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Revision as of 12:23, 6 November 2020

Content Warning

Oblique discussion of D/s dynamics, oblique discussion of animal abuse


Sturm and Teagan


Text messages



Hey doll.


Hey you
What're you up to tonight? :3(edited)


Chilling in my room. Hung out with Jack a little earlier, took a nap, woke up, missed my doll 900%.


Oh yeah?
How're things going with Jack?
I've been trying to work with Princess lately. I'm getting better with commands. She's getting better with commands. It's been a while.
Not sure I feel uhhh. Good. About doing it again. But. She is sweet
And I missed you too, t <3


Pretty good? We're doing that 'hang out, figure out what that means' thing.
Sweet! We should take her and Oso out and get them used to each other, so they can work together well when we need them to.


Yeah uhh. The reason I recognized the sound of a dire wolf was because we used to work pretty closely with them Over There.
At least my side did.


Oh damn.
So what that tells me is that like
You rescued her
And that's fucking precious.


... I guess that's fair
I just uhh.
She was wearing this horrible collar.
June and me got it off
But uhh.
She fell into one of the traps I made. So I felt bad about that.


That sounds like it was pretty terrible for you. You made it through ok, though?(edited)
How was June? She does really badly with animals in captivity.
She doesn't even really like pets.
Not to minimize what you went through.
Just... you mentioned June, so I worry about both of you.


Naw she did well. We both uhhh
Were pretty adamant about making sure Princess ended up free
There was a helldiver with her, too
They both fell into the trap I made.
Or, at least I think where was
Also there was a raven. Err. A person? Sigrun got her, though.


So there were two and one got away and Sig killed the other one?
And yeah, I can imagine you were both vehement.


Yeah. I'm honestly surprised Sig kept it together so well
Which is to say
I'm surprised the both of us did
Because uhhh.
Pretty close to home.




To have that shit.


I mean ... we kind of always assumed old one eye would come after her eventually
So as scary as it is, and it is
I kind of feel like
Time to bloody his nose
Maybe that's wrong of me but
After nearly 4 years
I dunno


I... know that you're both summers
And that I am a winter
But that sounds like a terrible idea to me
... but if there were some way to uhh.
Bloody his nose without. Doing it head-on.
I'd be about that.


It's me, doll.
When have I ever attacked anything head on?


Okay but.


I know: Sigrun.


You and I are outliers in this motley :P


There's Johnnie too!


Glitch, Laura, Sigrun, and Johnnie




Johnnie doesn't stealth. She's just wiggly :P


... okay fair.




She is wiggly :3


Honestly I... would hate to have to leave Philly just because we got found.


We won't. This is our home.
I'm not getting chased out by some cosplaying fuckhead


I wish I had your confidence
I uhh.
Ever since I traded my uhh.
Tragic Backstory™️ at the goblin market
I can feel myself becoming more and more like the warrior I was over there
And less like the rogue I was over here.


Does that scare you?


The sturm of six months ago would never have done what I did when we fought the Armsmaster.
... and I made uhhh. I made things bad for you.


You did what?


I uhh.
Just threw myself into that melee and tried to start that chain reaction
Because i just didn't care about my physical body
It's uhh. You come back over there, right?
I don't know.


Oh. I mean...
I did. A lot. But ...
We all try to do our best in a fight.
You didn't do anything wrong except fight really hard. If you're worried about being reckless, though, we can work on that.


Maybe that's what I'm worried about.
I don't know it's hard to tell.
Conan is both barbarian and rogue in equal parts, right? Barry Windsor-Smith drew Conan for like three years, but he went on to do other comics for marvel. Mostly, like x-men stuff but
You can always kinda tell when you see his stuff
That he'd rather be drawing Sword and Sorcery shit.
His Wolverine is Conan. His backdrops are Conan. Limbo is Conan.
I just.
I'm worried that without the Rogue part of me
I'm just going to uhh. End up like Barry Windsor-Smith's X-Men(edited)
And maybe people will always look at me and
Only ever see the barbarian shit.(edited)


I was kind of confused for a minute about where you were going with that.
That makes sense, yes.
I don't just see that. You're just you. But
If you want to work on who you are and why?
We can?


Maybe, yeah. I'm uhh.
More worried about becoming more like I was Over There because of uhh.


Because you're near her more often?


I just uhh.
I don't want her to be afraid of me.
I don't want her to think of me the way she thought of me when we met.


I forget about that all the time
It just isn't how it is anymore
But yeah I understand.
I don't think she'll ever be afraid of you like that again.
But. Like I said. We can work on it together.
Doll, there's nothing that we can't tackle together.
I love you. Sigrun loves you. June loves you.
We all love you.
And look... I mean...
Until you come at me with an iron sword and nearly kill me, you haven't done the dumbest thing in combat
Glitch still holds that record.


Oof. That's fair.
... and I guess uhh. Yeah we can work on it.
I really appreciate you
And I love you too
Idk. I feel good without all that shit weighing me down, but in a way it feels like
because I hadn't like. Ever unpacked that shit? That the NEW shit I had to pack in there just... got overshadowed and now I've gotta deal with this bullshit just like everyone else because I sold all the shit that was covering it up lol
But. Yeah. We can deal.


Oh that ... yeah, that makes sense. As you clear back the thorns, what's underneath it becomes more visible.
And of course. I'm here for you because that's our promise.


Yeah. And uhh. Likewise.
Sorry for being depressing. I'm sure this conversation would've been much more fun if we'd just been horny gremlins


Don't be sorry.
It makes me happy to be able to be there for you.
That's part of the bargain, part of the deal. I don't get to just buy in for the part where we're horny gremlins at each other and then opt out of the part where you're scared and sad and worried that you might hurt people you love.
That's not how this works. Especially not when it comes to the agreement you and I have with each other.
If you're mine, you're mine all the time.
You gave me that trust, and it means something to me.


Okay fine.
I mean
Yes Master, of course you're right ;P


Come here.


I'll be home in about 10 minutes. You wanna get the harness and stuff out of my room? C:


You say that like I'm not already in your room digging in your closet.
But yes.


I love you so much


I love you, too. And I know you.


[Attached is a picture of Sturm's little lock tattoo. She's wearing workout shorts, and the top of her starry sky tattoo sleeve is peeking up into the shot. It's a good shot of incredibly muscular thighs, and impressively subby tattoo choice.]
... and I'm glad I shared myself with you. Uhh. I don't think I'd ever really been happy before I met y'all.


I love that thing. Like I love every bit of you.
You're not the only person in this motley to feel that way.
Not by a long shot.
I had an okay childhood, from all I can remember. And Bailey was a bright spot in a dark time.
But I'm happy now.
You make me happy.
Sig does. June does. Laura, Glitch, Johnnie. Bailey.
It's strange, and wonderful.


It is. :)
Mkay I'm parking and then I'll be inside
See you soon <3


Never soon enough. <3