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Latest revision as of 03:24, 6 September 2020

Content Warning

ftb mid-scene, discussion of relationships as negotiations


Simon Dubois, Cian Doyle


Simon's helicopter, a suite at the Ritz-Carlton


Are you afraid of heights?

Not in the least. My favorite place on a ship is up the mast.




You should come flying with me sometime.

That sounds exciting.


You have a helicopter, yes? Do you fly it yourself?


A small one, yes. I do fly it myself.

I'd enjoy that very much, I think. When?



I can be ready in about an hour.


I'll pick you up in an hour, then.

In an hour, when Simon arrives at Cian's flat, light from the living room is glowing dimly in the front window, illuminating the stairs down to his door.

Cian is...not really dressed for flying, when he greets Simon with a hard kiss and a hand slid around his waist. He's in one of his full sleeved shirts under a bright blue, high collared vest, his tight fall-front trousers a warm rusty brown.

He's also in his riding boots - immaculately shined.

Simon does in fact come to the door to knock, the car parked on the street nearby. Simon on the other hand is dressed down--linen slacks and a designer polo shirt, with contacts instead of glasses. And for once, there's no whiff of alcohol smell on him.

He blinks as Cian draws him in, head tipping into the kiss while his arms slide around Cian's waist. "Mmm... good evening," he murmurs against his lips.

"You're sober." Cian smiles into the kiss. "That certainly makes the evening better..." He gives Simon one last lingering kiss before he pulls away, keeping his arm around the man's waist as he gets his keys to lock the door.

"Your day was productive, I hope?"

"I'm not reckless enough to attempt piloting a helicopter while drinking," Simon replies, allowing Cian to keep his arm around him. He does look more rested than usual, his eyes a bit brighter than their usual dark gloomy stare. Though right now his gaze is caught up on looking him up and down. His heartrate tics up a bit, and there's even a little flush that creeps onto his cheeks.

Cian arches a brow, his smile widening a touch.

"I thought this full-sleeved look wasn't something you liked..." he's clearly teasing the man as he shuts the light off and tugs Simon back outside.

He scoffs softly, pulling away from him to walk to the car beside him. "I don't like the full sleeves. But... those boots make up for it."

"I suspected." Cian grins.

"How did you get into flying?" He asks once the two of them are in the car.

He settles in beside him, giving a brief longing look to where the mini bar is tucked away, but doesn't reach for any drinks.

He looks out the window at the question, leaning back. "I bought the helicopter a few years back, as a passing fancy, but it sat on the air field mostly untouched until my wife passed. I learned how to fly after that. Something to keep my mind off of things. It allows one to leave the world behind, for a while."

"Mmm. I find a similar feeling while sailing, leaving the world behind..." Cian nods thoughtfully. "I know you took Jasper, do you take other people often?"

"You don't have your own boat, do you?" Simon asks with a glance over. "Not very often, no."

"I don't, no. Someday. When I can restrain myself from book buying..." Cian gives Simon a quiet smile when he glances over. "Why me, then?"

"I never did buy one for myself. Perhaps I will." He looks thoughtful a moment, then purses his lips with a flicker of annoyance. "Do you not want to go?"

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to go. I'm merely wondering why you asked me." His eyebrow arches.

"I wanted to go flying." He shrugs. "I thought the company might be pleasant."

"I do appreciate the invitation. It doesn't seem like an activity you'd invite just anyone to, no?"

Simon gives him a look. "Just enjoy the evening, Cian. Don't question it so much."

Cian's eyebrow arches. "Questioning is what I do, Simon...I would think you'd have learned that by now. I'm a researcher at heart, I always want to know more."

"Is it really so hard to grasp that I just want to go with you? It's as simple as that."

"I wanted to hear you say it." His voice is quiet, but there's the slightest hint of triumph in it. He reaches over to trail fingers down the back of Simon's neck as he smiles.

Oh, that causes Simon to look grumpy as fuck. He tilts his head away from the touch and looks out the window with an annoyed twist of his lips, building up a good brooding silence as they drive the rest of the way. But he at least isn't telling the driver to stop, so isn't mad enough to not go ahead with the plans, at least...

Despite Simon's grumping, Cian doesn't pull his hand away, continuing to rub his neck and then shoulders. He seems content to spend the rest of the drive in silence, eventually turning to look out his own window.

Soon enough they're pulling into a small but very luxurious airfield. Not the sort of place any reasonable person would go to. Where the rich elite keep their private jets and helicopters. There's some pretty hefty security that they go through, but they're waved on and allowed to pay beside a landing pad that is home to an observation helicopter. It's fairly small, only big enough for a few people max, but is sleek and very fancy looking.

Simon slips out of the car and moves to approach it.

Cian sits a little straighter as they start to go through security. Not quite at attention, but close to it. He follows Simon out of the car, looking around the airfield with interest, until he's close enough to inspect the helicopter itself. "Lovely little rig, isn't it?" He gives Simon a smile.

"It is." Simon rests a hand on the side of the helicopter, then moves to open the door to Cian's side, offering a hand--presumably to help him climb inside. But once he is, Simon leans in to buckle him in and shows him how to put on the headset and the noise blocking ear.... cover.... things.... fofo having a brain fart.

Cian lets himself be buckled in, and sneaks a kiss while he can still move. And listens attentively as Simon explains, nodding and following the instructions. Once he's ready, he gives Simon a glance, eyes shining with excitement.

He gives Cian a brief exasperated look at the kiss--still not completely over the sulking, apparently. But Simon is thorough, going through safety procedures and what to do if something does go wrong, and what not to touch and how to use the headset to talk. Then Simon climbs into the other seat and straps himself in as well, getting his own headset and earthingies in place.


"Absolutely." Another glance at Simon, and Cian nods. "D'you know I haven't been in an airplane since college? I managed to get myself to Ireland for a bit, but...haven't been in the air since then."

He perks a brow over at him. "That is quite a long time ago. Hopefully you enjoy it." He turns back to the switchboard, starting up the engines. The blades start to turn, and it gets really fucking loud really quickly.

A few minutes later, the helicopter is carefully lifting off of the ground. It's wobbly at first, but once they get into the air and some distance from the ground, things start to even out.

The nice thing about being undead is that, even Blushed, Cian doesn't really need to breathe. Which is a good thing, since he seems to have forgotten how, after an initial gasp at liftoff. He leans forward to get a better view of the airfield below them.

The large windows do give a rather impressive view. Things grow smaller as they go up and up, and soon the whole city can be seen sprawling outwards in all directions. The river can be seen as well, weaving out into the distance. There's the occasional turbulence--but it does seem like Simon at least knows the basics of what he's doing, evening out the wobbling as much as possible. At least with such a small helicopter, it's not too hard to manage, and the weather tonight is mild and clear.

"Oh this is...stunning..." Cian breathes, glancing at Simon once or twice but primarily focusing on the view out the windows. "Even if I had been in the air in the past decade and a half...an airplane just doesn't compare, does it..."

"It doesn't," Simon agrees, voice with a slight electronic buzz over the headset. He looks out over the view as well, expression far away and wistful as they get higher--the world below a sea of lights moving around in the dark. "It doesn't quite feel real."

"Can you take us down the Delaware...? Out to sea..?" Cian looks hopeful. "It really really doesn't, it's like we're looking at a map..."

"I'm not sure I'm confident enough in my abilities to fly out over open ocean," he admits, looking down river. "But we could fly over the bay a little, if you like?"

"As close to the ocean as you're comfortable. I...Christ, I miss living close to the water like that."

"I'll see what I can do," Simon replies, and the helicopter tilts as he starts to turn them, angling it to follow the weaving river below. Simon sits in silence for a while, focusing in driving and watching the view.

"What made you first fall in love with the sea?"

"A trip to Mystic Seaport, when I was very young. We didn't live anywhere near the water, but I was always finding ways to get down to the harbor after that." Cian sighs. "Sailing is in my family, too, my parents met in the Navy, and I have extended family - probably still serving." He grimaces, just a little, at the thought.

"You don't enjoy the thought of that?"

"I try not to think too much about my family, in general. It's...complicated. I spent time in the Navy, too, I managed to secure a position on Old Ironsides. I'm sure you're surprised..." Cian smirks at Simon.

"No, not at all." There's a beat pause, Simon keeping his eyes on the river--which is growing wider as they travel closer to the bay. "I bet you look quite fetching in a Navy uniform."

It's a good thing Simon's watching the river, because it means he doesn't see Cian go pink. "I...could probably find a photograph, somewhere. I doubt my uniform fits, anymore..."

Because of course he kept it.

"Christ..." He whispers as they get closer to the bay, and the dark of the ocean builds in the distance. "I can feel how close we are..."

"Hm. I'd like to see that." Simon glances over briefly. "You... can? How?"

"Not...literally, I just..." He gestures to the darkness on the horizon where the lights of the shoreline end. "Wishful thinking, I suppose." He does sound wistful.

"Ah." He nods, looking out at the inky blackness. A bit longer and the bay grows larger, stretching out over the horizon towards the sea. Simon doesn't take them out over the water very far, but follows the shore of the bay for a while. "Why did you leave the Navy?"

"I 'died', after being offered a research opportunity." Cian's expression turns dark. "I'd planned to make it a career, on that ship. It gave me time to do some of my own projects, and...I met the woman who would become my sire." His voice is soft, in contrast to the grimace on his face.

Simon watches him a moment out of the corner of his eyes, then looks out through the window again. "You don't wish to talk about her?"

"I don't want to think about her. She forces me to, whenever she has a particularly strong emotional experience. Neither of us can escape that. But...I had plans, for the direction my life was going to go. She...set me on a different path."

His brows crease briefly, before he nods in understanding. "I won't bring her up again, if I can help it. Sorry."

"It was because of her, primarily, that I left Boston." There's a beat. "...I wonder if she did business with your family. She had a fondness for art - as much as she could have a fondness for anything..." Cian finishes in a mutter, barely audible over the microphone.

"Perhaps. It is likely, if she is able to afford the quality and rarity of art we deal with. I'd ask her name, but we can... drop the subject, if you like."

"Elster. Michaela Elster." It almost sounds like Cian's afraid he'll summon her with the name.

Simon... doesn't say anything. Just gives a slight nod in acknowledgement to let him know he'd heard it, but gives no obvious sign of recognizing the name or not.

"Why did you leave Boston?" Cian's voice is tentative.

The silence stretches onwards for many seconds. Simon stares out over the dark bay, then turns the helicopter gently, start to circle back around in the direction they'd come from rather than going any further out.

"It became clear I could not support my family properly in Boston. I sought out new opportunities here in Philadelphia."

"...Ah." Cian shoots him a sympathetic glance. No trace of pity, though. "Has it all worked out for the best, for you?"

A beat pause. "Figuratively speaking, I suppose so. In some ways."

"That sounds like a no..." Cian arches an eyebrow. "I'm sorry. I'm sure we can find...less painful subjects, than our time in Boston...?"

"Well, I cannot claim my wife dying is for the best, can I?" he replies with a sharp edge to his voice, eyes on the river as they follow it back up. "But otherwise... things have gone well enough."

"...Perhaps. What do you miss most about the city?"

Cian winces. "I...certainly miss that Punjabi restaurant. I miss the harbor, the salt water. The camaraderie of the Navy, occasionally. You?"

"The history. Our first home in Beacon Hill. The Commons. Lily liked playing there when she was just a little girl."

"Christ, I'd have killed for a place in Beacon Hill...spent a bit of time there, but I could never afford it..." Cian's a mixture of jealous and impressed.

He chuckles softly. "To be quite honest, we couldn't truly afford it at the time. Part of the reason we left."

"It's all about the look, though. And people faces when you casually drop the fact that you own a house there..." Cian sighs. "I mean, you've seen my flat, and where it is."

"Mm. Yes. It is by and large a status symbol. In fact, it was rather impractical to live in the neighborhood. Parking was horrible. But I still loved that house," he says wistfully.

"Where did you choose to settle in Philadelphia? Somewhere with slightly better parking?" He smiles.

"Chestnut Hill," Simon replies, chuckling. "Yes, plenty of parking."

"That's quite a drive out of the city, isn't it?" Cian's eyebrow arches. "Is the sex with me really worth that drive?" His smile is wide, teasing.

"It's part of why I have the suite. Sometimes it's just easier to stay there." He scoffs. "You're not the only thing that keeps me in the city."

"No, I'm sure the high-end prostitutes you hire have something to do with it, too..." Cian is clearly teasing now, and reaches an arm over to trail his fingers across Simon's thigh.

"Yes, that too," Simon agrees airily, with ease, glancing sideways towards him.

Cian's smile falters for a moment, not expecting the easy comeback, but it returns quickly. "I can't imagine sex is the only thing that brings you downtown. Even if it's the most enjoyable...?"

Cian's reaction makes Simon laugh in amusement. "I do work, you know."

"I don't doubt it - Antiquities must be something of an exciting business. Yes?"

"I find it exciting, yes." Simon nods. "Being able to get your hands on history... Seeing what is left behind by those long gone, and usually from those lost to history. Makes the past feel real, rather than just... fairy tales."

The lights of Philadelphia are returning underneath them. "Are you usually a jealous person?"

"The same reason I find history fascinating..." Cian nods. And then pauses.

"I...don't quite know, I haven't had much of a cause to find out...? Why?"

"You seemed disturbed at the thought of me actually employing prostitutes still, is all."

"Oh - ah. I was surprised at the ease of your response, I didn't expect...banter. There are certainly things I can't give you in that regard, I don't expect to..." Cian shrugs.

"I...mm. I don't know that I'd be overjoyed to learn that other Kindred feed on you." He risks a glance at Simon there.

He arches a brow at the confession, but doesn't seem particularly surprised or even bothered by it.

"I suppose I'd feel the same, if I were in your position."

"I don't know whether it's jealousy, or...a mild feeling of possession." Cian's face flushes.

He shrugs. “It’s natural for one to want to protect their assets.”

"I suppose it is." Cian looks over at Simon and bites his lip. "Did you have plans, once we return to the ground?"

“I thought we would go back to the suit tonight. Unless you have an idea...?”

"I'm amenable. It really is nice not to have to worry about having...equipment with me..."

“Indeed. We shall go to the suite, then.”

After a few moments, “We have not negotiated for you to be the only kindred to have access to my blood. But I know no others I would consider allowing to feed from me. If that changes, I will tell you.”

"We haven't. It's true." Cian grimaces slightly.

"Is that a negotiation that would interest you in any way...?"

He glances over. “Is it a negotiation you feel necessary to have?”

"I could...probably...get over whatever feelings arose. But there's something to be said, for calling you mine like that."

Cian's flushing, but his tone is steady.

Simon falls quiet at that, looking out the windshield. After a moment he starts fidgeting with buttons and such as the helicopter starts to descend slowly.

Finally, “What do you have to offer me in return?”

"I don't know. I cannot feed from you exclusively without hurting you. What might you want?"

“I already have access to everything I want from you.” A beat pause. “Everything you are comfortable doing,” he corrects. “I’m not sure what else you could offer.”

"Then why bother to even ask?" Cian scoffs.

He shrugs. “You may have had something I didn’t know of to offer.”

"I'm fairly certain I don't. And I suspect something for nothing won't fly here, will it?"

A beat.

"There are things, but I'm well aware you don't want them. They would change the nature of this agreement, anyway."

“What things do you mean?”

"The sort of emotional commitments that, as I said, would change the nature of what we do entirely." Cian is speaking very carefully, now.

"Given how much you dislike even suggesting you want me around just to spend time with, it doesn't seem like the sort of thing you'd be interested in."

He exhales a sigh, but doesn’t say anything right away. He’s quiet as the helicopter descends, focusing on landing as carefully as possible. He’s no expert, but it goes alright. He kills the engine once they’re on the ground and slides his headset and headphones off.

“What would it truly change, Cian? I assume you have no interest in being a part of high society, or even the skills to truly survive how ruthless it can be. I also assume you have no interest in stepping up to help raise a teenage girl, or even if so, your limited schedule will make that incredibly difficult to manage without raising suspicion. And even if we both were interested and capable of such a commitment, I will likely be dead or worse, sooner rather than later, and the whole thing will have been a waste of time for you.”

He looks over at him, his gaze steady and somehow more piercing without his usual glasses to get in the way. "So I'm going to ask you one more time, for the last time. What do you have to offer me, to make any sort of emotional commitment worth both of our whiles?"

Cian...deflates, as Simon points out the reality of the situation.

"I don't know, Simon. I don't know what you see in me, aside from someone who's enjoyable to fuck and spend money on. But I can offer my fascination with history, my willingness to learn how to navigate high society. My willingness to learn anything, honestly..." He trails off with a bittersweet laugh. "My...promise to help you through whatever horrible things your Curse thrusts upon you. But...none of this has been a waste of time. I've enjoyed it, and I hope you have too, and even if one of us died tomorrow, I wouldn't count it as time wasted."

"What I see in you? You are charming, kind, witty, and very attractive. Your company is pleasant. But I am unsure you are well suited to being a partner for me. I don't think you fully grasp what it would take, and how much you would have to change, to integrate into my life."

"Then tell me. What would have to change, to integrate into your life? As it stands, not a lot would have to change, on my end. I'm sure you're shocked."

He leans back into his seat, lips pursing as he thinks for a few moments.

"Ideally? You would attend parties, galas, and other social functions with me. You would need to learn how to act suitably, to not embarrass me, and you would be expected to dress in modern clothes. You would eventually meet my daughter and work to gain her approval--no easy feat, I will say now. I would prefer you grow some... greater motivation than what I have seen from you. An ideal partner would be someone who works for a greater life than they have, and pushes me to do the same, who would help motivate and support me emotionally as well as mentally."

"This still feels like a business arrangement - a negotiation. Not...a conversation about our needs and wants in any kind of relationship." Cian arches an eyebrow. "I'd be happy to meet your daughter, and be your arm candy at social functions. You've put up a very thick wall, which will certainly make it difficult to support you emotionally. I'd have been doing that to begin with, if I thought you'd let me."

"This is a negotiation, Cian." He gives him a flat look. "I am discussing my needs and wants. This is more efficient then letting emotions get in the way of practicality."

"And how do you expect anyone to support you emotionally, when you refuse to let emotions color anything you do?" Cian sits back in his seat, his eyebrow still raised.

"Letting emotions color your actions is a risk. As of yet I have had no reason to take that risk with you."

"That lack of risk makes it very difficult to make decisions that will affect the both of us emotionally. I'm still here because I want to see more of it, not just because I think you're attractive. But it's...wearing, to have to tread so carefully. Will I continue to have to do so?"

He's quiet a moment, staring across at him. "What do you see in me, Cian? Other than the blood."

"You're sharp, and smart, and your sense of humor forever surprises me. I live for your moments of softness, when you let me see beneath your gruff exterior. Your company is pleasant, when you're not drunk, and...you're quite attractive. I can talk to you about our shared history, and there's no worry that you'll be put off by the parts of me I can't help. The blood is not an afterthought, but it's certainly not the only thing I see in you." Cian is quiet as he speaks, but his tone is serious and absolutely sincere.

His head dips a bit, glancing aside. He stares out the window at the quiet, dark air field. "And what are your needs and wants, if a relationship were to take place?"

"I want...to know more about you. There's an emotional openness that's..." Cian chuckles, "well to be fair is terrifying, but I think I need it. I don't...want to be hidden away, or feel like I can't discuss you with anyone. Not that I plan to air our private conversations, but..I'd like to be able to talk about you as my...partner? When does one reach an age where 'boyfriend' isn't the right term?" He cringes a little as he says it, giving Simon a nervous glance. "It could be useful to have someone to take care of some of my affairs during the day, but that's not something I expect. I have no issue with us having our own lives." There's a beat. "I'd very much prefer to be the only one who feeds from you, though given that I cannot return the favor I don't know if that's a realistic expectation. I don't have any illusions that we'll be exclusive, otherwise..."

"Is that all?" Simon asks after taking a few seconds to process that, still not quite looking back at him.

"I can't promise I won't think of other things, as they come up. I don't expect anything to be set in stone, and unable to change...? But, as of right now, I believe so."

"Alright. That sounds... reasonable enough. Though as I have said, if we were to be... public about our relationship, I would expect you to be a partner to me in more ways than just romantically."

"I understand. I will admit I've been...I don't know if 'coasting' is the right word, but...I've begun to itch for some proper research work. It's been just over a year since I've moved, and I'm getting restless." He offers Simon a smile. "Luckily I have the connections that will hopefully lead to that sort of thing."

He looks back at Cian then, head tilting a little. "Is that something you would enjoy making a career of? Being a historian?"

"It's what I do already, to the extent that I can. That was what I had planned to do, make a career in the Naval History and Heritage Command, I'd just begun my trajectory..." Cian grimaces. "So...yes. But a career is a complicated thing, for someone like me."

"Ah." Simon is quiet for a moment, a plotting expression on his face.

"...Penny for your thoughts?" Cian arches an eyebrow. "And might we talk either in the car, or in the suite? I might be able to restrain myself there, at least for a little while..."

"I had briefly considered hiring you as a researcher, but that would be... inappropriate." He glances about, then opens the door to slip out, waiting for him before starting to where the car is parked nearby. "But I could perhaps pull some strings."

"Would it be? Do you separate your business and personal life in that way? I'm sure I'd be fascinated by the sorts of things people with money are after..." Cian follows, reaching out to grab his hand.

"People tend to look down on those who fuck their employees." He allows Cian to take his hand. "Though I suppose it's not particularly uncommon."

Cian snorts. "Fair enough, I suppose. Do people - your people - look down on the sort of age gap we apparently have?"

He scoffs. "No. It's practically expected for men my age to take younger lovers after a divorce. Or in my case, after becoming a widower."

"Well I'm happy to help you keep up appearances there." Cian leans in to kiss Simon's cheek before he gets into the car. "...How many more suits am I going to have to order..."

"Many. You'll need a tuxedo as well." He slips into the car beside him, almost immediately opening up the mini-bar as the car starts towards the security gate. He pulls out a glass and bottle.

"We can enter into a trial period. See if both of us are capable of meeting each others' expectations before making anything... official."

"That works for me. I suppose I should be thankful that tuxedos haven't really changed all that much in the past century..." He smirks at Simon, and eyes the mini-bar.

"Are you getting us both drunk, tonight?"

"I need a drink, at least. Whether you choose to partake is your choice." He downs a gulp--and ends up digging out jerky from the mini-bar as well as the mouth starts to whine. He distractedly feeds it, keeping the glass in his other hand.

"I do find myself rather hungry, we'll see how I feel at the hotel." Cian reaches over to slide his hand across Simon's thigh.

"You seem to be in a good mood," Simon murmurs before taking another sip.

"Why shouldn't I be? I'm sure you're aware I've been interested in the direction we've been going since...I won't say the very start, but...very near to. You've given me something I've wanted, and I appreciate that immensely." Cian squeezes his thigh. "You don't seem in a terrible mood, yourself. It looks like a full night of sleep is beneficial...?"

"It... does help, to not feel so on edge constantly," he admits. He lets out a sigh, taking another sip as he finishes the feeding. "Just... don't get too far ahead of yourself."

"I will attempt not to. How far is...too far?" He cocks his head.

"Don't start picking out honeymoon destinations," he says dryly, then downs the rest of his glass in one go before leaning back into the seat. "I assume this will not be a monogamous relationship."

Cian huffs in amusement. "I don't think marriage would suit either of us. I don't particularly need it to be, no, though I don't know that I'll seek another relationship out. I'm not sure the companionship I find with Phaedra is classified as a relationship, by your terms."

"I enjoyed being married. But I don't plan to do that again, no... Ah. I do not," Simon replies stiffly at the last part, nose wrinkling a little.

"As I said - it isn't, and will never be, sexual. Though I must say I find it...interesting, that both you and she are suspicious of my relationship with the other. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing." Cian shrugs. "Do you plan on seeking out other relationships?"

"Perhaps it's just... being a father of a girl who doesn't look much younger than her. The thought of someone my age having a.... close friendship with a young girl sets off instinctive alarms for me." He shrugs.

"Likely not, but I've never been sexually monogamous, even with my wife."

Cian nods. "I can understand that. I...honestly have reservations, myself. I'm constantly aware of the possible power imbalance, even if she's the one so often keeping me on my toes. I never expected her to trust me, the way she does."

"Ultimately, what you do in your own time is your business. But I can't promise to not react poorly if I see you two being... affectionate with each other."

Another nod. "I have always followed her lead, where affection is concerned. But I will certainly keep that in mind. I value our relationship, too." Cian sits back into the car seat with a quiet sigh.

He regards Cian a moment, then rests a hand on his knee. "Thank you."

Cian goes pink. Because apparently, knee touches and being thanked isn't something he expects. "Of course," he manages to stammer out. "I wouldn't have initiated any of our earlier conversation if I didn't value the time I spend with you."

A brow ticks upwards as Cian turns pink, and his lips twitch upwards. He looks over Cian's face for a moment before leaning in to kiss him.

That makes Cian stiffen in surprise - here? In front of the driver? - but he relaxes after a moment, bringing a hand up to cup Simon's cheek. And deepens the kiss as he does, brushing his tongue against the other man's lips with a small sigh of contentment.

Simon isn't showing any sign of discomfort with kissing in front of the driver. His hand slides slowly up from Cian's knee, up to squeeze the inside of his thigh as he continues the deeper kiss, tasting and exploring.

Cian lets out another sigh, his body trembling as Simon's hand moves. He quietly damns the minibar between them, chuckling into the kiss and slipping his hand to the back of Simon's neck, holding him close.

Cue extended make outs and some groping that continues, unless Cian stops, until they pull up in front of the fancy hotel. Simon slips his hand away from where he's kneading just below Cian's crotch, trailing fingertips back down to his knee. He pulls back from the kiss, eyes half lid and a faint smile lingering on his lips. Then he slips out, and moves around to open the door for Cian and lead him into the hotel, towards the elevator.

Cian absolutely does not stop, though he's a little more tentative about exploring Simon's body with his hands in the back of a car like this. He does get one of his hands down the back of Simon's pants, and drags his nails up his ass and back as he lets the man go. He's still pink, but has a quiet smile on his face, and doesn't try to grab Simon's hand.

Until they reach the elevator, when he grabs his shirt collar instead, pushing him against the wall and grinding against Simon's thigh.

He exhales a sharp breath, one hand grabbing Cian's hip to hold, the other fumbling to push the button to send them up to the suite's floor. "Aren't you an excited little animal?" he murmurs.

"Something like that..." It's a growl, and Cian drags his teeth against the hollow of Simon's neck, biting and sucking on the tender skin there. Just far enough down that any marks will be covered by a shirt collar, if it's buttoned up. One hand reaches around to roughly grip his ass, the other tugging on his hair to expose more of his skin.

His head tilts back as his hair is tugged, adams apple bobbing when he swallows. His heartrate is heard speeding up a bit as Cian bites. "You must really be hungry..." His hands pulling his hips in closer.

"Is it so unexpected that I might just want to fuck you?" It's a slightly strained murmur in Simon's ear.

"Mm. No."

Cian catches Simon's ear in his teeth before he moves to kiss the man deeply on the lips.

Simon returns the kiss, squeezing and kneading at Cian's ass.

Then the elevator doors open and a woman steps inside, gawking and blushing at the sight of them, and awkwardly stands aside as Simon breaks the kiss to glance at her--then grabs Cian's hand to pull him out into the hallway, and down to the suite door. Ignoring the woman as they pass, while he digs out a keycard for the suite.

Cian chokes when the woman suddenly appears, taking half a step back from Simon. He dips his head, his face pink, and stumbles out of the elevator behind Simon, looking apologetic and mortified.

Simon gets the door open quickly, at least, and helps usher Cian inside. He closes the door behind them, glancing Cian over. "The danger of making out in an elevator. Are you alright?"

"I'm absolutely mortified, but I suppose I'll live." Cian smiles weakly at Simon. "The dangers of making out in an elevator, as you've said..." He runs a hand up Simon's arm, and arches an eyebrow. "Help me forget it, mm?"


It's really no surprise that Simon is looking pretty light headed after its all said and done, and with Cian's help is lead to the bedroom, where he all but collapses onto the bed, scooting over to give Cian room while he lets out a soft content groan, stretching out comfortably.

Cian's discarded pants and boots by now, and slides into bed next to the spent man. He's still a little breathless, and wastes no time getting close, draping an arm over Simon and nuzzling his neck.

"I appreciate you tolerating this bit..." he mutters, and stretches with a sigh before coming back to cuddle.

"Mm. You're welcome." He half rolls over onto his side, quietly offering his back for Cian to big spoon him. His head tips aside to expose his neck, eyes closing. "It was a good night."

"It was..." Cian curls against him, slipping an arm under the pillow and tucking the other one against Simon's chest. "Favorite part?"

Simon's arm comes to drape over Cian's, his breathing and heartrate steadily slowing. "I suppose I should pick something other than the boots..." Oh--the bedroom windows have indeed been sunproofed. There's panels fixed over the glass tightly, with no gaps, though the curtains mostly hide them from view.

Cian laughs and kisses Simon's shoulder. "Perhaps. I do enjoy the way you look at me in public when I'm wearing them...but if you had to pick something else...?"

He sighs heavily, as if put upon. "Hmm... Flying over the bay," he decides after a moment.

"Why...?" Cian gently trails his fingers across Simon's chest.

The touch sends little shivers and goosebumps through him. "You were excited. It was cute."

"...Oh." His voice is muffled by Simon's shoulder. "I haven't seen the ocean in quite some time. I really do miss it, I'd absolutely take you sailing if I had my own boat..."

"I'll buy one for us to use," Simon says, then lets out a soft yawn as sleepiness starts settling in. "Though... mm... it will have to wait for another week or two..."

"Are your finances tied up...? Or did you overspend on my suits..." Cian huffs out a chuckle against Simon's shoulder and scoots a little closer.

"Tied up, mm. The suits are fine, they barely make a dent in my savings. But buying a yacht is different..."

"What are they tied up in?" Cian murmurs, pressing gentle kisses against Simon's shoulder.

"Ah..." Simon falls quiet there, eyes opening to blink slowly as he realizes he may have said too much. "I had to... call in some favors. Had to grease the wheels, as it were."

"...Oh. For...your work?" There's a little hesitation, and Cian shifts behind Simon, though he doesn't pull away.

"Not... exactly." He looks down at Cian's hand against his chest. "I'm gathering information on some... dangerous people."

"That's rather cryptic." Cian's hand stops moving. "I suppose it's probably easier if I stop asking questions, yes?"

He considers for a moment. "We can discuss it, if you like. I just don't want to worry you."

Cian brushes his hand against Simon's cheek. "Your hesitation worries me more than whatever it is you're actually doing, I'm sure..."

"Very well. Do you know anything about the mages in this city?"

"Absolutely nothing. You...aren't one, correct?"

"No." He rolls over to lay on his back, looking at him. "I'm what they call a Sleepwalker. Not one of them, but a mortal who has their eyes... half open to the wonders and horrors of the world." He huffs softly. "I'm mostly just a service they call upon, from time to time."

"An asset," Cian says quietly, and shifts back to look at him properly, running a hand down his shoulder and arm. "They want you to get information?"

"Yes. Though I admit, I'm not completely being forced to do this. It has turned into a... curiosity. But yes, I am gathering information about a group of enemy mages, that is threatening those I work for."

"Ah. Is that...dangerous, for you to do? Or does it merely cost an exorbitant amount of money?" Cian brushes a strand of hair away from Simon's face, his expression concerned.

"I won't claim it's not dangerous," Simon replies. A beat. "I shouldn't have mentioned anything. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Simon." Cian's voice is soft, as he traces a finger along the man's jaw. "I know you're smart and capable, there's no reason for me to worry overmuch. So I won't."

A beat.

"Is there?"

His eyes half lid at the touch. "No. No reason to worry." He tilts his head to kiss him on the lips.

Whether it's a lie or not, Cian seems content to leave it at that. He melts into the kiss, tugging Simon closer until their bodies press together, but keeps his lips gentle. A slow, quiet kiss, like they have all the time in the world.