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Latest revision as of 05:03, 13 August 2021


J Random Grocery Store


Kayla Sockum: Instead of making Hearth cook tonight, Kay had insisted on going on a snack run to the nearby grocery store, dragging along Jay. She's got her purse, a pair of basketball shorts and a tank-top and sports bra, her hair tied back into a bun, she looks kind of exhausted by the heat. "I'm getting something salty and maybe some soft drinks? Or are we planning on doing the drunk thing?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I'm good for a dry night tonight, honestly." Jeremiah replied, not seeming nearly as perturbed by the heat despite being in jeans; ah, the benefits of Forces discipleship. "If you two want to get something go for it, though."

Heather Williams: "I have the feeling i'd be a maudlin drunk tonight anyways. The last souffle I made collapsed, very traumatic. I'm in mourning." She smiled faintly. "I'm in the mood for savories over sweet."

Kayla Sockum: "Alright, then soft drinks it is." Kay holds the door open for both Jay and Hearth, letting them inside the store before her, giving them each a peck on the cheek as they venture into the cool air of the 24 hour commercial establishment. She grabs a bag of gummy worm from a shelf as she walks by it, stuffing it in a hand-carrying basket she picked up on the way.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "That is a tragedy." Jeremiah replied, putting a hand over his heart as he bowed his head in only-slightly-joking reverence. After the moment passed he lifted his head again with a smile on his face, following after Kay as they made their way into the market proper. "Sounds like a plan to me."

Heather Williams: Hearth elbowed Jeremiah for his impertinence, then diverted them through produce and grabbed a bag of cherry tomatoes and string beans, and mushrooms. She did eat healthy even if her baking wasn't.

Kayla Sockum: "oh the cherry tomatoes are a good idea!" Kay grabs a pack of it as well, but skips on the mushrooms and beans, instead grabbing some cheap brand salt & vinegar chips, then takes a moment to review possible options for soft drinks "Any hard no in the soft drinks department?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah laughed at the light ribbing, grabbing a few apples for himself as they passed through the produce section. "Not really, no." He replied, mulling over possible choices himself. "You?"

Heather Williams: "Not root beer- too fake sweet for me. Though I have had some interesting craft root beers before. Chips are a good idea too. Maybe some soft pretzels. Ooooh, fondu with the apples."

Kayla Sockum: "Alright, I'm grabbing a pack of Orange crush. I'd have picked root beer, but I know people tend to not like it as much." Then she looks to Heather "The point of this run was to get you a break from cooking. But I approve of the suggestions nonetheless"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Seconding the soft pretzels." Jeremiah nodded in agreement, glancing towards the snacks section as the pair talked.

Heather Williams: "Melting cheese isn't cooking," she scoffed. "Now a savory mushroom cheesecake in a puff crust would be baking."

Kayla Sockum: She chuckles "Fine, fine, I'll defer to your cooking expertise." She says to Heather, bumping shoulder with her and then looks to Jay "Think you could grab them ?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "You got it." Not that he was an overly tall gent, but Jeremiah put what height he had to good use to gather any requested snacks from the upper shelves.

Heather Williams: "Hey, I'll be generous and let youhandle cooking and cleanup!" Hearth laughed. "Are we expecting any guests this week? Should plan for it just in case."

Kayla Sockum: "Cooking? Nah, but I don't mind the cleaning up part." That's not a surprise at all, Kay's never been much of a cook. "I don't think we're waiting on anyone, but that could change."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Nothing planned on my end. If that changes I'll you all know, of course."

Heather Williams: "I'm happy with it just being the family," Hearth said with a smile. "It's been a while since we had a casual movie night?"

Kayla Sockum: "Yep, what do you want to watch?" She asks, kneeling to grab something on a low shelf, a jar of pickles. "Also, I've discovered some sounds that are very relaxing to bats, might need help from you, Jay to replicate something more casually useable."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Oh? Sure. I'm always up for a bit of auditory science." He nodded, smiling in kind with Hearth. "It has been, yeah. I'm up for rectifying that, though."

Heather Williams: "Anything really. What about bats though?" she asked curiously.

Kayla Sockum: "Just been taking an interest in bats lately and trying out to see what kind of noises and sound they find relaxing." Kay rolls her shoulders a bit and set the pickle jar in her basket. "More specifically music or something like that." She grins "I don't know, maybe the new Suicide Squad?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Good stuff. Can definitely poke around with that, yeah."

Heather Williams: "I'll preface all thoughts by the fact I know nothing about bats, but if they use sound for echolocation, wouldn't other sounds interfere with it and be problematic for them?"

Kayla Sockum: "The truth is that the echolocation thing is a bit romanticized, they use it, yes, but they fly pretty much using their eyes, they see stuff in the dark much better than other things." A short beat. "They mostly use the sounds things to find insect and other prey to eat. Speaking of, ants taste like crap." she winces.

Heather Williams: "I could have told you that without you actually trying them," Hearth teased. "You've got to go all-in, don't you."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Gotta get the full experience." Jeremiah commented with a chuckle, smiling all the while. "I have had, like, roasted grasshoppers before and they weren't bad. More just crunch than anything."

Kayla Sockum: "Yeah if they're cooking in chocolate, I bet ants taste okay too." She chuckles lightly. "I think I'm good with the snacks, we could get back and watch Idris Elba, King Shark and Harley have fun against a giant starfish?"

Heather Williams: "That's just contaminated chocolate," Hearth grumbled. "It's still chocolate but you're eating the ant infestation too." Some things Just Weren't Right. She had standards. "Idris Elba covered in chocolate though, I'd take that."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah smirked at the grumbling from Hearth, nodding in agreement with her last comment. "Agree with you there..."

Kayla Sockum: "Alright, let's get back home..." She smirks and head toward the register to pay for her stuff, looking back over her shoulder. "You coming or do you have more snacks to grab?"

Heather Williams: "I suppose we can manage for a single movie with this haul. How much weight do you want me to gain? Is that a five pound block of cheese?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah snuck one more thing - a bag of Chicago mix popcorn - for himself before moving to join his cadremates at the register, eyeing Kay's basket for the offending block of dairy-based wonderment with a smirk on his face.

Kayla Sockum: "Not five pound and I'm not concerned with weight gain or losses." She poke her tongue out, paying for the snacks and bagging them in a bag she was apparently carrying in her purse, somehow.

Heather Williams: Heart grinned. "I really should learn some of that magical lipo at some point. Put it on my to-do list. Behind the mushroom cheesecake, of course. I have my priorities. Some things are more important than the secrets of enlightenment."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I imagine you could find a way to combine the two. Food that actively burns calories as you eat it." Jeremiah smirked, handling his own purchases once the clerk was ready for him.

Heather Williams: "Well it's not like I can't make cheater food, but butter is supposed to be bad for you. It just is."

Kayla Sockum: "A lot of what I do when I move around helps me a lot with whatever dieting stuff I might decide to do. Right now, I'm fine with what I got." She looks down at her body for a brief moment, she steps aside to wait for them

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Touche." He nodded to Hearth with a smile, glancing down at himself briefly before looking back to the pair. "Been keeping up with the bike riding, so I'm good on that front right now as well."

Heather Williams: "You guys are looking good," Hearth said encouragingly. "Hey, for the movie, you guys want to go barbie size and do a drive in theater at the laptop big screen? It'll be like being in the theater for real."

Kayla Sockum: "Sounds like an amazing time!" Kay says with a bright smiles, opening the door for Heather and Jay to come out first. "I think I even have some accessories to help with that."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah perked up at that suggestion, grinning widely as they headed out. "That would be epic..."

Heather Williams: "Oooh, new buys? Can't wait to see what you found!" Hearth perked up too. "Come on, Ken. I want to see you try to fit into those terrible velcro shorts."

Kayla Sockum: "Yeah, I've been decking out my doll house." Kay laughs as she walks with them along the streets.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah laughed in kind, shaking his head with a smirk. "That'll be a sight...I could probably rock them, though."