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Latest revision as of 07:03, 21 July 2020


Maddy's Wafflehouse


Jeremiah Hamilton: It wasn't often that Jeremiah made his way to Maddy's with more of a mission than "eat something amazing", but on this particular trip he had something in mind and a person he wanted to talk with. The Warlock emerged from the portal with a bit of purpose in his stride, looking around for the woman in question. Liezel was a creature of habit in some respects, so if she wasn't there he'd be rather surprised...

Liezel Richardson: No surprises here. In a booth by herself- the same booth as always- she's set up with a notebook of song lyrics and musical notation beside a scribbled blueprint of a long-barrel rifle, Liezel was parked, eating carefully while alternately studying one set of diagrams or the other interchangeably.

She's safe here, so she's not paying much attention to who comes and goes. Yet another un-surprise.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah relaxed a touch as he saw Liezel there, glad the universe was still in order in some form or fashion. He headed towards the booth, clearing his throat to get her attention as to not surprise her too much. "Hey. Mind if i join you a minute?"

Liezel Richardson: Liezel blinks and looks up, smiling around a mouth full of waffle and sausage before swallowing and lifting her hand in her traditional little wave. "Hello, Jeremiah. Nice to see you. Please, join me." She gestures, simultaneously indicating welcome and clearing her papers into a pile with a little Matter without getting syrupy fingers on them. "How can I be of service?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Good seeing you too. Been a bit." He moved to claim the seat across from her at the table, eyeing the papers as they Sorcerer's Apprentice'd themselves into a neat pile before looking back to Liezel. "I'm wanting to broaden my studies at the moment into Forces, and as you're one of the premier Obrimos in the city I was wondering if you would be able to help on that front."

Liezel Richardson: That leaves Liezel blinking a moment as she racks her brain. "Am I one of the premier Obrimos?" It's not a title she's ever associated with herself (and never you mind that there's only so many Master Obrimos around). "I mean, certainly. Forces is one of the most engaging Arcanum to study, it would be my privilege to assist. Can I ask your current level of understanding?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I'd say so." He smiled a touch, shaking his head at the question that followed. "None, currently. I've branched into the Aether's focus via Prime, but nothing with Forces yet."

Liezel Richardson: "Oh. Well!" Liezel smiles a little, the tiny sincere thing that's her usual standby. "That means there is plenty to teach. I have learned enough to Perfect fire, so that is more than enough time for you and I to study. I'd be happy to share what I know. There's nearly as much I do not know as what I do, however- depending on how far you plan to take your studies, you may need another Master, in time."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "At least to be able to control light, whichever level of mastery that might be."

Liezel Richardson: "Oh, is that all? That's not too much at all," Liezel murmurs in faint relief. "You can handle invisibility, silent movement, all that, after merely the second set of Precepts. I could surely teach you that much."

Jeremiah Hamilton: That note of relief earned a small smile from Jeremiah, followed by a nod. "I'd appreciate it. Is there anything in particular you would want in return? I'm a second-degree Disciple in both of my native Arcana if you're needing any help on that front."

Liezel Richardson: Liezel shakes her head. "I've hardly the time to develop my own studies, it's not time for me to branch out just yet. Though- hm. Would you be comfortable in allowing me to make a hard-copy of your Rotes for your own use? I'd consider the chance to have my own copy more than sufficient payment for tutelage."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "That I can do. I imagine the only one you'd be able to use yourself at the moment is Invisible Runes, if that's alright."

Liezel Richardson: "Oh, I'm not concerned with being able to use them," Liezel admits. "I like the idea of creating permanent repositories for our practices and knowledge. Knowing that two such repositories exist is enough for me."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Ah...inclined to agree there." He nodded, giving Liezel a small smile. "Thanks for this. Let me know when and where you want to meet up."

Liezel Richardson: "Absolutely." Liezel offers another little smile. "I will be in touch, and soon."