wouldn’t want to bore everyone else.” He gives her a soft smile. His food arrives, and he promptly digs in.

Ripeka Carpenter: "You're a tarot reader, Phaedra?" Rīpeka asks. "Do you have any particular deck or decks you favour using over others?"

Petra Fichette: "Does the deck make a difference to the reading?" Petra asked curiously, tilting her head. "I thought tarot cards were pretty standardized."

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel spared Phaedra a brief glance of his own before thanking the server for his coffee, taking a moment to doctor it before having a test sip. He remained quiet for the moment, letting the conversation move around him.

Phaedra Lamb: "The deck totally makes a difference. The symbols and tone an artist puts in inevitably impacts how you read the card. It really can't be helped. I learned on the Hanson-Roberts deck--same symbolism as Rider-Waite, less harsh colors. But I really like the Paulina Tarot, the Usher Deck, the Fenestra Tarot. Shadowscapes, but who doesn't like that deck? It's so pretty. I tried the Tarot of the New Vision, but didn't enjoy reading it at all."

Ripeka Carpenter: "Usher deck? Is that one Nevy did? I'm not familiar with it."

Petra Fichette: Petra frowned. "How do you know which deck to use for a particular person then? What if the reader favors one style but the readee needs the interpretation that would come from a different one?"

Guy Dagenham: He takes a break from eating to down some OJ. “It’s all about...intuition.”

Phaedra Lamb: "Yeah, the Usher deck is Nevermore's. For someone who doesn't read, they really created something interesting." She nods eagerly, before gesturing at Guy. "It's a feeling thing. Or, sometimes, 'what deck do I have on me today?' If I carried them all, all the time, my back would break."

Ripeka Carpenter: "Fair enough," Rīpeka grins. "It's not something I've ever tried actually doing, but I like to collect decks for the art."

Petra Fichette: She laughed a little. "Any deck is better than no deck? What would you use for me? Or 'will,' rather. I do really want to visit you at work to do one."

Daniel Hawthorne: "She did one for me recently." Daniel commented, motioning towards Phaedra with his coffee cup. "It was...enlightening, to say the least."

Guy Dagenham: He grumbles softly. “The cards are holding out on me,” he says before eating again.

Petra Fichette: "Do you perform readings too Guy? How come I didn't know this?"

Ripeka Carpenter: "Should we be worried about what they're trying to tell you, then?"

Phaedra Lamb: "At work the one I use is the Hanson-Roberts deck, a gift from my sire. And Guy, just because it didn't tell you anything you didn't already didnt know doesn't mean they're holding out. They can reinforce lessons you ought've known all along. Sometimes, they just say 'pull your head out of your ass'."

Guy Dagenham: He grunts. “I don’t need to be reminded, I’ve realized that myself.” He offers Phaedra a little smile.

Petra Fichette: "Being told to pull your head out is probably something that should be a regular reminder for everyone. We should buy a billboard and post it up so everyone gets a daily reminder."

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra lets out a warm laugh. "Throw that message out into the cacophony..." Phaedra laughs warmly at the idea.

Daniel Hawthorne: "It does help to remember that from time to time..." Daniel chuckled, taking a sip of his coffee.

Ripeka Carpenter: "The cacophony?" Rīpeka's clearly not familiar with that term in context.

Guy Dagenham: “The web of innuendo and metaphors that vampires use to communicate. It’s...contextual.” He shrugs, and finishes his orange juice.

Phaedra Lamb: "Kind of a game for some of us who see meaning everywhere." She winks.

Petra Fichette: "Interesting. Is it something anyone can learn or is it an innately vampirish thing?"

Ripeka Carpenter: "I assume a lot of it is for people new to a city, who don't know where they need to go to get situated within it properly?"

Guy Dagenham: “I don’t know...but it’s not the sort of thing that gets taught to outsiders,” he says to Petra. “Yes, that is a common use,” he replies to Rīpeka. “And getting word out about threats.”

Phaedra Lamb: "Or venting or gossiping. It's got a lot of uses. Last time I checked up on it, people were leaving noise complaints, so Cian and I dealt with the noisemaker."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Oh?" Cue a curious look from Daniel to Pheadra. "How'd that go?"

Ripeka Carpenter: "Seems an odd place to leave them, honestly, but if it worked out..." Rīpeka shrugs one shoulder.

Petra Fichette: "I suppose every community has its ways to mark places and gossip. Some just get cooler names than the rest of us," she teased.

Guy Dagenham: “Hence the codes meanings and all that.” He kisses Petra’s forehead and sighs, leaning back in his chair.

Phaedra Lamb: She gives Daniel a smile that hides something sharp behind it. "Oh, it all worked out in the end. I was able to convince a spirit of mayhem to leave Fairmount Park, and go visit a certain farm community outside the city that could use a little shake-up."

Guy Dagenham: Guy notices Petra tuckering out, and pulls out his wallet to leave cash on the table. “I think we’re going to head out for the night, you all be well. It was good to meet you, Rīpeka.”

Daniel Hawthorne: "Ah...interesting." He nodded with a small smirk, looking to Guy as he mentioned heading out. "Have a good night."

Petra Fichette: Petra smiled. "I assume I can count on you for a ride home, love?" She asked lightly. "Or I can fly."

Ripeka Carpenter: "I should probably head out myself," Rīpeka admits. "Early shift tomorrow, and what not." Beat. "Would one of you mind stuffing my clothes into the backpack? I didn't drive in today, so." And with that, she starts chanting briefly, her body flowing into the shape of a rather large eagle.

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra tucks Ripeka's clothes into the bag. "Do you also need someone to get the door?"

Guy Dagenham: “I’ll give you a ride,” he murmurs to Petra as he stands, carrying her easily. “And I can get the door.”

Ripeka Carpenter: The eagle fixes its gaze on Phaedra. Then nods once. That probably means "yes please", in bird.

Petra Fichette: "It was good too meet you all," she told the others warmly. "Wizard shifting seems to have it's own downsides though. You should get some clothes that shift with you if you can't fold them into a featherform."

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel blinked as Ripeka took up a more avian form, eyeing the backpack to see if it needed to be adjusted to keep it on the eagle's back before she flew off.

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra eyes Daniel quietly. "So. It is down to you, and it is down to me." A Princess Bride reference? Someone has been studying her pop culture.

Daniel Hawthorne: It took a moment for the reference to register but once it did Daniel smirked, giving a little nod. "I'm the only one of us with a drink, though."

Phaedra Lamb: "That's because I don't find it worth it to throw up. Besides, I'd probably be the Sicilian, here, given my everything." She laughs warmly, then leans forward. "Do we need to find someone for you who's as cute as Petra?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "I do already have the mask covered, in a way." He smirked a touch, pausing as she leaned in and continued. "It's...not that easy."

Phaedra Lamb: "Mm. Tell me more." Surprise, Daniel, you have caught the attention of the Haruspex now.

Daniel Hawthorne: "This, for one." Daniel motioned to the scarf briefly, settling in for the grilling that he knew was coming. "Both in the unease that the blood raises in others and in the general inability to go to most places that people meet others anyway. Little hard to socialize when you can't be heard over the crowd, after all."

Phaedra Lamb: She raises both eyebrows at him. "Yeah? And those are totally impossible to overcome and you're going to be alone forever and unloved and never going to have anything as good or sweet in your life as what Guy and Petra have?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Never said that. I wouldn't have joined the Academy if I didn't have the will to try and overcome those sorts of issues." He watched the young Mekhet quietly for a moment, letting out a slow breath. "The relationships that I've been a part of in the past were...complicated, to put it lightly, and finding someone who can handle those issues while I work through them hasn't gone particularly well."

Phaedra Lamb: "All relationships are complicated." She shakes her head and then solemnly holds out a pinky finger. "Just...promise me you're not going to give up on yourself and hole away because you think there's no hope for you, okay? No matter what."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Not that kind of complicated." Daniel allowed himself a small smirk, wry little thing that it was, then eyed her offered hand before hooking his pinky with hers. "Promise."

Phaedra Lamb: "Good." She shakes their linked hands once gently. "Anything else new with you?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Waiting to hear back from someone on a possible project, but other than that just been busy with work for the most part. Yourself?"

Phaedra Lamb: "Guy's invited me and Finley to join his pack. Sledge took me motorcycle shopping." She grins. "So that's been my fun lately."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Really..." He nodded, smiling a touch. "Sounds like it would be interesting, for sure."

Phaedra Lamb: "It'll be good for Guy, having us kids around to keep him busy." She sticks her tongue out playfully. "I think he needs us as much as he thinks we all need him."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Inclined to agree, as much as he may not say it himself. He's taken to mentoring Rena in Academy matters well, from what I've seen."

Phaedra Lamb: "I know he's also inviting her to the pack, but...she and I kinda had a bit of a fight last time we saw one another, so I'm pretending not to care whether she actually commits to joining or not."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Oh?" Cue an arched eyebrow. "About what, if I can ask?"

Phaedra Lamb: "She finds me nosy, sees me as picking at all her flaws and insecurities. I find her evasive and don't appreciate the way she lies or does hard subject changes when I get too close to something meaningful." A pause. "At least I got a kiss in before we discovered that? That's a consolation prize."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Ah hah." He nodded slowly. "She is quite the minefield when it comes to sensitive subjects, I've noticed. And yes, that is something."

Phaedra Lamb: "Well, better to know, I suppose." She snorts, then looks at Daniel. "Is there anyone you're interested in? Like...if your neck weren't a thing, if things went differently...?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Not currently, although being able to come here where people aren't as...impacted by it has helped."

Phaedra Lamb: "Good. I'm glad." She looks thoughtful. "I oughta head out and get a proper meal."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Alright. Good talking with you again." Daniel looked ready to do something but paused, looking her over. "Do you hug?"

Phaedra Lamb: She opens her arms with a smile. "If people ask. I'm weird about guys, especially guys who look older than me, touching me without warning, but asking helps a lot."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Understandable. Glad I asked." He smiled softly, holding an arm out for her to come in. He kept the hug quick but it was a decent squeeze, one of those "I don't get to do it often so I make it count" sort of things.

Phaedra Lamb: And she squeezes back with a bit more strength than Daniel might have been expecting. Does the idea of Phaedra having Vigor come as a surprise? It makes for a nice snug, brief as it is.

Daniel Hawthorne: Blushed as he was the tight squeeze led to a quiet oof from the Haunt, along with an amused look. "Dipped into the more physical disciplines as well, I'm guessing?"

Phaedra Lamb: "My bloodline doesn't learn Obfuscate; I'll never be as sneaky-hidey as you. But we learn Vigor nice and easy. And given the number of fights me and my friends have ended up in lately, it seemed better to know than not." She laughs quietly.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Fair enough." Daniel chuckled quietly. "Been thinking of looking into it myself, although more for practical reasons than martial ones. Industrial sewing machines are heavier than you'd think."

Phaedra Lamb: "It's worth the effort." She reaches out to touch his sleeve gently, before turning to the door. "Be safe out there, alright? Please?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "I will, and you as well. Have a good night."