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Latest revision as of 16:08, 12 July 2020


Autumn Hollow


Rosalyn Solfrig: It was a nice evening in the autumn hollow. Elio was off at the edge of the hollow near the entrance to the Trod, grazing the skimpy foliage. Rosalyn was dressed to work and was standing out in the open with the world's biggest cat toy- a dead furry critter of some variety on a cord that she was swinging and throwing like a falconry lure. Agate, a juvenile griffon the size of a very large dog, was in full butt-wiggling hunting mode and practicing pouncing and striking at the lure.

Jackie: The rats are on parade
Another mad charade
What you gonna do?
The hounds are on the chase
Everything's erased
What you gonna do?
I need some room to breath
You can stay asleep
If you wanted to
They say that's nothings free
You can run with me
If you wanted to

The song- questionably talented, but energetic despite its technical failings- comes on the brim of an overabundance of Wyrd. The source? A noodly-armed Autumn lying on her back, draped across the haunches of a slinking, scaled creature somewhere between a panther and a full-blown dragon, fully the size of a polar bear. They're coming back from the Trod, apparently having been on patrol with little action- though it's not like Johnnie ever seems to be touched by the inevitable sea of gore when she fights... huh.

"How~is~everyone~?" She calls out singsong without bothering to straighten or, indeed, even look round at whoever else might be present or arriving.

Mel Joyner: It's been a long day, coming off a night with less sleep than Mel likes. Which means they have no patience for trying to socialize in the human world. So instead, they've made their way to the Autumn Hollow. The general Hollow's nice and all, but sometimes you really just want to be around people who get all of it, not just a slice.

They're not trying to be stealthy, but they're not really good at announcing their presence either, especially when not making an effort. But their applause are heard when Johnnie stops singing.

Asbolus: Another figure walked beside the well-Wyrded rider, looking none the worse for wear himself after the patrol's completion. Asbolus was clad in the dark leather duster that had become ubiquitous to his wardrobe during the debacle with Robin, something about the design enhancing the predatory bearing that the Darkling possessed. And indeed that certain air had increased about him as of late, the sharp edges of his mien heightened by the strengthening of the Wyrd within.

Rosalyn Solfrig: "Lady V," Rosalyn called with a wave when the strange Autumn sung out. She grinned, looking amused. "I'm doing just lovely, and yourself?" Ros glanced around at the gathering assortment and swung the lure one last time for Agate before letting her tear into the snack and eat her fill. "Good work, sweetie."

Jackie: Jackie laughs at the applause, a few of her shadows- she ha six- rising to wave towards Mel and sweep grandstanding bows as they bask in the praise. "Save the applause for Ziv and Rieko and Lif. They've much better voices than I do." Still, the vain little thing doesn't seem to mind.

"I'm doing quite lovely, thank you, Lady Rosalyn. How does the evening find the two of-" Elio. "Three of-" Baby griff. "Four of you? Have you all met my friend Asbolus before? Or The Baron?" The dragoncat's scales ruffle and shimmer viridian briefly.

Mel Joyner: "Seems like the whole Freehold's becoming a menagerie" Mel says with no small amount of amusement. "I'm barely able to keep up with all the people!"

They don't ignore Jackie's extra shadows, not exactly, but they also don't try to hide the fact that they're slightly disconcerted by the high Wyrd effects.

Asbolus: The griffon getting its prize earned a curious look from Asbolus before he turned his attention back to the other two Lost. "Rosalyn I know, but can't say I've had the pleasure." He moved to offer Mel a hand, giving them a polite smile that had a keen edge to it nonetheless. "Asbolus, as she said. Good to meet you."

Rosalyn Solfrig: Rosalyn gave the dragoncat an interested look and a little bow in greeting. "Pleased to meet you. That's Agate over there having dinner, and Elio's playing on the lawn. If you've no objections, I'd love the chance to admire you more closely at some point." She flashed a grin to Mel. "A pleasant change in my books, but the reason for it is sad. The local lands have been devastated and many of these creatures would die without support."

Jackie: "Ah, don't worry. The Baron's really quite antisocial and won't require much interaction." Jackie reaches down to scruff between the thing's ears, and it flops down to curl up like a titanic housecat, purring under its breath. Jackie? She leans against it, watching Asbolus introduce himself to Mel. When Ros speaks to the huge reptile, it cracks open one very draconic eye and holds a gaze on her a moment before closing it in a very feline dismissal of "everything not me doesn't matter" and returning to its burgeoning nap.

Mel Joyner: Mel takes the offered hand with a nod. "Mel. They/them if you please. Good to meet you as well." After a quick handshake they turn their attention to Ros. "So I've heard. Well, and seen. It's hard to miss what's been going on. I really hope we can find some way to reverse it or something. It's not natural." They give a mostly feigned shudder.

Asbolus: "He/Him on that front myself." Asbolus nodded, sparing the Hedgewalls around them a brief glance before looking back to the gathered Lost, head shaking. "Far as I know efforts are being put towards that. The sooner it's resolved the better, though."

Rosalyn Solfrig: Ros nodded. "I volunteered to go help at the tree. Oneiromancy isn't my favorite thing but I can do it. And it needs to be done." She sighed. "Do, anything besides THE problem to talk about? What else is happening?"

Jackie: "Well. We've found a way. And it's She/her or he/him or really whatever, it's pretty much all applied at some time and it will again down the road~ whatever's clever!" Johnnie calls over when pronouns are discussed. "As for fixing everything- yeah, it's less "what do we do" and more "hope we do it right."

"Happening? I dunno. You tell me. I'm boring when I'm not afield."

Mel Joyner: Mel gives a friendly shrug. "Fair. But I can't provide much interesting happenings. I just try to get from day to day." They're about to fall silent, but then their eyes brighten. "Though I did talk to Atalo yesterday. Interesting fellow. Still not sold on vampires though. Y'know, as a group."

Asbolus: "I've mostly been more focused on personal mundane matters myself now that the issues with Robin have been dealt with, I'll admit. There is an issue with a YouTube channel that is releasing videos that have ties to the Realm I was in for a time, although I haven't heard much on it as of late."

"Atalo's a solid gentleman from my own encounters with him. Most of the ones here that I've met have been polite enough, all told."

Rosalyn Solfrig: Rosalyn chuckled. "Atalo's a good friend so I'm glad you're getting to know him. If you don't mind me asking, what soured your opinion on vampires to begin with?" she asked curiously. "Besides the usual literary drivel, of course."

Jackie: "You mean things like literally enslaving you by feeding you blood, literally enslaving you with brain magic, or the part where they do that stuff to humans and then use them up without regard for the damage it does to their relationships or psyche?" Jackie asks quizzically. "Just as a few talking points."

"Yeah, I heard a little about the video stuff. There were bigger fish to fry then. How's that going now?"

Mel Joyner: "Both Atalo and their Sakima say they don't do the enslaving thing here." Mel's tone isn't completely dubious, but it's obvious they have some doubts still. "But even if that's 100% true, I'm sure there's some rogue elements. And I don't know exactly which kind my sister's caught up with."

Asbolus: "'Caught up in?'" Cue a curious look from the Darkling. "How so, if you don't mind saying?"

Rosalyn Solfrig: Ros looked faintly surprised. "I hadn't heard that particular nugget," she mused. "Whether or not they 'do that sort of thing' here it's certainly something to be wary of. What happened to your sister?"

Jackie: "Oh, yeah, like- bigtime. They have multiple ways of removing your free will. Direct commands, emotional fuckery, outright blood addiction- like I couldn't tell you much more than the basics, but vampires specialize in being hella fucking extra in basically every way possible. Like they're compensating for being living impaired or something. If they don't do that shit here? Great, they can keep not doing that shit here far away from me. Our lives, such as they are, will both be simpler," Jackie asserts, glancing to Mel at the mention of being caught up.

Mel Joyner: Jackie’s rant draws a raised eyebrow from Mel. “Good to know I’m not the only one who thinks about that.” Then they give a frustrated sigh. “I don’t know exactly how or what she’s caught up in, I just know it’s something and any time I try to corner her about it, she gets super cagey. Thought it was drugs at first. Then I did some digging and found out vampires fucking exist. As if we don’t have enough to deal with.”

Asbolus: Asbolus' eyebrow arched as Jackie went over the laundry list, a soft frown on his features by the time she was done. "Good to know..."

He nodded to Mel as they spoke, giving a sympathetic look. "If you'd like assistance, that sort of investigative work is a forte of mine. I'd be happy to help."

Rosalyn Solfrig: "The vampires have their own laws of secrecy so your sister could be wary of violating those," Ros said slowly. "You should talk to Atalo, he could look into things from his side, see what's going on?"

Mel Joyner: Mel’s laugh always holds a hint of an owl’s hoot, but this time, it’s almost all hoot. “I’m spoiled for assistance. You,” they wave a hand at Asbolus, “Atalo, the Sakima, heck even the Winter Crown, though in fairness that was before...” Another wave of a hand, this time to take in the whole surroundings. “All of this.” They let out a sigh. “And I should probably try to talk to my sister more. But the more I pry, the more she wants to know about me. About where I was.”

Asbolus: "Ah...I see." Asbolus nodded quietly. "A difficult line to walk, that."

Rosalyn Solfrig: Ros nodded. "Take the chance while you have it," she encouraged, a shadow of sorrow flicking over her expression. "You never know what can happen and then it's too late."

Mel Joyner: “Yea...” Mel’s voice trails off, and it’s unclear if their statement had been to Asbolus or Ros. Then they shake themself. “Gah, this is as depressing as talking about the Hedge! I came here to relax!l

Asbolus: "No worries." Of course, the Winter Courtier wouldn't mind that sort of talk as much, but that was neither here nor there. "Anything we can do to help on the relaxation front?"

Rosalyn Solfrig: She laughed. "Would you like to meet Agate?" Ros invited. "She's very... energetic and young enough that she's still pretty kittenish even if she's big."

Mel Joyner: “I met her at Atalo’s the other day” Mel says with a gape-beaked smile. “But that doesn’t mean I’m adverse to doing so again”

Asbolus: "Color me curious as well." Asbolus nodded, glancing towards where the griffon was. "I take it that a number of strays are being taken in with the current unpleasantness?"

Rosalyn Solfrig: Ros nodded. "Her nest was attacked by something else looking for food outside its usual range and her family was killed." She whistled, and her two companions both looked up from where they were romping together. Elio charged over, Agate clinging to the saddle with her wings outstretched. When he came to a sudden halt next to Ros, Agate was launched and half flapped, half tumbled into a furred and feathered heap. "Ow~" Agate whined, sitting up and trying to preen some of the dust out of her fur.

Mel Joyner: Mel tries and even mostly succeeds at smothering a laugh at the little griffon’s landing. “Careful there little one. Horses and horse-like things love doing that sudden stop trick”

Asbolus: Asbolus winced at the landing, giving Agate a sympathetic look as she straightened herself off. "Been there before, albeit some time ago."

Rosalyn Solfrig: "Supposed to fly," Agate muttered, settling her wings back, then padded around cat-like to rub up against Ros' hip before moving to approach Mel and Asbolus curiously.

Meanwhile, Ros grabbed hold of Elio's halter when the bad tempered unicorn started looking at Asbolus too closely.

Mel Joyner: Mel crouched a bit to put themself closer to Agate’s level. “Flying’s hard,” they say, with all seriousness. “And landing safely’s even harder”. They look over at Ros. “Has she not learned yet, or is it injury?”

Asbolus: Asbolus spared Elio a glance of his own, ephemeral hackles rising for a moment before they were reigned in and the Darkling crouched down to gently offer Agate a hand to sniff. "You'll get the hang of it."

Rosalyn Solfrig: She's a juvenile," Ros said softly. "She's fully fledged but I think that's a relatively new development, and griffons seem to have a... trickier time flying than natural birds of prey." - I can fly! Agate protested, and Ros smiled fondly. "She can. Though performing tricks like launching off unicorns is tricky still."

Mel Joyner: “Well, the body structure is... not exactly aerodynamic” Mel pointed out, as they reached out to give Agate a scratch behind the ears. “I mean, it’s not like the Hedge and its denizens have to obey normal laws of physics, but there’s probably at least some of the same principles in play.”

Asbolus: "Indeed." Asbolus nodded, smiling at the griffon's protestations. "Starting off on unstable footing is never easy."

Rosalyn Solfrig: Agate closed her eyes in pure bliss, and leaned her full (Size 4) weight against Mel when she got a scritch. Birds and cats both enjoyed the sensation and the griffon was clearly no different. "She's very good at making short flights, agile maneuvering, and strikes on a target. Even as young as she is, she's formidable, and when she has her full growth she'll be terrifying."

Mel Joyner: The sudden lean nearly knocks Mel over, drawing out an instinctive squawk as they have to scramble to stay balanced. But once their balance is secure they continue the scratching, complete with a touch of feather preening. After all, Mel knows how annoying out of place feathers can be.

“I’m sure. That’ll probably be a while though, I hope.” Just because Agate was sweet now didn’t mean that having a full grown griffon around the freehold would be good.

Asbolus: The Darkling chuckled quietly, joining in on the scritching of the young hedgebeast as the others talked. "A good ally to have, nonetheless."

Rosalyn Solfrig: Rosalyn kissed Elio's nose and pet his neck so he wouldn't feel left out of the affection while Agate sprawled out to demand belly rubs. "I don't know how quickly griffons grow," she admitted. "Maybe someone does but I don't think it really matters. When Agate is able, she'll be able to choose where she wants to go, whether it's stay here with me or fly free."

Mel Joyner: Mel made a noncommittal noise, deep in their throat. “Do you have to feed her?” Because really, that would seem to be the biggest issue.

Asbolus: Asbolus looked to Rosalyn at the question from Mel, his hand shifting to the griffon's belly for more scritches to keep the little one appeased as they talked.

Rosalyn Solfrig: "I feed Elio too," Rosalyn said dryly. "We go hunting, it's not really an issue, there's always prey, and when there's not, I've stocked up on steaks at a store called costco. They had a lot for a good price."

Mel Joyner: “Hey, my knowledge of Hedge... stuff is super minimal. They could eat glamour for all I know”. Mel shrugs and stands, letting Asbolus take over scratching duties. They roll their shoulders and stretch. “I probably should fix that at some point.”

Asbolus: "Bulk stores like that can be rather helpful. Never really had a need myself, and since I live in the Thorns primarily I keep perishables to a minimum." The scritches continued as Asbolus spoke, nodding quietly. "Been looking into learning more about the local Hedge myself, if only to be better prepared for any future patrols. Handled myself well enough last time, but it was still rather jarring."

Jackie: The Baron- who had napped exactly as planned- moves in its sleep, and dislodged Jackie- who did not plan on napping but did- from her lean against its side. Jolting away, there's a brief flurry of Autumn leaves as the Torrent startles awake, quickly adopting a too-graceful brushing off of her shins and shoulders as if she didn't just almost fall over three seconds ago. "Yeah! Jarring. Bulk stores. Great for keeping jams and jellies. Mom used to do it as a hobby," says Jackie, picking a few words from the most recent statement at random.

Rosalyn Solfrig: The Baron's sudden movement caught Agate's attention and the griffon immediately rolled up into a crouch, butt wiggling and tail flagged up high. Then she leaped at the other beast- though her front talons were curled in so as to not cause any real harm. "My boss took me with her to pick things up for the stables, and she let me buy some things on her membership. I'm not certain I would pay to be able to shop there."

Mel Joyner: “I think it works best if you’ve got a big family. Or a lot of storage space,” Mel said. They laugh at Jackie’s obvious attempt to cover drifting off, but the sound is cut short as they freeze, head turning from side to side, obviously attempting to pinpoint a sound. “Sorry,” they say, almost distractedly. “I think I need to go check something out”. And then they wander out in the direction of the trod.

Asbolus: Asbolus smirked at Jackie's recovery, about to say something himself when Mel's attention was suddenly drawn elsewhere. There was a brief moment where the Darkling almost looked ready to follow, perking up like a hunting hound with a hint of a new scent to track, but after a moment he shook his head as though to clear it and looked back to the othes. "Rather kind of them to do so. Still looking into some form of employment myself, now that I have the paperwork to back it up."

Jackie: Agate pounces and opens one draconic eye to peer balefully at the griff before it heaves a rumbling sigh and rolls onto its side, yowling and pawing at the air like it's been truly Got.

"I still think it's really weird to pay to shop someplace, and then pay to buy things there," protests Jackie, truly a product of a pre-Sam's Club world. "Isn't it enough to just pay once?"

Rosalyn Solfrig: "That's what I was wondering," Rosalyn agreed. "Perhaps it's a matter of social status for the middle classes?" Agate gave an eagles rather lackluster 'meep' of victory over the dragon, then hopped off and just far enough away to try and lure the other creature into playing. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66M4ZSjvGUQ)

Asbolus: Asbolus chuckled at the exchange between the two hedgebeasts before finally standing from his crouch, nodding to the pair. "Perhaps. Buying the membership for the discounts that come with it makes some amount of sense, but it's not something I'm particularly inclined to look into at the moment."

Jackie: `Yeah, I guess, but it seems easier to just... incorporate the fees for membership into the general prices," Johnnie offers with a shrug as The Baron flops a little nearer and swats at Agate with a paw the size of a hubcap.

Rosalyn Solfrig: Agate rolled with the swat and then leaped back into the fray, tackling the Baron's tail and oh so gently bit down and latched her hind paws and front talons around it. "You'd think that, but clearly their business works for them or they wouldn't do it." Ros shrugged. "Mortal businesses are strange these days. So many are so large that it's impossible to find anything at all, even though they apparently have everything."

Asbolus: "True enough. Most of the larger ones have apps where you can search for things in the store, at the very least. I tend to stick with the staples and buy local where I can, personally; makes things easier overall."

Jackie: "I mean "we have everything" is not a stand-alone business model. You know what else has everything? Earth. And it's not easy to find what you want there, either." Jackie cackles, sitting down to plant her back against The Baron's back while it batted ineffectually at Agate, trying to teach the little thing how defensible "on your back with all pointies aimed at baddies" can be.

Rosalyn Solfrig: Rosalyn sat down next to her and extracted the grifflet from tormenting Baron, pulling her into Ros's lap instead and petting the big beasty. "I've heard goblin markets can have everything too, and more. I'm really looking forward to seeing that. I hope it's more impressive than a three story tall stack of toilet paper."

Asbolus: Asbolus chuckled as he took a seat in kind, giving Rosalyn a little nod. "I've been to a smaller market near here and it was interesting. Would be curious to see one of the larger ones, though."

Rosalyn Solfrig: "Perhaps after the current crisis is handled we should plan an expedition to visit one."

Jackie: "Well, if you need an escort to safely go and return, my group rates are exceptionally good value," jokes Jackie. The Baron, freed from type tyrrany, tools back over and huffs.

Asbolus: "Not opposed, considering how you pulled me out of the fire in the past." Asbolus looked to Jackie with a small smirk.

Rosalyn Solfrig: "What is the going rate these days anyways?" Ros asked with a small smile for Jackie. "Your skills are impressive."

Jackie: "Depends!" Jackie offers with a grin. "I have been known to accept 'word of mouth advertisements all the way up to 'would totally be illegal sexual favors' but the latter is pretty much exclusively my polycule, so trading sex for service isn't exactly a problem." Beat. "Pluuuuus its less of a "i did this, fuck now" and more of a competence boner "you did this, and now I'm really horny" sorta deal."

"I also accept applause."

Asbolus: Asbolus couldn't help but chuckle at that, shaking his head with the smirk still present. "Think I can manage the latter easily enough..."

Rosalyn Solfrig: Rosalyn grinned and her voice filled with amusement. "Well there does seem to be a lot of very intimate things done very openly in this time. A bit more expensive than I can afford however."

Jackie: "Oh, surely.you could manage the applause. I DO make a tremendously elegant blender," protests Jackie. "See, even Asbolus could manage such a fee!"

Rosalyn Solfrig: "And yet the only applause worth having is heartfelt and spontaneous! How, therefore, could I pledge such a thing ahead of time?"

Asbolus: "She does have a point..."

Jackie: "Hm. Perhaps a discount off a regular rate, then?" Jackie muses. "A kiss or an embrace or an episode of some pleasant show whilst snuggled beneath a blanket." She shrugs! "Truth is, the adventure is payment enough, and the recompense usually more so my customers feel they've paid their way than any need for compensation on my end."

Rosalyn Solfrig: Rosalyn patted Jackie on the arm. "You value your services too little," she advised. "Though I confess that I've never charged for mine either. Perhaps your company shall pay for my services, and my company shall pay for yours, and we'll carry an entire parade of beasts and lost through the thorns to some fabulous new market."