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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= * Daniel Hawthorne * Joy Hamidi * Violette Farrow *Vorpal | setting= Maddy's Wafflehouse | log='''Violette Farrow:''' This is...")
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Latest revision as of 04:43, 25 December 2020


Maddy's Wafflehouse


Violette Farrow: This is Violette's first visit to Maddy's, so when she comes through a magical portal and finds herself in the woods, she blinks a couple of times in surprise and glances out the windows, before turning to look behind her at the portal. Her head makes a slow shake and a soft laugh tumbles out of her, then she runs her hand over her short hair and looks around.

She's dressed in jeans and a leather jacket, plus a pair of leather boots, and with her Mask strengthened, looks like just another person who came in off the street. Human as can be. Except for all the ways she's not, like the sheer magnetism that can't help but draw eyes her way, a presence that fills the room and briefly pauses conversations. She's pretty, sure, but there's more to it than that. And the fact that her face is a famous one doesn't help.

Daniel Hawthorne: It was one of those rare occassions that Daniel had come to Maddy's without dragging his work laptop along, having left it at home at his sister's insistance. He needed to take a break for the holidays, she decided, and he had begrudingly agreed. The young Haunt was in good spirits, at least, dressed neatly in a mostly-black ensemble with a pop of color coming from the dark green and red scarf wrapped firmly around his neck. A cup of coffee sat nearby as he looked over the menu, his phone nearby but the screen off for the moment.

He looked up at Violette's arrival, watching her for a moment before the recognition set in and his eyebrow arched a touch. When the moment passed he nodded politely, offering a just-above-a-whisper "Evening."

Joy Hamidi: Joy's arrival is discreet and slightly belated, the woman is well below five feet in height, her mask shows green streaks in her hair, green eyes and a soft touch of make up and some christmas light woven in her hair and they're lighting up.

The joke is better for those who can see the mien: The Sprite has a core of stone with roots and branches emerging from it, wood forming the shape of her body and her hair being entirely leafage and vine-like length of vegetation, the chritmast light are woven with the shape of that in mind.

She looks upon the other visitors of the diner, curious.

Violette Farrow: Violette seems to be fairly good at tuning out the people who look her way but that's the extent of it, the passive observation that comes with fame and standing out. It's the people who try to interact that really get her attention, and that includes Daniel, to whom she offers a tip of her head and a friendly smile before answering in as loud a whisper as she can manage, without actually putting any voice into the words. Her hands move in ASL along with the whispered words. "Hello." She glances at the board where the rules are posted and then moves closer to Daniel. "So this place can only be found by unusual people?"

Joy arriving shortly after she does makes her smile the shorter woman's and she signs/whispers, "hello again!" Forgetting, for a moment, she was wearing her true face and not her original one, the time that they met.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel perked up a bit at the use of ASL, adding the signing to his own whispered response as he nodded. "Correct. Some sort of warding worked into the doorway, as I recall." Joy earned a small nod of her own, along with a small smirk at the lights woven into her hair. "Daniel Hawthorne, good to meet you both."

Joy Hamidi: Luckily for Violette, Joy is rather perceptive for a tree with gemstones for eyes and even as she takes a few moment to study the reinforced mask before her, the sign language actually seems to clue to her into who she is beneath the mask. "Hi, Daniel. I'm Joy." a quick little gesture to the lights in her hair and a bit of a dim smile.

"I haven't really learned a lot of words for ASL yet but I did look up a few things to learn it." Joy says toward Violette in particular.

Violette Farrow: Violette brightens -- something that would be more literal if her mien was visible -- when Daniel returns her signs with his own. "You know ASL" she exclaims, both with her hands and in a whisper. "It's good to meet you, too. I'm Violette." She introduces herself with just her first name, both from a matter of habit, but also because it's the mononym that she's known by to most of the world. People know what her last name is, but she never goes by it. Kind of like Björk.

And apparently enough people are paying attention to her still that at a nearby table someone can be heard saying "I told you" to their friend.

"Do you mind if I join you?" she asks Daniel, then she glances at Joy and amends, "do you mind if we join you? If Joy would like to, anyway. It's alright, Joy. Learning a language takes a lot of effort."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Learned it a few years ago when necessity demanded it." He motioned to his scarf-wrapped neck with a wry smirk, then nodded at the question asked. "Feel free."

Joy Hamidi: "Food's good." Joy places her order quickly, already knowing what she'd like. "Happy Holidays." she spends a bit of time adjusting the lights through her hair. "It is hard, but I can do it. It's been a while since I actually studied for something, so it'll be nice to visit old habits again."

"Thanks for sharing the table."

Violette Farrow: "Same," Violette signs and says, while sliding into the booth across from Daniel. "So what kind of thing are you?" she rather bluntly asks him once she's seated. And to show that it's not just one-sided interrogation she explains, "I'm a Changeling."

She kind of freezes at the Happy Holidays, offers a smile that's a bit fragile and forced, and replies to Joy, "you too. I can send you some links to resources that might help you, if you want?"

Daniel Hawthorne: When the server came by Daniel put in for a half order of the green tea pancakes, setting the menu to the side once he was done. The bluntness did earn a brief quirk upwards of the eyebrow from the Haunt but it passed after a moment, nodding at her owner answer to the question. "Vampire myself."

Joy Hamidi: Once she's settled into the seat, she bounces her leg up and down in a somewhat slow fashion. "That would be helpful, what I got is from a google search, I imagine you got the premium information."

The mention of Daniel being a vampire brings a bit of a curious quirk of the eyebrow there. "Same as Violette."

Violette Farrow: "Really?" Violette seems surprised, but she does not seem the slightest bit worried by that. "Interesting. I've never really sat down to have a conversation with a vampire before." Then she hesitates and corrects, "that I knew of. I imagine that you're all as good at blending in as we are, generally speaking." If anything, she just seems intrigued, but she also turns aside to Joy and asks, "are you on social media anywhere? If you want to find me and add me, I can send you some things." She's easy to find.

Daniel Hawthorne: "More often than not." And indeed, with the Blush running the Haunt looked like your average gentleman. "I've gotten to know some of your folks since I came here and I can't complain for the company."

Joy Hamidi: "I think I met the guy who offered some wetwork on the billboard before." Pointing out to it and the sign that Guy put up earlier.

"I have a twitter I use to keep up with local stuff a bit." Joy produce an old smart phone from a hoodie.

Violette Farrow: "How long have you been here in Philly?" Violette asks, and then she looks out the window and asks, "are we even in Philly still? This looks more like back home for me, and less like the city." She looks over at the board when Joy points it out. "Wetwork? Great. I do my best to stay out of that kind of business."

Daniel Hawthorne: "I came here from Boston about six years ago." If one had the ear for such things there were hints of the old money Brahman accent wrapped around those whispered words. "The set up here is less...hectic, I could say, and I've stayed because of that."

Joy Hamidi: "I'm not sure where we are exactly, I don't know if we're even in the US still." Joy sips her glass of water. She opens twitter with her other hand, tapping her fingers on the screen. "What's your handle?"

"Good to know the city is calmer for your people, peace is hard to come by."

Violette Farrow: Violette looks about to start replying, and then holds a hand out toward the phone with a questioning look. An implied question about whether she can just put it in directly. "Boston never seemed hectic to me, but I never went there as a vampire," she says, this time just whispered instead of signed too, since she's holding her hand out.

Daniel Hawthorne: "The court there is much more cutthroat politically, even to one raised in it like I was." Another wry smirk crossed his features at the turn of phrase, the Haunt pausing to take a sip of his coffee before continuing. "The leadership here keeps that to a minimum, however."

Joy Hamidi: "Good to know. Not a whole lot of court intrigue going on these days." Joy says with a soft shrug of her shoulder, as she hand over her phone to Violette.

Her phone and twitter has various pokemon imagery all over the place. Even her handle on twitter and such are all pokemon related.

Violette Farrow: Violette takes the phone and holds it so that Joy can see everything she's doing, no chance of anything hinky. And when she just goes to twitter.com/violette it brings up a profile with a picture that matches her Masked up face, and almost three million followers. She smiles and hands the phone back then signs, "there you go. Which pokemon is your favorite?" The words are whispered, too.

She lets out a soft laugh when she turns attention back to Daniel, but she seems to try to hold it in and covers her mouth when the sound comes out. A laugh shouldn't be able to be that infectiously lovely, but somehow hers is, even when she represses it. "I can understand at least a bit. The Changeling group in LA is as insufferable as you might imagine. Things seem more relaxed here."

Daniel Hawthorne: The power of even that stiffled laugh didn't go unnoticed, Daniel's ears almost visible perking up at the sound. He nodded as Violette continued, signing along with his own response. "Good to hear. The various groups here haven't had any major disputes come up between them either from what I've seen, and have worked together on at least one major issue."

Joy Hamidi: "Bonsly. It's so cute." There is a little smile there. "I like a lot of others too, but that one speak to me in a different way." It's also likely a bit of a joke with herself given what her min specifically looks like.

"And nice to know we can have some cooperation between the different people."

Violette Farrow: "Good, I'm a fan of cooperation," Violette answers as she's done before, with hand and whisper. "I don't know very much about the other types of people out there, but I imagine we all have our own skills and weaknesses." She gives Joy a brilliant smile and says, "I guess that I could see that! I love Yamper. So cute!"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Indeed." Daniel nodded, smirking a touch at the continued Pokemon talk. "Always liked Eevee myself, moreso these days. The capacity for change has always been interesting."(edited)

Vorpal: The faint rustle of Autumn leaves, and a sense of doorly distrust (where DID the front door go? Were they SURE?) settled over those present, a herald of Autumn's approach before ever the door opened to admit one skinny noodle of a Johnnie, pausing to look round and see what faces are to be seen- and how they react to her arrival.

Joy Hamidi: "Unfortunately, I don't have a switch or like, the money to get one soon. But I'm definitely putting one in my team when I play through the gen 8 games." Joy explains with a little nod, then looks to Daniel. "Glaceon is pretty!"

She throws a look toward Vorpal when she comes in and raise her hand in greetings.

Daniel Hawthorne: "I stopped playing the handheld games around Soul Silver, I think. Dabbled with the trading card game for a bit but stuck with Magic for the most part." The odd sensation did make Daniel sit up a little straighter before Johnnie's arrival caught his attention, looking her over for a moment before offering a nod. The Haunt was blushed and appeared normal all told, a dark green and red scarf wrapped firmly around his neck. "Evening."

Violette Farrow: "Do you want to borrow mine? You can if you promise to return it. I've been too busy to play lately," Violette says to Joy with a smile. "It's no big deal, really, if you'd like to." She turns when Johnnie comes wafting in, like a shadow on the wind, and offers a not quite literally glowing smile and a wave. She's Masked up, so her face isn't familiar, but the jacket she's wearing might be to the observant Elemental, and so might the sheer sense of her presence, in general. She considers her a moment, tilts her head like she's listening to some sound, and then gets a brief stubborn look and waves Johnnie over.

Vorpal: The scarred, pale woman catches the wave of greeting, the welcome from Daniel, the beaming welcome from Violette. The accouterments are, in fact, familiar, and she flashes a subtle smile Violette's way as she approaches at that last wave to join them. "Greetings, all," she offers delicately, melting down into an empty seat, making no attempt to hide her impossible fluidity now that she's safely inside the restaurant.

Daniel, in particular, might find her presence further unsettling. The way she moves, how she seems aware of everything around them, that impossibly even expression without the tiniest flinches of reaction- that's the sort of thing more commonly seen in Elders than- well, whatever this random, scarred-up lady might be! "Are we discussing games?"

Joy Hamidi: Joy tilt her head. "That could be fun, but I need to check if the TV in my room can actually be plugged in to that." The small wood and stone element has christmas lights in her hair, which are leaves and foliage in her mien. "Also, I haven't touched a magic cards since high school."

She responds to Vorpal when she asks about games. "Something like that yeah." A beat "I'm Joy."

Violette Farrow: "You can play it handheld, too," Violette tells Joy with a shrug, signing and whispering much as she did the last time that Johnnie ran into her. "Just let me know." She turns back around to Vorpal. "I suppose we are, at this point. I never really got into magic. I didn't have anyone to play with in high school, and we definitely didn't have money for it. Those things are expensive! I was definitely not a popular kid, though, and didn't have many friends, either." She shrugs about it, rather than sounding like she's upset by it still. It's just what it was.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel looked more intrigued than unsettled, truth be told, familiar with that sort of inhuman precision but curious to see it shown in one not of the blood. "Daniel Hawthorne, good to meet you." came the whispered greeting, signing along with the verbal response much like Violette was.

"I got into Magic in middle school and have stuck with it pretty much since, although I sold most of my physical cards a few years back barring the really rare ones. Been playing online for the most part lately."

Vorpal: Johnnie hears Joy mention plugging handhelds into TVs and gives a biiiiiiiiiiiig sigh, as if lamenting she even knows the answer to that. "Every nintendo handheld before the DS series can be plugged into a TV through one of their other consoles. All original game boy and game boy color games use the Super Game Boy "cartridge" with the SNES, and all Advance consoles plug into the Game Cube with a specialized adapter. So if it's DS or later, you'll be out of luck, unless it's on the Switch, which no longer needs extras and just docks." She sounds tired. Like she knows more about this than she likes.

"Magic? Like... card tricks?" It's odd to hear someone so up to date on video games but unfamiliar with MtG, but there it is. She looks to Violette and offers softly, "If it helps, none of this even existed when I was a kid. Except cards. We had cards."

To Daniel, she offers a slender, just-as-scarred hand. Delicate whorls artfully traced along her body. "Vorpal. Johnnie works, too. A pleasure, Mister Hawthorne."

To Joy as well, now that her player remembers there was a second introduction. "A pleasure, Joy. I like your lights. Very festive." All delivered in easy, steady tone.(edited)

Joy Hamidi: "Yeah but the tv in the motel are like, cathodic TV from the mid 80s, I'm not sure that it'd work for it." She replies to Johnnie. "But yeah I could play it handheld if that doesn't work. I'll throw a twitter DM at you when I give it a look later."

"Magic the gathering is a card game which cost lots of money and has a shit ton of evolving rules that are kind of hard to keep track of." Then she looks to Violette "Plus a lot of the players are unpleasant. from personal experience."

Violette Farrow: "You're living in a motel?" Violette asks of Joy. The two main things she seems to be feeling about that, which she's not trying to hide, are surprise and concern. "Is everything alright? Do you need any help with finding a more permanent solution? If you do, you only have to ask and I'll see what I can do."

Johnnie's question is already answered, so she nods in agreement with the explanations. "I played a lot of cards, when I was a kid. Lots of solitaire. I've played probably every hand of solitaire that can possibly be dealt, hyperbolically speaking. A bunch of the people in the band played it, and it looked interesting, but I never played myself. I honestly didn't know it was still around." She looks at Daniel as she says that last, since he's the one who said he plays.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel took Johnnie's offered hand, shaking it firmly but not overly so. He smirked at Joy's comment about the average player, letting out a quiet sigh. "Sad but true. I tried to shut that down when I saw it playing in person as best as I could; saw more than a few people chased out of the hobby by players being assholes."

Vorpal: Johnnie listens behind her placid facade, quietly musing over what the others are discussing. It's hard for her to relate to- she didn't really have hobbies or clubs as a kid. She does frown faintly at hearing Joy's living out of a motel, nodding to add her concern to V's when she asks about whether she's finding a more permanent solution.

"If the game has a marked tendency to attract a certain brand of jerk, why do people keep playing it?"

Joy Hamidi: "Honestly, I live in a motel room because it was very practical for a time, but it's kind of getting old. Especially since I work at the motel." Joy drums her finger on the edge of her phone "I might need a hand changing that, but I'm planning to speak with my boss whenever he comes back from this weekend."

"Usually that means suggesting a shower, or something like that." As she nods her assent to Daniel she answer Vorpal. "The game in itself, is fun and intricate. But it suffers very similarly to many geek hobbies from years of it being run and regulated by the same old white people. I bet it's getting better with the amount of people pouring into the hobby recently with all the attention ttrpgs are getting."

Violette Farrow: Violette signs and whispers to Joy, "let me know, okay? I'll help if I can." And she reaches out like she's going to touch the Winter's arm, but pauses to see if there's a reaction that would suggest it's unwelcome before she actually does so.

Then back to the rest of the conversation. "Geeks tend to get really opinionated. About whatever they're into. Video games. Board games. Electronics. Music. I love to go find people doing covers of my songs so I can listen and encourage them, and so many people are so mean! In my name! When I love people covering my music, it's so flattering."

Daniel Hawthorne: "I personally enjoy the strategy aspect of it, especially since you never know if you'll get the cards you need in hand at the right time." Daniel nodded to Joy, pausing to clear his throat and take a sip of his coffee before continuing. "The online Arena scene has gotten better, at least."

"I've had to deal with some...interesting commentary on the pieces I put up online, won't lie. People get very particular about their clothes, and sometimes they're ruthless if they don't like another person's design choices."

Vorpal: "I get practical. I spent a good long while walking through walls so I could crash in people's attics. It was a lot cheaper than paying for a place, and I didn't have any stuff I cared to store anywhere, so." Johnnie shrugged, then listened as she was educated on geek culture and its tendency to polarize. "Huh. I get it, I guess. The concept, anyway. I don't understand why folx feel the need to attack different opinions." Pause. "And fuck you if you don't agree." She seemed to muse over that, then shook her head. "Yeah, no, that doesn't do anything for me at all."

"Why would you want to play a game where you can lose entirely through no fault of your own, though?" She asks of Daniel.

Violette Farrow: "I have since learned that I don't do so great with competitive games like that," Violette admits with a soft sigh after the signed/whispered words. "I want to, but I don't handle it well. Not in the sense that I'm ultra competitive, since I'm not, but I..." she stops herself and shrugs. "Never mind. I think the answer is that the deck building and trying to avoid those situations is a big part of the strategy, but it's also a game of chance, too. You said you played cards. No matter how good you are at poker, unless you're cheating, there's still an element of chance to that and you can lose just because your cards are bad, too."

Finally, "pieces?" This is to Daniel, obviously.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Getting to learn from those loses and rework your decks for the next time around, for one. That and when the combo you're looking for does come up it's a pretty good feeling." Daniel smiled quietly at that, giving Violette a curious look at the sudden pause before nodding in agreement with her addition. "Pretty much that."

"I'm a clothing designer by trade, and run a studio a few blocks off of Rittenhouse Square."

Vorpal: "Ah, but not so," Vorpal contested. "In poker, the cards you get are only a fraction of the game. Poker is a game about betting, bluffing, and reading. The cards themselves don't matter if you can make your opponents believe you have better cards than you have- or worse. With so much of the game being knowing when to cut your losses and how to convince your opponents not to, the cards you actually get are only marginally important, and a garbage hand can win if you can convince everyone else to fold. There's still skill involved- a bad hand can put you at a disadvantage, but in a game like you're describing, you could draw hands that literally make it impossible to win with no way to bluff your way out of it." She shakes her head. "That's what I wouldn't enjoy. The chance I might lose simply because of bad luck with no chance to influence things? No thank you."

She wasn't too interested in clothing, but she glanced politely to Daniel as V engaged him on the topic.

Violette Farrow: Violette shifts from her ultra-casual, picture-perfectly modelesque pseudo-slouch to a much more interested and alert lean forward when Daniel explains. "Is that so? Have you got a business card? I would love to talk about some ideas for..." she stops and turns away while wincing slightly, like someone just cut off mid sentence. "Well, if I was still performing," she concedes. "I'd have ideas for some outfits I'd see if you could pull off. But I'd be interested for other reasons, too."

Not forgetting about Vorpal she says, "I think a lot of those things are true in Magic, too. Convincing people to do or not do certain things because of what you might or might not have in your hand, unseen. But I've only watched other people play it."

Daniel Hawthorne: "I do, yes." Daniel went into his pocket to pull a slim metal case from it, offering Violette one of the cards from within. He paused again when she cut herself off, a note of concern slipping into his features. "What's keeping you from performing, if you don't mind my asking?"

"Understandable, and what she said is part of it." He tilted his head towards Violette as he continued. "The type of decks that I play are what are called control decks since they're focused on manipulating and managing what the other player can do with their cards. Even if you don't get the perfect set up they're still pretty fun to play, at least for me."

Vorpal: "Well, that's true, but I'm talking about drawing an unplayable hand. You can win with an unplayable hand in poker. Aren't most of the card games these days part resource? What if you draw nothing but resources? That'd be an instant loss if you never draw anything to do with it all, right?"

Vorpal smiled quietly at the idea of a control deck. "I could get behind that."

Daniel Hawthorne: "In theory, but most people only include a certain number of resource cards in the deck so that's not usually an issue." Daniel nodded, smirking a touch at that quiet smile. "If you're ever interested in learning, let me know."

Violette Farrow: Violette takes the card, looks at it, and slips it into a pocket on her leather jacket with a nod. She hesitates before she answers Daniel's question, but she does answer. "I can't use my voice any more. My fans aren't really there for instrumental shows." She takes her phone out and pulls up the address from the business card, just for the sake of curiosity, and because her brain won't stop asking until she does. "Hey, this is good work."

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel nodded quietly, an understanding look in the Haunt's eye. "My throat was cut just before my Embrace and the damage didn't fully heal after the fact. A whisper is the most I can get most days, hence learning ASL and this." He motioned briefly to the scarf around his neck.

He glanced at her phone as she pulled up the site, a small but proud smile on his face at the compliment. "Thank you. I started learning from my great grandmother who was a seamstress when I was a kid and liked it enough to stick with it as a career."

Violette Farrow: Violette leans forward, resting elbows on the table, and looks around the site for a few minutes before she puts the phone down on the table. She leaves the screen on, but it shuts off on its own like 10 seconds after it leaves her hand. A short screensaver time. "Embrace?" she asks, once her hands are free. "Pretend, accurately, I know basically nothing about vampires." There's a smile. "But I wouldn't mind learning anything you're allowed to share. That sounds traumatic. I'm sorry."

She turns her head slightly and her eyes shift even further, looking away at nothing. "In my case it's more like... a faerie curse. Not exactly, but that's the easiest way to explain it. If I use my voice, it puts the people who hear it in danger. It puts me in danger. You got to know your great grandmother? I never even met my grandparents, so I'm jealous."

Daniel Hawthorne: "It's what we call becoming what we are. In my case I was about yeah far from bleeding out before someone 'saved' me." One could hear the air quotes, although he didn't make the hand motions to go with it. "The fallout from that is part of why I left Boston and came here, if only to get out from the cloud that it caused. I'm glad that I did, though; I don't think I would have handled things as well as I have if I'd stayed."

"Follow you there. That has to be hard, considering what you did with it before." He nodded quietly. "Mmhmm. My family has served one of the older vampires in Boston since before the Revolutionary War and she was one of his longer-term retainers."

Violette Farrow: "Does being a servant make them live longer or something?" Violette asks, sounding genuinely like her goal is understanding, not to pry. That she's just trying to get it to all make sense in her head. "Hey, I didn't ask, do you even take commissions?" And then a hard conversational left, which does seem to be just where her mind took her at that moment, not any attempt to escape the other topic.

Daniel Hawthorne: "It does, primarily from the blood that's consumed from their patron, or regnant as we call it. It stops aging at the point where you start taking it, and grants some access to the abilities that we can call on. There are downsides, however, primarily in the obsessive tendencies on the ghoul's side that come from the bond created by the blood; think Renfield from the Dracula movie, if you've seen it. That's one of a number of reasons why the practice is frowned upon here by the leadership."

"You didn't, but I do." He said with a small smile, hoping to take a bit of the edge off of the previous topic of conversation. "Are you looking for anything in particular?"

Violette Farrow: "That sounds... horrible." Violette is, in many ways, the opposite of deceptive or reserved. She all but projects her feelings onto the people around her instead, and her discomfort with the idea of Renfields being made of real people is palpable. "I'm glad the local leadership frowns on it. And no, nothing in particular right now, but if I know someone local I'll start thinking about it. Or not try to stop thinking about it if that's what my brain decides to do. It kind of wanders off on me sometimes, when I'm not reigning it in."

Daniel Hawthorne: "It could be...trying at times, I'll be honest. I had one long-term relationship fall apart because of it, but that happened not too long before i was turned so that may have been for the best." As he spoke Daniel gently ran his thumb up and down the side of his pointer finger; something of an unconscious soothing mechanism, perhaps?

"Know how that goes. I end up with a lot of different projects rolling in my head at once to the point where my sister makes me take a break, hence why I don't have my laptop here tonight. I usually work on things while I'm here."

Violette Farrow: Violette's eyes shift to Daniel's hand, where he's rubbing his fingers together, and she shifts a little like, for some reason, that's making her uncomfortable, but she's also trying to hide it. Not very successfully. She clears her throat softly and peels her eyes away, only to not look at his hand just as obviously as she was looking. "If I'm not careful I can end up locking myself away in my studio for basically days, working on things. Funny enough, my laptop..." Her eyes start to wander back toward his hand, and she pulls them away before her signed and spoken words trail off and she seems to lose her train of thought.

Daniel Hawthorne: Upon noticing that Violette noticed what he was doing Daniel stopped, making his hand rest on the table and giving her an apologetic look when he saw how uncomfortable she looked. "Sorry...force of habit. Are you alright?"

Violette Farrow: Violette glances around like someone who thinks they're being watched, then gives Daniel a suspicious look before she starts sliding her way out of the booth. She grabs her phone as she does, pockets it, and then gets up where she signs, "who were you signalling to?"

Daniel Hawthorne: The question made him pause a moment, shaking his head as he signed back "I wasn't. I do that to calm myself down at times."

Violette Farrow: She glances around again, gives Daniel another suspicious look, and then hurries off out the door without answering again.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel frowned quietly as Violette hauled out of the diner, letting out a soft sigh while he sank into his seat. After a bit he shook his head, polishing off his coffee before heading to the counter to have his order packed to go and heading out himself.