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Latest revision as of 04:10, 9 September 2020


Direct Action's House


Sigrun Ljosdottir: Sigrun let Aurelio know she'd be at the house after work. She used the three day weekend to catch up on her forge work, because she never met a day off she couldn't squander on making stuff and being busy. She's still dressed in her PFD t-shirt and black slacks, her long blond hair worn up in a bun of all things. She's out on the front porch with her boots up on the railing, a glass of lemonade perched on her tummy. A few more glasses and the pitcher rest on the small table beside her chair. Relaxing for half a second, apparently.

Aurelio Menegi: While he normally rode a motorcycle, the cargo that Aurelio had with him on this visit made that a rather risky proposition indeed. So instead the Torrent arrived in a proper cab rather than a rideshare, thanking the driver as he exited before making his way to the house. He was dressed in his customary all-black attire, a wooden box tucked under one arm. The other hand was raised in greeting as he approached.

Sigrun Ljosdottir: Sigrun waves from the porch without standing up. She's decided to relax, and so she is relaxing. "Hey, Aurelio. Got some lemonade up here if you'd like some. Come grab a seat. I'm kicking my feet up. Been a long day." She lifts her glass in indication before taking a gulp of it. "Trying to cut back on the mead so I can ace the obstacle course. June and I have a week's chores riding on who gets the better score."

Aurelio Menegi: "Ah...best of luck, then." Aurelio replied with a smirk, taking the offered seat and keeping the box in his lap for the moment. "Things are going well with that training, I hope?"

Teagan: Fwump. Teagan suddenly exists next to Sigrun, as is their rite and custom. The Mirrorskin's barefoot, wearing a pair of cut-off jean shorts and a t-shirt that reads 'FUCK YOUR FACE AND THE HEAD IT RODE IN ON', and they slump down into a chair next to Sigrun after leaning down to kiss the corner of her mouth. "Ey, Aurelio." Perhaps not surprisingly, Baby is still hanging on their waist. Everyone wears a machete when they walk around their house, right? "Hello, Adora."

Sigrun Ljosdottir: "Hey, Teabutt." Sigrun returns the smooch without doing more than straightening up in her chair a bit. She recrosses her boots at the ankle and sends a grin up to Aurelio. "It's going. It's a pass-fail kind of thing, and I'm well ahead of passing. It's just... you know. Firefighting can be sort of a boy's club. So June and me are repping it for the ladies. Trying to do our best."

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio paused briefly at Teagan's appearance, unused to such sudden entry, but gave them a nod after the moment passed. "Knowing you two, that won't be an issue to do."

Teagan: They settle down in the chair next to Sigrun and put their bare feet up almost exactly as Sig has. Mirroring: a thing both Mirrorskins and cats like to do. "They're badasses. I'm looking forward to them graduating, except for the bit where it'll mean that like... they have to go stay in the firehouse every so often."

Sigrun Ljosdottir: "You can always come visit! Besides. Spending time around normal people would do some good for me. Keep me grounded, you know? Since I'm no longer doing the stage combat business... you know?" Sigrun ticks her focus back up to Aurelio before starting to pour him some lemonade, "Yeah, they do that. Just sort of appearing like that. Gonna get stabbed one of these days."

Aurelio Menegi: "A good trick to have, in some cases." He gave another nod before accepting the lemonade once it was poured, taking a sip before setting the glass back down. "To speak of business, though, I asked to come by to give something in thanks for what you did at the wall to save my life." He gently patted the top of the box before offering it to the Fairest. "May it serve you well."

Within the box - which itself well made - was a glass goblet done in a pale grey glass with gold swirled into the cup and the base. Even a brief glance would show that it was impeccably made, nary a flaw or imperfection to be found.

Teagan: "I know, I know. I'll come visit, and it will be good for you, I know. That doesn't mean I won't whine like a baby that my girlfriends aren't going to be at home for the nighttime cuddle pile." Teagan reaches for a glass of lemonade after briefly flailing one arm out to the side dramatically. "Maybe, but maybe I'm too fast to get stabbed. But I do this, yes. At my house. Which I am at. June has started keeping Vigilance of Ares up all the time so I can't hug-bomb her, so no one's going to be able to jump out and stab her, which I consider to be proof that I'm doing something good. It's a public service." And then they quiet themself to let Sigrun open her present, their eyebrows rising curiously.

Sigrun Ljosdottir: Sigrun accepts the box with a bemused expression, not quite following the point of it all. "You didn't have to go to the trouble, Aurelio. We agreed you'd do the same for me if our places were switched." But she accepts the gift all the same, and pulls off the top of the box curiously. "Ohmygod!" She carefully reaches in to pull out the goblet, her eyes wide in shock and appreciation, "Oh. My. God." She holds it out towards Teagan carefully in demonstration, eyes still wide, "Check this out."

Aurelio Menegi: "Was no trouble. And I would, true, but I wanted to properly show my gratitude." Aurelio sat back in his seat as she opened the box, a smile settling into place at her reaction. "Glad you like it."

Teagan: "I mean, yeah, but also, if he did the same for you, you'd make him something, too, and don't try to pretend you wouldn't, Adora. Making Things For People is one of your love languages." Teagan takes a swallow of lemonade, peering over at the box as it's opened, and their mouth opens into an o. "Holy shit, that's gorgeous."

Sigrun Ljosdottir: "Well, yeah," Sigrun agrees with a small hunch of her shoulders, "but I always feel so embarrassed about thank you gifts. It's a Minnesota thing, I think." Sigrun carefully sets the goblet back into the box, closes the tissue paper, and returns the lid into place. She then hops up to her feet and notes, "I need to go put this somewhere safe! Thank you so much, Aurelio!" She ducks back into the house real quick to do just that.

Aurelio Menegi: "Very welcome." The Torrent nodded as Sigrun headed back into the house, a clear mix of pride at the work and happiness at how well it was received clear on his features.

Teagan: A lazy smile spreads across Teagan's face as Sigrun admits her discomfort and its root. "No, I know. He didn't have to do it, but he did. And they're gorgeous." They take another swallow of lemonade, ticking their chin up at Aurelio. "How are you settling back in now that -- you know -- " A vague gesture with one scarred hand as if to say 'now that you're not dead and the Hedge isn't on fire.'

Sigrun Ljosdottir: Sigrun returns sans goblet box, having placed it somewhere safe. Which, in this particular house, is a very short list of places. Let's face it. She drops back into her seat and kicks her feet back up, carrying a mead in her hands since she was inside and could grab one. "I'm going to save it for when I graduate and have time for a big dinner. And I'll christen it then. I figure that'll be a good way to honor it, you know? It's really beautiful, Aurelio. I'm beyond pleased with that gift, thank you so much."

Aurelio Menegi: "Well enough." He took a sip of his own drink before continuing. "Keeping busy at work, taking part in patrols, things like that. I would like to be more involved in what we do in the city as the Spear is concerned, but not too sure of the best path for it."

"Very welcome." He replied to Sigrun when she returned. "I had hoped to work more marks of your faith into it, but wasn't able to find as much as I liked to work off of. Was good to work on nonetheless, though; always enjoyed working with gold in the glass."

Teagan: They frown thoughtfully. "Well, what are your specialties? We can always look for the best path for you getting involved." Teagan offers Sigrun a lopsided little smile when she returns, and offers, "I won't even try to steal a sip out of it."

Sigrun Ljosdottir: "I find it's best to have what I want to do and what the court asks me to do. That way when the court hasn't anything for me, I've got my own personal agenda and can chase it down. And when I don't have anything I'd rather be doing, I look around at the Freehold and ask how I could make it more safe. And then I try to make those things happen. That's how I wound up brokering the alliance with the Rivermen, for example." Sigrun takes another sip from her mead and grins aside at Teagan, "You better not."

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio nodded, mulling that over for a moment. "In truth my greatest specialty is in my work; the more martial skills came after I joined the court in Venice. I favor grappling and unarmed combat in general, but have a fair hand with both blades and thrown weapons."

Teagan: "Whereas I am -- I have been told -- a cat, and do as cats do." Teagan absently flexes their mirror-dark toes, ankles crossed, feet up comfortably. "Which means I do what I want to do and if it lines up with what the Crown wants, well, bully for the fucking Crown." They grin back at her. "Maybe you give little sip to very nice joyfriend. But I won't steal." They stick the very tip of their black tongue out at her. Their attention gets turned back to Aurelio, then. "Well, I heard that Lif started up some sort of new job in the Court for people who have non-martial but helpful specialties... maybe look into that if you think that would, like, suit you?"

Aurelio Menegi: "That so..." Cue a curious arch of the eyebrow. "May talk with them on that, then."