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Latest revision as of 21:45, 8 February 2021


Fairmount Park


Jolene Logan: Jo could be curious in the situations that demanded small spaces, and the ones that needed big spaces. Today was apparently one where she wanted some air, and some stars. She knew Darren had a lot on his plate, and had left the day and most of the early evening to his work, before suggesting they could use some air. Which was how the two found themselves along one of the trails in the park, her eyes cast skyward more than earth bound. To her credit she was wrapped up in her leather jacket, with a sweater underneath even.

Once sea green eyes, had turned violet somewhere in the past week or two, and cast over to Darren, she hadn't asked how his day had gone just yet, some questions had answers that needed the right moment to be offered.

Darren Lynch: With new revelations and the news of Fi, Darren was all the more cautious about being out and about at night. If they were going to do it, it'd be in a public area, no straying off the paths, which meant they were easily found by those wandering the park and their exits weren't ever too far away. Darren's demeanor had slipped somewhere between pensive and stoic which Jo knew meant he was working things out in his head. He was the type to plan, day, weeks... years? In advance if possible. If not actually planning, playing out how things might go so he could react to each variable he thought of. Prepared. Always prepared, though likely never prepared enough. He held her hand as they walked, mostly silent until he ran a tongue behind his teeth. "I'll be over tomorrow, do some yard work." As far as she knew, she didn't have yard work that needed done, and him being around during the day was a rarity. Aside from shoveling snow...?

Jacob Caulfield: A somewhat familiar face came into view as the pair walked, Jacob's pace slow and leisurely as he took in his surroundings. He occasionally glanced off further into the park like he was watching for something before turning his attention back to the path, appearing at ease for the most part.

Jolene Logan: She didn't press for his thoughts, she knew they were percolating, working through a dozen scenarios to find the one that felt right, and always ready to flex them as needed. She made a thoughtful sound at the mention of yard work. He was good at seeing that she never shoveled snow, but she wasn't sure what other work needed doing? She didn't ask however, curious to see what would happen. What he had in mind. "Mmm Sounds good..." Wait....was this him not wanting to leave her alone. She threw that thought around for a moment, before she gave a slight up nod towards Jacob to lead Darren's eyes there, more than to greet the man who wasn't quite close enough for greetings yet.

Darren Lynch: Darren had already seen him though his posture hadn’t changed much. He didn’t consider Jacob a threat by any means. Though for Jacobs knowledge Darren was far different now. Gone from wolfblooded to wolf since they’d last spoken. “Evening, sir.” He said with a respectful nod as they came close enough.

Jacob Caulfield: Jacob looked up when addressed, a small smirk falling into place. "No need to call me sir, I work for a living." The Ithaeur replied once he was in conversation range, pausing as he gave the pair a proper once over and noticed those subtle and not-so-subtle differences. "How've you two been?"

Jolene Logan: She let her thumb run along Darren's knuckles, a faint smile at the little luxury of the touch. Before her violet eyes lifted to Jacob. "Evening..." she offers after a moment, debating that question and what the right words were. "It's been a week?" As if she was making sure she'd use that phrasing right? Words were magical and tricky things.

Darren Lynch: "Habit," Darren said with a nod of confirmation. Jacob it would be then. "Eventful," he said putting it mildly. He wasn't denying talking about anything, though he'd always assumed people wanted less information. "And you?" a tiny run over of Jacob's person, as if checking for any new details to commit to memory.

Jacob Caulfield: Like any Bone Shadow worth the name would leave it at that... "How so, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Doing well enough. Dealing with work and getting a feel for the city in general, nothing too exciting."

Jolene Logan: How so "Something gained..." She looked side long to Darren "Something lost." And there was no where to look but forward, at Jacob as she considered things. "The city gets really cold it turns out." As if she was good with normal cold, but the snow cold was a whole new beast for her. It got things wet AND cold, which was just a it much for the blooded.

Darren Lynch: "Fiadh MacKenna, I don't know if you've met her? She'd recently become blooded..." he said, his voice low enough their conversation was private to any possible passersby. "She was killed just a few nights ago. Still sorting out what happened. You might 'ave seen it on the news." He said. Obviously in his mind, her death was bigger news than his change. At least to the public.

Jacob Caulfield: Jacob's eyebrows climbed up as Darren spoke, the momentary surprise shifting to a solemn look as he shook his head. "Never met her, but I did hear that on the news, yeah. Sorry to hear it. Take it you were close?"

Jolene Logan: She left the question to Darren, and let her eyes cast up at the sky for a moment, before dropping them to the conversation at hand. Though a little frown settled on her lips. There'd been no room to celebrate his change, to adjust to it, in the wake of the woman's death. So long he had waited for it, long enough to think it'd never happen, and now it was just a thing that had happened, and it was all business as usual.

Darren Lynch: "Family," he said with a curt nod. He wasn't a man to display his emotions, but his words were clear enough. Though likely that meaning was doubled after she became blooded. "Still trying to sort out what happened. But it's time to be extra cautious all the same."

Jacob Caulfield: Jacob nodded quietly, the weight of the matter clear enough to see. "If you need help with anything, feel free to give me a call. If I'm not on shift I'll be there quick as I can."

Jolene Logan: She nodded a bit and exhaled "...Hard to say what avenue of life made things final, but if it was ours, might be a signal that they're on the upswing again....and I have to say, I'm not feeling we're ready." Her eyes casting about as if she could see the whole of the city from this vantage. Which of course she couldn't.

Darren Lynch: Darren nodded, "Aye," working his jaw lightly before adding, "Obviously I'm in a better place to assist should things arise." A Rahu now rather than a blooded. "How's this feel for the city coming?" He looked back down to Jolene in agreement. "There's a fuckin' mountin a things need done." he said, reaching into his jacket for a cigarette. At this point it was just an extension of his being, the smoking. He wanted to assume that Jacob was aware of all the troubles, but he watched him closely to see if there was any confusion or surprise as he lit the smoke.

Jacob Caulfield: "It's coming. It's an old city, with a lot under the facade once you know where to look. Been keeping an eye out for any notable former residents that are still hanging around but haven't run into anything solid yet."

"I reckon so. Saw the information about Bancroft that the professor put up but haven't heard much about anything new since the City Hall thing."

Jolene Logan: She made a little tsch of sound, as if thinking something over. "The Dihar....only ever seen one other...." Rubbing the tip of her tongue over a canine as she considered things. "I think Doktor Herr Altman intends to seek some more answers over seas, I'm not entirely sure when or how long the trip will take...there was a local area we might look at investigating..." She muses half thinking outloud.

Darren Lynch: Darren looked down to Jolene between drags of his smoke. "Over seas?" curious, though the idea of wolves leaving the city now didn't seem ideal, surely Altman thought the trip essential. "A week ago almost, we caught a magath of decent size holed up in a deli. Rotten bastard.." he said, looking out and around the park.

Jacob Caulfield: "Huh...well, more power to 'em. Hopefully they'll find something." Jacob nodded, an eyebrow arching as the pair continued. "Nasty business, that. Got it taken care of, I hope?"

Jolene Logan: "Gettysburg...." As if she'd been hunting for the word, for the place that the locals might investigate. "I am not quite sure how far away it is, but I think it's in the state." A lot had been happening lately, and her attachment to this side of things was sometimes a bit hit and miss. "Yeah...it is." after reflecting a moment. Mostly to herself.

Darren Lynch: He looked over Jo as she leap frogged through thoughts. "Gettysburg? West of 'ere. Almost 3 hours. It's still in Pennsylvania." Another brief pause before looking back to Jacob, "Yeah, that one is. Likely to be a lot more of 'em if thin's don't change soon." He pursed his lips and then questioned, "You met many of the elders yet?"

Jacob Caulfield: "What would you be looking for out there?" Jacob knew what he'd be doing, son of Kamduis-Ur that he was, but he was curious about their angle on the place. "Not yet, no."

Jolene Logan: She cast her eyes about to make sure it was still just them, and the little blooded stood a bit more poised. "The Dihar, Usum, likely what some know as The Marquess of Decay, was sighted there previously....." Her voice was low, but it had the cadence of a story teller, or a lore keeper. "It seems to linger where death does, and once the resonance of it moves on, so does the Dihar. The wound and it have formed a different relationship, as it's resonance doesn't fade, it seems unlikely the Dihar will just move on...." She exhaled and deflated a little.

"While we were able to learn a bit about it. It's bans, banes and numina were not among them...the hope is by going to where it has previously been, we might learn a bit more on those details I would think."

Darren Lynch: Darren wasn't horribly familiar with American history, but the name Gettysburg, it had a familiar ring to it. A battle during a war. "I'd wonder if there are any lore keepers in Gettysburg might know. It's not that far given how far wolves roam. Maybe our People and theres are one in the same." he licked his lips in consideration.

Jacob Caulfield: "Ah...gotcha." Jacob nodded, keeping his voice low as well just in case. "Maybe. Willing to go with y'all when you do go to give a hand."

Jolene Logan: She nods at that "Could be a day trip, maybe two, depending on how difficult it is to track down someone who might have details....I think having you there Jacob could be a help..." Because the more the merrier, and a Bone Shadow seemed like a good idea with the subject matter. Her eyes flicked to Darren, she wasn't even sure he'd be up for a trip with everything on his plate just yet.

Darren Lynch: He only nodded, the unspoken question answered with an 'of course' through a glance. "You 'ave any specialties among the Hirfathra Hissu?" looking back to the other man. Darren seemed keen on knowing who to call for specific issues.

Jacob Caulfield: "The dead, primarily. Had a lot of dealings with them in Houston."

Jolene Logan: She nodded back to Darren, an accord reached. "Mmmm See them from time to time..." she made a curious little sound and considered Jacob a moment. "I do not think I've spent enough time with the Bone Shadows...." And she wasn't just saying that because she liked their very very pretty library. Probably.

Darren Lynch: He looked down to Jolene again at that, though he said nothing on it. "I don't see the dead like I used to. An automatic thing.." he shook his head and pinched his cigarette dry, putting the butt of it back into his pocket, blowing the last of that smoke towards the sky. "I imagine in a place like Gettysburg though -- you'd be running across plenty. Here too even, given it's..." he was hard pressed to say any American place was old, "Older."

Jacob Caulfield: "We're not a bad crowd, usually." Jacob replied to Jolene with a small smile before nodding to Darren. "It's something you could pick up again if you wanted, although it's not something you can turn off like checking across the veil. Suppose you're used to that, though."

"Most likely, yeah. The older ones are more...stable, usually, if only because they've had the time to pull themselves back together. More often than not the ones you find just go through the motions, whether it's how they passed or some daily activity that had some meaning."

Jolene Logan: She nods at that "I've had some good talks with Sierra and Lily, and visited the Hall." As if there was only one, and for the locals that was likely the case. She nods slowly "Three of us....anyone else we think would be both useful, and could afford to be there for one to three days?" She couldn't imagine it taking more than a few days to research but who knew.

Darren Lynch: "If we need more bodies, I can always call Ru," he offered. "While you two and the others do your research," he said, clearly more than used to providing manpower for protection rather than doing the brain work. Despite his history in the occult and among the Bone Shadows, he deferred to his other talents.

Jacob Caulfield: Jacob lit up a bit at the mention of the Hall, giving a firm nod. "Amazing place, ain't it? We didn't have anything like it in Houston. Look forward to really digging into what they have there."

"Not sure I know Ru off-hand, but sounds like a plan to me."

Jolene Logan: "Darren had to bribe me to leave....I negotiated a whole gallon of ice cream from the deal." As if she was spectacularly proud of this. "Mmm Ru would be good, he's blooded...new to town...." She looked sidelong to Darren and gave a faint smile "...'probably know as much as I do about researching..."

Darren Lynch: He nods, "Ru's a cousin a mine." confirming and looking down to Jolene dismissing her comment. "Not near as clever. "

Jacob Caulfield: "Nicely played." He said with a chuckle, nodding at the explanation. "Gotcha. Need to meet more of the People in town in general, honestly. Run into a few at the Lounge but not too many."

Jolene Logan: "How 'bout next time we get Ru out and about we give you a call? Hell, I think we are due as a people for a bit of a get together soon, talk about what we've found, mourn our losses, celebrate our changes..." working her thoughts over.

Darren Lynch: "Fi'd a wanted a cèilidh in her memory. I'm not one for parties, but... maybe I ought to do it for 'er." he sniffed at the cool air. Though an Irish social gathering was likely to be anything but a quiet affair.

Jacob Caulfield: "Sounds good to me." Jacob nodded to Jolene before an eyebrow arched at the unfamiliar word from Darren. "Not familiar with that one off-hand."

Jolene Logan: "Bit of a party, I think like...mmm a wake? More dancing, singing, drinking....but I've never been to either." She admits "Things happened so fast, there wasn't really time for funerals with my people...." She murmured a moment "....but I think I'd prefer that too, and vengeance." As if that last part needed reminding at all.

Darren Lynch: Darren looked down to Jolene, "We can do whatever you need. If somethin' appens for Fi, there's definitely going to be more noise than respect. People come to these just for the booze and the sorrow, even if they didn't fuckin' know the person. Give an Irishman a chance to weep... s'all fuckin' over." he waved a hand looking exhausted by his own kin.

Jacob Caulfield: "Ah...gotcha." Another quiet nod from the Ithaeur as he looked between the pair. "Any leads yet on who did it?"

Jolene Logan: She looked over to Darren, and something softened in her features, she gave a little nod. There'd be no rushing, but she liked the idea that her people would be grieved, hell there was a whole book just for that purpose. She slowly blinked. Wondering briefly if the fetish could tell them the story of Fi's death. She was certain it could. She wasn't certain it would. And she wasn't sure she was ready to open it just yet. Wasn't ready to risk it just yet.

Darren Lynch: He shook his head, "Still lookin into it. I've got a few friends who might 'ave more for me. Waitin' to hear back before I can make any educated guesses. But once I know, if it wasn't gang-related I'll be sure to spread the word."

Jacob Caulfield: "Right. Hope you hear something soon, then."

Jolene Logan: She nods slowly and slipped into first tongue, the words she said had no clean translation it was something akin to 'The Truth is Known, just not to us'. A sentiment about how the answer was there, and they would find it. That they would learn what happened to the woman one way or another. "It was a dangerous time, and place to find her foot in our world...." She adds with a grim expression.

Darren Lynch: He'd give Jolene's hand a tug, "We ought to be goin." he said and looked to then to Jacob. "Dangerous to be alone. Wouldn't stay out 'ere too late."

Jacob Caulfield: Jolene's proficiency with the First Tongue earned her a curious look but Jacob nodded after a moment in agreement. "Here here."

"True enough. Y'all have a good night."