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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= vampire Kiss with consent | cast= *Cian Doyle<br> *Simon Dubois | setting= Simon's house | log='''Simon Dubois:'''<br /> The Dubois estate i...")
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Latest revision as of 23:08, 12 February 2022

Content Warning

vampire Kiss with consent


Simon's house


Simon Dubois:
The Dubois estate is a happening place this evening. It's winding down now, but Simon had had people in and out all day--a thorough clean, a look over the grounds to make sure everything is neat and tidy, as well as the cooks busy in the kitchen. Yes, Cian has been here before, but it has been a while. Surely it's a good thing to make it look presentable! Everything must be perfect! No, Simon is not funneling his nervousness into perfectionism, that's a very rude thing for you to think.

The food is cooked, but Simon is working on setting the table, adjusting silverware and plates and making everything just so.

Meanwhile, a sixteen year old girl is watching him from where she's sitting in a chair, idly scrolling through her phone, though secretly watching her father over the top of the screen. https://www.secretofgirls.com/resim/k5x0_ci.webp

Simon glances over, catching her staring, and his lips purse. "What?"

"Nothing," she replies, looking back down at the phone. After a few seconds, "You're being weird."

"I'm not being weird," he replies.

"Uh huh."

"How am I being weird?" Simon presses.

"You're nervous. ...You're never nervous," she says, looking back up at him with arched brows.

He starts to reply, but is cut off by a beep-dong that echoes through the home, a signal that someone has passed through the outer gate. So instead he turns on his heel and makes his way to the front door to meet their guest.

Cian Doyle:
Hey Simon, remember that suit that you bought Cian, all those years months ago? Blue, modern, skinny cut?

Yeah. He's wearing that tonight - and despite the muscle he's been building , still fits him perfectly. Like he's taken it in for alteration, when he's needed to. The suit has a subtle check, his pale yellow shirt has a subtle stripe, but instead of a tie he's got the collar unbuttoned, and a silk neckerchief in the same blue as his eyes - bright blue with his Blush. His cheeks are flushed with the cold, even with the wool coat he's got on, and he gives Simon a nervous smile when the man appears.

Simon Dubois:
Simon is dressed nicely, but casual enough to not looks stuffy in his own home. Pressed pants, slippers, and a tucked in button up--but no tie or jacket right now. Glasses perched on his nose. He looks Cian up and down as if making sure he's presentable to be allowed inside, but apparently he meets Simon's approval, because he steps back and lets him in. He even manages a small smile back as he closes and locks up behind him. "Right on time. Dinner is ready. Are you sure you will be alright to eat?" he asks this last part softer.

Cian Doyle:
"I feel a bit overdressed," Cian admits just as quietly, looking Simon over as he removes his coat. "I don't know when the last time was that I was invited to dinner, like this. But yes, I'll be fine. Just hungrier later, and I don't mind that." He brushes his hand along Simon's arm, fond and reassuring. "Are you...going to be okay?" It's tentative, like he's not sure he wants to ask after Simon's mental state right now - meeting someone's kid is a Big Deal.

Simon Dubois:
He takes the coat to hang up, then turns back to fuss at Cian's collar. It didn't need it, but Simon just needs to fuss over something. He meets Cian's eyes, then takes a deep breath. "I'm alright," he assures. "No going back now, anyway. If I do, I will never live it down. Are you ready?"

Cian Doyle:
"Almost." His fingers brush Simon's jaw, then curl under his chin so he can tug the man down into a soft kiss. It's short, and he's smiling when it ends. "Now I'm ready. And I promise to keep that to a minimum."

Simon Dubois:
Simon is stiff, but he does return the kiss just a bit. Just a little lean in, before he pulls back and nods. "That would be... best, thank you." He even squeezes Cian's hand briefly, then takes a breath and starts down the hallway to the dining room. Cian can hear his heartbeat going faster than usual, but his expression is near flawlessly composed as he steps into the dining room.

The cook is already setting down plates of warm, delicious appetizers. The girl glances up from her phone as the two come in, and with a stern look from Simon, she slides the phone away into her pocket. Her hair is curly and while clearly baring a lot of features that must have come from her mother, she does have Simon's eyes. But while Simon's are deadly sharp and full of menace, her's don't threaten to cut--maybe threaten to prick and poke, full of mischief and teenage confidence. She's wearing comfortable clothes that Cian knows probably cost more than his whole wardrobe, despite having the appearance of sweatpants and a tank top. Because looking like you just rolled out of bed is the latest trend these days, apparently.

"Liliane, this is Cian," Simon says. Cian has literally never heard that tone of voice come out of Simon. You might even call it gentle and patient. "Cian, this is my daughter, Liliane."

"Lily," the girl corrects. "Hi. Nice to finally meet you."

Cian Doyle:
"Lily." Cian's smile is small, but warm, and it widens at the interaction between father and daughter. "It's nice to meet you finally, too. Simon tells me you spend a lot of time in New York, I'm glad our schedules could all overlap enough for dinner." He eases into a chair as he speaks, undoing the button on his jacket as he does, and eyes the spread of food.

"This all looks delicious." He sounds sincere enough, even if the hunger in his eyes is muted, nothing like what Simon's seen before Cian feeds. If Simon's paying attention to that.

Simon Dubois:
Simon settles down in his chair at the head of the table, with places set on either side beside him so that Cian and Lily are facing each other. Once everyone is settled, Lily picks up her fork and starts to dig in.

"Yeah, sure. Dad has been promising me foreeeever that we'd meet, but he kept putting it off because he's a chicken."

Before Simon can start to protest, the girl is already moving on.

"Marcy is a pretty good cook," Lily continues, eyeing the food hungrily. "The kitchen has been smelling so good all daaaaay." There's a whine to her voice to suggest that someone had prevented her from sneaking bits.

Cian Doyle:
"I've been rather busy, myself, I can certainly take a bit of the blame," Cian admits - it's the truth, even if it's not quite the reason why it's taken so long for he and Lily to meet - and very carefully takes a bite of food. Breathes, chews swallows - he's trying very hard to attempt a measure of normalcy, as if this isn't the first time he's eaten like this in...years, probably.

"I will admit it's a treat, to get a home-cooked meal like this. My work keeps me too busy for anything like this."

Simon Dubois:
"You're like a historian or something, right?" Lily asks, popping food into her mouth while eyeing Cian appraisingly. It is clearly the look of a teenager sizing up how boring an adult is.

Cian Doyle:
"Mmm. Dusty tomes and dry manuscripts. And on good days, cryptic maps and hidden messages. They're less rare than you might think, people have always gone to surprising lengths to keep their secrets." He chews thoughtfully. "I take it you're not all that enthused by history?"

Simon Dubois:
She eyes him doubtfully. "...Hidden messages? Like, for real? Anything interesting?"

She glances towards Simon, then shrugs. "It's okay, I guess. Just not really my thing."

"Yes, but unfortunately one cannot make a career off of taking selfies," Simon says as he takes a bite.

Lily rolls her eyes. "I follow twelve year olds on Instagram that are richer than you for taking selfies, Dad."

Simon Dubois:
"One cannot make a respectable career off of taking selfies," Simon amends dully.

Cian Doyle:
"Pirate treasure maps have such a large mythos around them for a reason," Cian shrugs with a small smile. "There's a museum in Chicago working on an exhibit about cryptography and the like, they've asked me to consult on the history of it all so it's fresh in my mind. It's not my main focus, but it's a fun aside to look into the ways people sent secrets back and forth to each other before encrypted emails and apps like Signal. I think Snapchat is even getting a mention in their current iteration, what with its limited viewing times." He speaks about modern technology as if he knows about it, at least.

Simon Dubois:
Cian gets a long stare from the teen, who squints in much the same way Simon squints when he's suspicious. But she takes the bait. "...How is weird old cyphers like Snapchat?" Simon even gives Cian a curious glance, a brow lifting.

Cian Doyle:
"Snapchat only gives you a certain amount of time to view videos and messages, mm?" Cian sets his fork down to speak. "Think about the sorts of private things that might be sent, with the knowledge that the message will self-destruct, as it were. It's not to say that they're used in the same way - and of course there's the fact that with the advent of the internet and privacy laws that companies love to have you sign away your rights about via their terms of service, but that's neither here nor there, and outside the scope of the project, anyway."

Simon Dubois:
"Yes, of course," Lily says impatiently at the explanation of Snapchat. "I mean how did they make self destructing messages back then?"

Cian Doyle:
"I've just begun my research - but I'll keep you updated. At the moment, what I'm finding is that most communications of the sort were meant to be indecipherable in the first place, rather than self-destructing. But as I said, I've just begun."

Simon Dubois:
"I guess that sounds like it could be kinda cool," Lily begrudgingly says.

"Cian is very dedicated to his work, and has been working hard to grow in his field," Simon notes with a gleam of pride towards the other man.

"Sure," Lily says, now sounding bored again. "Is that how you two met? Doing history stuff?" Now looking directly at Cian. "Dad won't tell me anything."

Cian Doyle:
"I'd been planning on inviting your father to the opening of the exhibit, but I'm sure they could spare another ticket if you're interested. Chicago is lovely when it's not quite as blisteringly cold."

His foot finds Simon's under the table as Lily asks her questions, and he nods faintly. "A mutual friend introduced us, we found we had a bit more in common than we initially realized." Not that that really answers her question.

Simon Dubois:
Lily makes no commitments about going to Chicago or not, but chews down another couple of bites as she watches Cian. "So what, you went on a blind date? Dad did you go on a blind date?"

Simon glances towards Cian, his leg resting against his after a beat. "...Yes." Because why not lean into the lie. "Our friend assured me that he would be good company, and that he is very handsome. I thought I would take a risk."

"Oh my goood," Lily says, looking shocked and delighted. "You must have thought he was awful at first." This said to Cian.

Simon looks offended. "Why would he think I'm awful?"

"You're stuck up and boring." Lily roasts unapologetically.

Cian Doyle:
"I don't think he found me particularly good company, at first," Cian says with a smile like he's sharing a secret with Lily. "And...he was perhaps a bit stuck up, but not boring when he let himself open up a little." His smile to Simon is just the slightest bit teasing as his blue eyes sparkle.

Simon Dubois:
Simon clearly isn't appreciating being teased and roasted, but there's no doubt that Lily is relaxing and looking more interested in the conversation, so he begrudgingly accepts it. "Not particularly," Simon admits, as the next course of food is laid out in front of them. "But you grew on me."

"That's not nice to say to your boooyfriend," Lily teases.

Cian Doyle:
"In your defense, I wasn't sure how I felt about you, either." Cian's voice softens and he reaches to place his hand on Simon's arm for a moment before he returns to his meal. "Art has never been my focus as a historian." And there's that smile again. He does flush at Lily's calling him Simon's boyfriend, though maybe no one will see if he focuses on his food.

Simon Dubois:
Lily glances between them as Cian touches Simon's arm, then goes back to stuffing her face to hide the smirk.

"I won you over eventually," Simon says with even his own small smile.

"Soooo... You gonna be around and stuff now?" Lily asks. "You know I don't care that you're gay or bi or whatever, right?" This said to Simon, who blinks, caught off guard. "Don't gimme that look! I know you and mom were banging 'Uncle' Amon." She uses finger quotes around Uncle.

Simon's expression sobers and tenses, then he sighs heavily. "I'd prefer not to have that conversation right now. But... I suppose it's up to Cian, whether or not he'll be around more often."

Cian Doyle:
Cian just manages not to actually choke on his food, at the blatant mention of Simon's past sexual experiences, but it's a close thing, and he takes a moment to compose himself.

"...My work keeps me very busy," he finally admits, "and at odd hours, I'm not often availible to be 'around, and stuff.'" Lily gets a slight smile as he quotes her. "It's not to say I wouldn't like to be, if the two of you would have me - we're both fairly private people, your father and I. The last thing I'd want to do is intrude."

Simon Dubois:
"I'm sure we can work something out," Simon says with a glance to Cian.

The conversation has to be carefully managed from there as Lily attempts to suggest Cian go somewhere with them during Spring Break. It's only a few months away! It's a little strange to hear casual talk about going to the Caribbean on a whim, but Simon helps shoulder the blame by telling her he has a work trip coming up soon that will probably keep him busy. She's disappointed, but shrugs it off.

From there Lily mostly rambles about New York Fashion Week--which happens to be starting this weekend. She's apparently flying up with some friends to see some shows. Because that's totally a thing that 16 year olds do, apparently. But she does seem to like fashion a lot and will ramble about her favorite designers if Cian shows even a bit of interest.

Cian Doyle:
Whether or not Cian is actually interested in spring break in the Caribbean or New York Fashion Week, he absolutely listens to her, asking leading questions to get her to talk about the things she's excited about. He's been to New York a few times, but lets himself be schooled by the girl in whatever way she happens to know more about it than he does, and overall seems perfectly happy to engage in conversation on her terms for as long as she may want to.

His plate slowly empties, but he doesn't eat a lot. Savoring the bites that he does take, but not paying too much attention to whether he's eaten enough for it not to be noticed by anyone.

Simon Dubois:
Then the rest of the meal passes with her talking about fashion and travel and some more teasing her dad, which she finds delightful. She even mentions wanting to become a professional stylist and wouldn't it be cool to be the one that dresses all the super famous people, cause then you get to hang out with the famous people and be a trend setter but not have to deal with the bullshit of being super famous. And also social media--Cian, do you have Snapchat and Instagram and Tik Tok? She has a lot of followers and she brags about it, which clearly makes Simon uncomfortable and there's some tension that stirs up between them there. And after an hour or so Simon excuses himself to slip away to the bathroom, though Cian knows he's likely going to feed his second mouth before it can start wailing. Lily apparently doesn't know about it.

But eventually the meal ends on a good note, with Simon appeased and Lily in a good mood. She even offers that if Cian is sticking around maybe they can watch a movie--though makes a comment that it's totally cool if they wanna be alooooone instead.

Cian Doyle:
Cian...has none of those things, social media has never been for him - he likes his life private. By the end of dinner, he's looking a little strained, a little pale, even, and he declines the movie for tonight. Maybe next time. But he doesn't renew his Blush until after the scene with Lily ends after she's gone off to do whatever her plans are for the evening, and he's alone with Simon.

"That...went well, mm?" He's more comfortable now than he was even just a moment ago, though his eyes do wander from Simon's face to his neck for a short moment.

Simon Dubois:
If Lily is disappointed, it's completely forgotten the moment she pulls out her phone--which she only does immediately after leaving the table. She makes her way upstairs to her room.

Simon watches her go, then looks at Cian. "Better than I expected it to, honestly..." He looks him over. "Do you need to...?" You know. Throw up.

Cian Doyle:
"As long as I look human, I won't need to. But it...is draining for me, to continue to do that for extended periods of time. Keeping up the facade makes me hungry." He shrugs. "Sooner or later I'll need to attend to it - it might be easiest if it's now, as long as Lily...or anyone else...isn't around to worry."

Simon Dubois:
"Let's go to my suite. She will be distracted, now. She lives with her headphones on." He pushes up to his feet, smoothing down his shirt. "I'd rather you be comfortable."

Cian Doyle:
Cian nods and follows, sliding an arm around Simon's waist to pull him in for a short, soft kiss. "I'm very comfortable, with you. Here, in your house, eating your food." His smile is warm as he lets the other man go so he can lead Cian to the suite. "I do want to spend a little more time in your library, if you're interested - I remember seeing a book or two that might be useful in my current research..."

Simon Dubois:
"Sure. Once you're settled, we can relax in the library."

He leads the way up the stairs, up to the third floor--past a doorway where Cian can hear another heartbeat and some muffled chattering from Lily, who is no doubt giving all the gossip to her friends.

Simon opens the door and welcomes Cian into the master suite, and nods to the bedroom. "Should be plenty of towels if you need to wash up." February 10, 2022

Cian Doyle:
The Kindred doesn't quite run to the bathroom - and he manages to shut the door behind him, even. He returns a bit later, unBlushed again, his skin sallow and his eyes dull, but still managing to look fondly at Simon as he leans in the doorway.

"What Lily mentioned, about me being around more often. Is...that something that you want? It will be complicated, of course, but..." He shrugs and looks the man over. "I'm willing to make it work if you are. You certainly have more space for me to work, than my own cramped apartment."

Simon Dubois:
When Cian steps out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, he finds a probably pretty hunger-inducing sight. Simon lounging back against the headboard of his bed, the top few buttons of his shirt undone and pulled open to show off his neck and chest. He has a glass of whisky that he's nursing, eyeing the kindred as he steps into the room.

"...It will be difficult, with you only being able to come around at night. But..." He pauses as Cian says that last part, eyeing him.

Cian Doyle:
"I...I mean I suppose I can take a few more nights off of work, to spend time with you," Cian backtracks as he sees Simon's look, and pushes away from the doorway, shrugging off his suit coat to drape over a chair. "If you'd rather I not work while we're together, I can arrange that."

Simon Dubois:
"It's not so much that I mind you working around me," he says, then takes another sip of whisky. "More the thought of moving all of your books and things here." Because that sure is a big step past having a spare toothbrush here, huh.

Cian Doyle:
Cian's eyes widen a touch and he lets out a nervous laugh as he tugs at his cravat to remove it. "That...that isn't what I meant to imply at all, more that I'd bring a bag with me, like I do whenever I work away from home." His voice is low, nonthreatening as he steps closer to the bed. "I don't have any plans to move in, don't worry." Is that comforting? Does Cian even know? He runs a distracted hand through his hair.

Simon Dubois:
"Ah... Well then..." He relaxes a bit, draining another gulp before setting the glass on the bedside table. "Then that would be fine, when I have evenings free." He looks up at Cian. "Are you full enough that you're not at risk of killing me?"

Cian Doyle:
"I made sure to be." Cian murmurs as he sits on the edge of the bed and rests a gentle hand on Simon's thigh. "I...can't feed from animals anymore," he continues. "You're still more of a delicacy than anyone else."

Simon Dubois:
"Good." He tugs down his collar more, head tilting in offering--then he pauses, brow arching. "You... can't? Why not?"

Cian Doyle:
"It comes with getting more powerful, as...one of us." Cian leans in to press a soft kiss against Simon's neck. "We are all monsters, at the end of the night," he continues, lips brushing against his skin as his hand comes up to cup Simon's chin.

Simon Dubois:
Simon's heart rate starts to speed up with excitement, his head tipping again to bare his neck. "...I see... Who are you feeding on?"

Cian Doyle:
"No one important. People at bars, the occasional museum employee, and only when I need to. Nothing as intimate as this." Gentle fingers trail against Simon's jaw, and Cian kisses his neck once more before his fangs extend and twin pinpricks of pain are erased by the rush of bliss that is the Kiss. (2L)

He doesn't drink too deeply, but he takes it slow, drawing out the pleasure for Simon, his hands gentle as they go to wrap around the mortal, holding him close now.

Simon Dubois:
The mortal looks surly, but doesn't vocalize any complaints about the answer. As annoyed as it might make him, it was a necessity. He does try to make a point, however--grabbing Cian to pull over him, his body pressing close. Fingers digging in at the back of his neck as he moans, the moment made sensual and intimate and possessive. A delicacy.

When Cian stops drinking, Simon's grip loosens only a little, skin paler and eyes heavy lidded from the echoes of the Kiss lingering. "Mmm... Better?" he murmurs.

Cian Doyle:
Cian doesn't resist the pulling in, shifting on the bed so they're both more comfortable. "Much," he whispers against Simon's neck, and trails soft kisses up it until he can kiss the man's lips. "You are like no one I've ever met, darling." It's been a while since he's used such a casual term of endearment for the man.

Simon Dubois:
Simon is too Kiss-drunk and light-headed to notice the term of endearment... Or maybe he really is turning into a softie. Either way, there's not much of a reaction.

"Damn right," he murmurs, content to just let Cian lay on top of/beside him for a few moment while his heart rate starts to slow. "Mmm... Have you been enjoying the boat?"

Cian Doyle:
"It's been a little too cold to take it out without raising eyebrows," Cian admits, snuggling in against Simon. "And my work has kept me busy, I wasn't lying at dinner. But I've spent some time...sprucing it up, making it truly mine. And I've settled on a name, too."

Simon Dubois:
"Hm? What name?" he asks, a little drowsily.

Cian Doyle:
"Fortune's Favor." His lips brush against Simon's cheek. "It seemed appropriate. I hope it warms up soon enough for me to take out out on it, I haven't really wanted to risk the ice. Would you like to be there for her first voyage with me?"

Simon Dubois:
"I could find the time..." He says, though looks lost in thought after hearing the name. "Would you like the name painted on her?"

Cian Doyle:
"I'd planned on having it done - or doing it myself - sometime soon, yes. I don't want to take her out before then, anyway. Call me superstitious," he continues with a chuckle. "Do you know someone who does that sort of thing?"

Simon Dubois:
"Heavens no, but I can put one of my assistants on it, if you want. I'm sure they can find someone suitable."

Cian Doyle:
"I wouldn't mind that. Thank, you, again. We'll have to find some champagne too, if we want to give her a proper maiden voyage. I'd love for you to share that with me." He pulls away for just long enough to remove his shirt before curling up next to Simon again, his body cool and lifeless without a Blush. "Only partially because you've funded the whole thing," he continues, teasing.

Simon Dubois:
Simon shivers and lets out a soft grunt of protest as he presses his cold body against his--but not truly bothered by it, and doesn't pull away. Sometimes partners have cold feet that they insist on pressing against you and sometimes they're just living corpses, it happens. "You're welcome. It will be nice to sail when it's warmer. In the summer I bet it will be very pleasant at night."

Cian Doyle:
"Someone in town last summer lent me a boat to take...Jasper out on. It's a lovely way to spend an evening, especially if you get far enough away from the city that it doesn't smell of anything but fish and brine."

Simon Dubois:
He quiets a moment at the mention of Jasper, then tilts his head to rest it against Cian's shoulder. "Mm. I'll make sure I'm not away too much during the Summer, so we can have plenty of time to go out on the water."

Cian Doyle:
"We could go coast-hopping, make a vacation of it," Cian continues with a smile. "If you didn't mind becoming fairly nocturnal for a few days."

Simon Dubois:
He considers that, a little uncertain. "...Would we be able to get internet if we were too far out?"

Cian Doyle:
"A vacation implies no work being done, Simon." He kisses the top of his head with a chuckle, and rests there, eerily still. "We wouldn't be cut off from the world entirely, I'm sure you can get data as long as we don't go too far out from the coast."

Simon Dubois:
"Not doing work is different from being completely cut off from the world. I would mind less if you wouldn't be dead for over half of the time we were out. That sounds pretty boring without being able to entertain myself during the day." "Not to mention I'd want to be able to reach Lily if there were an emergency... But I'm sure I can sort out some sort of... satelite situation."

Cian Doyle:
Cian winces. "There...are ways I could change that. Not the sort of thing I'd undertake lightly, and...the sun will never not be a problem. But..." he sighs, heavily. "But satellite internet could be a solution to the internet issue, yes."

Simon Dubois:
He arches a brow. "Change... what? Being dead during the day? I thought that was a pretty unavoidable situation..."

Cian Doyle:
"For most of us, it is. I...it is a secret I should not elaborate on, for everyone's sake. I'd have to make some hard choices to even begin the process."