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Latest revision as of 19:48, 13 June 2022


Bala Cynwyd Elysium


Atalo Ceres: It's been a while since he's been here. Entering on quiet feet, Atalo surveys the area with an attentive Cerberus by his side. He pauses at the door, almost nervously resting a hand on the frame and going still a moment before slowly stepping inside. A hand rubs at Cerberus' ear and he mutters quietly to him in Greek.

Daniel Hawthorne: Once inside Atalo would find that someone was already present, idly looking through his phone as he relaxed in the main seating area of the house. Daniel looked up from said device as Atalo approached, the usual neck covering that he commonly sported gone, and gave the old Gangrel a nod. When he spoke the forced whisper was also no longer there, replaced with a pleasant tenor wrapped in an old-money Boston Brahmin accent. "Been a while. How've you been?"

Atalo Ceres: "Daniel." A slight smile formed on Atalo's lips as he found a chair, sinking into it and resting hands on the sides as Cerberus quietly sat next to him. Two pairs of eyes focused on the Nosferatu before the Gangrel spoke up again. "A while, yes. Long enough for some things to change, such as your voice?" Another brief pause. "I'm well. Thank you. And how are you? Changes aren't always easy for us."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Can't complain, honestly." He replied with a smile, watching the pair as they got settled. "One of the local willworkers offered their assistance in seeing what they could do about the manifestation of my line's curse and the results have been quite satisfactory."

Atalo Ceres: The Gangrel stilled, manner becoming cautious. "They have that much power, to affect our natures? I am glad they've not displayed a desire to act on that without invitation, but still. It is of a concern." He thinks, before smiling slightly and shaking his head. "Foolish of me. I worship powers that can do far more, if they choose."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Only to certain extents, from what I can gather. She wasn't able to remove the curse completely, but could change how it presented itself." He took a moment to briefly remove the sunglasses he was wearing, revealing that his eyes were now completely jet black with no visible pupils to speak of. "Still a little jarring, but far easier to deal with on a daily basis in my opinion."

Atalo Ceres: Atalo nods slightly, studying Daniel's gaze. "What did she ask for in trade? Clearly this was something of great value to you, given the trust you showed in asking her to alter your curse. And it is good that you've found means to change, without rejecting your nature."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Oddly enough, nothing. I think it was more a curiosity for her, to see if she could do it."

Atalo Ceres: Atalo just looks a little confused, glancing at Cerberus, then back to Daniel. "She's a friend then? They matter, you act for them when you can."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Enough of one, although I haven't seen her around in some time." He nodded quietly, sliding the shades back on. "Indeed. I'm certainly thankful for the effort she put into it, and intend to repay her in kind if the need ever arises."

"How have things been with you overall? Still running things at the shop and whatnot?"

Atalo Ceres: Atalo smiles politely, nodding. "Yes." He remains quiet for a moment before blinking once and expanding. "I am comfortable there, and feel settled. Though that gives me reason to leave from time to time, and not just to hunt. I didn't make the friends I have by staying there. Not all of them, at least. And I've become a little more distant from some of them and want to try and correct that."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Know how that goes. I have to be reminded to get out of the studio and stop working by my sister more times than I probably should be." He nodded with a small smirk. "It's definitely something worth working towards, though."

Atalo Ceres: "Then I think I will." Atalo decides. "I will speak to Rena when I can as well, without Cerberus." The dog cants his head as his name's spoken and Atalo pats him lightly. "And there are others too, I.." He hums. "No. Names are private for some things. No offence is meant."

Daniel Hawthorne: "None taken." Daniel nodded, smiling a touch. "Haven't seen Rena in a while myself, actually. Pass on my greetings to her, if you would?"

Atalo Ceres: "If I can find her, mm." Atalo nods. "I've not seen her either, but Rena is resilient, I'm confident she'll still be present."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Agreed. She's far too stubborn to shuffle off that easily. If I run into her before you do I'll let her know that you're looking to find her."

Atalo Ceres: "Please. I'll do the same if I find her first." He smiles slightly. "Are there others you're hoping to find?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "I've done what socializing I have with members of the Academy lately, so branching out a bit there is in the plan."

Atalo Ceres: The Gangrel nods and stands, signalling Cerberus back to his side. "Agreed. And for me, more time outside my shop. For now though, I should be returning. Thank you Daniel, for the conversation and agreeing to pass on greetings. We'll talk again soon?" A more genuine smile.

Daniel Hawthorne: The Haunt nodded, staying seated himself for the moment. "Quite welcome, and indeed. Was a pleasure seeing you again."

Atalo Ceres: A dip of Atalo's head before he turns to pad his way out, Cerberus in tow.