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Latest revision as of 14:13, 11 January 2021


Club Vertigo


Fiadh MacKenna: Fiadh's in a good mood as she makes her way into the club, the waifish girl a mere 5' tall, her slim frame dressed in an orange sweater paired with a long and flowing flower printed blue skirt, an orange hat over dark brunette hair, a black faux leather jacket worn over everything else. She makes her way first over to the bar, curious whether or not they have a good Irish whiskey.

Asbolus: Among those already gathered at the bar is one (1) Asbolus, neatly dressed in dark pants and a dark grey dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. A faint predatory air hovered about the man as he watched the crowd within the club, his pale gaze taking in every detail.

When Fiadh approached the bar he glanced her way before moving aside enough that she could claim a space for herself, offering a nod and a polite smile.

James Kill: Killy steps out from the back and , noticing the new person at the bar, walks up. He’s wearing a red flannel with the top couple buttons undone, blue jeans, and boots, like he’s ready to work outdoors instead of behind the bar. He’s strikingly pretty, and looks like he definitely works out, which might be why the tip jar looks pretty full.

“Hello,” he says as he draws near Fi. “What can I get for you?” He asks with a smile.

Fiadh MacKenna: She smiles brightly at the man, predatory air or not, and then catches the attention of the bartender, her accent a lilting Irish melody as she smiles at Killy. "Ay, luv, do you have any good whiskey? I'm in a mood to get a bit tipsy tonight." She gives the much taller man a playful grin. "And perhaps a stepstool, if I'm to look ye in the eyes."

Asbolus: The accent made Asbolus' ears perk - metaphorically, at least - as he looked Fi over anew, smirking at the stepstool comment before turning to Killy himself. When he spoke his own accent was pure London, untouched by his time in the States. "I'll take a Tom Collins, if you would."

James Kill: Killy chuckles and playfully stoops a bit so he’s closer to eye level if Fi climbs onto a stool. “Tom Collins,” he says with a nod to Asbolus, before returning his gaze to Fi. “And....judging from your accent, you’re looking for Jameson, Tullamore Dew, Bushmills, Slane, something in there?” His accent is softly Minnesotan, if the two from the Isles can place it.

Fiadh MacKenna: She hops up on the barstool and laughs. "Aye, that sounds lovely, a Bushmills, please." She looks up at Asbolus curiously, then back at Killy. She leans in, a slightly conspiratorial tone to her voice. "Do they just make ev'ryone tall in this city? I feel as if I should buy some stacks!"

Asbolus: "Thank you." He nodded to Killy in kind before looking to Fi with a small smile. "I have a few friends who are closer to your end of the yardstick, so you're not the only one."

James Kill: Killy chuckles and pours Fi a finger of whiskey in a tumbler, fancy style, and starts on mixing Asbolus’ drink after setting Fi’s in front of her. “How have you two been tonight? It was pretty wild in here last night, so it’s a nice change of pace for it to be a bit slower.”

Fiadh MacKenna: She looks up at Asbolus with a grin. "I'm sure I should be makin' some sort o' joke about you being a Brit but I'm in too good a mood to pick a fight." She then turns to Killy. "Ay, luv, I'll try not to make too big a ruckus, though I suppose it'd be 'ard for me too, considering my stature." She picks up her tumbler and lifts it to the two men. "Sláinte!" She takes a sip.

Asbolus: "Doing rather well, all told. Came by to get out of the house for a bit and found some good company, so no complaints." He said with a smirk, lifting his glass in kind. "Cheers."

James Kill: Killy laughs softly and nods. “Let me know if you need anything, ok?” he says before moving to check and stock things, still close enough to get roped into conversation, but not lingering by the two. He’s probably done this with everyone who’s sat at the bar tonight, it’s slow and he looks bored.

Fiadh MacKenna: She glances at the two curiously, and smiles. "Me name's Fiadh, by the way. M' friends call me Fi. Pleasure to meet the both of yeh." She takes another sip of whiskey.

Asbolus: "Asbolus. Pleasure to meet you as well. Is this your first time here at Vertigo?"

James Kill: “Fi...Fi...” He thinks for a long, hard moment. “Did meet a lady named Jolene not long ago? She mentioned a Fi...ah, sorry! I’m Killy, nice to meetcha both.” Ooh, the Minnesota slips out then, the “o” in that “both” is a mile long.

Fiadh MacKenna: "Oh, you know Jo! Aye, we're good friends." She glances up at Asbolus. "Asbolus..." She says the name like she's playing with it. "That's quite a unique name." She turns back to Killy. "And Killy? That's almost Irish, there. Short for Cillian?"

Asbolus: "It's Greek. A nickname I picked up a few years back and I've stuck with since." He said with a small smirk, looking between the two as he filed away the other name mentioned. It could be the same one, perhaps, but it was best not to assume...

James Kill: “Ah, no, it’s long for ‘Kill’. It’s an old Scandinavian name that got cut short and sweet when the family came to America. James Is my first name, but everyone calls me Killy.”

Fiadh MacKenna: "I like Killy, fun name there." She grins, then glances at Asbolus. "Well now I'm curious what it means..." She sips her drink. "Fiadh means wild..."

Asbolus: "Soot or dust. Ever-present but rarely noticed, like a proper wallflower." He took a sip of his drink in kind, keeping it in hand rather than setting it back down on the bar. "I've come to like it, though."

James Kill: “Ooh, that’s something. Dust...well, you’ve made it yours, yeah?” He smiles wide at Asbolus. “Sounds like a name from a story, in the best way. And Fiadh, means wild? I can almost hear the song coming together now,” he adds, his grin shifting to Fi.

Fiadh MacKenna: "Soot implies something burned, like a fire." She turns and winks at Killy with a laugh. "Oh, now, luv, I'm the sweet and innocent one o' the family. A real angel." It could be believable, if her eyes weren't full of pure mischief.

Asbolus: "Indeed." Asbolus nodded to Killy, chuckling at Fiadh's comment. "That was almost believable..."

James Kill: He chuckles and shakes his head at Fi. “Mmm, if you’re such good friends with Jolene, I know that’s not true. Besides, ‘A Girl Named Wild’? That’s a killer title for a song. Though maybe not an Irish folk song, or it’d have to be about how you got away, right?”

Fiadh MacKenna: She laughs, and looks up at Asbolus, blue-green eyes the very picture of innocence. "Oh? And what gave me away?" She nods at Killy. "She's as short as me, how could we no' be friends? We're going to start a club for wee folk, so that we can gang up on the tall and kick their shins!"

Asbolus: "I know a friend of Robin Goodfellow when I see one." He tapped briefly under one eye with a smirk, thinking a moment before continuing. "Out of curiosity, are you also friends with a man named Darren? I met a woman named Jolene in his company not too long ago and I'm curious if it's the same person."

James Kill: “Oh, yeah, that’s the same Jolene, then, I’ve met Darren, and the two of them are...something. Small world, huh?” He starts wiping some things down, making a little busy work.

Fiadh MacKenna: She blinks a few times, briefly surprised. "Ye know Cash as well, do you?" She laughs. "You know all me friends, then, it seems. Aye, Cash is like my big brother. An often overly protective big brother." She grins. "I'm the fun one, by the way."

Asbolus: "Small indeed, at times." Asbolus gave a quiet nod. "He struck me as a protective sort when we met. Can't fault him for that, though; I tend to do the same for those I keep close."

James Kill: “Oh, you are, yeah,” he replies with another chuckle. “I think I can see it. He does seem...serious. Certainly doesn’t crack jokes the way you do.” He leans in a little bit and stage whispers, “But in case you weren’t joking, how do I save my shins?”

Fiadh MacKenna: She leans in towards Killy, face deadly serious...for about two seconds before she cracks a grin. "I've been known to be susceptible to bribery..." She glances over at Asbolus. "Aye, you do seem the protective sort. Ye have a feel about yeh...let me take a wild guess...you're used to being in charge, aren't you?"

Asbolus: "In more of a stage manager sense, one can say. I do my best to keep all the parts moving and everyone where they should be, but if I do things right most people on the other side of the curtain don't know I'm there."

James Kill: “Do you have a vice, like Jolene and her French toast, or should I get you another round or something? I’m rather fond of my shins, ya know?”

He glances to Asbolus, a look that says Killy is hearing phrases that scan as something to him, and he’s suddenly more curious in the man on the other side of the bar.

Fiadh MacKenna: She snorts in amusement at Asbolus's words. "Please, I read ye the moment I sat down next to ye. Though, perhaps it's luck o' the Irish, and I'm just good at reading people." She grins at Killy. "I'm going to be opening an art gallery soon, and Jo's working there with me. Come visit it and tell me my art's pretty, your shins will be safe."

Asbolus: That uptick in curiosity didn't go unmissed, although the Darkling deigned to touch on what may have caused it just yet. "Perhaps." He replied to Fi with a small smile, polishing off his drink and setting the glass down on the bar top. "I do need to get going, unfortunately, but it was a pleasure meeting you both."

James Kill: “Oh, yeah, I’ll definitely come to that! Jolene mentioned she’d be working there; it’d be nice to see it, it sounds cool. And I’m sure the art will be pretty, but I can definitely see it in person and confirm it for you,” he replies with a grin.

He does the tab setting dance with Asbolus, and wishes him well on his way.

Fiadh MacKenna: She smiles at Killy. "Oh, if you know Cash and Jo, your shins are already safe, and I count ye as a friend. But I am a touch excited for the gallery." She sips her drink and grins. "It'll be the first time me art's been seen in public since Columbia."

James Kill: “Columbia, huh? I take it it’s been a bit, from what you said? What brought you to Philly, if I can ask?”

Fiadh MacKenna: "The university, not the country..." She laughs. "I grew up here, came back after graduation. Me family's lived in Philly for ages."

James Kill: “Ahhh, fair enough. We’ll blame it on me meeting a few folks from there recently. Anyway, congrats on the show, I’m sure it’ll be great. Is it gonna be a fancy thing, or more laid back?”

Fiadh MacKenna: "Oh, different themes on different nights. The opening might be a touch formal."

James Kill: He nods, as if that makes perfect sense. “I’ll bust out the nice clothes, then, and be ready for fancy little foods that are too easy to have too much of,” he replies with a smile. “Ah, but I should take care of a few things...let me know if you need a refill or your tab? I just be on the other side of the door there,” he says with a jerk of his head to said door. “Sorry to step away.”

Fiadh MacKenna: "Oh, I've just finished me drink, I think I'll wander the dance floor a bit. Twas a true pleasure meeting ye, Killy." She smiles brightly at him, then moves out to the dance floor.