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Latest revision as of 02:07, 27 August 2020

Content Warning

Discussion of religion.


Jack Martingale and Little Fox


Text messages



hey, how obnoxious is it to ask you super basic shit about Judaism? im always mildly suspicious about shit i find online but i. want to know more for Partner Reasons...


like zero percent, I love talking about it! What do you want to ask?


i dont even know enough to know what to ask, besides like. what are Things For Me To Avoid to not make an ass of myself, to start?


ooh okay. Hmmmm.
okay for starters, Hanukkah is not a big deal. Like at all
we have like literally 12 other holidays that are bigger deals including literally every Friday night/ Saturday


huh okay good to know
so i know it's a lot different than Christianity, except for when Xtians want to appropriate shit...i don't think i really know the exact ways its different, tho?


and we like to argue, a lot. So if someone argues with you about a point you make in the Judaism 101 class, if you go with Lux, it's not like... bad. That just means you're worth arguing with?
okay so like... you grew up Evangelical, right?


mostly when i was a teenager, but yeah. would like to get as far away from that as possible, pissed that its made me twitchy about ANY religion...


i can imagine, it seems like it's bullshit.


yep it 100% is.


okay so .. do you know what the words orthodoxy and orthopraxy mean?


nope. i can look them up if thats helpful?


it's OK! Orthodoxy means "right thought" and orthopraxy means "right action"
that's the main philosophy difference between how Jews and Xians AS A WHOLE approach the world
Jesus had that whole IF YOU SIN IN YOUR HEART YOU SINNED OMG thing and Jews are like "uhhh but what did you DO?"
which is why shit like "oh i feel bad about what I did so I prayed and asked Jesus to forgive me so I'm fine now" doesn't fly with Jewish living. You can't just. .. do that. You ALSO have to like... make it right.


huh. yeah that's a pretty big difference


but also like "are you feeling the right feelings when you go to Shabbat? Believe the right things?" NOPE, DOESNT REALLY MATTER. What matters is that you go.
it's a HUGE difference in life approach


thats like
that feels like how therapy works
and i mean that in a good way
like. feelings are just feelings? and thoughts are just thoughts? and its what u do that matters


it is, kinda, yeah! You can't control your feelings, you just have them


kinda like that


it's more freedom but also more responsibility?




like you can't just be like I SAID I'M SORRY, you are still responsible
but also being sad, angry, hurt, hateful... what matters is what you DO
like being horny isn't a sin, it's where you put your bits


...where am i not allowed to put my bits


where it hurts other people, really


ah okay


oh also the term "Judeo-Christian" is THE WORST never use it




it's a term that was invented by people who were trying to convert us, it's gross.
okay, so. The first thing is that every Friday is as big of a deal of a holiday as even the big holidays.
Shabbat is... it's just as important in terms of laws and observation as the High Holidays. Which doesn't mean people don't skip it sometimes but like... we take very seriously the idea that it's important to take that deep breath every week and like... pause?


my job is so very not compatible with that


also i have rice Ramen with peanut sauce that i made and it's so good
yeah well you gotta eat
I'm just talking about philosophy


that sounds so fucking good holy shit
yeah that makes sense
it just means that like i probably won't ever be able to do shabbat stuff with my loves :(


it's so good and it's so easy, just mix peanut butter and soy sauce in a bowl until it's totally incorporated and then after you drain your Ramen dump it in the bowl and mix it and then EAT IT UP


im a heathen and dont drain my ramen
i make it soup always


for this, drain it, the sauce doesn't make good soup. Trust me, it's baller. Salty sweet
so good


maybe. I'll try someday


don't worry about missing Shabbat. If you can't, you can't. There will be other things I was really just explaining this idea that like... every day is important? It's...
there are blessings for EVERYTHING
when I was coming back to Judaism after my life changed, I fell in love with one of the brachot (blessings - singular blessing is bracha). It's called shehechyanu, and you say it whenever you do something for the first time or the first time in a year
ride a new roller coaster? Shehechyanu. Light the first Shabbat candle of the year? Shehechyanu. Kiss someone new? Shehechyanu. Learn a new skill? You get the idea.


that feels
very you :)


and it's a blessing that says basically "thank you for bringing us to this season"


tbh i kind of love that


yeah!! I love it! And I think when you try to look at life that way it's a pretty good life!
because when you start looking at life that way you realize you do! New stuff!! All the time!!!
and you get to be thankful for being alive to do it! Like if you're sober for a new length of time! Or if you're talking to your friend about Judaism for the first time!


every day im sober for a new length of time :)
is there a "here we go again with this bullshit" blessing? for stuff that's the opposite of new?


every morning you get to shehechyanu. Isn't that GREAT?
most of the blessings are like WELL WE SURVIVED THAT
we uh have a lot of those


hm that's fair
and makes sense


another thing is that like a lot of stuff requires 10 Jews, a lot of prayers and stuff, which we call a minyan.
we have a HUGE emphasis on community


community is good
i was just talking to a friend the other night about how the community I have with my union like
makes me feel more human?
its hard to explain


that makes perfect sense to me. Humans are communal animals.




we NEED that. It's not an "oh that's nice" it's an actual NEED
humans NEED skin contact and NEED community the same way we need sleep so


isn't it nice that we have a society that emphasizes those things


Yeaaaaah so I hate modern society but I think you know that


nah but the idea of community like that, that's based around Doing Good and not just Being Good is really really cool


heck yeah! I think you'll like the concept of tikkun olam


i almost know that one
i think ive heard mearc talk about it?


it means repair of the world
and it's so central to my life
oh that makes sense yeah
it's a Mearc concept for sure
there's a thing from the Talmud that I have in one of my tattoos
"you need not complete the work but neither are you free to desist from it"
you know? And I like that. A lot.


oh i
love that actually
like a lot


i thought you might :)

