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Revision as of 08:45, 27 July 2020

Content Warning

Discussion of relationship dynamics and polyamory. Ridiculous flirtation.


Leta Abbott and Little Fox




Fox: reminder: I love you

Leta: Aww. I love you too!
What've you been up to today? I haven't seen you at the house at all

Fox: I was talking to Jack in texts just now and yesterday Lux came to get stoned with me at the house
and talk to me about STUFF
and then we were otters

Leta: Oh yeah? What stuff? :o
Also was Lux a cute otter? :3

Fox: ummmm I don't think it's really up to me to talk about it, Lux is a very private person and I love them so I want to respect that, but it was good stuff! They were thinking about how to take care of themself and how to be good to Aaron
and yessss
of course
they're always cute
it's funny because
I would TOTALLY make out with Lux if they wanted to
but I don't actually think they see me that way at all
and that's okay!! I am so happy to have them as my friend
And it's not like
"oh man I want to make out with Lux so bad"
(they're hot, so, I mean, I do)
But it's like
"That would be nice, if they wanted"

Leta: That's okay. I understand the want for secrecy, remember? ;P
But thats good and sweet. I didn't realize they were seeing Aaron! Small world I suppose
It seems like everyone is seeing everyone in this city
Philadelphia? More like Polydelphia.

Fox: I think it's just Aaron, Jack and Mearcstapa for them
... Polydelphia is the name of the local Polyam group.

Leta: Yeah I bet it is
I was in the South Silly FB group forever but then I moved to the west side and West Willy wasn't as good.
I should join Polydelphia.
Couples love a unicorn

Fox: oh lord there's a thread there like every week of people ranting about unicorn hunters
and being snooty and elitist about being RA
like please shut up, being relationship anarchists doesn't make you superior

Leta: Y i k e s

Fox: who doesn't like a unicorn, i ask you?

Leta: Also I mean I don't see what's so bad about unicorns
I love threesomes.

Fox: :3

Leta: Unicorn hunters*

Fox: As long as you're not treating a person like a toy, I think it's great
That's the problem, not the threesomes

Leta: Yeah of course

Fox: people blame the relationship form and not the fact that people dehumanize other people
blah blah
anyway i like threesomes
foursomes, fivesomes, orgies

Leta: I mean. I don't mind being treated like a toy for a scene but if you expect me to be a toy in the relationship that won't work :P

Fox: scribbles notes

Leta: Tbh I like anything where I get to be the center of attention but maybe that's just because I'm a narcissist.

Fox: idk about narcissist but who doesn't like being loved on by hot people?

Leta: Oh I am way too much of a service switch to be a narcissist, I was just goofing :P
But yeah of course. Being loved on by hot people is amazing ;P

Fox: Exactly! :3

Leta: Exactly. :P
... and I'm going to keep being an obnoxious brat while you and Vasha are in the room until someone shuts me up :P

Fox: I'm well, well aware. I have been letting Vasha lead on that because it's been a very, very long time since we shared a partner, but uh...
I might have to grab the reins on that.
... which you usually like.

Leta: I feel so seen, and known.


Fox: Considering how well I know you biblically...

Leta: Ahahaha
in the biblical sense :3

Fox: Let the record show how much of you I have indeed seen and known. ;P

Leta: You've seen more than nearly anybody!


Fox: Nearly anybody?
Well clearly I have work to do.

Leta: I'm looking forward to it, truly ;)

Fox: I love you, you brat.

Leta: I love you too~<3
I'm gonna try to sleep, I think. Feel free to join me when you get in? I'm a heavy sleeper :P

Fox: Is that a general statement or a challenge?

Leta: That's for you to decide >;3

Fox: Okay, enjoy your nap!

Leta: Nsndjdjdnd

Fox: I'll see you in a little bit.

Leta: This kills the brat.

Fox: Oh, I know.
I think you misspelled 'tames,' but, you know.

Leta: I'm the untamable brat - only ever briefly pacified. ;P

Fox: So you say.

Leta: https://tenor.com/view/smug-anime-face-you-can-try-never-give-up-gif-13466130

Fox: Yeah, yeah, I know someone who's trying to not be allowed a nap when I see her.

Leta: :angel:
Who? Me??
I may have signed my name in Pandemonium, but I'm an angel, I swear! :3


Leta: :smiling_imp:

I'm headed up, ya brat. ;P

Leta: Oh noooo. I hope nobody wakes me up~