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Latest revision as of 05:58, 26 January 2021


Disaster Darkling House


Set immediately after His Name Is Squishy

Asbolus: If asked, Asbolus would be hard-pressed to say how exactly he made it from the Autumn hollow back to the home he shared with his motleymates-to-be. He arrived safely nonetheless, and thankfully had the wherewithal to bypass the security measures to head inside. His leather duster was left by the door as he moved toward the kitchen, taking a kettle and filling it with water before setting it on the stove to heat it.

To an outside viewer there was almost a sense of ritual to the Darkling's actions, each step methodical and precise. Take down the jar of loose leaf tea from the cabinet, retrieve a strainer and a spoon from the drawer, scoop the tea with the spoon to fill the strainer...

Watch the tea spill onto the counter as the hand holding the spoon shakes too much to keep it steady...

A sob caught in his throat as he set both utensils down, staring at his distorted reflection in the shiny curved surface of the strainer. "Look at us now, eh?" was said whisper-soft as he stepped back, stopping only due to the island behind him. He slid down to the floor without a word, folding in on himself as his body shook with the tears that threatened to flow.

Lux: In his current state it's no wonder that Bobo didn't notice the muffled sounds from the second floor right away. But Lux is up there, in their room that has become more and more... half studio, half war zone, paint and half finished artwork thrown everywhere. Organization hadn't been on their mind much lately, especially the past few weeks since they became a Sage. The fact they sleep the majority of the time now doesn't help much either.

But that's not important right now. What is important is that Lux is walking downstairs to the kitchen, groggy eyed, as if just waking from a nap not too long ago--then they stop as they come upon the darkling on the floor, blinking awake properly in surprise--then concern. "Bobo?" they murmur--their voice had changed since becoming a Sage, more electronic sounding, like it was constantly auto-tuned.

In a blink of neon light, Lux is on their knees in front of him, frowning deeply and offering their hands out--either for him to take, or to allow himself to be wrapped up in a tight hug.

Jack Martingale: It's a work night, for Jack. It's always a worknight for Jack, at this point, between his new job as Emissary and the fact that he's been flying up through the ranks in his union, too. His motorcycle purrs into the garage, and then the door from the garage to the kitchen opens, and he takes half a step in and pauses, his silhouette suddenly going a little flickery.

"What - Bo - firefly - ?" His bag is discarded on the counter and he drops his leather jacket on the floor, moving to crouch down next to the other Darklings.

Asbolus: The electric hum of Lux's voice made Asbolus tense up, if only for a moment, before he looked towards them, that ever-sharp gaze dulled both by tears and the echoes of what had been and could be once again. Not trusting his own voice in that moment he nodded, granting them permission to come in close.

Lux: "My darling," Lux whispers, scooting closer to scoop Asbolus up into a tight hug, craddling him close. They don't have the most strength, but their light shifts to a soft blue hue, comforting as much as it's sad and cold. One hand behind his head to cup, one pressed to his middle back, rubbing along his spine. Lux doesn't rush him along, doesn't ask what is wrong right away. Just gives him the time and space to cry as much as he needs to, while exchanging a worried frown to Jack.

Jack Martingale: Jack's Mantle announces his presence to the room even if Asbolus can't see him, and dusty charcoal flowers appear as he steps close to Asbolus, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder and squeezing slightly. Lux has permission to hug, but he'll wait for permission of his own. He doesn't speak, either, but meets Lux's expression with a worried one of his own, bits of charcoal dissolving in the air around him, the scent of blood a little stronger than the usual rainstorm-y air.

Asbolus: Asbolus sank into Lux's embrace, giving Jack a small nod of his own before the walls properly crumbled to dust and the Darkling fell apart. The tears flowed freely as he burrowed his head into the crook of Lux's shoulder, holding onto them tightly as his body shook from the sobbing.

A quiet "I heard Her voice again..." slipped out through the torrent, the best he could manage before his own voice failed him once more.

Lux: A tension ripples through the Bright One when he hears that, hesitating for a few seconds. They stare down at Asbolus for a moment, then take a breath, starting to run fingers through his hair slowly. "...You're safe. You're home. With your family," is what they focus on first, pressing their cold lips to his forehead gently. "Where did you hear her?"

Jack Martingale: It's all the okay Jack needs to wrap his arms around the other Darkling too, resting his head against Asbolus's and reaching to give Lux's shoulder a squeeze too. He rubs Asbolus's back in small circles, murmuring his agreement with Lux that he's home and safe.

Asbolus: "Autumn Hollow." His head tilted into the gentle caress, the motion and the presence of the pair beginning to calm the storm of emotion within. "Went with others to track Buidhe...found him, brought him back. Felt too much like before...and then she came. Dressed down, but I knew her. And she spoke...and I was there again."

Lux: Lux is silent for a few seconds, brows creasing. Their lights flicker briefly, shifting more towards green briefly before Lux swallows. "Jack, can you...?" They nod down to Asbolus meaningfully.

Jack Martingale: A short nod at Lux, and Jack shifts so he can face the other Darkling, his hand still rubbing comforting circles on his back. "Lux is right, you're here, now. Home. And you've made so much fucking progress since you escaped...'s not just anyone who can connect with the th - the person that took up their life while they were away, yeah?" Gently (or...not so gently) steering the conversation in the direction of Asbolus's fetch.

Asbolus: Asbolus' eyes followed Jack's movement as he shifted to face him, a puzzled look forming on his features as his head tilted in a rather canine fashion. "Hard not to...close as we are."

Lux: Lux gives Jack a questioning look, still looking very much concerned and... a fair amount of tense. But otherwise focusing on continuing to comfort Asbolus, rubbing slowly at his back.

Jack Martingale: "How'd you get that close?" Jack's voice is soft. "'Cause I sure as hell know it prob'ly wouldn't have gone that way for me, 'f I'd had a fetch." There's a bit of self deprecating amusement in his voice. "And...lemme know if this kinda distraction isn't helping. Just figured...'s easier to think about other shit, yeah? Than relive whatever hell She made you live through?"

Asbolus: "Was made that way..." Asbolus rested his head against the island, closing his eyes. "'The best She's made yet,' one of them said at the city gates. 'Can barely tell them apart.'"

Lux: Lux stays mostly quiet, unsure if Jack is taking this anywhere specific--but shifts to sit beside Asbolus, leaning back against the island. They reach for his hand, lacing fingers through his. "You're not the same. You're you."

Jack Martingale: "Lux is right," Jack murmurs. "You might look kinda the same, but...he's his own person and so are you. And the connection, that you two have? That's a choice, that's not...She didn't do that. She just manipulated him the same way She manipulated you two." He gestures between Lux and Asbolus with his head. "Your relationship with him is all you. 'Cause you didn't have to do that, yeah?"

Asbolus: "That much I know...I'm more his shadow than anything. She took so much...nothing but dust left behind. That's why She called me that, you know. Ubiquitous, ever-present but rarely noticed...just how She wanted me to be when I served as Her hand." He gave Lux's hand a gentle squeeze in return, letting a soft breath out through his nose before looking towards Jack. "I can feel him, Jack...our hearts beat as one, which we found out that night. Leaving him to nothingness would have been like cutting off my own arm."

Lux: Lux lifts Asbolus' hands, kissing softly at his knuckles, giving his fingers a gentle squeeze. They look over at him sadly, frowning. "Fuck her. Fuck what she wants, what she made you for." Their voice cracks a bit, but they sound resolute. "But Bobo, baby, she couldn't be here. They don't come here... But if you saw an agent of her's, or--some sign she sent to you, then we'll find out. The Freehold will fuck them up and make sure they don't hurt you. You're safe here. As safe as you'll ever be, and we'll do anything to protect you. Okay?"

Jack Martingale: "Exactly." Jack murmurs. "We'll show 'em what happens when they try to fuck with one of us. You're not gonna be alone for that - not ever. And your tie with your fetch - hell, it means you've got another person looking out for you. Someone who'd be just as pissed that She's trying to mess with you. 'Cause you're not hers, no matter what she thinks. You're you. And you're ours," he leans in to kiss Asbolus's cheek with a soft smile, "in a way she'll never understand."

Asbolus: "Not Her, no...just Her Voice. She whispered at first, but when she spoke it was Her." Asbolus shook his head quietly, although he did softly smile at the kisses from the pair. "She helped in calming Buidhe down, was accepted by the others there. She was one of us, but deeply shaped by Her."

"I know, and I'm so grateful for that. I carried that burden for far too long by myself, and being with you has lifted a weight off my shoulders that I hadn't even realized was there."

Lux: "...Oh." They grimace. "I've met her. She's..." Lux trails off for a moment, then shakes their head, curling up against Asbolus' side. "I'm sorry, babe."

Jack Martingale: "...Ah. That fuckin' sucks. She...mm." Jack nods, and leans against Asbolus's shoulder, silent for a few moments. "Do...you want some tea, still, Bo?" He finally asks. "I'll happily make you some. Or help, 'f it's something you'd rather do, I know everyone's picky as hell about how they make it..."

Asbolus: "Nothing you need to be sorry for, but thank you." Asbolus moved to slide an arm around each of the Lost beside him as they rested against him, leaning over to leave a light kiss on a temple before resting his head against the island once again. "I do, and could use the help. Don't trust myself with the kettle at the moment."

Lux: "I'll leave the tea making to you," Lux says with a soft smile to Jack, then looks to Asbolus. "Do you want to stay here on the floor, or move to the living room and make a blanket fort?"

Jack Martingale: "If you don't want a blanket fort I want a blanket fort," Jack says with a grin, reaching up to grip the edge of the island before standing with a groan as his knees click and pop.

"Alright Bo, you're gonna have to show me how to make this proper British cuppa..."

Asbolus: "Sounds like a fine idea." Asbolus said with a small smile of his own to Lux, scooting forward enough to get his feet under him and stand on his own...although he did end up leaning against the island again once he was vertical to make sure he stayed upright. "Little too fast there..."

Once the room stopped spinning he nodded to Jack, a light smirk on his face. "Can do."

Lux: Lux stands, eyeing Asbolus to make sure he wasn't going to topple over right away. But then releases his hand and slips away into the living room, moving about to grab pillows and blankets from the hallway closet, moving to start making up a make-shift blanket fort/tent, blankets strung across and pinned between the couch and a chair, draped down to form walls, pillows stacked up inside.

Jack Martingale: Jack takes instruction well (read into that what you will...) and the kettle is put on, tea is put in its strainer, strainer is put in the cup...

"When'd you eat last?" He narrows his eyes in mild concern at the other Darkling.

Asbolus: The kettle was already on the stove, handily enough, and Asbolus walked him through the usual steps while watching from his spot against the island. He paused at the question, his head tilting again in that odd canine way before a small frown crossed his features. "I...can't say, honestly."

Lux: Lux continues busying around, and once finished calls into the kitchen, "Ready when you are!"

Jack Martingale: "Mmm." Jack wanders over to his bag and pulls out a granola bar, sliding it across the island to Asbolus. "I'm gonna order delivery - any suggestions?" He raises his voice for Lux to hear, too, though he makes sure not to do it too suddenly. Asbolus doesn't need to be spooked any more than he already is.

Asbolus: "Vegetarian for me per usual, but other than that no preference." He took the offered granola bar but paused mid-wrapper removal as an echo bubbled up to the surface, making him shake his head and breathe sharply out of his nose as though to clear something from both. "Don't need that reminder right now, thank you..." he quietly muttered, more to himself than to Jack.

Lux: "Reminder of what?" Lux asks, appearing in the doorway between the kitchen and living room, leaning against the frame.

Jack Martingale: Jack cocks his head in mild confusion, glancing at Asbolus as the kettle starts to whistle and he turns to deal with that.

Asbolus: Another quick shake of the head seemed to have dislodged the memory in question, with Asbolus letting out a slow breath. "Was on a retrieval run when the target used some sort of flame weapon. I got burned on my side while my handler caught the full brunt of it...the smell never left, and it put me off of eating meat ever since."

Lux: "Oh, right." They smile. "No meat then. I think all of us can go vegetarian for the day, yeah?"

Jack Martingale: "Works for me," Jack nods. "Honestly...'m just gonna fuckin order pizza. And mozzarella sticks...? Garlic bread...?" He looks to the other two for confirmation.

Asbolus: "Sounds good to me, on all counts."

Lux: "When have I ever said no to mozzarella sticks?"

Jack Martingale: Jack huffs in amusement and taps away at his phone. "I'll get an extra order, then. Oh fuck, this is the place with those garlic knots...fuck it, the only food in the house is gonna be bread for the next two days, and I'm okay with that." He grins and reaches out to tug Asbolus toward the living room, stopping to sneak a kiss with Lux on the way.