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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= *Anneliese Kiel *Jeremiah Hamilton *Polly Romantic *Spicy | setting=Fairmount Park | log='''Spicy:''' Spicy walks slowly thro...")
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Latest revision as of 00:58, 13 July 2020


Fairmount Park


Spicy: Spicy walks slowly through Fairmount park, she's wearing a white sundress with orange floral prints all over the fabric, her hair held into a single braid and her muscled arm on display as she carries a rather heavy looking duffel bag. She has sunglasses on too, which she put up on her head as she takes a seat on a park bench and start to watch the various people around her, while letting a bit of music play on her phone.

Polly Romantic: It is officially sundress season, yep. Polly's sporting one, herself. Hers is a riot of color, however, rather than bichromatic. Dozens of vertical stripes in random colors and hues. It's a bit jarring to look at, really. And the fact that through changeling eyes, she herself is equally prismatic only heightens the razzle and dazzle of it all. Light seems to play around her like it decided to disobey the rules of physics. Elementals are good that way, though.

She's got a guitar on her back, a floppy sun hat on her head, and a pair of overlarge tinted shades on her face that are almost as big as her smile as she lopes on down the trail in her stompy paint spattered boots.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Funnily enough, Polly would spot someone else with a guitar case in hand making their way through the crowd. Jeremiah had gone for a rockabilly look this particular afternoon, with black pants, white t-shirt and red overshirt matched with a pair of chunky black glasses. Dark eyes scanned the parkgoers and the available benches as he went, mulling over the best place to set up.

Spicy: Spicy's Mien is much less colorful and a lot colder: snow-sparkling skin, broken up with black veins of ice that alll seem to lead up to her eyes, her teeth and nails made out of ice with mildly jagged look definitely gives a more worrying look than that of a rainbow elemental. Her mantle brings up a refreshing breeze amidst the heat and a pleasant smell of flowers and fruits, just enough to wet an appetite.

Her gaze is drawn to Polly first, of course, with such bright colors and lighting, it's hard not to. But she doesn't miss Jeremiah either, the guitar case drawing her attention as well, it seems music in the park means something pleasant for the Ogress. She waves her hand in greetings for Polly "hey!"(edited)

Polly Romantic: Polly lifts both hands up and waves them both eagerly at Spicy, "Helloooo!" She steers herself in the direction of Spicy's perch by dint of the mantle and mien. Clearly that is someone they need to know better. It also puts her in a position to accost Jeremiah when he's close enough to be accosted. She adjusts the guitar on her shoulder a bit for comfort, and asides to Spicy, "I'm not sure if you were around last time I was in town. I'm Polly." She offers out a hand for shaking before calling over to Jeremiah, "This park's only big enough for one of us, pardner!" That is a patent lie. The park is ginormous. But it's a fun way to say hello, in any case.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah looked towards Polly at the callout, chuckling as he saw her own 'weapon' of choice. "Think we can work something out." He replied back with a grin, meandering into proper conversation range with the pair.

Spicy: "Oh, please do work something out. Music is great, you can do duos and write new things by working together." Spicy recommends, she replies to Jeremiah. "People call me Spicy, by the way." she offer a handshake to Polly and Jay in turn. "I wasn't around for your last time in town, I don't think. I arrived in Philly earlier last Spring!"

Polly Romantic: "Yep! Then I missed you. Nice to meet you, Spicy, and glad I didn't just forget meeting you." Polly considers Spicy's suggestion and then squints across at Jeremiah with a thoughtfully playful frown. "Do you know Joplin?" A decent benchmark for her personal musical tastes. "Piece of My Heart? I'll do the rhythm and lead vocals, you handle lead guitar and harmony. You can take the second verse and the solo." This is a rather generous opening offer from the lady that was clearly here first. There's even evidence. She asides down to Spicy, "If he doesn't know Joplin, will you help me toss him in the river?" She ticks her head back towards Jeremiah's guitar, "How are you tuned?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Jay, good to meet you." Jeremiah took Spicy's hand and shook it, his grip firm but not overly so. He then looked to Polly with a smile, nodding. "I do indeed, and that sounds good to me. Got her set to standard at the moment."

Spicy: "Things like that happens, but I tend to be memorable." Spicy says with a little shrug and she shrugs her shoulders. "I can be the fawning fan section and sing very badly along." the taller woman says with a bright, amused smile. "Or a backup dancer, if you people really want, but I'm not that kind of art person."

Polly Romantic: "You can keep rhythm! And dance!" Polly unslings her guitar bag and sets it down on the bench to unzip it. She removes a pair of shakers. Just coarse sand in sound tubes of various size that provide a percussive hiss in different tones based on their size. She shakes one then another, then passes one of them over to Spicy with a wink. "We'll be in E," Polly informs Jeremiah as she slides her guitar over her shoulders. "So it's E A B through the verse, right? C#minor at the transition to the second part of the verse. E A B. E A B. Then B to B7 in the prechorus, back to E A B for the chorus. Throw in a B flat for the wind up and then..." She plays the down step at the end of the chorus, A Aflat F# E while singing, "If it makes you feel gooood!" She stops singing and then suggests, "Just nod me in and out of your solo and I'll cover the rhythm. And we're good."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Don't sell yourself short." Jeremiah looked to Spicy with a smile, claiming a seat for himself before pulling a well-loved guitar from his own case. He nodded along to Polly's 'instructions' as he got settled, giving a quick thumbs up. "You got it. Shall we?"

Spicy: Spicy actually isn't that good at what she does when music is involved, rhythmn is off by a few beats, her dancing is basic at best, but she just has this little energy about her that makes the whole thing just a little more exciting and maybe it's a little touch of magic that all spring have? (1s to assist)

Polly Romantic: Polly, by contrast, is a musical dynamo. Her mouth is unusually large, and it makes her voice enormous. Freddie Mercury style enormous, and for similar reasons. She's just got a head shaped to belt tunes. She sets in with the funky rhythm common to this particular staple of American rock. Such that when she asks in song, "Didn't I make you feel like you were my only man?" The answer is a definitive yes. Honey, you know I did.

Her voice is much more pure and clear than Janis's was, to be sure. She doesn't try to copy the great, she puts her own spin on it. Big, bright, and loud. Especially when she's throwing to Jeremiah for the chorus, "So come on! Come on! Come on! And..." (10 succ.)

Jeremiah Hamilton: It was a rare occasion indeed where Jeremiah found himself playing second fiddle - or guitar, in this case - but even being completely blown out of the water by Polly's performance he seemed to be enjoying himself as he played alongside her. The Warlock had a solid set of pipes on him, putting his own touch on the lyrics when his time to sing came, and while not as stunning as the Elemental's part of the rendition it was clear that he put his heart into it nonetheless. (2s)

Spicy: Spicy listens and smiles as she taps her foot, clap her hands and hums a little along the music, clearly she's a bit taken aback with the amount of talent she's in company with, she giggles when the song goes on to greater height than she could achieve at this point and she claps her hands hard. "damn!"

Polly Romantic: When the song winds to its groovy conclusion, Polly bounces in place a few times and claps her own hands, apparently as delighted with what just happened as anyone else has cause to be. "Not bad for a pick up song, Jay! Not bad at all! Do you perform at all, or?" Polly, it may occur to those with an interest in local music, is the face of a band called Flout. They're niche, a bit synth-poppy, a bit bubblegum poppy. At least that's what the Fame merit suggests. "Do you want to keep going, man? You can pick the next one. Direct me!" She steps over to Spicy and gives the ogre a hip bump, "Need to get you a kick drum or something, girl."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah was grinning widely by the time they finished, laying his guitar down in his lap so he could give Polly a proper "we're not worthy" bow. "That was fucking impressive..."

"I do, yeah, although I work more on the mentoring and promition of local talent side of things these days. I run The Green Room in Spring Garden, if you've heard of it." He nodded, picking the guitar up again as he mulled over the next song to play. "Definitely...not sure what to follow that up with, though."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie had also been planning on busking in Fairmount, at least going by the violin case she's carrying in one hand. Unlike the other two Springs present, she's not wearing a sundress, but instead a light green tee shirt reading "I Support Women And Cis Women" and knee length denim skirt. Noticing the pair of Mantles (one more familiar than the other), the Nymph meanders in that direction. "Hey, you lot," she calls, once within easy speaking range. "How have you been?"

Spicy: Spicy smiles brightly as the song comes to an end and claps her hand to the two other musicians "Wow, I need to get some kind of talent and work in that domain, this is fun but damn is this not my area." a little chuckle. She greets Annie with a wave of her hand. "Oh hey, another musician" she points to Annie. "Been great, this is Polly, this is Jay and I'm Spicy." she says with a joking tone.

Polly Romantic: "We've met!" Polly shares this information cheerfully to Spicy, then offers Annie a cheerful wave. She doesn't have many other varieties, clearly. "Hey again, Annie. I love your shirt. Jay here is supposed to be picking a tune for us to play. Now we need to pick one with a male lead and a violin line, huh?" She bites her lip for a moment before tossing a suggestion Jay's way, "Nickel Creek, maybe? Lighthouse's Tale? I'm guessing you're a tenor? Otherwise, I'll have to go fishing again. Or we could stick with the standards. Up to you all."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Hey Annie." Jeremiah gave the Nymph a salute with his free hand, thinking a moment on Polly's suggestion. "I know that one but not well enough to play it without looking at the music. Can pull it up on my phone easily enough, though."

Anneliese Kiel: "Thanks," Annie says to Polly, smiling at the Elemental. "Either of those work for me," she admits. "Which are you thinking, Jay?" The Nymph crouches to extract her violin and bow, then, leaving the case open at her feet when she stands up again.

Spicy: Spicy grins at the oncoming musical number, though this time doesn't quite seem to be of the mind that any of them need help and instead plays the part of an audience rather than an over-enthusiastic stage hand. "So many new songs to listen to later." the ogress says with a joyful tone, scooting to the side and watching the others get ready.

Polly Romantic: "E minor," Polly prompts Jay with a nod towards his lap at the suggestion of a phone. "Don't have a mandolin, so I'll fill in as best I can for you. I'll just come in for the harmonies on the long notes." Apparently she's attempting to nudge Jay out to carry this song on his back. Polly then steps over closer to Annie to get a peep at her violin. She's only met it the one time, after all. Plus, it's easier to harmonize with a third voice if you've got it in your ear. "Do you want to take the thirds and I'll hit the fifths?" Spicy is given a big grin, "I have playlists upon playlists for you, if you're wanting."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah didn't need that much of a nudge, it seemed, the Warlock smirking a touch as he pulled up the music on his phone and set it up so he could get a good look at it while he played. "Sounds good. And look," he said to Annie with a grin as he got settled, "we get to actually play together for once rather than bemoaning the karaoke crowd at Vertigo."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie shrugs one shoulder at Jeremiah, even as she's chuckling softly. "Most of them fall into the sweet spot for karaoke, I find, honestly. Neither so bad you do not want to listen at all or so good that nobody wants to follow them." Which can be a real problem, when you're actually a musician. "Sounds like a plan to me," she nods to Polly, not at all reluctant to let the other woman get a better view of her violin.

Spicy: "I might get a kazoo or like, a pair of spoons to accompany you all eventually." Spicy comments with a smile and shrug her shoulders. "Not that it would help most of the time, mind you."

Polly Romantic: "Yyyyeah, I avoid doing karaoke for that reason. Or hold off until the end of the night, anyway. When people aren't going to mind as much." Polly bobs her head agreeably with this concern. "Vertigo, huh? I'll have to check that place out. How's the lighting in there? I hate being in dark clubs." And the dark, period. Because reasons. She begins to noodle out the melody on her guitar, trying to somehow replicate the tinny pluck of a mandolin with the round full body of a Martin guitar. It's not easily managed by any stretch. Finally she settles on a riff that is at least an homage to the actual tune, and nods over to Jay, giving him a thumbs up that she's ready to go when he is. "I'm telling you. Get you a Cajone, and you could rock the rhythm section. I'll bring mine next time."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Yeah, same. I like going to see if there are any diamonds in the rough, though." Jeremiah nodded to Polly at her 'ready to go', looking to Annie to see if she was ready before they got rolling. He also let her answer the question about the lighting, because her club and all.

Anneliese Kiel: "Pretty good, honestly," Annie says to Polly. "You would like it, I think." She glances back to Jeremiah, then. "Ready when you are."

Spicy: Spicy grins and listens and shrug her hsoulders "The Vertigo is at least in the middle of the gayborhood so, that's a thing going for it at least." she unzip her bag and pulls out a water bottle and drink from it.

Polly Romantic: "Yay! I love rainbows." That was probably a joke. Polly begins to play the intro line, since she's handling lead guitar for Jay to showcase his pipes and his rhythm chops. She manages the melody line on her guitar without a hitch, laying a pretty wonderful foundation for Jay to paint over vocally. She takes to stomping her foot to help Spicy keep the time with her shaker and her money maker, grinning from ear to ear all the while. As before, her technical skills are spot on. (5s.)

Jeremiah Hamilton: For having to refresh his memory of the song Jeremiah put a surprising amount of pathos into the lament at the core of the song's lyrics, his tenor strong and sure as it rang through the air. The man was in his element, and it was clear to see that he was loving every moment of it. (10s)

Anneliese Kiel: "Surprising nobody, I am sure," Annie deadpans at Polly, before shutting up and playing her part of the song, doing pretty well considering that she's not boosting her already fairly impressive talent magically. (5s)

Spicy: Spicy seems a bit, if not completely taken aback by the magic that's entering her eats and gracing her sights and she follows along with the foot stomping and hand clapping, her eyes wide and her mantle bringing forth a refreshing breeze with the scent of fruit and flowers again. She stands up from the bench before its even time to applaud or give then standing ovation, just because the music is almost making her move along with the note, noticeably emotional moment for the Ogress too. The moment is most certainly an experience.

Polly Romantic: It's Polly's turn to applaud once the song is concluded, returning the 'not worthy' bowing back to Jeremiah that he'd given to her first. She's beaming like the happiest of rainbows in the wake of the performances and folds her arms up over her guitar's body once the song winds back down. She then grins aside to Annie, "You really do play beautifully. I'm so glad we did this. This is great." She reaches down into her bag for her capo, latching it to the head for the moment in case she'll need it later. "Why are you doing back of house stuff now, Jay? You're amazing. That was incredible."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah beamed at the accolades being tossed his way, his smile wide and posture relaxed as they finished. "To put it simply, I got lost in the rat race to 'make it' in Los Angeles and it took a rather sharp moment of clarity for me to realize how deep of a hole I'd dug myself into. Helping others to find the spotlight for themselves is more rewarding these days than trying to hog it all for myself."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie returns Polly's grin. "You are no slouch yourself, honestly. We should do this again sometime." And then her attention turns back to Jeremiah. "Is Los Angeles truly so awful? I have not heard anyone have a good word to say about it yet." Carefully not commenting on the talk of clarity.

Spicy: "It's sunny and hot and full of beach." Spicy says to the intention of Annie. "Not my kind of place either, but I imagine there's a lot of opportunities for people in the art domain." and she looks toward Jay "And that's a nice goal to move forward to, appreciate your outlooks there." Then looks over to Polly and smiles widely. "And by the way, Polly, fantastic first impression"

Polly Romantic: "Jay said he has a studio. We can go waste some tape. Or, as is no doubt the case in his studio, drive space. I'm workshopping songs for our next album, and it often helps for me to reach outside my box and sample what other people are vibing to. It helps." She's already humming another song and tapping her hand on the side of her guitar with a pleasant hollow thump. "I did a stint in LA. So I get it. But it's plenty hot here in Philly, honestly. There's just a definite... issue finding genuine people out there. Everyone's working an angle. The business is pretty nasty. You almost have to get away from it to keep your sanity and your sense of self." She gestures with a hand towards Jeremiah between taps to her guitar in gesture of agreement. She gets it. There's a big smile for Spicy, and a bit of a blush. She follows it with a curtsey and a laugh. "Likewise."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Exactly." Jeremiah motioned to Polly, nodding in agreement. "The city itself is fine, but it's easy to fall into the trap of people telling you want you want to hear and then getting left on the curb once you're no longer 'in' and they move onto the next fresh face."

"Definitely down for hosting a jam session sometime. It's been a bit since I did that with someone I wasn't teaching."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie shrugs one shoulder. "Full of beach does appeal, personally." Says the mermaid. "Not so much the lack of genuine people, though. Or the risk of losing one's sense of self." Probably an even bigger issue for the Changelings present than the Mage, that. "A jam session could be good," she agrees. "I was talking with a few of the others in our community about doing something along those lines yesterday, actually," the Nymph directs to Polly.

Spicy: "Hmm, I got a shift coming up soon." Spicy says, looking at her phone, pouting for a moment and poking at it to silence the silent alarm from her phone. "Let me know when the jam session happens, that would be a fantastic thing to watch and listen to." (the player need to go deal with food!)

Polly Romantic: "One sec, Spicy." Polly turns about to reach down into her guitar bag again, pulls out a marker, and uncaps it. It is a bright, garish pink marker. Surprising no on. She makes a 'gimme your hand' gesture, and if allowed, scribbles a phone number on the back of Spicy's hand, followed by the letter 'P' and the imprint of a big pink lipstick kiss on the back of her palm. "Shoot me your digits, if you're serious. We'll figure something out." Networking with other members of the court is a Good Idea, you see. She smiles encouragement to Spicy before turning back to the other players, "Oh, yeah? Who all plays?" She wanders back closer to the pair, resting her arms on her guitar again.

Jeremiah Hamilton: The use of "our community" earned a curious quirk of the Warlock's eyebrow, followed by a brief look between Annie and Polly. He deigned from pressing further at the moment - time and a place and whatnot - instead taking a moment to pull a card case from his pocket and offer one of the business cards within to Spicy. "Was good meeting you."

Anneliese Kiel: "Nice talking to you, Spicy," Annie says to the Ogre in question with a soft smile, before turning her attention back to Polly. "Ziv, who has also recently gotten back, and Reiko," she counts them off on her fingers. "Apparently Lif also has an excellent singing voice, I shall have to ask them about it next time I see her."

Spicy: Spicy rapidly return a message to Polly using her phone to do it and grin, waving at the people she's leaving behind as she wanders further into the park and eventually out of sight. (thanks for playing with me! I got : meet the new spring courtier aspiration!)

Polly Romantic: Polly plucks out her phone when it pings, and waggles it at Spicy with a smile. She unlocks it in order to commit the number to a contact, then tucks her phone back into the oversized pockets in her sun dress. "I've not met Lif, or Ziv, or Reiko! So that explains why it's news to me. That's great, then. That's perfect. I'd love that." She ticks her chin up to Jay, "Hand me one of those cards, will you, crooner?" She makes a grabby hand gesture at him and his cards. "Or you can use my marker, if you're feeling flirty."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Tempting, but I'll pass this time." Jeremiah replied with a chuckle, handing Polly one of the cards before pocketing the case once again. "Number on the back's my cell, best way to get a hold of me directly."

Anneliese Kiel: "I shall have to introduce you around, then," Annie says, one corner of her mouth curling up into a smirk as she talks to Polly. "Do you desire people being flirty with you?"

Polly Romantic: "I think most allosexual people enjoy being flirted with in the right context," Polly states with an easy bob of the head. "I try not to just assume with people. Because that's not everyone. But when a cute guy with pipes like buttered brass and hands that make strings cry is passing out business cards, you take your shot." She accepts the card with grace and a grateful smile. Being rebuffed is clearly not the worst thing that will happen to her today. "I'm sure he's used to it, though." She then counters back to Annie, "I seem to recall you flirting back, even. Though I was definitely more subtle with you, granted."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Hey, never said I wasn't interested. My handwriting's just terrible." Jeremiah grinned at that, looking rather amused.

Anneliese Kiel: "Oh, I will not deny flirting back," Annie admits easily. "I just am not into men, no offense, Jeremiah. It is not you, it is me," she shrugs one shoulder. "You are definitely a talented musician, though."

Polly Romantic: "Yeah. I am fond of saying I'm not only pan, I'm the entire kitchen rack. That's okay, though! We like what we like, and what we like can change, even! It's good. Speaking of, we need to solidify plans. So it's good we ran into each other again." Polly unclips her capo since it seems they're not going to continue, and starts putting her various bits and bobs back into her case, along with the shakers she'd lent Spicy. Jeremiah's save is negged right out of the air, though. She glances back at him wryly and notes, "You didn't say you were, either. The rules of fencing state you have right of way, now. So I'll wait for your poke before re-engaging." She unloops her guitar from her shoulders and lays it down into the soft case, zippering it shut.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "None taken." Jeremiah nodded to Annie, then smirked at the riposte from Polly. "Touche. Would a cup or two of coffee and good conversation make up for my faux pas?"

Anneliese Kiel: Annie chuckles at Polly's joke. "True enough. I did not realise I was not exclusively attracted to women until after I met my current partner, honestly." Beat. "Solidifying plans does sound good, though. When are you free next?" She also starts putting her violin and bow away, then, though it is somewhat less complicated for her than for Polly.

Polly Romantic: "It would," Polly allows towards Jeremiah with an air of generosity. "That actually sounds lovely. Is there a place near your studio that you like? Maybe we can meet there. I have my own home studio, but I like to record away from home. It ups my game, makes me a little on edge. Keeps urgency in my voice. So I'd love to take a look at your studio sometime, too." Polly swings her guitar up to her shoulder and adjusts the bag strap a bit to keep it snug against her back. "I'm just getting back into town, so my planner is wide open, pretty much, Anneliese. If you want an evening meet up, though, please let me pick the location?"

Anneliese Kiel: "I work in a bar, so I am more often free during the day than the evening, honestly," Annie admits. "Which is a happy coincidence, in this case, but I can definitely understand you wanting to pick the location if that was the only time that suited both of us."

Polly Romantic: "Why don't I have you by my place? Pick a day this week. I'll make you lunch or dinner or both, if you want to make a day of it. And you can head to work from my place, not having had to fuss over a meal? If that's cool with you, pick a cuisine you like, and I'll pick a dish. Maybe make it hump day, or a day you're expecting to be rough. It'll give you something to look forward to, and start your work day off right."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I run the cafe below the studio, actually, so we could meet there and knock out both at once." Jeremiah replied, smiling a touch. "And agreed; I do composition work at home but record there more often than not."

Anneliese Kiel: "Sounds like a date," Annie grins. "Does [whichever date ends up being convenient IRL] work for you?" Beat. "I am not particularly fussed about kosher-ness, for what that is worth, but I am vegetarian. Which makes keeping kosher a lot easier, of course." She considers for a moment. "Maybe Ethiopian, if you are familiar with it?" And then glances at Jeremiah. "I have not seen his studio, but I can vouch for the café being good."

Polly Romantic: "I love Ethiopian food, actually! I just haven't ever really prepared it before. So this will be an adventure. There's an Indian place near my house we can order in from if I butcher it, too. And they have tons of vegetarian options. That's not a problem at all." Polly nods her head eagerly, her smile redoubling. It is a truly gigantic smile, too. "It's a date. That works great. Gimme a sec." She fishes out her phone and plugs the date into it quickly. One of those 'if I don't write it down, it didn't happen' sorts, as is common among creative personalities. She tucks her phone back in and offers Jeremiah a smile as well. "That sounds perfect, then. I can get my coffee tall and dark with a side of handsome. Is any date or time better than any other?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Schedule's pretty open at the moment, so whenever's good for you."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie nods. "Let me know where to meet you? I am still learning where everything in Philadelphia is, but I have a phone with Google Maps, so getting to somewhere unfamiliar is not too difficult."

Polly Romantic: "I'm outside of China Town, off Market. If you're familiar with the SEPTA lines, getting to me is easy. I'll shoot you my address and stuff later." Broadcasting such information in a public park isn't always the best idea for women who live alone. She glances between the pair, grinning to herself and bounces on her feet once in amusement. "So. Great. Jay, maybe I'll swing by tomorrow? It will feel like progress for me and I can lie to myself and call it work, even. Start my week off right."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Sounds perfect." Jeremiah smiled warmly in kind, and oh what a charming thing it was. "Look forward to it."

Anneliese Kiel: "I am, in fact, familiar with the SEPTA lines," Annie nods. "Not least because I have yet to learn how to drive."

Polly Romantic: "I didn't learn to drive until I was out in LA, actually. Their transit sucks." Polly has never been good with good-byes. She shifts awkwardly from foot to foot and then leans in to drop a kiss on Annie's cheek unless there's an imminent protest to the contrary. Jeremiah is offered a more comradely smack to the arm. "Tomorrow then, kid." She fires off a final smile to both and notes, "I'm going to head back before it starts getting dark. It was great seeing you both." There's a parting wave again, and the rainbow bends towards home.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah chuckled, giving a brief salute in kind. "Safe travels, and have a good night."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie does not, in fact, protest the cheek kiss, but rather returns it. Then glances at Jeremiah as the rainbow bends away. "What are the fees for use of your studio like? I have been thinking of recording some of my compositions."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I keep it reasonable, especially for friends. The point is to get the music out there in the world, not to make money off of it."

Anneliese Kiel: "Fair enough," Annie nods. "Could I grab one of your cards, then, so we can hash out dates and times and what not? It may take multiple sessions, after all."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Of course." He took a moment to retrieve his card case and offer Annie one of the cards within. "That really was a lot of fun. Glad I decided to come out today."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie does indeed take one of the cards, slipping it into her purse for later. "Agreed. It has been too long since I really got to play with people, instead of being a solo act."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Same, at least outside of teaching anyway." He nodded, putting the card case away before moving to pack up his own guitar. "Also been a bit since I've been blown away by a performance like that. She is something else..."

Anneliese Kiel: "Oh, I know," Annie agrees, smiling softly. "Have you been up to anything interesting recently?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Nothing too exciting, no. Handling business at the cafe, teaching, personal studies, stuff like that. You?"

Anneliese Kiel: "Studying and working at the bar, mostly," Annie admits with a shrug of one shoulder, glancing around to check nobody's in earshot before she continues. "The occasional trip to various nearby cities, to discuss matters with their communities."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Oh?" Cue a curious eyebrow arch, lowering his voice in kind. "That going well, I hope?"

Anneliese Kiel: "More or less," Annie sighs. "Some better than others, but at least there is time to deal with our problems thoughtfully, instead of leaping to the hothead solution."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Ah...yeah, that can always get sporting." He nodded quietly. "Best of luck on getting it straightened out."

Anneliese Kiel: "Thank you," Annie says, smiling slightly at him. "I hope whatever crisis your folx end up facing next is not too major."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "One can hope." He replied with a small smile, reaching over to knock on the wooden plank of the bench just in case. "Not going to say the q-word just in case, but it's been going well thus far since the rodent issue was dealt with."

Anneliese Kiel: "Yes, I heard that people had gone in and taken care of that issue," Annie nods. "Presumably they will not return for some time, too."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "There's something in place for that as far as I know, yeah. Was more on the research end of it myself, but we gave the folks who went in the info they needed so I was happy to do my part."

Anneliese Kiel: "Fair enough," Annie agrees. "I know I am better at research than combat, honestly, so it is a relief to have people who are both skilled at and enjoy that do that part."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Here here. If I end up getting into a fight something has gone terribly wrong." Jeremiah replied with a chuckle. "We all have our contributions to make, though, even if they're not necessarily glamourous."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie peers at Jeremiah at that comment. "I happen to think that all of my contributions are glamourous, thank you very much."

Jeremiah Hamilton: He briefly held his hands up in a "my bad" sort of way, giving Annie an apologetic look along with a smile. "Fair enough..."

Anneliese Kiel: "Just do not forget it," Annie says, arching an eyebrow at Jeremiah.