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Latest revision as of 16:15, 25 July 2020


Aurelio's apartment, South Philadelphia


Aurelio Menegi: Their last conversation had finished on an odd foot, and after a few days of churning over what had been said and the last question he had been left with Aurelio reached out to Jack and offered an invitation to speak again if he so wished, whether at his own apartment or somewhere more comfortable for the Darkling.

Jack Martingale: Sure, Jack will meet Aurelio at his apartment. Better than having any sort of conversation in public.

He arrives on his bike, the thing purring up the street with Jack a dark silhouette against the lights of the city behind him. He texts Aurelio once he's in front of the building, and then waits.

Aurelio Menegi: The two-story brick building was one of a number of similar buildings that lined this particular street in the northern part of South Philadelphia, simple in its construction but sturdy enough to have survived the decades without much fuss. Not long afte the text was received the Torrent emerged from the building's front door, dressed in his usual all-black attire, giving Jack a small smile and a nod. "Bueno sera."

Jack Martingale: Jack's dressed in all black too, tight jeans and docs, and a black leather jacket that almost...shimmers as it catches light from the street lamps. His black motorcycle helmet is under his arm, and he stands upright from where he'd been leaning against his bike. Aurelio gets an upnod as Jack approaches.

"Hey. How's your week been?"

Aurelio Menegi: The glean from the jacket did catch his attention, and also happened to act as a handy cover for taking the approaching Darkling in before opening the door to the building to escort Jack in. "Busy, but good. Work at the studio and helping to fortify things for the weekend. Yourself?"

Jack Martingale: "Prepping to go to Dover." Jack shakes his head and gives Aurelio a glance and a grin as he passes very close to the man on his way into the building.

"I've been trying to distract myself, honestly, I spent some time helping with the fortifications, too."

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio smiled at the very obvious brush-by, following Jack inside the main entryway of the building. The first floor had a quartet of apartments, paired with a set of six mailboxes nestled into the wall by the front door and a set of stairs heading up to the second floor. Aurelio let the way to the apartment in the back left corner, unlocking the door before ushering him in.

The apartment within was of a decent size and kept neat, entering into a living room area with a kitchen beyond and doors along one wall that likely went into the bedroom and whatnot. The electronics were older but still serviceable - TV in the corner, closed laptop on the kitchen table, that sort of thing - and a small collection of drawings and other art dotted the walls here and there. "I'll be staying here to man the walls and deal with the roots as they rise. Best of luck to you and yours."

Jack Martingale: Jack removes his jacket on his way inside, giving Aurelio a view of the back - a hand stitched jack of hearts, with Jack's union symbol in each heart. He drapes it over his shoulder until he's in the apartment, where he looks for a place to put it.

"Nice place," he offers as his gaze moves around the place - and across Aurelio, as well - before wandering toward one of the drawings on the wall to see the detail.

"Best of luck to you, too," Jack nods, and then falls silent for a few moments.

"Did...you wanna talk about what-all's gonna happen, or...?" He sounds like it's not something he's particularly keen on discussing, really.

Aurelio Menegi: There just so happened to be a coat rack by the door, where a more mundane leather jacket hung. "More on where we left off before, in truth." He looked Jack over at that, gauging his reaction. "If you're willing."

Jack Martingale: "More'n willing." Jack shrugs nonchalantly, but his gesture sketch form flickers. He hangs his coat up and unlaces his boots, a convenient excuse to not look at the other Lost.

"So what's...up, then?" he asks as he stands and walks over to the couch, perching on one of the arms rather than sitting on it.

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio nodded as Jack answered, ducking into the kitchen area to grab a bottle of water from the fridge and held it up in a 'want one?' sort of way. Once the answer was given he moved to join Jack in the living room, taking a seat on the couch near enough to be in arm's reach if the need - or want - arose. "You said something about us looking for different things, and in what I said I realized that I made you feel turned down, and thought on that for a time. What are you looking for?"

Jack Martingale: Jack accepts the water and uncaps it to drink practically a third in one go. At Aurelio's question, his mien flickers again, bits of charcoal shuddering away from his body to disappear in the air around him.

"Ahh..." He dips his head slightly, very interested in the weave of the couch upholstery. "Someone to flirt with, who sees me as more'n just a Joyeux. And like..." he gestures to Aurelio, a light scribbly blush sketching across his cheeks. "You're hot, and I'd absolutely go to bed with you, but I can't tell if you're into me. So I guess I'm looking for an answer to that, too...?"

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio watched those little flickers of charcoal fly off with a note of curiosity before returning his gaze to the man himself. "I do see you as more than the role, and apologies for making it seem that was the case before."

The compliment earned a small smirk, followed by a nod. "Believe as they say now you're not too bad yourself."

Jack Martingale: "What d'you want, then?" Jack turns to face Aurelio, the scribbles on his cheeks darkening as he gives the man a good once-over, a smirk on his face. The faint scent of an imminent rainstorm starts to get stronger, drifting away from Jack to fill the space between them.

Aurelio Menegi: "The connection, for sure. It had been...some time since I felt that, and that led to the caution, perhaps. The fact that one can be more open about such things now does help, though; it happened, of course, but it wasn't proper." He looked to Jack at that, smiling softly. "Maybe not as far as the bedroom yet, but in time."

Jack Martingale: "Some people still think it's not proper..." Jack rolls his eyes. "But I get you. Full disclosure, can't remember how much I've said, I got two partners I'm moving in with. We're not exclusive, and I've mentioned you to 'em. But if that's not your deal...I get it. 'S not for everyone."

Jack slides down to sit on the couch for real, crossing his legs and leaning back against the arm. One hand runs through his hair before he sets it on the back of the couch. Not quite a 'yawn and put your arm around someone' thing, but.

Not too far away from it, either.

Aurelio Menegi: "You've mentioned, yes, and I've met one, at least." Aurelio nodded quietly. "Not opposed to such; being a spoke in the wheel rather than the center still makes you part of it."

Aurelio scooted over as Jack joined him properly on the couch, sparing that outstretched arm a brief glance before looking to the Darkling with a small smirk. "You may, if you wish."

Jack Martingale: "Oh yeah?" That fresh rain smell rolls over Aurelio, overpowering the metallic undertones, as Jack trails gentle fingers down his neck before resting his hand on his shoulder.

"How long's it been, for you? Since...anything like this." His voice has shifted a little lower, more of a murmur, but he does look legitimately curious.

Aurelio Menegi: As Jack left those light trails the sharp chill of the smooth marble was striking, especially compared to the slow uptick in the warmth around him courtesy of his own Mantle. Aurelio watched as Jack got settled for any reaction to that before answering. "As far as this side of the thorns is concerned, some time. Was before I was Taken."

Jack Martingale: Goosebumps shiver up Jack's arms, making his silhouette ripple, and he runs his thumb just above the collar of Aurelio's shirt, keeping a little bit of skin-on-skin contact while the other man speaks.

"...Hell of a long time. I doubt that shit Over There really counts, yeah? Just adds to the fuckin' trauma?"

Aurelio Menegi: Seeing that Jack didn't have too adverse of a reaction allowed Aurelio to relax a touch, nodding quietly. "Si. If I did there I don't remember it. Touch in general was rare, especially as the cold set in."

Jack Martingale: "Well." Jack hooks his thumb under Aurelio's collar, pulling it down just a little. "How much touch're you up for?" It's a low murmur, and he leans in closer. "'Cause I bet my lips are warmer'n my hands..."

Aurelio Menegi: Stone being what it was goosebumps weren't really a thing for the Torrent, but the light touch and the comment that followed brought a small smile. "Can manage a good bit, long as you don't mind the cold." He replied, tilting his head a touch to be out of the way.

Jack Martingale: "I'm sure you can 'manage' a lot, the question is...do you want to..." Jack's lips are tantalizingly close to Aurelio's ear now. "'Cause I don't really give a fuck about the cold."

Aurelio Menegi: That actually cracked through the otherwise stalwart facade that Aurelio put up by his very nature, a faint shiver running down his spine that didn't come from that ever-present chill. "Si...I do."

Jack Martingale: Jack huffs out a quiet chuckle, his breath hot against Aurelio's skin, and presses his lips against the cool stone just below the Elemental's ear. His thumb continues to run across his collarbone and upwards to his jaw, and he lets the gentle kiss run long, poised for Aurelio's reaction.

Aurelio Menegi: It was almost painfully clear how long it had actually been since Aurelio had received such a simple but gentle gesture judging by the way he relaxed into it, any of the lingering tension finally working its way out of his system. He let out a slow breath, not quite a sigh but close enough, and made no move to stop the Darkling's actions.

Jack Martingale: When Aurelio relaxes, Jack hums, and places another soft kiss to his neck. His charcoal silhouette ripples again at the chill, and he brushes his fingers across the other man's lips before letting his arm drape across Aurelio's chest.

"Tell me if this is too much -" And Jack's kisses get a touch more intense, the hand across his chest tugging down Aurelio's shirt to expose more skin.

Aurelio Menegi: "Will do..." Aurelio replied in a quiet murmur of his own, eyes closed and looking rather content indeed.

Jack Martingale: Jack takes his sweet time trailing kisses down Aurelio's neck, and lightly runs his tongue along his collarbone, shivering and following it with yet more kisses. A hand moves to rest on Aurelio's hip, slipping under his shirt slightly, and Jack's lips ghost against the base of his throat, before he pulls away.

Only for a moment.

And then Jack's lips meet Aurelio's carefully, hesitantly.

Aurelio Menegi: The Torrent had no complaints about the time taken or the methods used, it seemed, judging by the shudder that ran through him as Jack went to work. A hand drifted up to rest atop Jack's as it settled on his hip, both to feel the warmth that came from it and to keep the other man from moving too far away...

There was a brief pause when their lips met before the kiss was returned, kept light at first from his own sense of caution.

Jack Martingale: The returned kiss is clearly what Jack was aiming for, and he shifts closer, his next kiss deeper and significantly more intense.

"Your kisses might make Philly bearable in the summer," he mutters with a smile, breaking away to press his lips along Aurelio's jaw.

Aurelio Menegi: "One good thing to come out of that place, then..." He replied with a small smile of his own, letting out another slow breath as he indulged in the Darkling's touch. "Glad you enjoy it...was worried it might be too much."

Jack Martingale: "Nah..." Jack's hand inches up Aurelio's shirt. "Might be a little much in the dead of winter, but that's what blankets are for, right?"

He doesn't really let Aurelio answer the question before kissing him again. Slow, but intense, and he catches Aurelio's bottom lip gently in his teeth. Just how yielding is that marble skin?

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio did look like he was going to say something before that kiss cut him off, the nip taking a little more effort than usual but still eliciting the proper response as the Torrent sat up straighter on reflex. "Good thing I carry the Spear, no?" He finally replied when the opportunity arose, looking to Jack with a small smirk. "Best of both worlds."