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Revision as of 05:31, 27 August 2022

Content Warning

Violence and Gore


Ylva Theodulus


Ylvas Hollow


Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
Ylva had spent the afternoon wandering, alone and hungry. A frankly dangerous thing for anyone to do in the Hedge. Especially anyone with their, problems. Now they had made it most of the way back to their Hollow, they were on the edge of their Goblin Fruit gardens sitting on the floor eating, something. The Hedge makes a lot of odd creatures and this poor one had met the teeth of a hungry and emotionally unstable Gristlegrinder. They sat nibbling at a bone their mouth wider than it should be fangs longer than anyone would like them to be and face covered in the remnants of what they were eating. Tails flared behind them at attention, on edge. All of their senses ready for her next meal.

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
The garden is close enough to a nearby Trod that the kitsune's been running into Lost travelers, most of whom ironically know where they are. Most of them have come idly strolling down the pathway, but Ylva can likely hear her new guest approaching from a distance. Something's flitting straight down the path towards her place. A soft thud rings out, something light hitting the ground from a long fall, followed by silence. Several seconds later, there's another thud, closer, and then another just around the bend. Ylva has a few moments to move or react before whatever it is comes into view from around a hairpin swell of thorns...

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
Ylva hears something coming their maw growing wider as they swallows what is left of this thing in one bite. They lower their head to the ground, their eyes glazing over and growling. Their fangs then grow even further, sharp enough to pierce steel, body on edge, any hint of tiredness gone. They lean forward on all fours towards the sound. Ears tuned into any sound as their nostrils flare. A low and constant growl of a cornered beast passing by their lips.

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
Something flies out from behind the thorns, high into the air, before landing with one last thud on the dirt. It's a person, dressed in simple modern clothing, a black jacket with bright white stripes and lines here and there, with simple black pants and matching sneakers. Sunglasses hide their eyes. The intruder halts on the path and goes still, face to face with Ylva from just outside arm's reach of each other.

He's short, except maybe compared to Ylva, but the hilt of a sword sticks out just over his shoulder on his back. Most concerningly, his face and hair and hands are all broken up into a myriad of little tiny squares forming the otherwise normal contours of his form, like he's made out of little colored tiles or square beads...

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
They tilt their head roaring again as they step forward. Normally their meals dont fall into their lap so freely. Ylvas eyes are glazed over. Lost in some sort of frenzy. They step up to this creature, close enough to bite but hesitate for just a moment.


Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
The stranger hesitates, and for a moment she comes nearly nose to nose with him. A heart's beat later, as she says "No," his right hand is up on the grip of his blade, and the seemingly free meal leaps back a few feet, deftly. Staring at her from hidden eyes behind the shades. "I agree," he says...the voice of a young man, crackling through static and electronic distortion, like it's broadcast from a small speaker. He stands his current ground...

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
Their mouth closes and their head tilts as they step forward far faster than they should be able to. Moving back to be face to face with this stranger. "Agree? No."

Their eyes trace all the across the strangers body intrigued at the shape. Their tails swishing idly behind them as they do. "Lost?"

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
This might end up being a bit of a game, because he answers with another quick hop backwards of his own. As quick. Maybe quicker...maybe not. There's a beat before he answers her question... "Yeah. From the local Freehold. You know what that is....?" His hand stays on the grip of his sword for now, and even with his eyes hidden, Ylva can see his head tilting subtly to take in everything quick. Looking at the bloody mess left in the garden, the Hollow itself, and Ylva's own appearance.

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
Ylva nods. "Yes, I know. I know Freehold. Freehold home."

They dash forward again. "Not Arcadia. You are not lunch."

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
This time, the squared-off stranger leaps backwards as she lurches forward, keeping the distance between them. He follows it with a sudden sideways roll, hitting the ground in a quick tumble before returning to his feet. Steel on wood rings out in the otherwise quiet hedge as he draws his blade from its scabbard on his back, pointing an unembellished but beautifully forged katana straight out towards Ylva.

But no further moves for now. He reaches up slowly with his offhand to remove his sunglasses and tuck them away inside his jacket. Pixellated eyes meet Ylva with a hunter's stare. "I am Glitch," he stays, taking a careful look at the supposed freeholder up and down. "And for all I know you could just be a--" He catches himself, halting, having to think before continuing. "Could just be a trap. Distracting me for an ambush. Let's take it slow here..."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
They frown as Glitch bounces away before they land, frown deepening as the sword is drawn.

Their head tilts. "Glitch? Im Ylva. No ambush."

They walk forwards towards Glitch bouncing on their paws but not approaching quickly. "Why ambush?"

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
Glitch twirls the sword in a quick fluorish, and the Hedge ripples slightly, as if suddenly stirred by a gust of wind. Then he slides it back into its sheath behind him and keeps both his slightly blurry and flickery hands up where she can see them. "Why not?" he murmurs, already falling into her sort of simple verbal cadence. "...Maybe eat. Like you." He gestures towards the kill remnants nearby, and then to her, likely covered in gore. "Maybe take, in cage."

He coughs. "...in a cage." Glitch relaxes as no invisible ambushers appear and he studies the scene. "You know this. Right? You're free now. No Arcadia. No lunch." There's more he wants to ask, but he holds himself back, realizing the conversation's just gotten detailed.

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
They bounce forward once the sword is sheathed but doesnt act aggressively almost playing.

They nod. "No Arcadia. No Cage." Then they look down and sigh "No Lost lunch."

The swarm of tails reaches forward towards Glitch exploring. Seeming to be their least aggressive way of doing so at the moment.

"Hi Glitch."

She shakes her head. "Sorry, uh, about that."

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
Glitch nods, tracking her bouncing with his eyes. He's either decided to let his guard down, or figures he's fast enough to respond if things take a turn. "Hi," he beeps back to her, remaining still as the tails surround him. Lifting a single pixellated index finger, he reaches it out towards one of the encroaching tails. "No problem. It's...rough when you first come out." Sympathy creeps into his tone. "But careful who you pounce," he adds, and pushes his finger forward to actually touch her tail. There's a tiny crack of static shock, a miniscule spark leaping from his fingertip to the fluffy tailtip for an instant, like he's bristling with charge. It's replaced by a faint tingle before he draws his hand back and breaks contact.

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
She brings her hand up to her face then sees all the blood and quickly looks around, spotting the remnants of her lunch. "Really hoping that wasnt one of us."

Wandering back towards it she cleans her face and hands leaning down towards it. "Not my best introduction huh."

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
Glitch's eyebrows raise really high, and his hand just sort of happens to rest on his sword grip again. Like you'd hang on a bus strap. "I've seen worse," he beeps. "I'm hoping that too. You don't remember? Maybe the person that lived here...?" he asks, glancing around the garden. Suspicious, but still sympathetic. He distracts himself by counting how many tails she has.

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
Looking back up at him she gets down on the ground and finds a scrap popping it in her mouth chewing slowly. "No, not lost. Probably."

She shakes her head "No, this is mine. I try not to go out too often, because this happens. I thought today was a good day."

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
"Probably," he repeats, heaving out a sigh. "You're trying," Glitch says after that, perhaps trying to convince himself, crouching down nearby and keeping an eye on her. "You got any food inside...?"

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
She walks up to the door and it swings open. "Goblin fruit mostly. Been working on farming a variety that is good for the hunger. Apparently something wandered into the farm. I tend to lose it if I get too hungry. Become more of what I was in Arcadia."

She leans down against the edge of what seems to be a giant vine covered birdcage and as she does a seat forms below her.

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
Glitch follows her in, glancing around the interior as if checking for hidden traps or dangers. Because he is. He remains standing for now, nodding as he listens, hands in his pockets. "That's good. Probably better for you to be outside the Hedge when you can, for a while. While you adjust. Goblin fruit's better than...whatever wandered in here, but it's not a long term solution. Spending too long in here eating fruit is a bad idea."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
She sighs offering him a seat which materializes out of the vines.

"I know. I try to take little trips out. Keep my head on straight. But. People. Its loud and theres people and they look oh so like walking meat sacks some days." She pauses chewing her lip. "Most days."

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
Glitch takes a moment to prod the seat with a finger before gingerly settling into it. "Ahh. So they're still...easing you in." He settles into the chair in consideration. "That's rough. I got dumped straight into the real world. And...it didn't go so well. Maybe I would've had a nicer time like this, on a little hedge farm where I could sort myself out and not have to deal with anyone's shit..."

He shakes his head, returning to his senses. "Sorry. Been a while since I thought back that far. I'm getting old and grouchy. How do you say your name again...?"

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:

She looks at him. "I wish I could slot back in, I really do. i miss my wife. That, thankfully, was stopped before it ended badly. I miss my work. Frankly i miss Starbucks."

Looking around at the space she sighs. "Im a danger to us, thats why I ate out this space. Put these teeth to good use."

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
Glitch's brow furrows. "I'm sorry. I had...less to tie me back here." He's quiet for a moment, then sucks in a breath. "You don't need work though. Or Starbucks, but comfort is comfort. Let me know your order and I'll bring you a frap sometime." A glance around in response. "You ate this whole area out of the thorns...?"

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
She leans back into the wall her head touching it and hands tracing on it.

"I wasnt gone very long, I. I was taken and back before anyone knew I was gone. At least as far as Ironside is aware."

Her hand catches on a barb a drop of blood, though she doesnt seem to notice or care.

"Yeah, thats how I got back. I ate my way from Arcadia to Ironside. Ran into the Freehold covered in blood and mad."

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
He doesn't react right away. First his eyebrows climb further, then he stares at her. Really stares, like trying to puzzle her out or memorize her features. "You ate your way back," he repeats. "That's..."

Many words could fill the silence. Ylva probably doesn't expect the one he chooses. "Awesome."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
She shrugs. "I dont remember most of it, honestly, just the pain. I remember more of my Durance than I do of my escape. Those few days. They were a blur. Then I was Ironside and someone was pulling me away from walking back to my house."

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
Glitch nods again, leaning back for a moment in his makeshift chair. "That's rough. But it's gonna be okay. If you're that tough a case we can find people who can help you. With... magic, or whatever you want to call it. Contracts. Cheat codes." Sitting up, he fixes her with a nonchalant look. "And we can keep an eye on you. Keep you around people who you won't have to worry about hurting."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
She nods a half smile on her face.

"Thanks, I appreciate that, really. Im learning to Hedgespin tea which has been helping. But, its a process, got to wean myself off of it sometime. Or find a more sustainable contract way of making lost."

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
"Making Lost...? I don't think you mean what I think you mean. Probably not a...sustainable solution." He rubs at his face. "Tea sounds better. And really, we can get you a ton of food. Load you up on pork, maybe you'll lose the taste for uh..."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
"No I dont. I know of a contract which can make imitations of the lost. Maybe that would work." She rubs at her face, accidentally smearing her own blood on it. "Hedgespun tea is my go to at the moment. I would like to lose this taste though that sounds long term."

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
"Imitation...is okay. I think." Glitch nods. "You have any right now? Tea, I mean. I'll have some. If you want." He stares with all the awkwardness of someone who's never asked for tea in his life. He's trying too.

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
Ylva smiles opening a cupboard in the wall of vines. A stove sliding out with a pot of water on the boil.

"What would you like it to taste like and ill do my best. Tea, Flesh, Pumpkin Spice, Ice Cream."

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
There's another awkward pause as Glitch tries not to look too tense. "Uh. Just tea for me. I'll try some of the others later." He rubs at his face and watches her at work. "Had a fridge in our hollow like that. Came up with really weird sodas and beers."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
Ylva chuckles. "Yeah theres all sorts here. Just in this room. More in the main area. Ive divided it into four sections. One for each time of Day." She works as she talks adding some spices to the tea and waiting for it to boil. She pulls out two cups pouring Glitch a nice English Breakfast tea and herself one that is Red and Black with almost a sparkle of gold in the mix.

She slides the tea to the edge of the table offering it to him.


Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
The pixellated Sprite pauses to savor the warm aroma of his cup before putting it to his square-flecked lips and taking a sip. "Mm. Not a tea guy. But that's not bad at all. Thank you. You meet anyone else in the Freehold yet...?"

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
She nods sipping at her tea. "I met Charlie earlier today. That meeting went well, thats why I ventured out into the more wild parts of the Hedge."

Finishing her tea she pours another cup emptying the pot and sliding the whole contraption back into the wall.

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
He nods back, taking a while to sip. "Take your time. You don't have to rush. Looks like you're doing okay so far." There's silence for a bit as Glitch sits there relaxing.

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
She smiles sipping a bit more slowly at this one. "Im trying. I would like to be able to be around crowds or Lost without having a desire to eat them. But we are getting there. Ive just been focusing on getting this set up. Its, linked to my home Ironside and resisting the urge to visit home is palpable."

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
Glitch nods again. "Your old home? Like with your wife and such...? That might not be a good idea, yeah." He listens, trying his best to be sympathetic despite his prickly warrior stereotype. "You'll...not that I know, but I know a few girls like you. Had a similar situation. Similar hungers and guilt. You'll probably first get to the point where you can be around crowds even though you wanna eat someone kinda. Took me a while before I could be around people without wanting to kick someone's ass. Then it'll just get easier and easier with repetition. Practice. You know."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
"One day hopefully, I havent seen her since the 4th. Im hoping to make it home for our Anniversiry in November." She sighs looking up at the sky. "I just find I slip back into what I was in Arcadia. Guard dog and Garbage Disposal."

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
"It's easy to fall back into the routine we were put in. We were conditioned. The whole world around us was built to make us what we were and keep us that way." There's a little wry smirk at the edge of his lips that isn't followed by his eyes. "It's a miracle any of us even get out."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
"It really is. The amount of Lost that I saw, that passed my lips. How many are they taking every day? How many of those unsolved missing persons?"

She touches the wall, it shimmers and four doors appear. "Let me ask you Glitch. What is your favorite time of day. I may as well show you more of my home. Its all ive got to share at the moment."

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
Glitch tries to smile back at that question, and fails, his mouth in a tight pained expression. "Too many," he says, with genuine pain in his voice at the thought. "Like grains of sand, to each one...and there's no counting how many of them there are. They might all be part of one fuckin' thing, even. Best just to be glad we made it back out."

The new offer perks him up, and he offers a slightly more successful smile. "I'm a night owl. Always have been."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
"Too fucking many. I can drink to that." At that she raises her cup finishing it and placing it in the wall then walking up to one of the doors.

"The Autumn Frost Bites Hardest on a Midwest Breeze Their love burns my heart."

As she finishes the Haiku a Moon appears on this door with a Sunset, Sunrise and Sun appearing on the three others. She pushes the door open.

"Shall we?"

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
Glitch drains the tea alongside her, agreeing. He stands and folds his arms, nodding briefly in approval at the warded doors. "Nice setup. Let's." Following behind Ylva, he takes a look around.

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
They stand in a wide courtyard ringed on all the sides by rock walls. It is the middle of the night, a full moon sits bright in the sky. Beutiful ferns and pines ring the courtyard extending as far as the eye can see. A powdering of snow falls from the sky though it is not cold enough here for it to be snowing. The trees shake with a subtle breeze occasionally dropping their snow to the ground.

She bounds forward taking it all in, a smile on her face and her arms wide, her tails flaring out like a smile. She runs towards the woods. Bounding up a tree and sitting on the lower branches. From behind there is another padding of Paws as her Hedge Beast comes and sniffs at Glitch.

Her voice rings out, hard and commanding.

"Leave him be Octavia." Octavia is a Black 9 tailed fox, with purple and silver markings all along her fur. She sniffs at Glitch looking up at him.

Glitch/Tanya (They/Them):
The pixellated Lost stands his ground and examines the dark creature with so many tails, holding out a backhand for it to sniff at. He's at least been around dogs. "Good girl," he offers, before looking up at Ylva. "This is pretty incredible stuff. Hard to imagine you chewing your way around it."

A pause as he considers the fox, and intones a word or two in a language she might not be expecting. "Kitsune. A youkai?"

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
"The Thorns dont really work like normal space, this is still only the same size as the main dome but bigger. Its odd."

Octavia sniffs at his hand tilting her head and repeating "Kitsune."

Ylva chuckles "Still working on that. What does that mean, Youkai?"