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Latest revision as of 14:45, 20 September 2020


Hearth's Home


Heather Williams: Hearth's house was an old little brick townhouse at the end of the row, well maintained with a little border of flowers along the sidewalk and incredible smells wafting from the open windows. The air conditioning was non-existent but the house was cool enough with large blocks of ice in pinterestized buckets placed in front of vents and windows.

Ripeka Carpenter: Knock. Knockknock. Rīpeka waits for Heather to show up and let her in, seeing as she's taking the time to arrive in human form, rather than being a bat and just flying in.

Heather Williams: Hearth fluttered to answer the door, wiping her hands on an apron as she came and smiled brilliantly to find Ripeka standing there. "Welcome, welcome! Come on in," she said warmly. "Make yourself at home."

Ripeka Carpenter: "Hey, Heather," Rīpeka smiles. "How're you? Bake anything interesting recently?" Beat. "I come bearing gifts, btw," she adds, hefting the carton of beer in her right hand.

Heather Williams: She laughed. "Well I've divided the house by holidays, roughly. Dining room-" and pointed the way towards each "has small sample batches of Halloween themed candies and things, the kitchen table has thanksgiving, and the living room has, uh, bready things."

Ripeka Carpenter: "Bready things?" Rīpeka arches an eyebrow, chuckling quietly. "What holiday is that meant to be?"

Heather Williams: "Well it started as Christmas but bready things are kind of multi-purpose," she laughed. "Anyways, there are numbers on all the dishes so please note anything you really like or really don't. I'm trying to narrow down my holiday baking plans in advance."

Ripeka Carpenter: "Fair enough," Rīpeka nods. "Need help with anything, while I'm here?"

Heather Williams: "Let's get the beer in... Actually, just stick 'em in one of the ice buckets. And we can hang out." Her eyes crinkled in amusement. "And you can eat, if you want. Who knows if anyone else will show up. It was a wee bit last minute."

Ripeka Carpenter: Rīpeka shrugs one shoulder, doing as instructed. "Worst comes to worst, you have leftovers for a while."

Heather Williams: She laughed. "There are worse things. How have you been doing? Anything fun or interesting going on?"

Ripeka Carpenter: There's a slight grimace at that. "Doing research into the rod that Herald from Fecund Coin was carrying, mostly. Apparently the person who made it got erased from the record by Gaveston, the fucker." Surprise surprise, the Child of the Tree doesn't like him.

Heather Williams: Hearth grimaced. "Yeah, I've been working on that whole issue a bit too. Have you found anything of interest?"

Ripeka Carpenter: "Apparently it can be used to create hallows," Rīpeka says grimly. "So monitor the leylines for any changes? That should help track him down, if he's foolish enough to use it anywhere near here."

Heather Williams: "Well if a scelesti stole it, it's going to somewhat less benign than hollows being made," Hearth said grimly. She puttered around, filling a little plate with nibbles to munch on herself.

Ripeka Carpenter: "Yeah. The best case scenario is that he just wants an easy source of potentia." Rīpeka scowls. "But to do what?"

Heather Williams: "I care less about 'what' than about 'where' and 'when.' Those elements are the ones that will let us stop him and recover the rod."

Ripeka Carpenter: "But the 'what' ties into both of those," Rīpeka counters.

Heather Williams: "Fair, but what also means getting into their head, which can be dangerous to say the least. There are hard lines in the world."

Ripeka Carpenter: Rīpeka nods, sighing. "Fair enough."

Heather Williams: She flashed her a smile. "Keep me up to date, please? If you find out anything more?"

Alexis Bartram: Alexis knocks out a quick pattern on the door. Once she's let in, its quickly obvious that she's finally surfaced for air after her intense research project. She's carrying a basket with a selection of loose leaf teas she picked up at a little indie spice and tea shop downtown, which she offers to Hearth once she's inside.

Ripeka Carpenter: "Sure thing," Rīpeka answers, before falling silent at the knock on the door.

Heather Williams: She hopped up to answer the door and pulled Alexis in with a hug. "Hey sweetheart! Welcome! Come on in!"

Alexis Bartram: "Hi! I finally dragged myself out of database hell and I figured I should actually do something that involves other people before I start digging in the Athenaum for the stuff that wasn't ok'd for outside access, if any exists." Alexis waves to Rīpeka(edited)

Ripeka Carpenter: "Would you even be allowed to tell us if there is any?" Rīpeka asks amusedly.

Heather Williams: "Of course it exists," Hearth said with a smirk. "We live in a society based on power and secrecy."

Alexis Bartram: "What I want to know is if someone has come up with a parody song for Galveston based on 'Gaston' from Beauty and the Beast because honestly." Alexis grimaces and goes to get a cookie, "I might be able to tell you what I find out from looking at them? Honestly I hope I've come up with some useful stuff from the haul that got pulled in out of the Seer databases last month."

Ripeka Carpenter: "Probably!" Rīpeka grins knowingly. "What have you come up with?"

Heather Williams: "Yeah, I'm quite interested in that front too," Hearth said with a little frown. "The entire situation in this town has been complicated lately, hasn't it."

Alexis Bartram: "insert information that I don't have yet because the rolls are done but the data hasn't been provided." Alexis scowls, "I think once we do a little more work on the incidental Scelestus infestation, I'm going to have to try and crack whatever incryption is on Mark's cybernetic systems, just in case. I want to see how they got that AI working, and not just out of professional curiosity."(edited)

Ripeka Carpenter: Rīpeka nods. "Let me know if you want help with that? I may not work in that field, but I'm still the kind of trans that knows a fair bit about computers."

Heather Williams: "Unfortunately computers are not my forte," she said with a grimace. "I can use them, but they do not make sense."

Alexis Bartram: "In fairness, I'm not really all that great at art myself. Regardless of everything that Master Thomas is trying to pound into my brain whenever we wind up on the subject." Alexis makes a quick diversion to pick out a cross-section from the Halloween area before coming back.

Ripeka Carpenter: Rīpeka frowns slightly. "Sorry, Master who? I don't know anywhere near all of the Mystagogues locally."

Heather Williams: "Please tell me he's a mage, not your dom," Hearth joked.

Alexis Bartram: "OH, no, he's from up north in Boston. He's mentoring me in our Legacy. He runs a private museum up there, apparently." Alexis shrugs, "I made him promise not to ask me about any of Hearth's private work, but he still wants me to keep an eye out for anything quote 'interesting' unquote."

Ripeka Carpenter: "That makes sense," Rīpeka admits. Then smirks slightly. "If you are interested in trying out being dominated let me know? My place is nice and private."

Heather Williams: "Wait, he's interested in my work?" Hearth asked, leaning forward curiously. "How does he know my work?" She shot a glance at Ripeka and arched an eyebrow.

Alexis Bartram: "...let's put a pin in that and move on." Alexis clears her throat and nods at Hearth, "He hasn't totally explained, but I get the impression that he's looking for something specific that is in this area in someone's collection. That plus, well, being a Sphinx means he probably came across your name at some point. It felt like it was in passing, though? Maybe one of the works you've restored happened to come up or something."

Ripeka Carpenter: Rīpeka shrugs one shoulder. "Thought I'd offer." Beat. "Anyone want a beer? They should be nice and cool by now."

Heather Williams: She hid a grin and let the subject go. "Yeah, sounds nice, thanks for bringing it! And if he wants a recommendation for a reputable art broker in the area, I can make suggestions but what I work on isn't mine. It's either from private collections or museums usually."

Alexis Bartram: "A beer would be nice, thank you." Alexis flashes Rīpeka a smile, "Yeah, he knows you work on comission from collections. From the noises he's made, it sounds like what he's looking for may be a work that's in private hands. Probably hiding in a mansion somewhere." Alexis waves vaguely, "But it probably wouldn't be a bad idea for me to keep an eye on what the brokers have wind of, just in case he asks."(edited)

Ripeka Carpenter: Rīpeka fetches the three beers, passing one to Alexis then to Heather. "Let me know what you think? They were out of what I usually buy."

Heather Williams: "Eh, brokers don't really work like that. There's no big database of who owns what pieces." She waved a hand vaguely. "'Private collections' are like.... Like firearms. There are enough guns in the country for everyone to have one or whatever, but most owners only have one, the next largest number of people have two or maybe three. Only a tiny percentage of people have what anyone considers a collection. Brokers are more like social media influencers who know people who know people."

Alexis Bartram: "That's the kind of information I would want to know from them, though. Like when someone is looking to sell a piece that hasn't been on the market recently, that sort of thing." Alexis clarifies to Hearth before she glances at the beer's label before taking a sip, "What you usually get, anyway?"

Ripeka Carpenter: "Hoose Brackle Stout, why?" Rīpeka arches an eyebrow at Alexis, taking a sip of her own.

Heather Williams: She popped open the can and took a sip. "Interesting. I don't often drink, but this isn't bad."

Jeremiah Hamilton: A quick "shave and a haircut" knock came through the front door as the discussion went on, with a casually-dressed Jeremiah standing behind with a smile on his face and a pack of sodas in hand. Once allowed inside he gave those already present a nod before looking to find somewhere to put his offerings. "Evening all."

Alexis Bartram: "Just curious. I don't really have a favorite beer, just a favorite beer this month, yanno?" Alexis takes a sip, "Although I really wish there was more variety. There are way too many mediocre IPAs on the market right now. There are good ones, too, but there's way too many and not enough of other styles." She waves at Jay as he comes in, "Hey you, we need you to write us a parody song if it doesn't exist yet."

Ripeka Carpenter: "I know, right? And most of them are overpriced, too." Rīpeka glances towards Jay as he comes in. "Evening. What've you been up to?"

Heather Williams: "Jeremiah!" Hearth got up to give him a hug and handed him a plate. "Come in, eat. Please, for the love of all that is holy, put a dent in this spread eh?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "A parody song for..." Cue a curious eyebrow arch and an intrigued look on the Warlock's face. Ripeka's question earned a smile, though. "Work stuff with the cafe and my students, spending time with the girlfriend, learning Forces under Juno...keeping busy."

Jeremiah happily returned the hug and took the offered plate, letting out a whistle as he got a view of said spread. "Don't have to ask me twice. It looks amazing."

Alexis Bartram: "Galveston. But, y'know, to the tune of 'Gaston'. I know its not quite the right number of syllables, but..." Alexis takes a big chomp out of the last thing she nabbed from the Holloween section, "Same sort of prejudiced douchebag energy."

Ripeka Carpenter: Rīpeka blinks once. "When did you get a girlfriend? She doesn't live in Canada, does she?"

Heather Williams: "She exists," Hearth offered. "I've met her."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah let out a snort of laughter which smoothed out into a chuckle, shaking his head with a smirk. "God...Zadok would love if I did that." He then paused, the idea continuing to percolate. "Although to be fair, Ecgberht would probably get a kick out of it, so it might be worth it."

"No, she's local. We've been together a few months now." He gave Ripeka a bit of a look although he was clearly amused, although that shifted to surprise at Hearth's comment. "You have?"

Heather Williams: "You guys were at the diner together once," Hearth said with amusement. "I'm not surprised you don't remember I was there." Her expression shifted into pure mischief. "You were pretty occupied at the time..."

Alexis Bartram: "Wait, you have?" Alexis double-takes at Hearth, "Aww, that's no fair. When is she gonna meet the rest of us?"

Ripeka Carpenter: Rīpeka shrugs one shoulder. "Thought I should make sure." She glances towards Alexis. "In good time, probably."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah simply gave Hearth a look at that, chuckling. "We've only been together at the diner once and that wasn't planned, so nice try. And hopefully soon; been harder to get our schedules synched up than I'd like."

Heather Williams: "That's because when their schedules sync up they don't have room for any of us."

Alexis Bartram: "Clearly." Alexis fakes a sniff, "We've been traded in for the new model. Woe. Woe I say!" She sticks her tongue out at Jay, "Seriously, I'd love to meet her sometime when it can be managed."

Ripeka Carpenter: Rīpeka rolls her eyes at Alexis's antics, but chuckles. "So what does she do that keeps her so busy, then?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Trade you in? Never..." He looked pained at the accusation, although it passed with the small smirk that followed. "She's looking forward to meeting you guys, too."

"She's a musician. Been settling in after the tour her band finished up recently and they're starting to work on a new album that they'll be recording at the studio I keep above the cafe."

Heather Williams: "Maybe we should come to the studio sometime and ambush her!"

Alexis Bartram: "That doesn't seem like a very nice thing to do."

Heather Williams: "In a nice way! We're nice people! Right?!"

Ripeka Carpenter: "Still. A lot of the people who go to Maddy's have pretty specific hangups from what I've gathered, I'd avoid doing that to be safe."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Yeah...not the best idea." Jeremiah shook his head at that, the normal jocularity fading. "Pressuring her into a situation she's not expecting to be in wouldn't go over well."

Heather Williams: "Oh so she's avoiding us," Hearth teased.

  • What on earth have you been telling her about us?"

Alexis Bartram: "I mean, have you met us? I'd avoid us, if I wasn't us." Alexis raids the Thanksgiving loot pile, "We're a bit of a muchness, especially if you aren't one of us."

Ripeka Carpenter: "Could try introducing her to a few of you at a time," Rīpeka suggests, sipping at her beer.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "That you're like the sisters I never had, for one thing." Jeremiah teased in return, giving Hearth a little nudge with his elbow. "I also talked up your baking skills."

Heather Williams: Hearth gave him a little bow. "Well then... I suppose I can forgive you a bit. I am highly susceptible to flattery

Alexis Bartram: "So, what should we NOT bring up when we do finally meet her?"

Ripeka Carpenter: "I never would have guessed," Rīpeka deadpans in Hearth's direction.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Keep the 'what are you?' questions to a minimum, at least to start. She's cleared for weird, but wants to get a better feel for you guys before going into more detail there. She knows what we are, though."

Heather Williams: "I know, right?" Hearth said brightly. "It's not like I'm an ego driven megalomaniac plotting domination of the magically delicious food market or anything. That would be ridiculous. Also, fuck that leprechaun guy, am I right?"

Alexis Bartram: "...well that's a horrible thought, thank you Hearth I didn't need to sleep tonight anyway." Alexis finishes her current beer in one long pull. "Well, jah, but like. Should we avoid like...family? What standard first introduction topics should we avoid?"

Ripeka Carpenter: "I mean, if she can get into Maddy's I'd be worried if she wasn't cleared for weird, quite frankly," Rīpeka chips in.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "You're better than both him and the elf, no question." Jeremiah replied with a smirk, finally taking a bite from his plate before he continued. "Family'd be a good one to avoid as well, yeah. She doesn't keep in touch with them much, kind of like how we don't." He motioned between himself and Alexis briefly for emphasis.

Heather Williams: "I assume all the general courtesies of the weird and whacky apply," Hearth said with a little huff. "Not like it's polite to go asking our folk about our most intimate sympathetic bonds when we first meet. And the elf isn't even competition with the processed-to-survive-a-nuke crap that comes out of his tree. Those crack marshmallows though... That's just cheating."

Alexis Bartram: "I mean, maybe that's just marshmallows being marshmallows? Like, marshmallow has been the good shit for over 4000 years at this point." Alexis tilts her head, "Hmm...I wonder if you could enchant a baked good so it actually WOULD take a nuke and survive? It would take an awful lot of Forces...."

Ripeka Carpenter: "Be pretty hard to test, too," Rīpeka points out. "Even handwaving away the question of how you'd get somewhere a nuke is going to be set off to plant it, how can you be sure you'd be able to locate it if it did survive?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Yeah...that's beyond my paygrade when it comes to Forces. I'm only an Apprentice at this point."

Heather Williams: "Well sure. It wouldn't be too hard to do with Matter," Hearth said. "Plenty of tests have been done with nukes historically and so we know what kind of matter survives more or less intact. Not that you'd want to eat it afterwards."

Alexis Bartram: "Well, yeah, but I would want it to still be edible afterwards. Like, that's the goal. And finding it should be pretty easy, that's just Space. Getting it back, especially if it hit the velocity of something like that one manhole cover, that'd be trickier."

Heather Williams: "Radiation poisoning would be a Forces thing. Or heal yourself of the poisoning with Life."

Ripeka Carpenter: "In any event, probably more effort than is worth it just to bake something, imo," Rīpeka says with a shrug.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "That reminds me...how did that perfected pie end up?" He looked to Hearth at that, curious to say the least.

Heather Williams: "Very enlightening," she said with a delighted laugh. "It was so strange and yet... So comfortingly familiar. Like suddenly gaining tetrachromacy."

Alexis Bartram: "Ooooh, that sounds interesting. Augh, so many Arcana...."

Ripeka Carpenter: "Welcome to being a Mage," Rīpeka says drily.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Here here." Jeremiah replied with a chuckle. "There's two more I want to work on once I hit Disciple in Forces...so much to learn, so little time."

Heather Williams: "Fate," Hearth agreed. "I need to learn some of that too."

Hearth stood up, gathering up some empty dishes. "And I need something to magically do dishes for me too," Hearth said with a laugh. "Let me get these out of your way and take care of some of the cleanup while I'm still conscious."