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Latest revision as of 09:59, 10 February 2021

Content Warning

Casual groping. Discussion of violence.


Glitch and Teagan


Downtime, the Direct Action hollow


Someone had to stay behind and guard the home front, so that's exactly what Teagan did. It's not as glamorous as fighting a Hydra, but it is a job!

But they're done with that now, and lounging in Downtime, waiting for their loves to return. Sleep pants, a tank top, a beer. This is the life of Teagans.

Glitch returns looking energized. He's done up in his favorite jacket and clean jeans, showered before he got here. He pauses to slip off his shoes near the entrance, shrug off his jacket, and stride towards Teagan without any of his usual peeking and peering. "Player Two. I'm back." A smile is allowed to creep up on his face, with only Teagan to see it.

They mirror his smile back at him, taking a long swallow from their beer while watching his incoming swagger. Teagan's mirrored eyes glitter delight and they open their free arm toward him. "Player One," they answer. "You did well."

It's not a question. They can tell, and it's what they expected.

He nods. "We all did well. It went off without a hitch." There's a little sigh as the sprite tucks right under Teagan's arm, nestling against them, showing relief to be back in that embrace. "Everyone did their part. No losses. No major injuries. But you probably know that already. Sigrun's probably composed a whole poem about it," he quips.

"If she has, she hasn't performed it for me yet," Teagan quips back. Their tone alone manages to convey that the expected eventual performance will involve Old Norse and New Nudity. The Mirrorskin's grin slides across their face, and kisses his hairline. "You have the scoop on telling me all about it," they murmur. "So tell me." That murmur comes with them tucking him in against their side, warm and safe and surrounded.

His eyebrows lift, and his head tilts to offer the flickering pixels of his forehead to Teagan's kisses. Tiny flecks of different colors wink in and out of his fair skintone and dark hair. "Mmm. Well. We met up with Stone Pony's crew and their captain. I...forget her name," he admits sheepishly, tucking his face down against Teagan's chest and snuggling in against them fully. "Hell of a Summer. All business. We set out on a ship with the harpoon that could kill the Leviathan. It was me, Sigrun, Vorpal, Artie, and Rieko. And like 12 Stone Pony crew."

They finish their beer and set aside the empty bottle, turning onto their side slightly so they can face him. Teagan's attention is on him entirely, and they're listening only to him. "I know who you mean. The one who's like Sigrun in fifteen years," they agree. Slow fingers pet down his spine, and they nod once. "Mmhm."

Glitch nods at that description. "Oh yeah, definitely." He squirms around so he's forehead to forehead as they talk, arms squeezing tight around the mirrorskin. "It was more like a hydra, but yeah, thing was big. Way bigger than the boat. We all hit it at once. Sigrun drew like...fuck, three of its heads in at once, tanked it all. I stabbed one right through the skull," he says, allowing himself some pride. "Vorpal was the one who time-stopped the waves around the boss, so the captain could shoot its weak point. And Rieko...she just got fuckin' huge, jumped on it and hacked away. She was like the size of the boat. It was nuts."

Like a good mirror, Teagan reflects right back at Glitch; their broken-mirror eyes reflect back those scrambled and fragmented little pixels as he talks. "Well, things in the Hedge have their own logic of names," Teagan murmurs, continuing to per down his back. One hand casually grabs his ass, as per their rite and custom.

"What did you do?"

There's a little squeak and squirm at the casual ass grab, and then he relaxes, slowly rolling that butt back and forth against the touches. "I told you, I stabbed one in the skull," he says with a smirk. "I stayed safe, followed orders and the plan, and didn't do anything flashy and risky. I helped kill a giant dragon. It was nice, and simple, and...familiar." He leans forward to kiss Teagan's cheek at the corner of their mouth. "Stone Pony has named me Skull-Piercer. I'm more than satisfied."

"Mmhmm, you told me one thing you did, I wanna hear all of how cool you were." They cradle him close against them and scatter kisses on his face, turning their face into his. When it turns out that he just followed orders and didn't do anything flashy and risky? Teagan smiles broadly and presses their mouth to his for a long, slow kiss. "Well done, Skull-Piercer," they murmur, their body firm against his. "I'm proud of you."

Glitch basks in the pride and lets himself enjoy it. He melts into that kiss, chin tilting up, body draped against Teagan's frame. "I mean. I had to tie my ass to the boat to not get thrown overboard. Bad time to do stunts." he murmurs, once they've parted. There's a quiet moment as his nose grazes theirs, and then he offers an almost shy smile. "Do you...want to go out sometime? Like... on a date?"

Their hands absently and familiarly roam over his body, sneaking under his clothing and lazily caressing his skin. This is the way it always is after one of them or both of them go off to war and then return home, to each other. "Mm. I've seen you do plenty of stunts when you're tied up," Teagan teases, and they're about to say something else when Glitch goes off of their familiar shared script.

They draw back and stare at him, their skin silvering. "... what?" That was, apparently, unexpected.

It's just dropped in there awkwardly, and Glitch stares back with a blush that matches it. "You...we should go out. On a date. Together. If...that's a thing you'd like. I think I'd like it." He stares back with an uncertainty and innocence Teagan hasn't seen for a while. Not that he doesn't fidget back against the touches. "I've been thinking about it. I just. Didn't have a good time to ask."

They draw back a little bit, slipping their hand out from underneath his shirt to cradle his chin in their scarred palm. "I would like that very much," they answer him quietly. "I ... have we ever actually been on a date?" they laugh softly, leaning to collect a small kiss.

He snorts. "Uh. Yeah, I kinda realized, we...hadn't. Unless you count when we met. I...kinda do. Even if it was on the spot." He closes his eyes for the kiss and leans his head against them. "You deserve it. We deserve it. I'm not a little emo muppet who thinks it's, like, a waste of time anymore. Let's do it," he beeps simply, offering a smile again, and laying his hand on Teagan's midsection.

"I kinda do, too," admits Teagan. "But mostly it's just been -- after things got all screwed up and we recovered from that," which is a really kind way of saying 'when you got over yourself, Glitch,' really "-- it was just us hanging out. Which was fine. I never felt like I was missing out on anything, really."

They laugh softly. "You know, I think June is the only other person who's ever asked me out on a date."

It's a kind way of putting it, and the Sprite agrees gracefully. The last part surprises him though. "Really? Then... good. I'm not as behind as I thought," he murmurs, giving a playful wink. He smiles proudly once more and lays another kiss on Teagan, snuggling up against them properly once more, head ducked down against their chest. "Now I just have to figure out where we're going. And what to wear..."