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Latest revision as of 02:35, 30 August 2022

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Hedge Trod


Ylva Theodulus: Ylva was out hunting, well they were trying to find a body for their project. Currently they were just eating. There is a difference and its mostly how mentally aware they are.

They are sitting on large pile of meat chewing at it and playing with their food, making it into little piles, little shapes. Sculpting the meat into fun shapes.

Asbolus: The smell of blood and viscera wafting through the air was almost overwhelming to one with keen senses heightened by the Wyrd, and it was with no small bit of wariness that Asbolus ventured down the trod towards the source, a hand loosely hanging at his side although there was no visible weapon there. The Darkling was dressed simply, the air around him cooler than usual as his Mantle wove tightly around him.

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva tilts their head as they smell them approaching, their senses so used to the smell of blood that they can pick out another thing approaching.

A growl escaping their lips. Looking down to the pile of meat and pulling it closer to themselves. Their mouth opening wider than it should be able to and fangs extending even further. They lean forward getting ready to pounce on a threat, on their next meal.

Asbolus: Asbolus held his hands up at the growl, showing that he had no ill intent. "Sorry for interrupting." He offered, a proper London accent showing no signs of fading after years across the pond. "No harm meant."

Ylva Theodulus: They tilt their head growling intensifying. "Predator or Prey?"

Their voice is strained and they are shoving meat into their mouth, trying to finish the pile.

Asbolus: That brought a wry smirk to the Darkling's face, the sharpness of his mien intensifying briefly. "More the former, between the two. A good chase is always enjoyable."

Ylva Theodulus: Ylvas tongue runs across their lips at that a smile crossing their distorted lips.

Another growl coming out of their mouth as they look down at their pile of meat and then shake their head and step towards the Darkling.

Asbolus: He remained still as Ylva approached, watching the Courser with pale eyes that seemed able to peel back every layer of her being. "Relatively new arrival, I presume?"

Ylva Theodulus: They tilt their head as they approach his feet looking up at them. "New?" Their teeth snap as they speak, right on the edge of pouncing.

Asbolus: "To the freehold, in this case."

Ylva Theodulus: With him not moving they snap their teeth again, trying to get a response. "Freehold?"

Asbolus: There was no flinching away from snapping jaws, his resolve stalwart and no sign of fear in his expression. Instead he met the Beast's gaze head-on, steel slipping into his own stare. "The other Lost gathered here. Are you newly returned from beyond the Thorns, then?"

Ylva Theodulus: "New back from, Arcadia."

They lean back on their haunches, not quite sure how to respond to this person.

Their hand reaches up and touches their nose. "I new from Arcadia."

Asbolus: He nodded, glancing down the trod before looking back to Ylva. "Welcome back, then. Have you met any of the others here yet besides myself?"

Ylva Theodulus: "Friends?" They nod before looking at the pile of meat and tilting their head and asking again. "Friends?"

Asbolus: "Friends, yes." He nodded again, smiling quietly. "We've all been newly returned ourselves at some point, and pay forward the aid that others have given us."

Ylva Theodulus: They point their finger at the pile of meat, slumping down further, almost at the point of snapping. "That Friends?" (edited)

Asbolus: He turned his attention back to the pile, trying to get a good read on what form it originally took. "If it was a creature of the Hedge, likely not. I know others hunt in the Thorns here."

Ylva Theodulus: "Not Friend."

They look up at the Darkling shaking their head blinking their eyes, grimacing and their claws digging into the ground.


Asbolus: Asbolus watched her for a moment before crouching down in front of her, putting himself on her level rather than looming over her. "I take it this wasn't a...planned hunt, then."

Ylva Theodulus: She shakes her head. "Kind of. I went out to hunt, didnt go out to lose it."

Leaning back on her hands she looks over at Asbolus. "Nice to meet you, you can call me Ylva."

Asbolus: "Happens to the best of us, and good to meet you as well. I am Asbolus."

Ylva Theodulus: Pushing her hair out of her face she stands, smearing more blood on her face.

"Does it? Im, um, very fresh from Arcadia. I got back on the tenth. So like 3 weeks?"

Asbolus: "Those instincts are hard-wired by our time there, and take some time to wrangle." He nodded as he moved to stand, smirking a touch as he offered her a handkerchief to wipe the blood off her hands and face. "I think there's a stream not too far from here if you want to wash up."

Ylva Theodulus: She raises an eyebrow at the offered handkerchief before shaking her head. "A stream seems easier, though. I should probably go home before I do any more hunting."

Asbolus: "Are you staying somewhere here in the Hedge?" He pocketed the handkerchief, not seeming to be miffed by her lack of accepting it. "Once you're feeling more composed I can also point you towards the freehold for proper introductions if you haven't done so already."

Ylva Theodulus: "Ive got a little Hollow on the main trod. Ive had some brief introductions but not really up to social interactions." She sighs looking up at the sky. "As you can see."

Asbolus: "Know how that goes." He replied with a small chuckle, tilting his head down the trod before moving to lead the way to the stream, if she felt so inclined. "I was rather withdrawn when I first returned as well, both from discomfort at the thought and being concerned about my Keeper's Eye still being upon me in some form or fashion. The others here helped to ease me out of that particular shell, though."

Ylva Theodulus: She follows his head walking in that direction to the trod.

"I dont know what I am. Im not withdrawn. I like meeting people. I just happen to also like eating said people."

There is a little smile on her face though its a bit forced.

"I miss Ironside but cant really go there with my current predicament."

Asbolus: "That does make things sporting. I was rebuilt for the chase myself, so I can understand to a degree. I know at least one other of our number who has the same proclivities by the name of Laura, if you haven't met her yet. Might be worth talking with her on the matter."

"Ah...issues with a replacement being left behind, too long away, that sort of thing?"

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva nods.

"Yeah, ive met Laura, she is going to help me with getting some supplies in the next few days. Maybe talk about our eating problems too."

She shakes her head a frown on her face.

"No, I dont have a fetch. More I want to eat everything in sight and would, um, rather, um. Not eat my wife."

Asbolus: "Ah, good. I'd be willing to help with supplies as well if needed."

"Understandable." He nodded quietly, looking her over. "Have you had a chance to speak with her, at least?"

Ylva Theodulus: "Thank you, I think im good for now. We are going to visit my shop and get some art supplies see if that will ground me a bit."

She continues walking, regaining a bit of her usual bounce.

"Yeah, she saw me the night I got back, before Aksel dragged me away from her. Since then ive had a few phone calls with her."

Asbolus: "Aksel..." he repeated the name, thinking a moment as he matched it to a face before nodding. "Haven't had the pleasure of speaking with him much, but I'm glad he was able to find you in your moment of need."

"Good. Keeping those connections strong can help maintain one's stability in the long run." He turned onto a slimmer part of the trod, which soon opened up to a well-wooded area that sported the stream in question flowing through the center. "What medium do you pursue your art in, out of curiosity?"

Ylva Theodulus: "I think he is relatively new to town sort of a wandering type. He is nice though." She blushes slightly as she finishes talking before moving on.

"Yeah, its just communicating with her is hard, I cant really call her from here and going Ironside is always a risk."

A wide smile crosses her face at the wooded area, feeling a bit more at home. She slides out of her jacket sitting it on the grass, it hits the ground with far more weight than would be expected of what it looks like. She then sits on the edge of the stream with her paws in the water and relaxes for a moment.

"Im a Tattoo Artist and piercer. Though I also work with a lot of paper and lately ive been painting the sky of my Hollow which has been an adventure."

Asbolus: "Make sure you do step out from time to time, though, even if it's only for a little while. Things can get a little...disconnected upstairs if you don't leave the Thorns at all for long periods of time." He tapped his temple lightly, his tone implying he knew all too well what might happen.

He spared the jacket a curious glance as it thudded on the ground, moving to sit cross-legged beside her near the water as she got settled. "Ah...very nice, and I can imagine. I was an actor before I was taken, and work as the manager for a theater here in town these days."

Ylva Theodulus: "I try to step out every couple of nights, there is a park that is pretty empty and so I can usually avoid people."

She smiles as he sits. "Hopefully Laura taking me shopping will help too, she is there to keep me in line too which is good, she knows the urges."

At that she starts to scrub her arms and face clean. "I miss it, this is the longest ive gone without doing work since I started. Its a weird feeling."

Asbolus: "Good." He nodded, smiling in return. "I hope it goes well for you both."

"I can imagine. Having that time to yourself to readjust and figure out your path going forward does help, though."

Ylva Theodulus: With her face clean she moves onto her arms.

"I mean being able to make it a day without wanting to eat someone is my plan. Before I start doing work again."

Asbolus: "A good plan, considering that sort of work requires close proximity. Were you working at a studio of your own before or with others?"

Ylva Theodulus: "I own a studio that a couple others work at, we each have our own rooms. It s a nice studio that I have spent a lot of time on and I really do miss it."

She finishes cleaning her arms but leaves her paws hanging in the water.

"This is nice, reminds me of parts of my Hollow."

Asbolus: "Well, hopefully you can get back to it soon. Sounds like you really put your heart into the place." He nodded with a small smile. "I kept the space I carved out as more of a proper apartment as that was more comfortable for me at the time. Served me well overall, and I stayed there for a good year and a half or so until I moved in with my motley."

Ylva Theodulus: "Im glad, mine is a little more esoteric. A bird cage that leads to four different rooms with differing times of day. Its a whole thing." There is a wide smile on her face as she talks about her art. "Im glad you were able to find your people after finding it hard at the beginning."

Asbolus: "Sounds interesting. Wouldn't mind seeing it someday, if you ever feel willing." He nodded, smiling as she continued. "I am too. I was...surviving, for a time, but it took seeing them and the closeness they had formed between each other to realize what I had been missing. Thankfully they were willing to let me in on it."

Ylva Theodulus: "One day I think id like that. Though I think its time for me to head back so i can try and relax for the rest of the day, actually get some sleep. Even with the weird Stranger Things dreams."

Pulling up out of the stream she smiles.

"Its been a pleasure Asbolus we will have to do this again some time."

Asbolus: "Indeed..." He replied with a curious arch of the eyebrow, moving to stand in kind. "It's been a pleasure for me as well. I'll give you my number before we part ways."

Ylva Theodulus: "Of course." From the mass of her tails she pulls a few business cards and a pencil passing both to him. "They are coming in handy with friends at least."

Asbolus: "Handy, that." He glanced to her tails as she pulled the cards from them, chuckling a bit as he wrote down his number and handed the card and pencil back to her. "Have a good rest of your night, and if you need assistance getting in touch with the freehold at large I'd be happy to help."

Ylva Theodulus: "Thanks. Have a good evening. Friend."