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Latest revision as of 06:03, 30 January 2021


Sunshine Adams, Vic Easton, Floretta Williams, Renault Caron


A special filming of Sunshine Seeking Spirits, where things get real.





There was a competition on Sunshine's Instagram, donate to Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance for a chance to win a night with Sunshine filming an episode of Sunshine Seeking Spirits at one of the most haunted places in the US, Fort Mifflin! Sunshine's been there since noon, setting up her cameras, among a few other things, and can be found just after sunset, GoPro strapped to her forehead and camera held in one hand, currently held out and pointed towards her face.

"William Howe, the Faceless Man, hanged right here in Fort Mifflin for killing his superior and deserting his post. Called the faceless man because before they were killed, deserters heads were tied up in black bags as a mark of shame." She stops it for a moment, moves to another location, and starts to film herself from a different angle.

"Elizabath Pratt, the Screaming Lady, haunting the halls forever in regret for disowning her one and only daughter, who got together with an officer of this very fort." She stops the camera again then stands out in front of the entrance, filming headlong.

"Sunshine here, and as a special guest tonight we have Vic Easton, owner of Vinyl Tap, one of my favorite bars in the city, who donated to Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, and won the chance to come here to film tonight, January twenty ninth's...Sunshine Seeking Spirits." With that she stops again and lets the camera fall, glancing out towards the parking lot to see if her guest, or any other Patreons, have come to visit.

Vic Easton (she/her)Yesterday at 8:46 PM Vic had dressed for the occasion knowing it was going to be cold and they'd be walking quite a bit. In a large hoodie, black ripped jeans and comfortable shoes, her wild stringy black hair down around her face. She blew the camera a little kiss when it came her way and then her face broke into an easy grin as she looked back to the host of the place.

She'd made it clear she didn't expect to see or find much tonight, but a break from all the work she'd put in at the bar lately sounded like a blast. "How many others are you expecting tonight? Are these things usually packed?" she'd ask the other woman moving to lean on one of the corners of the archway.

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Yesterday at 8:54 PM Renault approaches, a soft smile on his face, his all black suit and dark hair and eyes making him seem to solidify out of the darkness. “Hello, hello. Sunshine, and the special guest. Vic, right? Or would you prefer Ms. Easton?” He walks over to Sunshine and offers her a more personal smile. “Everything going well?”

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Yesterday at 8:57 PM She grins at Vic and pulls the camera back up. "Well, I post the location on Patreon, but usually only get one...yep, there he is. Vic, this disreputable Frenchman here is my self proclaimed biggest fan, Renault. Ren, this is Vis Easton, owner of my favorite bar and someone I hope to collaborate with on picking out some kickass music for the show."

Vic Easton (she/her)Yesterday at 8:59 PM Vic's head turned, bright eyes looking over the man who seemed to just appear, "Do I know you?" raising a suspicious but friendly brow. She'd lean off the wall and smooth out her sweater before offering a hand, looking between the two, "Nice to meet you." There's a slight pause as she grins over some private joke before finally saying "Sunshine meets darkness, huh?"

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Yesterday at 9:05 PM “I don’t think so? Sunshine just told me about filming with the contest winner.” He looks to Sunshine and rolls his eyes affectionately. “I said I was a big fan, and implied I’m the greatest.” He shakes Vic’s hand, and grins. “Poetic, isn’t it?”

His accent is thick, the sort that is often imitated for comedy, born in the tougher parts of Paris; a mixture of rough and smooth.

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Yesterday at 9:07 PM She glances over at Renault curiously. "Darkness? Your name means darkness?" She snorts and passes the smartphone over to him. "Here, take a picture of us." She grins at Vic. "If you're cool with that? Then we'll head on inside and try to find ourselves some spooky things."

Vic Easton (she/her)Yesterday at 9:09 PM "Oh, I'm not sure what his name means, just that he's all in black and your name is Sunshine," she'd smirk softly and nod after shaking Renault's hand, "Sure! Yeah." She was far from being a shy girl, in fact she'd smile big for the camera. "How many of these have you been on then Renault?"

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Yesterday at 9:13 PM “Oh, no, my name means ‘counsel-rule’,” he offers with a little smile, taking the cellphone and getting the camera ready. “Me? This will be number two.” [9:13 PM] He grins. “I’m a recent addition to the fan base.”

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Yesterday at 9:19 PM Sunshine pulls up the camera feed from four cameras filming throughout the house, and holds it out to the other two. "So, I was thinking we'd go check out the cells first. See if we can find ourselves a Faceless Man. What do you two think?" She points to a particularly creepy looking room covered in shadows, then points with the hand holding the video camera over to a table she's set up by the RV parked there. "Flashlights, plus Vic I have a thermal camera there set up for you. You're going to be on the lookout for cold spots." She hesitates. "Colder that is. Eesh it's cold already. Should still pick up paranormal activity."

Vic Easton (she/her)Yesterday at 9:21 PM "Oooh well then this should be fun for both of us! The old pro over here can watch us get spooked properly." she juts a thumb at Sunshine and then turns to focus on the set up. "Oh! Alright!" tucking some of her wild hair behind an ear, she leans to get a good look at what the plan was before nodding. "Can do, boss."


Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Yesterday at 9:27 PM Renault shoots Sunshine a look that says, “you’re going to be the death of me,” and heads over to grab the flashlights and hand them out. “Shall I take to our six, then? Make sure the ghosts don’t flank us?”

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Yesterday at 9:31 PM Sunshine gives him an amused grin and raises an eyebrow, and hands him the other camera. "Film from behind us, so our flashlights don't glare too badly. I figured you were tall enough to easily film over or around us." She looks over at Vic. "I totally don't have insurance, so be careful, okay? No tripping or anything." She smiles and then reaches up to turn the flashlight attached to the GoPro on and grabs a strange looking device with lights attached, looks like a homemade EMF detector. "Alright, let's roll out. Vic, any words before we start?"

((looks like this: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/cq4Raih6UpE/maxresdefault.jpg ))

Vic Easton (she/her)Yesterday at 9:35 PM She looked from the neat light up machine to the camera and grinned, "Let's hope we find Devon Sawa." winking and heading into the darkness, sweeping her flashlight to make sure she were safe like Sunshine requested. She'd wait again until the camera wasn't rolling, "Do you have one of those Spirit Boxes? I saw one in a buzz feed video once."(edited)

Vic Easton (she/her)Yesterday at 9:43 PM (going to be slightly slow as I swap to my phone to make dinner >.>)

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Yesterday at 9:45 PM Renault looks at his camera a moment, making sure he knows how to work it, and readies to head inside. “Sunshine has all kinds of gadgets, don’t you?”

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Yesterday at 9:48 PM "I have two spirit boxes, one in the Cells and one in the Officer's Quarters, but usually I piece that part together at the end of the night." She grins. "I need myself a techie to hang out in the RV and monitor stuff live, all I have right now is the camera feeds on my phone. By the way, if you guys get too cold, I have the heat on in the RV. Just say the word and we can take a break and de-thaw."

TheUserWin - She/TheyYesterday at 9:53 PM Floretta makes it to the tour in time, wearing a black hoodie, her hair loose, the length of it hiding in the hoodie, a pair of jeans and some warm boots. She's breathing, through her nose, little smoke rising in the nights air. "Hey, sorry, had to find some parking." she mumble as an excuse. (Blush Active, Face the camera active, Sheep's clothing active)

Vic Easton (she/her)Yesterday at 9:54 PM “I’ll keep my ears peeled for anyone who comes in. I’d help on occasion if I could but I’ve got the bar to run... this is fun though!” She moved along to where the show was taking her, happy to be a guinea pig for Sunshine’s theatrics.

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Yesterday at 10:00 PM Renault looks up as Flo approaches, giving her a slow nod. “Good evening.” He smiles to Sunshine. “Looks like you’ll have a full crew for this one.”

He looks at Flo for just a moment, then hands her a flashlight. “Plans and stuff are over there,” he says with a little gesture, letting the accent roll think on ‘stuff’.

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Yesterday at 10:04 PM "Hey! Another Seeker!" She turns around, GoPro on her forehead pointing towards Floretta. "Got a name, friend? Let's see, all the cameras are taken, uhhh. I have some night vision goggles or I think I have one more spirit box." She grins. Which would you prefer?"

TheUserWin - She/TheyYesterday at 10:05 PM "Good evening, Renault, if I remember right?" She takes the flashlight, smiling at it as she fiddles with it. "That should come in handy!" she flip the Flashlight into her hand, moving to the plan and the stuff, just checking on what all of that was. "Hmm, I think the spirit box sound more interesting, I might need some pointers on what those do."

"I'm Floretta, pleased to meet you in person."

Vic Easton (she/her)Yesterday at 10:07 PM Vic turned, "Oh sweet, more people!" Giving a wave with her flashlight which painted the hall they were in like a disco briefly. "Oh whoops." laughing at herself. "I'm Vic! Though you look familiar..."

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Yesterday at 10:13 PM Renault pulls out his phone and sends a text, then readies his camera. “Renault, yes, and...Floretta, right? Nice to meet you.” He squats like he’s stretching, and checks his flashlight.

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Yesterday at 10:16 PM "Great to meet you, Floretta!" She pauses at the top of the stairwell into the cells. "I'll tell you what I've told these two already, I do not have insurance for this, so be careful!" She glances down at her phone, looking at the video feed from the room they're about to enter. "Looks quiet so far. I don't have the Spirit Boxes on live feed so we won't be sure." She glances over at Renault for a moment and then looks back at the three. "Let's go!" She turns and heads on down the stairs, slowly and carefully.(edited)

TheUserWin - She/TheyYesterday at 10:19 PM "Oh, I think you were at the shop where I bought the sea shanty vinyls." Floretta responds to Vic with a little smile, then turn to looks at the stuff she's carrying in. "Alright, I'll be careful not to break anything."

She follows slowly. "Good to meet you too." she says to Renault, nodding to him.

Vic Easton (she/her)Yesterday at 10:21 PM "That's it! I was picturing a boat and I was sure I hadn't been on one recently." she finger gunned Floretta and then turned to follow after Sunshine, watching her step carefully.

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Yesterday at 10:23 PM Renault takes up the rear, filming behind them and occasionally to their sides over people’s heads. “Spooky,” he murmurs quietly, smiling.

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Yesterday at 10:32 PM She steps into the room, sweeping the flashlight around. It's a large room, with smaller cells. She points the flashlight over at the camera she has on a tripod in the corner of the room. She then looks over at the far wall. "Two-hundred men held this fort against the entire British Navy for six straight weeks. It ended in a fight of a hundred-fiftyeight cannons versus ten. Brave men died that day. Deserters were considered especially vile, as they needed every man they could get. (roll incoming)

The far corner that Sunshine's staring at suddenly gets very, very cold. At least 20* colder than current. The cold spot is roughly the size of a tall man, and seems to be slowly inching its way across the room.(edited) [10:36 PM] ((reserving other 2 succs for later))

TheUserWin - She/TheyYesterday at 10:39 PM Floretta shudders a little bit and she turns around for a moment, trying to look where the cold area is coming from, her hand clasping hard on the Flashlight. Her eyebrow quirk lightly, looking from side to side, retreating if the colds get too intense.

Vic Easton (she/her)Yesterday at 10:42 PM "Ooooh that got reallly cold." she turned to look at the other to see if they felt it too. "Anything on the thermal camera?" leaning to look. Making little rings of her breath through the cold air.

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Yesterday at 10:45 PM Renault shivers and backs up a bit, nodding. “Definitely felt that, damn that’s chilly....” He pans his camera about, capturing all that good B-Reel.

(I thought Vic had the thermal?)

Vic Easton (she/her)Yesterday at 10:46 PM (Sorry, I meant like... lean to look at her screen!)

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Yesterday at 10:47 PM She turns to look over Vic's shoulder. "Holy shit! Guys, look at this! You think that's him? The Faceless Man?"

TheUserWin - She/TheyYesterday at 10:52 PM Floretta takes a step back from the cold and slowly approaches Vic to also take a glance at the thermal camera screen if possible. "M-maybe" A cold shudder goes down her spine.

Vic Easton (she/her)Yesterday at 10:55 PM "I mean it's in the shape of a person..." she grins and looks up and back down to the screen. "Wonder if we can get an arm to raise or something.." she stepped forward and held her hand out. "Is something really here with us?"

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Yesterday at 10:57 PM Renault steals a look at the screen, eyes widening slightly. “Pretty coincidental for a draft...”

He’s dedicated, he keeps his camera looking about as he watches Vic try to get a reaction.

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Yesterday at 10:59 PM While Sunshine's staring at the screen, the cold spot moves rapidly to the side and then...there's a loud noise! Her head turns rapidly towards the noise to find...the camera has been pushed over! The tripod is laying on its side, camera now filming from a 90* angle... [11:02 PM] ((I feel like you guys should roll to be startled/scared lol))

TheUserWin - She/TheyYesterday at 11:02 PM Floretta did not expect the sudden loud noise and like she would in a different situation where a sudden loud noise occurs, she jumps away and lets out a yelp. "Fuck!" one of her hand goes to her chest, as if to try to keep her beating heart in her chest, the other one holding on to the equipment. (oh flo definitely would be XD)

Vic Easton (she/her)Yesterday at 11:05 PM Apparently Vic had a cooler head than most. While she does look over to the noise quickly, there's no scream. Just alert curiosity and a growing grin. "Isn't this a lot of activity? I feel like this is a lot." Looking to the others, wondering if they could believe how they'd lucked out.

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Yesterday at 11:08 PM Renault startles slightly, and shoots a look at Sunshine before he looks surprised, in case anyone looks his way.

“Yeah, this seems like a really good site...Sunshine really is the best...”

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Yesterday at 11:09 PM "Only one way to be sure...one of you go over and check it out. See if there's like, a draft or something?" As she says that, the coldspot seems to go over to the wall, and disappears, if anyone's still paying attention to it.

TheUserWin - She/TheyYesterday at 11:12 PM "I'll go, my heartbeat can't go worse than it is" Floretta moves toward the spot indicated, to examine the camera and then moves her free hand around to sense the wind or draft if needed.

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Yesterday at 11:12 PM There's absolutely nothing to be found. The camera was in a sturdy location, no draft, no...anything.

Vic Easton (she/her)Yesterday at 11:12 PM Vic looked a touch disappointed that she didn't get a ghostly handshake, but what could you do? She'd move the thermal around and look to the others, focusing in on Floretta as she moved forward. "Feel anything?"

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Yesterday at 11:15 PM Renault glances about, moving a bit closer to the others. “I haven’t caught anything on my end, I don’t think. Not that knocked the camera over or anything like that.”

TheUserWin - She/TheyYesterday at 11:17 PM Floretta looks over her shoulder and set the camera back up on it's leg and makes sure nothing is particularly broken apart. She then turn to Sunshine and the others, shaking her head. "Nope, no draft, I'm still kind of cold though." another shiver down her spine.

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Yesterday at 11:20 PM The EMF detector in Sunshine's hand starts flashing, letting out a rapid beeping noise. ((4 succ larceny to beat if you want to see her turn it on))

Vic Easton (she/her)Yesterday at 11:21 PM Vic turned her head sharply, something around her causing her attention to narrow on it before she looked then towards the EMF. "Damn, this place is crazy!" she stepped closer, as if trying to source out what the machine was trying to tell them. Of course it only sized up activity really. "Maybe this would a good place for the spirit box? Something obviously trying to talk to us."

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Yesterday at 11:25 PM Renault glances about the room once more, then looks to Sunshine. “Yeah, I think, ah, now might be a good time for the box, things are really heating up. Well, you know what I mean.”

TheUserWin - She/TheyYesterday at 11:29 PM "So here's spirit Box, I don't know how that works." she gives it to the nearest person and stick closer, clutching the flashlight closer, looking over it for a moment.

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Yesterday at 11:32 PM "Hit the red button on the side there. Then we...talk to the spirits. Ask them to answer." She reaches over and hits the button for Florette. "Spirit...are you here? Can you tell us your name?" Then quieter. "Now we give it time to respond..."

Vic Easton (she/her)Yesterday at 11:35 PM As they listen, Vic holds up the thermal camera hoping to get the figure of the man back again.

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Yesterday at 11:36 PM The whole area they are in starts to get colder, dropping degrees by the second. Their breath is visible in the light from the flashlights. [11:36 PM] Quietly Sunshine says "One of you can ask it a question now."

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Yesterday at 11:38 PM Renault stays quiet, but is looking about, checking cameras and machines. “Uh...not it,” he whispers.

TheUserWin - She/TheyYesterday at 11:39 PM Floretta follows the order of everything and she points to Renault to ask a question first, pulling her arms into the sleeves of her hoodie, pulling her hood up to combat the warmth and she swing her Flashlight around a bit as a result, creating sort of a sweep.

When Renault says not it, she does a minor roll of her eyes. "Are you angry we're here?"

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Yesterday at 11:45 PM It gets colder and colder, seemingly around all four of them. Sunshine waits a few minutes and then hits the stop recording button, and plays back the sound, slowed down. A hissing, slithery feather of a voice can be heard. "*Shhhhipssssss" A pause, where Floretta's voice is on a different register. "Fourrrrrrrr" Sunshine turns so that camera and head lamp are directly on Floretta's silhouette, and the woman's hair moves as if an invisible hand is lifting it up off the back of her neck, holding it in the air for a few moments, before Sunshine yells, jumping back. "HOLY SHIT!"

Vic Easton (she/her)Yesterday at 11:47 PM Vic lowered the camera rather than look through it. "What! What is it?! What!" looking to Floretta. "....whhhhhhhhaaaaaat."

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Yesterday at 11:50 PM Renault blinks and looks at Floretta. “No? I’m just...ahhh...” He drifts off as her hair floats up. He jumps a little at Sunshine’s yell, shuffling backwards. “Oh, fuck, that’s, ah, wow! Everyone getting this?” He wheels his camera around to face Floretta.

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Yesterday at 11:51 PM "This is getting crazy now, guys, I think it's time to go!" She turns towards the stairs, gesturing for them all. "Come on! Before they start moving more shit around!" She sounds actually nervous!

TheUserWin - She/TheyYesterday at 11:54 PM Floretta seems surprised and she appears on the camera, as any normal person would, she tries to bat away whatever is touching her hair, swinging her flashlight around that area, then she moves to leaves, letting the two other women leave first. She's quiet right now.

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Yesterday at 11:54 PM Vic's hood of her hoodie is yanked back just slightly, just enough to feel it.

Vic Easton (she/her)Yesterday at 11:56 PM "Alright then, let's get ---" there's a pause and then a quiet yelp of ... not quiet fear but nervous apprehension. "Ohh... no means no.. we're leaving..." she politely declines the haunting and sidles out with the others. January 30, 2021

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Today at 12:03 AM “Alright, let’s move!” He manages to get the pull on Vic’s hood, and then he’s pointing the camera behind them as they make their escape.

TheUserWin - She/TheyToday at 12:05 AM "Yeah let's go, this thing is way too touchy feely." She comment as she leaves.

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Today at 12:05 AM "To the RV! Let's see what the cameras caught that we missed!" She hurries up the stairs, making her way straight for the exit.

Vic Easton (she/her)Today at 12:08 AM Vic followed out after them with a little hop in her step. "That was crazy. So THIS is what happens when you step away from work for a night, huh? Wild." grinning madly as she came back outside.

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Today at 12:10 AM Renault chuckles and shivers, glancing over his shoulder. “Ooh, that was...maybe too much action...yes, cameras, cameras!” He keeps heading for the RV. “Definitely exciting stuff.”

TheUserWin - She/TheyToday at 12:12 AM Floretta goes to the RV with the others, getting inside to warm up, or so it appears to, rubbing her hand together, after she gives whatever items she borrowed back, then pulls her phone out of her hoodie's pocket, the case is in the trans-flag colors and she type out a thing quickly.

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Today at 12:16 AM She goes over to the cameras, and starts loading the ones from the cell with one hand even as she reaches over to take the thermal camera with the other. "It's going to take some time for this all to load...I'm allowed to park for the rest of the night...anyone want something to drink? I think I need a little rum after that insanity."

Vic Easton (she/her)Today at 12:18 AM Her cheeks a little flushed, she pulls a hair tie from her wrist and tosses her hair up in a quick messy bun. "Is that how it always is? I mean really... if that's what you normally get, how is this not more main stream? That makes no sense." shaking her head with a please smile. "Rum sounds great!"

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Today at 12:23 AM Renault hands over his camera and sets down his flashlight, then finds a seat. “Phew. Yeah...my first night out was definitely not like this. This was some wild shit.”

TheUserWin - She/TheyToday at 12:25 AM "I'm good on the drink side of thing, I might want to go somewhere further away from here for the moment though." She throws a look back to the way of the building. Floretta is litterally hiding in her hoodie right now, clearly not a warm enough option. "Think I could get your number though, I might have some questions about this later."

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Today at 12:28 AM She grins and nods at Florette. "Understandable. It can be unsettling at first. Won't lie, I got maybe a little nervous in there." She turns over to Vic. "People think I'm faking it." She shrugs. "They'll say you guys helped this time, or lied about not finding the fakes." She glances over at Renault and smiles. "Not all places are as haunted as others. This place is apparently one of the most haunted places in America." She turns back to Vic. "I raised a grand for the charity, though. That's the part that matters more."

Vic Easton (she/her)Today at 12:30 AM Vic looked to Renault and Floretta, settling on the latter for a moment. "I'm sure there's nothing to worry about... right?" looking to Sunshine for confirmation. "I won't like... I sort of went in a skeptic. These shows always seem a little... silly. But I can't deny what I saw and heard and felt in there. If you were faking it.... I mean... damn." shaking her head. "I don't know how."

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Today at 12:32 AM Sunshine grabs a bottle of rum and a 2 liter of coke, and a few glasses, serving some Rum and Cokes, heavy on the Rum.

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Today at 12:33 AM Renault looks to Floretta. “If you need to get away, it’s ok, you don’t have to stay.” He glances up at Sunshine. “Yeah, that was really intense...I can believe this being that haunted...”

He takes his rum and takes a long drink.

TheUserWin - She/TheyToday at 12:35 AM "So is that a no on the phone number?" She asks toward Sunshine, pulling a pair of small, thin gloves and putting them on, flexing her finger to keep them on.

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Today at 12:36 AM "Oh! It's <number>. Feel free to call me anytime, as long as it's not morning. I am, by nature, a night owl."

Vic Easton (she/her)Today at 12:38 AM "I should probably get going myself if I'm being honest." she said, standing near the exit. "But this was great! And I'm happy to assist with commentary!"(edited)

Fiadh/Sunshine (she/her)Today at 12:45 AM She smiles at Vic. "Hey, thanks for being part of tonight! I'll send you a pre-release of the episode, once I'm done editing and stuff." She turns to Floretta. "If you text me your email or contact info, I'll send it to you as well."

Guy/Renault/Killy(DT-he/him)Today at 12:47 AM Renault nods and waves to the other two women. “Nice to meet you, be safe, hope you have a good night. See you around, maybe. Or not, but. You know. Be well.”

TheUserWin - She/TheyToday at 12:48 AM Floretta immediately uses her phone to send a text with her email enclosed in it. "Yeah, thanks, I'll seen a question or two your way."

A look to Renault "I'll see you sometimes soon, I'm sure."