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Latest revision as of 06:23, 9 January 2021


Amadeus Lounge


Jolene Logan: She'd heard about Amadeus Lounge, knew it was Ianto's place, even though she'd never been there. Tonight she'd decided it was time to check the place out. She'd thrown a text to Darren letting him know where she was heading and seeing if he wanted to join her. One lyft later, the wild hair, wild eyed blooded was walking through the doors.

She was a creature of habit in some regards. For all the ways she could be unpredictable, her clothing was rarely one of them. Tonight was going to challenge that, as she mixed up her uniform with a floral dress that went down to mid calf, though she kept her black leather jacket over it. Her shoes were a pair of simple flats. It wasn't long before she was given, at her request, seating in the little back area, where she sat in the corner, her back to the wall, and looked over the drink and food menus.

Jacob Caulfield: A familiar face made its way into the lounge not long after Jolene got settled in, with Jacob keeping to the same casual look of jeans, t-shirt and well-worn leather jacket as she had last seen the Ithaeur in. Dark eyes scanned the room as he entered, both to find a table and see who was already there.

Darren Lynch: Darren's arrival took a bit of time, but eventualy he showed, stepping into the place after finishing the last of a cigarette outside, exhaling towards the wind before letting the door close softly behind him. He came up behind Jacob, putting brushing of his own jacket. "Sir," he greeted the Uratha evenly. "Jo's in the back if you care to join us." He said, beginning to head that way, looking back over his shoulder at the other man.

Jolene Logan: Her eyes lifted reflexively at every bit of movement, the girl who was usually on fairly high alert, seemed to be doing double time. Maybe it was from the events of the night before, maybe it was just watching for Darren, hard to say. Still the second they passed the threshold to the backroom, her eyes would find them, and wave would soon follow.

Jacob Caulfield: Jacob looked to Darren as he spoke, an eyebrow arched curiously before he nodded and followed. He gave Jolene a brief salute in return for the wave, letting Darren take a seat first before claiming one of his own. "Something up?"

Darren Lynch: Darren moved to sit beside Jolene, leaning to place a kiss on the top of her head before taking a seat beside her. "Just bein' cordial." Darren said, assuaging Jacob's fears. "Though you never know what she's been up to. Could always be news." Darren looked well tonight. He'd gotten some rest it seems. His hair still slightly damp from a shower. The scent of soap pulling off him.

Jolene Logan: She offered Jacob a smile, and leaned into the kiss on her head from Darren before settling back into her won seat. "I've been up to things, there is news." She chirps, her eyes glittering, as if she's giddy to punctuate that sentiment of Darren's, of course as she thought of the news her smile fell a little. She offered her menu to Jacob, having only asked for two, figuring Darren and she could share.

Jacob Caulfield: Jacob smiled a touch at the tender moment between the two Blooded as he got settled across from the pair, taking the offered menu and looking it over. "What happened?"

Darren Lynch: Darren didn't seem interested in food, letting Jolene have the menu for her own. His gaze scanned the room briefly before he focused in on the other two, nodded as Jacob ased the question of the hour then.

Jolene Logan: She eyed the menu and made a thoughtful sound, she'd picked this location, and this spot for the privacy towards the people it afforded. "I think word has reached both of you that the Locus at City Hall is a corruption resonance?" Looking up now from under her lashes.

Darren Lynch: Elbows resting on the table, hands folded in front of his mouth, he listened. "I had heard. Though I thought the Iron Masters were taking take of it?" he questioned. "Did you get placed on hold and hang up?" His way of asking if she went to take care of it somehow.

Jacob Caulfield: "I'd heard about it, yeah." Jacob nodded, looking Jolene over.

Jolene Logan: Her lips pursed "....just thought I'd take a peek, and I wasn't the only one." Yes, she'd gone to do a little intel gathering! "I'm sure Jano and Salome will spread word soon, if they haven't already, they were there too...but there was a massive Dihir who came through in twilight....just...it seemed to swallow the building, thirty or forty feet wide and just as tall, the whole place is way worse than I anticipated." She admits taking a sip from the water that had been delivered when she sat down.

Darren Lynch: Darren took pause for a moment listening, the news of a Dihir causing him to look her over, as if checking for any wounds she might be hiding. "Nothin' to fuck around with," frowning he pressed his lips thin. "So wha's the plan then? And what was goin' on there outta twilight to bring tha' out?"

Jacob Caulfield: Jacob's eyebrows climbed high at that particular tidbit, sitting back in his chair. "Well hell." A bit of an understatement, perhaps, but as fitting a response as any. Darren had covered what questions had come to mind next, so he remained quiet for the moment to let Jolene answer them.

Jolene Logan: "A press conference, I'm not great with politics, has never been my focus...but from what I gathered, Comptroller-" She pauses she didn't really know what that position was "Mabey got hurt somehow? And their interim Rafferty is stepping in....and that thing definitely seemed to directing the Rafferty, lots of protesters don't like the guy, and the fact the slimey little spirits at the place did, speaks volumes....not sure I've ever seen such a disgusted bloated bunch." That wasn't true, but it was true enough, her hands moved from the table to her lap to hide under the long sleeves of the jacket as she reflected.

"Pretty sure Salome got their bans and banes, at least most of them? Suspect she's passing word around by now....but it's bad." Not that they needed to be told, they seemed to have fully grasped that with the mention of the Dihir, now she was really wishing she'd ordered a cocktail already.

Darren Lynch: His jaw worked as he listened, quiet as he considered it all, though finally he asked. "Who are Jano and Salome?" setting her menu on the edge so their orders would soon be taken. He'd only cared for a whiskey tonight and leaned back so Jolene could order too.

Jacob Caulfield: "Salome's another Ithaeur; ran into her here the first time I came by." Jacob nodded, the gears turning upstairs as he mulled over what Jolene had said. "Have to wonder if this Rafferty is being properly Urged or just playing into the spirit's hands."

Jolene Logan: "She was the one with the dogs the other day." She offered to Darren "Jano I'd never met before and we didn't get to talking, but she knew him, and he definitely had some oomph to him, I'm assuming he's people." she fell quiet as one of the staff came to take orders. "An old fashion please." She probably should have ordered something to eat, and maybe she'd get around to that eventually.

Darren Lynch: Darren nodded, recalling now and leaning forward once more to rest his elbows on the table as the waitress left. "It's going to take more than two wolves and a blooded to take care of a Dihir. I assume you'll be goin' back? Jus' make sure there's a smart plan of action beforehand, aye?"

Jacob Caulfield: Jacob asked for a soda for himself when the server came by, nodding at Darren. "Agreed. It'll take a lot of hands working in tandem to handle something that big."

Jolene Logan: She nods a little as she considers "I'll go back and help but only if I can help...It's hard to say sometimes if my presence does more good or bad when things get like that." She admits, rubbing her lips together, thinking how Jano had told Salome to watch her.

Darren Lynch: He seemed thankful she realized how her presence could affect things. She wasn't blind to her situation and what could come of it, her the sake of others and herself. "As blessed as y'are it does come with consequences. You're right to question what your role is in events like these." Was it praise? A compliment? Seemed about as good as he gives. "You know what I 'ave at my disposal. I doubt there's much I can do, but if you need somethin' to assist it, let me know."

Jacob Caulfield: "What sort of blessing are we talking about in this case?" Cue another curious look from the Ithaeur...

Jolene Logan: She turned her piercing eyes to Jacob, chewing on her lower lip a moment as she debated where to start, what words to use. "....I'm a locus." She wasn't just a locus for reaching, but she could produce essence. "I've got eyes that see, and a tongue that they taught to speak as they do, and the spirits afford me a modicum of respect because of how deep in their world I've always been." That last part wasn't exactly true, but it was easier than explaining why the spirits really gave her a bit of renown.

She nodded to Darren "I've lived most of my life taking a wolf from theirs, I'm not looking to force anyone to have to babysit me when it can be avoided."

Darren Lynch: It was difficult not to look at Jolene with a bit of awe as she explained, though Darren's face would never betray his true emotions. He blinked slowly after a moment of listening and finally looked off of her to Jacob to see his reaction, then nodded to the waitress as their drinks arrived.

Jacob Caulfield: Jacob's eyebrow quirked up once again but he looked more impressed than anything, giving Jolene a quiet nod. "Quite the hand you've been dealt, there."

Jolene Logan: She looked to Darren, and gave him a faint smile at the look, even if it was near expressionless before looking back to Jacob. "It is a hand, for better or worse. A blessing, a responsibility..." And she looked up gratefully as drinks were brought, collecting hers, and waiting until everyone had their drinks an the waiter had left before continuing. "It's the sort of thing that makes me useful and a liability in equal turns." She was at least self aware it seemed....about that.

Darren Lynch: "Was this your first time seeing a Dihir?" he questioned, altering the topic's course a degree.

Jacob Caulfield: Jacob took his drink from the server with a nod before looking back to Jolene, offering another small nod in return. "I can imagine. Seems like you're handling it alright, though, least by my telling."

Jolene Logan: "No...first time I've seen one that was foul like that, there was one at the Grand Canyon....but it was a very different sort of spirit." She shook her head a little "The thing last night, was just...I've never seen anything like it." And clearly still wasn't keen on it. She looked to Jacob and offered an easy smile. "I pride myself on my excellent coping skills and self awareness." she teased with a little grin, before taking a sip of her drink.

Darren Lynch: Darren said nothing to the contrary, taking his sip and setting his drink down lightly. "This, along with the Wound... there's a lot to face in Philadelphia these nights. Ithaeur will thrive here when the time comes."

Jacob Caulfield: If Jacob noticed that bit of subterfuge he made no move to point it out, taking a sip of his soda before commenting with a small smirk. "Both good things to have, especially in our line of work."

"For sure." He nodded to Darren. "Will have to check in with the other folks to see where I can chip in."

Jolene Logan: She nods at that swirling her glass and watching the cherry at the bottom lazily start a circuit around the glass. "Yeah....that's one I am definitely not rushing in on, I am happy to help with research but I don't think I should go near a wound without a decent group of wolves, if at all...." She admits eyeing the glass. "The shit that comes out of those...."

Darren Lynch: "Bes' to let the wolves take care of it. I's their duty any'ow." he believed and looked across to Jacob. "You much of a fighter, sir? Aside from fires that is."

Jacob Caulfield: "Every bit helps, even off the front lines. Knowing where to hit is just as important as hitting hard, if not more so." Jacob gave what he meant to be a reassuring smile to Jolene, then nodded to Darren. "Been training as a boxer since I was younger, plus the claws and whatnot when the need comes."

Jolene Logan: She gave a little nod to Darren, he was absolutely right. Her at a wound was essentially declaring she had a death wish, and she knew it. Her eyes flicked to Jacob "I've been helping with research where I can, I know a lot of folks are, it's definitely not the sort of thing you want to rush even though the wrongness of it drives you to do just that."

Darren Lynch: The Irishman nodded, perhaps a touch of approval there in the gesture. "I'm beside the Uratha community myself, but I do look forward to seeing who here is capable of what. The City is laying down i's cards. And soon we shall see what players are comin' to the table."

Jacob Caulfield: "Mmhmm. Knowing the lay of the land is important, especially in a place like that." He paused at what Darren said, though, looking him over. "'Beside' the community...how so?"

Jolene Logan: She simply nodded and turned her sea green eyes to Darren, who's own shared their bright quality that near glowed if in a deep rich emerald, and looked to see how he'd answer as she sipped her drink.

Darren Lynch: "I didn' come to this city to find a community. At leas' no' this one. I thin' if it weren't for Jo 'ere, I'd be even further removed." strange coming from a man with Uratha heritage all through his tattoos, and continued reverence to wolves.

Jacob Caulfield: "There a reason behind that? If you don't mind my asking, that is."

Jolene Logan: Ooooooh, she'd been so careful to not pry, even though the temptation had been growing, that mentally she was doing flips that Jacob had asked what she'd been skirting around, figuring they'd talk about it when they talked about it. She didn't look at Darren then, just her drink, oh so nonchalantly.

Darren Lynch: "Jus' because we're born into this life doesn't mean we're meant for it." he rolled a shoulder.

Jacob Caulfield: If the children of Kamduis-Ur were anything they were curious, and Jacob was going to worry this bone until he got properly smacked for it, it seemed. "Take it something came up along the way that made you feel that way?"

Jolene Logan: Oh, oh god, were they going to talk feelings with Darren?! She angled ever so slightly to watch Darren's expression, while she nursed her drink, and debated if she should try and rescue him with a subject change. The problem was, she had yet to see him in need of rescuing even once, and suspected this likely wasn't the moment either.

Darren Lynch: "It's not a matter a feelin'. It's just 'ow it is." he said, simply the words clean of emotion. "Some of us are blessed and others are not. My path took a differen' turn." he'd take another sip of the whiskey in front of him.

Jacob Caulfield: "Were you expecting a different blessing than what you got, or something else?" He spared a brief glance towards Darren's arm where he had spotted the tribal markings woven into his tattoos before looking back to the man himself.

Jolene Logan: She still didn't say anything, content to just lean her dress covered leg against Darren's and watch him with calm eyes, the truth was, she didn't know how he was going to answer, but she knew he tended to be pretty even in how he handled things....mostly.

Darren Lynch: "Definitely somethin'." he said, with an exhale, finishing the rest of his drink. He didn't seem emotionally bothered by it, perhaps more so darkly amused. "It's time I got back to work though, aye?" he said, giving a knock on the table with his knuckle as he stood. "I'll be about this evening I'm sure." He glances to Jo, "Be good." And to Jacob, "Good seein' you Sir. " before heading off.

Jolene Logan: She nodded to Darren both as he mentioned being around later, but also at the 'be good' and she'd watch him until he was out of sight before looking back to Jacob. "He's convinced trouble and I find each other..." He wasn't wrong.

Jacob Caulfield: "See you around." Jacob lifted his glass to Darren in a small salute, curiosity still firmly piqued but declining from pressing further at the moment. He looked to Jolene when she spoke up after Darren's departure, giving a little nod. "Tends to be the case with a lot of us, so you're not the only one. Then again, I poke around in places I probably shouldn't be either so I can't say much."

Jolene Logan: She nodded at that "Especially the sort working on both sides of things, hard not to find trouble." She gave a wolfish smile and a little shrug, her eyes glittering at the sentiment. "I may have done some poking in places I shouldn't have once or twice." She confesses.

Jacob Caulfield: "Here's to getting back out in one piece, at least, and learning what you can along the way." He lifted his glass in a toast, smiling a touch.

Jolene Logan: "I'll drink to that." It was in fact one of the biggest motivators behind her drinking in a round about way. "This city is interesting, though I guess most big cities are in their ways, pockets of nature, beautiful buildings, neighborhoods in neglect, you can find it all with a short drive..." She muses.

Jacob Caulfield: "Mmhmm. Lot of history packed into it, and some of it's still walking around if you know where to look." He took a sip of his soda before giving a nod. "Been keeping an eye out for the more lucid folks on that front, although I haven't come across much yet."

Jolene Logan: She nods slowly at that "Been meeting things that I knew existed...but like...in theory, whole different thing when they're walking and talking, you know?" Making a little sound before taking another sip, clearly reflecting over those chance encounters.

Jacob Caulfield: "Definitely. I came into all of this blind about five years ago and I'm still coming across things that surprise me. Not complaining too much, though."

Jolene Logan: She nods at that "It's easy to forget sometimes, we get so focused on our stuff, there's this whole world of people doing their thing, and some are really different like us." She clearly identified as one of the people, and felt no need to separate blooded out as different. "I heard your firefighter, isn't that sort of....weird sometimes, with all you can see and do?" OF course to her normal jobs seemed damn near impossible, seeing twilight wasn't optional to her, and her composure was only so developed.

Jacob Caulfield: "Mmhmm. Haven't had too many dealings with folks outside of the People but I know they're out there." He nodded quietly, rocking his hand side to side in a so-so manner at the question. "At times, yeah. Seeing what's feeding off the flames can throw me off a bit, but I can also use the gifts earned to help out while I'm in there in a pinch."

Jolene Logan: Her head went side to side as she weighed that and nodded "Makes sense. I don't think I could handle a normal job, I'm still sort of figuring that part of things out, but Darren has a friend who is opening a gallery and going to need some help, so I'm going to try and help her with that, and see if it works out." She looked a little proud of the idea, that she might finally find something that worked for her.

Jacob Caulfield: "I took some time off after my Change to adjust to things, so I feel ya." He smiled as he saw that note of pride, giving another small nod. "Best of luck."