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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= discussion of murder | cast= Calamity<br> Simon Dubois | setting= the streets of Philly, a Target | log='''Simon<br>''' It's late in the even...")
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Latest revision as of 05:37, 13 January 2022

Content Warning

discussion of murder


Simon Dubois


the streets of Philly, a Target


It's late in the evening, while Calamity is out wandering the streets around Guy and Petra's home. It certainly doesn't look like the sort of place you'd see Simon, but Calamity instantly recognizes Simon's car--the flashy dark sport car that Calamity had been picked up in a few times, and sure enough in the driver's seat is Wayne, Simon's body guard and driver. But this time he doesn't seem to be paying Calamity any mind, his focus down on his cell phone while he waits for his employer.

And, speak of the devil, Simon comes out of a nearby apartment building, striding down steps, adjusting his cuffs as he walks with calm confidence towards the car.

Calamity's got their hands shoved into the pockets of their hoodie (as usual) and the hood over their head (as usual,) the cherry of their cigarette illuminating their face just slightly (as usual.) But they stop short when they see the car, then the man, and they narrow their eyes for a moment before striding forward themself to get within his field of vision.

"...Fuck're you doing here?" Their voice is a little raspy, from the cigarette and from what looks like, at first glance, to a few nights of sleeping rough in the bitter cold. Their cheeks are red with windburn, the tip of their nose nearly white, and their teeth chatter just a little bit. And sure, it's been cold here the past few nights - it even snowed - but it's not as if they don't have anyplace to go to get warm. Right?

Simon stopped and turned his head to look incredulously towards the voice, his eyes sharp as knives and every bit as dangerous looking, fully prepared to go off on whatever vermin dared talk to him on the street--but seeing Calamity, he instead says nothing for a long moment. The expression on his face doesn't soften, while he looks Calamity over slowly.

"No business of yours," he finally says. "Are you homeless now?"

"Wh - no?" They look utterly confused at the question. "Got too many people wantin' me t'crash with them, but what kinda question's that?"

"You look like you've been sitting outside for a week," Simon says dully, reaching up to adjust his glasses.

"...Oh. I..." they wince, and look down the street before looking back at him. "Nah. It uh...'s kind of a long story. 'S got to do with..." they twiddle their fingers to indicate magic, and grimace. "Sure as hell feel like I've been sitting outside for a week, can't fuckin' get warm..."

"Hm." He eyes Calamity for a moment, then moves down the street past them, towards the car. "Come on then," he mutters, opening the back door and standing beside it expectantly for Calamity to climb inside.

The car is blissfully warm, the heater having been cranking while Simon was off doing... whatever he was doing. There's even heated seats.

"Wh..." they trail off as their eyes narrow, but they do follow him. And the pull of a heated car with heated seats is enough for them to slide into the backseat with a shiver, wrapping their arms around themself and practically curling up in the seat.

"What were you doing 'round here? 'S not a place I'd expect to see you..."

Simon slides in beside him, closing the door to lock in the heat.

"Just calling in a favor," he replies dismissively. "Now, tell me what happened."

"Uh." Their gaze flicks to Wayne in the front seat, then back to Simon. "Here?"

"Wayne has heard and seen his share of strange things." He sounds bored and impatient. The driver tips his head a bit in greeting towards Calamity, then starts driving--keeping his focus on the road ahead, making it easier to ignore he's there.

They grimace, and turn back to Simon. "So...dunno 'f I ever told you that me n' the Yellowjackets got beef. Their fault, I didn't do shit 'cept wait for a bus. But uh...one'a them found me the other night, on my own turf. I...made him regret it." Calamity starts the story pretty flippantly, but they curl into themself as they go. "He...must'a had some sorta ice power, or cold, or somethin', I dunno."

His brows crease a little as he listens, watching Calamity quietly. No, Simon's presence is... not remotely comforting. But Calamity does have his whole attention now, at least.

"Ice power? Powers like you have, but with ice?"

Calamity shrugs. "'S what it seemed like. He didn't...nothing happened 'til it was too late, for him. An' I've got a thing like that, too. So 's prob'ly the same."

"Fascinating." He looks lost in his thoughts for a moment, gaze drifting--then snapping back towards Calamity. "You feel guilty. For doing what you had to do?"

They lean back slightly when he narrows down his focus again. "...I mean I didn't have t' -" they grimace and close their mouth again. "Why d'you care?"

"I don't, particularly, but it's clearly bothering you," he replies mildly.

"I -" Calamity glares at him, but doesn't try to continue to defend themself. "Yeah, it fuckin' sucks. I don't - I mean I don't do that shit. Or...didn't, I guess. 'S...other times it was just self defense, or I lost control, this..." they swallow. "'S wasn't like that."

"Most arsonists don't get terribly worked up about setting people on fire, you know." He sighs. "You are a criminal, Calamity. Sometimes things must be done, even if they break away parts of yourself. It's the life you are living. Do you want a different life?"

"'M not an arsonist 'cause I like to kill people," they mutter darkly. "An' - yeah, yeah I am. But - he'd'a died without me shoving a knife in his neck at the end, he wasn't even fuckin' conscious. He woudln't'a woken up, fuckin'...no one does, after shit like that. I could'a just left him, an' I didn't."

"If he would have died anyway, then what does it matter?" His brows raise, looking genuinely puzzled now. "Would it have been more merciful to leave him to a slow, painful death?"

Calamity opens their mouth to give him some snarky response - and then closes it again, their brow furrowing. "'Cause...that's not why I did it. I did it 'cause I was mad, 'cause I wanted him to hurt more. An' I don't like that."

"Well, that seems inefficient. If you wanted him to feel more pain, you shouldn't have stabbed him." Did I mention that Simon isn't good at comforting?

"..." They just blink at him for a few seconds, trying to wrap their brain around exactly how his brain works. "I mean...I guess? I...I wanted to end it, too. An' send a message, and...I wanted a lotta things. Now I just kinda feel...a little empty. Didn't make me feel better, t' kill him like that."

He nods slowly. "It rarely does." He sighs again, leaning back in his seat, legs crossing. He opens up a hidden bar to pull out a bottle of very fancy bourbon, pouring a couple of shots worth. "No going back, though. Better to embrace that this is the person you are now, or consider making some serious life changes. Either way, just sitting around moping won't do anyone any good, and certainly not yourself."

"Do you even have a real winter coat?" he asks as an afterthought, eyeing them as he picks up one of the glasses to gulp down. Yes, that question is certainly as important as talking about murder.

"I - what?" The question makes them blink in surprise. "I...never got around to getting one, 's not usually a huge deal, 's not usually so fucking cold. My hoodie's fine, normally, 'cept for a few days outta the year. An' those I mostly just say inside. 'Cept the other night, 'cause I ran outta cigarettes which is why I was out in the snow in the first place."

He tuts, then flicks fingers towards Wayne. The driver seems to get it, because instead of driving idly around the neighborhood he turns a corner and starts heading somewhere.

"Calamity. Is there anything in the world you would kill for, without feeling guilt? Someone you would protect, something you would fight for, power you wish to possess, whatever."

They actually take a few moments to think about that, curled up in their seat. "There's shit I'd kill for - people I'd kill for, sure. Don't think I wouldn't feel guilty about it though. I...it'd scare me if I stopped feeling guilty about it, I think." They're almost afraid to say that last bit, and they stare at their knees rather than Simon. "Why?"

He considers for a moment, while he pours himself another glass--the other still left for Calamity, it seems. "Perhaps guilt is the wrong word. Is there anything you would kill for that you wouldn't regret?"

"When I am faced with a difficult decision, such as this, I try to keep in mind those things I would kill for. Those things that are powerful enough to stay in my mind, even when I am angry and wanting revenge. Would killing this person protect the one I would kill for? Does it help me pursue the goals I would kill for?"

"If the answer is yes, then do so without regret. If it is no, then find some other way to make a person pay for their actions."

"I...yeah. There's...people...yeah." They stare at the extra glass for a few more seconds, and then take a sip, trying not to grimace too much.

"What shit would you kill for?" There's a little bit of a challenge in their voice - and defensiveness, too.

"My daughter," he replies without hesitation. "Assuring that she will be taken care of once I am gone. And that, while I am still here, I acquire as much power as I can to assure that happens."

"You...have a kid?" They nearly spit out the bourbon they've just taken a sip of. "Jesus Christ, dude, I hope you treat her better'n you treat me..." (edited)

Simon gives Calamity a dull stare. "You are not my child. You are my employee."

Meanwhile, Wayne is pulling into the parking lot of a department store.

Calamity rolls their eyes. "You just don't seem the type. We - 're you fuckin' buying me clothes...?" They arch an eyebrow at him. "You feelin' sorry for me or somethin'?" There's the hint of a smile there - maybe they're teasing him.

"I'm going to have a job for you, very soon." He pulls a wallet out from inside his suit jacket, tugging out a few hundred dollars in bills to hand over--more than enough for a coat, especially since this isn't a particularly expensive department store. Granted, Simon's idea of how much a "non expensive" coat might cost is likely skewed... "You're no good to me if you're frozen solid, and this job might have higher risks than usual. Consider it a bonus."

"As for my type." He gives Calamity a look. "If I was a dotting father to everyone I met, no one would respect me." You mean fear, Simon.

"'M gonna be no good for shit for like a week," they mutter in clear annoyance, and drain the rest of their glass with a shudder. "'F there's a timeframe." The money disappears into their pockets - and then they grimace. "You don't have smaller bills do you? They're gonna call the cops on me, showin' up lookin' like I do with bills like that. 'Les you wanna come with me." They look...less than enthused about that prospect.

"That's fine. I'm still looking into things, myself."

Smaller bills.... Simon just stares for a moment, then looks through the window towards the department store like he was looking out of a spaceship onto some alien wasteland.

"...If you truly believe it... necessary."

"Dude...would you believe me if you worked minimum wage at a store like this, an' I came in lookin' like me with a couple'a crisp hundreds? Or would you think I stole 'em? Cause I'd sure think I stole 'em..."

His lips purse, then he sighs heavily. "Very well."

Mostly hidden from his position ahead of them unless they glance in the rear view, Wayne is trying very hard not to crack a grin as he pulls in front of the Target. Simon opens the door and slides out.

Calamity's wearing a similarly beleaguered expression as they trot next to him into the store. Under the bright lights, they look even more of a mess, the fluorescents picking up the wear on their sweatshirt and the paleness of their face.

"'S like fuckin'...Annie, 'cept it's not Christmas, an' I don't think I'm gonna like it here..." they mutter under their breath, and pad toward the menswear on silent feet.

"How much're you payin' for? Just a jacket...?" They pause next to the men's coats, already on clearance, squinting at them with vague suspicion.

"Is three hundred not enough for a coat?" he asks, eyeing his surroundings with immense suspicion and displeasure. His gaze lingers on various mannequins here and there, before turning to pluck at coats idly, nose wrinkling a little at the materials.

"I can get a hell of a lot here for three hundred bucks," they mutter, and pull a sherpa-lined canvas coat from the rack. It's sturdy, at least, and looks warm, and they throw it over their arm without trying it on before stalking around the men's section, a deep frown on their face.

It takes a while. Between Calamity self-consciously checking prices of things, and trying to figure out what's going to fit, and muttering about how fuckin' stupid some of the menswear is, they look utterly exhausted by the time they come away with the jacket, a pair of boots (real leather, even,) and a couple of warm shirts and jeans. All casualwear, really, and all in dark colors.

They stare at Simon with slightly glazed-over eyes, and make to walk toward the checkout. Unless he has Opinions™️ about the things they ought to be buying with his money.

"...Ah." He lifts a price tag to glance at, brows raising in surprise. "I see..."

Simon offers no opinions. He seems to think that it's none of his business what Calamity picks out. Everything looks warm, at least, so he keeps whatever he might say to himself--though there's an overall air of judgment and bemusement around him, but it seems more directed at the store itself than Calamity.

"You don't enjoy shopping?" he finally speaks up as they walk towards the checkout.

"When d'you think was the last time I walked into a place like this with this much money to burn?" They grab a pair of gloves on the way, balancing it on top of their full hands. Because of course they didn't think to get a cart, and they're too damn stubborn to go back for one now. "Fuckin' never. I don't...'s never been much point to shopping, 'cept something I always feel like I gotta do an' never have the money to."

"Mm. I suppose it is far more bothersome when you have to worry about whether or not something will fit correctly." And now Simon is eyeing a self checkout with muted bewilderment.

"What do you do with the money I pay you, if not buy things you need."

"Are you on drugs?"

"No," they scoff and roll their eyes. "Fuckin' no thanks. But - I don't need any'a this, Simon - I got clothes. Winter coat maybe, fine, but...I mostly..." they duck their head, like they're embarrassed. "I save it. I...I wanna get my own place someday, an' I...I mean 's steady money but I dunno how long it's gonna last and I...I don't know what to do with it. I buy food. An' comic books, sometimes. But I also can't just...start actin' like I got a bunch'a money all of a sudden, 's not how you be discrete." They say the word like he might say it.

Simon considers Calamity thoughtfully for a moment. "Would you prefer I pay you in housing?"

"...Uh." They blink at him - they seem to be doing that a lot, at the moment, but they are taking some time to think about it, as they scan their new clothes through the self-checkout line. "I mean it - havin' cash on hand 's damn useful. Wouldn't mind 'f I had a little less of it, and a little more of a place that isn't a shitheap, so like...little'a both'd be...that'd be nice. I don't think I got any'a the shit you need to like...actually rent a place, never had to figure out how it works." (edited)

"Is there a neighborhood you would prefer? Any specific needs you need met?" He pulls out a shiny cell phone to tap at while Calamity checks out.

"I - gotta decide all that shit now? Fuck, Simon, I just got fuckin blasted by a goddamn ice wizard and you want me t'be thinking about neighborhoods?" They keep their voice down, at least, a low hiss as they gesture for him to pay for their shit.

His eyes roll, and he steps forward to swipe a card to pay for everything. "Fine. Take some time to consider it and get back with me. We can take the rent and utilities out of your payroll."

They grumble quietly, but seem to be satisfied by that, and they grab the bags of clothes with maybe a little more force than is absolutely necessary, stalking out of the store ahead of him.

Ungrateful little shit that they are.

"...Thank you," they mutter to him when they're both in the car again.

"Mhm." Simon settles in beside him, pulling out his phone to tap out some message or another. He seems to be paying Calamity less attention, now--seems like social time is coming to a close. Look, there's only so long Simon can focus on someone if he's not getting something out of it...

"Where do you want me to drop you off?"

"Where you picked me up. Stayin' with a friend 'til I feel less like shit." They curl up in the seat again, staring out the window as the city goes by, content to ignore Simon as much as he's ignoring them.

"It's...nice that you wanna take care of your daughter," they murmur after a while of silence. "Makes you less of a shit person, really." They can't resist one last dig at him, even as they're complimenting him.

Wayne has kept the car nice and toasty, and once given a location starts driving again.

Simon glances over towards Calamity for a beat, then back down at his phone. "She is my world," he replies simply.