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Latest revision as of 01:12, 11 August 2020


Freehold Hollow


Spicy: Spicy walks into the Freehold Hollow and has a rather big smile on her lips, hauling her heavy duffel bag. She's wearing a pair of denim cutoff and a black tanktop along with running shoes with rainbow showlace. What's strange is the new duster she's wearing, leather with a hood, spiked at the elbow and the sleeves, the rim of the hood too. There's something unsettling about it too. She finds a spot to set down her bag, near some bench or seating arrangement.

Laura 'Hyena' Walker: Laura meanwhile, has been practising shadow boxing, albeit with claws involved. On spotting Spicy approaching she smiles and turns her way with a nod, before her head cants curiously. The attire is given a considering look, green eyes flaring briefly. "I am unduly tempted to take a deeper peek at that duster, but that could be all sorts of rude."

Spicy: Spicy gives a wicked grin "Oh, careful, it might poke back." the Ogress shrugs off the duster and for a moment it looks a little silly how she puts it down carefully on the ground, she whistles a few notes and claps her hands in a quick little rythmn.

The Duster turns into what appears to be a mixture of a badger and a mole the size of a big german shephard. The creature looks vicious with sharp, long claws and an disposition that spells out distrust It rises to its hind legs to boop it's nose against Spicy's face.

"He just looks mean, he's not really."

Laura 'Hyena' Walker: A slow blink of witchy eyes before Laura locks eyes with the creature, letting out a rumbling growl that's more curious than threatening as she ambles a few steps forward. "Interesting, deeply so. It seems the Hedge has more and more secrets we're finding. And if he wants to poke at me, he's welcome to take the risk." A rumble of quiet laughter.

Spicy: The badger mole steps a little back from Laura, cautious, but not scared, it reaches out and bump it's face against whatever's closest.

"It tried stealing from my garden when the Hedge was all messed up." Spicy chuckles "I took care of him for a while, it likes it when people sing and percussive rythmn too." she points to Laura. "How're you Laura?"

Laura 'Hyena' Walker: Straightening from studying the badger mole, Laura smiles in a glint of teeth as she muses an answer. "Fighting off the ents helped curb the worst of my restlessness. Good for the soul, that. I'm musing where to sling my next bout of efforts. How's about yourself?"

Spicy: "I've been trying to consider something similar, I might want to speak with Lucia and Petra again about learning some clauses for contracts." Spicy says with a little smile and a shrug. "Help build the freehold's defense and options in case of a repeat incident."

Laura 'Hyena' Walker: "I'm considering delving deeper into occult studies, myself." Laura hums. "Seeing the Freehold safe is a key goal, mm. I wonder if learning anything from these wizards is at all possible..."

Spicy: "I haven't met a whole lot of them, but a good spot to meet them is at Maddy's." Spicy nods. "I work the kitchen there when the owner or the other can't." a nod and smiles. She sits down on the bench and scratches the top of the Badger mole's head.

Laura 'Hyena' Walker: A stretch before Laura joins her on the bench, getting comfortable. "Maddy's I like. Lots and lots of good food." A happy sigh. Fastest route to a hyena's heart.. "I should hang out there more often, see how they feel about a fuzzball poking her nose in their business."

Spicy: "I don't think they see the mien unless they get very, very nosy?" She tilt her head. "I didn't get the impression they seem my frosty face from our brief interactions." Spicy comments with a poke of her cheek, wondering.

Laura 'Hyena' Walker: A muse from a hyena, and a careful claw also pokes at Spicy's cheek. "They have a whole lot of tricks I don't know. Could be they see us, or maybe not. Ones I've met have been pretty polite, and fun to chat at. Though I don't exactly know any."

Spicy: Spicy doesn't seem to mind the poking at her cheek, she feels a little cooler than most. She chuckles lightly. "Indeed, I'm mostly enjoy the food I get to make there." she grins wide and clear. "That's a really fun part."

Laura 'Hyena' Walker: "..Hm." She runs a hand through her mane thoughtfully. "I wonder if they could use another chef..." Leaning back, she ponders this quietly.

Spicy: "Ask Maddy when you see her!" She grins a little bit, rolling her shoulder. "Or leave a CV, I can vouch for you! I heard enough praise for your cooking. There's a lot of various food from over the world to cook."

Laura 'Hyena' Walker: A hyena cackle rolls out. "I made gumbo at one time. Gator meat isn't so common around these parts, but I could try that again.. depends what fits the diner though." A slanted grin. "Mm? People being complimenting my cooking, eh?"

Aurelio Menegi: As the pair talked Aurelio made his way into the freehold from the more mundane side of things, dressed casually in the all-black ensemble that was his norm. While he first started towards the message board he paused spotting who was already present, a smile forming as he gave the girls a nod. "Afternoon. Things going well, I hope?"

Spicy: "Sigrun, Teagan and Sturm. I'm betting June does too, I don't think I met the others enough times to hear them talk about your cooking" A nod. "it tends to Happen whenever food is brought up." Spicy reaches down to pet the Badger mole gently on the head and hums a few notes, which the Hedge being sways a little to. "Or so I assume, I'm not around them every day."

She looks at Aurelio and smiles his way "Hey there, been a while." She waves to him with her free hand. The badger mole at her side seems curious about the new source of sound and motion. the creature looks particularly mean, but doesn't act immediately aggressive. Spicy seems ready to restrain, just in case.

Laura 'Hyena' Walker: Laura makes a happy sound. "I do love cooking for them all. Though I love that in general." A keen nod. "And thanks. Always good to hear." She waves a hand at Aurelio. "Not seen you since the battle I think. I'm still kicking. And things are good. Yourself?"

Aurelio Menegi: "That is has. Glad you are well." Aurelio eyed the hedge beast curiously as he approached, offering a hand for it to sniff as he looked towards Laura. "Been busy on my end, but well overall. The healers there got me back on my feet quickly."

Spicy: "Glad to hear that, heard you got hurt pretty bad." Spicy says with a touch of worry. She rakes her fingers through the hedge beast's fur as it sniff Aurelio's hand. "Both of you are okay?

Laura 'Hyena' Walker: "I was sore for a good few days after." Laura states. "But you and Sigrun were worse." There's sudden silence for a moment, her eyes flickering red as she takes a few deep breaths. "Surviving." She answers Spicy in a more guttural tone, flexing her claws.

Aurelio Menegi: "Si...blacked out from the wounds taken and was almost dragged under besides, but Sigrun got between us and kept me above ground." He nodded quietly, ready to say something else before that more gutteral tone caught his attention and made him look Laura over. "Sure you are good?"

Spicy: Spicy reaches into her duffel bag and pull out a lunch box from the bag and sets it next to her on the bench, then zip the duffel back up. This makes the hedge beast curious and he sniff at the box while spicy pull out a sandwich from it.

"If you need me to heal anything, I can at least help out a little bit." Spicy offers.

Laura 'Hyena' Walker: Hyena flicks her eyes to Aurelio, studying him intently before leaning forward, nodding once. "Sigrun is alive, so I'm good. You've seen her nature, that she will think nothing of giving her life for others. I was there and she was in danger and I failed to help. Processing it." A huff. "One reason I need to learn new skills." She falls silent before glancing at Spicy. "I'm mended, physically, but thank you."

Anneliese Kiel: As the three talk, Annie enters from the direction of the Spring Hollow, heading towards the noticeboard before changing direction somewhat abruptly. Probably because she noticed the others. "Hey, everyone. How are you?"

Aurelio Menegi: "Fully mended at this point, but thank you." Aurelio nodded to Spicy, pale blue eyes still on Laura for the moment. "You were handling your own enemy, from what I remember before the black. Don't judge yourself too badly."

"Speaking of her, though, I had questions for you. I want to make something for her in thanks, but am not sure what sort of design would suit her best. Any suggestions?"

Spicy: Spicy raises her hands to greet Annie as she comes in, drawing the vicious looking Badger-mole's attention toward her hands, causing it to rise to its hindlegs to try and follow the motion. "Hey Annie!"

then her attention goes back to Laura and nods. "Hopefully things settle down a little bit for you."

Spicy then nod to Aurelio. "Working on a glass blowing project for that? Or something else?"

Laura 'Hyena' Walker: "Evening." She nods simply at Annie, before giving Aurelio a thoughtful look. "Where do your skills lie? Ah, glass blowing?" A nod at Spicy. "I.. hm. I don't know a lot about that. You'd make a vase or a goblet, something along those lines?"

Anneliese Kiel: "Who are you making something for?" Annie sounds curious more than anything.

Aurelio Menegi: "Sigrun, in thanks for her aid to me while defending the freehold while the Tree was being dealt with." He nodded to the approaching Nymph, then looked back to Laura. "That or sheets for stained glass, I have a hand for both."

Spicy: The hedgebeast beside Spicy suddenly decides to go for a stroll and digs a hole in under a record time and disappear under the ground. A little vibration under their feet.

"I think maybe something to do with like, vikings? Maybe something related to her religion? I remember a mention of her worship? If not, then, maybe a glass warhorn or something that depicts her?" a shrug. "Just suggestions."

Laura 'Hyena' Walker: Laura clicks her tongue in thought. "Well.. I'm better at food ideas, really. But she does hold to Asatru beliefs. If you want to make her a goblet or a glass with etchings that represent that, it might go down well." She points at Spicy. "Exactly that, mm."

Anneliese Kiel: "What symbols would that involve, do you know?" Annie asks Laura, glancing at the hole left by Spicy's hedgebeast before turning her attention to the Ogress. "Any idea where he is going?"

Aurelio Menegi: "Could be done." Aurelio spared the burrowing hedge beast a brief glance before nodded quietly, letting that idea percolate. "She spoke of a Freya...take it that's is her god of choice?"

Spicy: "Probably smelled something under, maybe a root or some tasty treat." Spicy responds to Annie with a shrug. "Or maybe it's going back to my hollow to eat some of my garden." a little bit of an amused grin follows.

She looks to Laura, uncertain about the response to that. Her head tilting to the side.

Laura 'Hyena' Walker: "Freya is the best choice if that's where you want to take it." Laura nods keenly. "Sigrun honours her most of all." A look back to Annie. "Normally I'd google samples for you, but, no phones in here. Pictures wouldn't be hard to find though."

Anneliese Kiel: "Maybe when we are not on this side of things, anyway," Annie counters with a grin. "I take your point, though."

Aurelio Menegi: "Will look later, then. Mille grazie." Aurelio nodded, giving Laura a smile. "Do keep it secret, yes? Want it to be a surprise."

Spicy: "Or maybe it's fetching Sigrun." Spicy chuckles at the weird idea of her HBC dragging the fairest out of the ground. A very unlikely tale too. "I'll try to keep my mouth shut too."

Laura 'Hyena' Walker: "I want it to be a surprise too." Laura grins at Aurelio. "So agreed." She pauses, then points at Annie and Spicy. "I'll hold you two to keeping it a secret too then. A happy Sigrun is always good to see, and I'm pretty sure your gift will make her happy." A laugh. "And I'd love to see it trying to fetch Sigrun."

Anneliese Kiel: "No promises," Annie shrugs one shoulder. "How have you been doing, though, Laura?"

Aurelio Menegi: "Much appreciated." Aurelio smirked, ideas already forming in his mind for the design in question. "Hopefully she will enjoy it."

Spicy: "I'm sure she will, I'm excited to see what you come up with!" Spicy smiles and stretches about and now, she grabs her food and eat her sandwich (brb)

Laura 'Hyena' Walker: A slight narrowing of eyes at Annie. "You won't agree to keep it a secret? I can hardly seal you without your agreement." She grunts before nodding over at Aurelio. "Pretty sure she will, and she'd appreicate the gesture." A warm smile.

Anneliese Kiel: "I am aware, yes," Annie says, voice carefully bland.

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio went quiet for the moment, looking between Annie and Laura with a curious look on his face.

Spicy: Spicy keeps eating her sandwich, curious about the unfolding binding thing ongoing, uncertain about what's going on there exactly.

Laura 'Hyena' Walker: Laura exhales from her nose before simply looking to Aurelio and Spicy. "Thank you for the company, but I should be getting my paws moving. gotta work on sharpening my own edge. Good luck on the project Aurelio, and thanks for it. Not for me, mm, but, Sigrun would be really happy with something like that." A smile and a nod before she stands, stretching.

Anneliese Kiel: "See you around, Laura," Annie says politely. "I hope your day goes well."

Aurelio Menegi: "Thank you for the help." Aurelio gave Laura a nod, offering her a hand up if she needed it. "Have a good day."

Laura 'Hyena' Walker: Smiling gratefully, Laura takes Aurelio's help, patting on the shoulder in thanks before ambling her way away.

Spicy: Spicy smiles and waves as Laura takes her leave, she taps her foot on the ground a few times and the head of the badger mole pops up after a moment. "Yep, wanted to know if you were still around."

then her attention goes to Annie and Aurelio. "So, any of you two got special project they're working on?"

Anneliese Kiel: "Not especially?" Annie shrugs one shoulder. "Working on my music, mostly. Enjoying the chance to relax, since the problem with the Tree has been dealt with." Beat. "I will likely be accompanying Sigrún when she goes to meet the Kraklin, but that is more her project than mine."

Aurelio Menegi: "This one now for Sigrun, plus others for work and training with the others in the Spear. Yourself?"

Spicy: "I think I'm finding out I'm getting very scared of starting to sculpt again." she scratch the back of her head. "Been feeling weird a little around that idea and I can't quite figure out why." a shrug. "I might try some different methods to it to see if that changes anything."

Anneliese Kiel: "Oh? Do you want to talk through your feelings?" Joyeux gonna Joyeux.

Aurelio Menegi: Cue an arched eyebrow from the Torrent. "Indeed...happy to help where I can."

Spicy: "when I figure them out, Annie, I will absolutely speak with you." A nod of her head there. She scratches the back of her head. "Right now, I couldn't tell you if I tried." a smile, then a look to Aurelio and the smile fade. "Thanks. Hopefully this is just some random stress, but I doubt it."

Anneliese Kiel: "Fair enough. The offer is open, so take as long as you need," Annie says, smiling at Spicy briefly. She glances at Aurelio, then. "Any particularly interesting ones you have made for work?"

Aurelio Menegi: "One based off of the piece I made for the Tree, I would say. It was standing rather than stained, however, with birds made to sit in the branches. Came out quite well, and the buyer was pleased."

Spicy: Spicy makes a heartshape with her hands and smiles at Annie, then takes a look toward Aurelio and smiles. "Oh, great, getting paid for art. it's been a while since it happened to me." a little grin.

Anneliese Kiel: "That sounds impressive. Are we allowed to know who the buyer was, or is that private?"

Aurelio Menegi: "It was someone local who saw a photo of that piece from the studio's gallery and asked about their own version being made. Was happy to do so, and it proved a worthwhile challenge."

Spicy: "Nice!" Spicy claims with a bright smile

Anneliese Kiel: "So not one of us then, I take it?" Annie pauses to take a sip from her omnipresent water bottle.

Aurelio Menegi: "Don't believe so, no. Just a local admirer of the work."

Anneliese Kiel: "Well, I hope they continue being happy with it, then."

Aurelio Menegi: "Indeed. things going well for you, I hope?"

Spicy: Spicy leaves eventually after giving her goodbyes to both Aurelio and Annie.

Anneliese Kiel: "They are, yes," Annie smiles at Aurelio. "I do not know if you have met her, but I have started dating Polly in addition to Yu Jin."

Aurelio Menegi: "Polly I know...she helped with the healing after the battle." He nodded, smiling a touch. "Hope it goes well for you."

Anneliese Kiel: "So far so good, at any rate," Annie shrugs philosophically. "Neither of us know what the future holds, of course."

Aurelio Menegi: "Indeed. Enjoy it while it lasts, then, and may it last a long time indeed."

Anneliese Kiel: "That is the hope, yes," Annie nods. "How about you? Are you seeing anyone?"

Aurelio Menegi: Cue a pause, followed by a small smile. "I have had a few very pleasant evenings lately with Jack, yes."

Anneliese Kiel: "Yeah? Good for you."

Aurelio Menegi: "Thank you." He nodded quietly, still smiling a touch. "It was not expected, but enjoyable...and needed, in truth."

Anneliese Kiel: "I can imagine," Annie nods again. "It can be hard to remember to take time to simply do something you enjoy, but they are necessary all the same. Simply working all the time is not healthy."

Aurelio Menegi: "Indeed." Another small nod. "That and it's been...some time, both here and elsewhere."

Anneliese Kiel: "Oh? Is that because you were not interested in anyone, or because nobody was interested in you?"

Aurelio Menegi: "More focused on other things, in part, getting used to what the world is now. I was married before I left, though."

Anneliese Kiel: "Oh? Do you want to talk about that?"

Aurelio Menegi: "Not much to talk on, in truth. From what I know her life went well after I left, and our line carries on to the now. The best one can ask for, I would say."

Anneliese Kiel: "Fair enough," Annie shrugs one shoulder. "Have you done much research into it, then?"

Aurelio Menegi: "Si. Most are no longer in Italy, having gone elsewhere over the years. One line came here, though, which is why I did as well."

Anneliese Kiel: "That makes sense," Annie admits. "I emerged from the Hedge here, and there was no going back to my old life, so."

Aurelio Menegi: "I could have, in theory, but Venice was both too familiar and not, if you follow. Decided it was best to set up somewhere new with a tie to the old, at least, and others from my home here besides. Was a good choice all around, I say."

Anneliese Kiel: "Are you referencing the Italian community, there, or someone more specific?"

Aurelio Menegi: "The first, in this case."

Anneliese Kiel: "Good to know," Annie smiles. "Finding a community outside our kind can be important, to help keep us grounded."

Aurelio Menegi: "Indeed. Being able to continue the same work from before I left has helped as well."

Anneliese Kiel: "Yeah? Is that something I should remember if I encounter you having vision problems?"

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio paused a moment at the question before it clicked and he nodded. "Those who run the studio, yes. Spending time with them helps."

Anneliese Kiel: "Got it," Annie says, smiling at him slightly.

Aurelio Menegi: "Thank you for asking. Haven't had too much of an issue there yet, thankfully."

Anneliese Kiel: "No problem. It is literally my job, after all," Annie points out. "Ideally one that is not necessary often, true, but it is better to be safe than sorry."

Aurelio Menegi: "True enough. Much appreciated, nonetheless."

Anneliese Kiel: "You are welcome, then," she smiles at him.