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Revision as of 06:09, 25 August 2022

Ylva Theodulus

The Mask
Pronouns:  He/Him
Real Age:  70
Apparent Age:  28
Birthday:  December 20, 1952
Height:  6ft, 6 inches
Weight:  210 lbs
Build:  Tall, Broad, Muscular, Lithe
Concepts:  Star Guided Superhero
 Renaissance Man of Art and Science
Public:  Striking Looks(Earnest): ••
 Giant •••
 Fleet of Foot: •••
 Hob Kin ••
 Presence •••••
 StrengthP Performance ••••
 Strength •••••
 Dexterity •••••
 Stamina •••••

The Mien
Seeming:  Elemental
Kith:  Gargantuan
Court:  Summer
Position:  Page of Summer
Motley:  None
Needle:  Protector
Thread:  Hope
Cult:  None

“If the World is What We Make of It,
Then Let Us Make Good."
Beta Ray Bill

“Let me strive every moment to make myself better, that all may profit by it. Let me take what comes without loss of courage.
Let me be considerate of my country, my fellow citizens and associates in everything I do. Let me do right to all, and wrong no man."
Doc Samson, Man of Bronze


Mask: At 6 feet and six inches, and a broad, muscular frame hidden under comfortable, easy going clothing, certainly the most notable thing about Aksel at first is his immense size. An obvious shopper at big and tall stores, he generally favors trousers, button down shirts, sweaters or jackets that help to cover his size a bit, or at least don't break if he flexes. The other immediately noticeable thing about him is the broad, friendly and earnest smile on his face, the way he does his best not to loom as he speaks to you, and the easygoing tone of his voice. Often smelling of sawdust, wood chips, plants and deodorant due to his general day job as a handyman for people in his neighborhood, he generally makes up for his large size and imposing physique with a friendly, personable demeanor and easy attitude. Often even simply when walking around Aksel wears a look of awe and wonder on his face, taking in the world with an exuberance and excitement that are visible to even the untrained eye.

Mein: While generally identical to his Mask in most respects, as a light elemental his dark hair is coal black and flickers with a crimson glow at the tips, lightly blown by an ever-present wind. His skin is a rich, tanned bronze, infused throughout with veins of gold and purple light which flows through him. His eyes burn a crimson magenta, pupils akin to a bird of prey, though they remain warm and sincere for all that.

The warm scent of a Summer wind swirls around Aksel, the feeling of endless, sunny days and the immortality of youthful days, a bright and brilliant blaze of incandescent color. Visually it exists as a simple band of light encircling the giant elemental's shoulders and upper arms, the color of summer lightning, as his steps leave briefly smoldering footprints to the knowing eye. In battle his mantle flares into three, wing like blades that project from either shoulder and push him to greater heights of combat, the third before him to shield his form.

Roleplaying Hooks:

Friendly Neighborhood Whatever You Need

Need a hand around the house? Wood chopped up for winter? Pipes need fixing? Aksel's your guy. A quiet word in an ear will let you know that his rates are reasonable, and often times he may not charge anything at all. Oftentimes all it might cost someone is a story and a cup of coffee. Of hard times or good, of what's going on in the neighborhood. And always with a kind word and a smile to anyone.

Summer Soldier Seeking Solace

Exuberant, enthusiastic and always ready to support someone's goals and dreams. As a Summer fighter he wants to give his all to his fellow Freeholders both on and off the battle field. In addition to the fighting prowess and years of experience of being a 'hero' in durance, he carries with him an understanding of the weight and burden being inhuman in a human world can present. He is therefore also available to the Freehold, and the larger Supernatural community as a counselor, therapist, and empathetic ear.

Hope For All

He's a volunteer firefighter. Paramedic. Rescue worker. He plays music and likes to make people laugh and cheer and sing. He wants to forge ahead in a world where people aren't afraid of the dark and have reason to appreciate the greatest mysteries of the cosmos. Wanting to play at being a super hero in someone else's world no more, Aksel believes with everything he has and everything he can bring to bear that there will always be a new dawn on the horizon, and new light on even the harshest battlefield. Because the burden of years of falsehood and pretend, saving lives that never existed for the satisfaction of monsters, have carved a bedrock of diamond into a giant's heart. That he will always offer even one last shred of hope. Because he must.

A Place In the Country

Quiet upon his arrival and for some time, Aksel has been working to develop a place of rest, safety, work and solace for himself and the Freehold. A farm and home, a place for animals and plants, for growing and making things, for healing and learning and relaxing. Rumor is out there he's busy working on all manner of things, and always looking for all manner of help or advice.


Aksel Arkwright

More contacts to come.

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