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Revision as of 03:33, 6 August 2020

Special Investigations Unit

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Buck: They served together and were briefly a couple. Now that they've met back up through the Lost Boys Network, they're back to being friends. Not that something more wouldn't be appreciated. And she has a cute dog now. Cute dogs are always good.

Leopold Caldwell: Despite his bluster and hideously terrible tv show, he's a great civilian consultant. He believes in magic, however. Which is obviously fake. Everything can be explained through science, we just don't know how yet.

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RP Hooks

Special Investigations' Investigative Specialist: Cassidy's department in the FBI is the Special Investigations unit. It's a lesser known unit with very little funding that investigates mysterious occurrences and disappearances. She's about the only person in her unit that actually gives a shit and isn't treating their assignment there as the punishment that it is. So she's in town doggedly pursuing the strange and unusual. If you're strange and unusual and would be willing to talk to someone on or off the record, Cassidy would love to listen.

Ex-Soldier: Cassidy served in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2011. She served in an embedded team, working alongside the locals to help rebuild from the damage Americans did and to help root out anti-American sentiment. Her tour of duty ended when she took an IED to the back (that she only survived because of her dermal armor). If you're a former soldier too, Cassidy would love to reminisce with you.

Snitches Make Riches: Cassidy has friends in the D.A.'s office. If you're in legal trouble and need a way out, she'll happily get you out of trouble in exchange for some info on the supernatural. She can't do too much, but she can get you a better plea deal than most sane DAs would offer. Just talk to her on or off record.

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No logs found.


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Full Name: Jacqueline Wendy Cassidy
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Virtue/Vice: Inquisitive/Hidebound
Public Effects: Status (Law) , Status (Lost Boys)
Occupation: FBI Agent
Birth: 08/03/1983
Nationality: American
Age: 37
Height: 5'10"
Template: Lost Boy

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Played By: Abbypringles