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Latest revision as of 02:35, 8 September 2022


Freehold Hollow


Saya Kemmochi: Sitting in front of one of the cottages is a tiny woman made mostly out of metal. She's on a bench at a picnic table, looking down at a book in front of her on the table, and occasionally turning the pages with the deft fingers of her only hand. There's a backpack on the table beside the book, probably how she carried it in, and leaning against the bench beside her is a shamisen. She's idly humming to herself as she reads, possibly not even aware that she's doing so, although she does seem aware enough of her surroundings, since her head comes up when she hears various sounds that might indicate someone else's presence.

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva was wandering the Hedge, slowly trying to learn more about where she now lives. At her side is a 9 tailed fox Hedge Beast keeping her in check.

In her hands is a drawing tablet, which she is idly drawing on as she walks.

Spotting another person she wanders slowly up to them a gentle wave a good distance away.

"Hiya. Do you mind company?"

Saya Kemmochi: Saya's eyes lift from her page again, a pair of glittering rubies the color of fresh blood that seem to contain at least a trace of their own light. There's an undeniable Wyrdness to her, a connection to her fae nature so strong that it's almost a palpable pressure, but after a moment's impassive consideration her steel lips split into a friendly smile and she makes an inviting gesture with one hand.

"Please," she says with a hint of an accent. "If I wanted to be left alone, I'd have chosen a more private place." The sparkle of her eyes changing their angle comes a moment before her face angles toward the hedge beast, and then her gaze narrows slightly in suspicion, even if she doesn't voice it.

Then her gaze goes back to Ylva. "I'm Saya Kemmochi," she says. "Ranger of the Thorns for the Autumn Court". The words come with a slight bow at the waist, although she doesn't get up to offer it.

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva smiles nodding her head and before sitting introduces herself. "You can call me Ylva. I'm new to the Freehold, currently courtless but working on that and this is Octavia."

She sits with Octavia curling up under her seat. Tablet closed and placed on the table.

"Its a pleasure to meet you. Another new person today." There is a genuine smile and happiness to her voice.

Saya Kemmochi: "Welcome, then. I haven't been here too terribly long myself," Saya says, before a short pause and an admitted, "well, I think the better part of a year now. Everything is relative, I suppose." She flashes another smile, this one more of a grin, and says, "it's nice to meet someone else around my size, too. Where did you arrive from? I don't recognize where the name Ylva might originate, although I've learned that's not always telling, either."

Ylva Theodulus: "I'm at almost a month. As of the 10th." Ylva chuckles at that. "It really is. I didn't want to mention it but oh gods everyone here is a giant I swear."

There is a pause before she continues, pulling a lollipop out of her jacket and sucking on it.

"Arcadia most recently, though Ylva is Swedish I'm not. My parents were just, problematic with their ideas."

Saya Kemmochi: Saya's laugh is as lovely as it is cold, even if it's not exactly an unfriendly cold. "Oh, yes, that's taken quite a bit of getting used to. Even back home in Japan, where people are shorter than Americans on average, people from this era are a lot taller than they were before I was Taken. I was only a little shorter than average when I left."

She tilts her head. "You're a recent escapee?" she asks, her tone sympathetic. "How are you doing?"

Ylva Theodulus: A raise of an eyebrow. "Oh, were you taken a long time ago?"

She nods looking down. "Yeah. I got out on the 10th of August. I'm. Well, I'm managing? Mostly."

Saya Kemmochi: Saya's only hand comes up and she makes a wobbling gesture with it. "Like I said, everything is relative, right?" She laughs again. "There are people who were taken longer ago than I was, certainly, but I was born in 1850. Things have changed so much that for a little while, I was fairly sure I was just in a different Arcadian realm, and not actually home. How long were you gone?"

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva looks a bit confused at the question.

"On what side, because, well it depends and wildly changes the answer."

Her hand squeezes the edge of the table. Claws digging in just a bit.

"Decades on this side, longer." She sighs. "For my Wife, Ironside, 12 or so hours."

Saya Kemmochi: Saya's gaze move to Ylva's hand and the nature of her smile eases from mirth to sympathy. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be prying. I'm familiar with the idea, though, since I'm pretty sure I was in Arcadia quite a bit longer than I was gone here. It's hard to say, really, since I wasn't really aware of most of the time." She tilts her head. "Do you want to talk about this, or change the subject?"

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva chuckles trying to make light of it.

"Its fine really. I'm trying to get better at talking about it. Its my life."

She fidgets with the lollipop in her mouth a hand running across the hedge beasts head.

"I'm really curious what it was like for you. The world changed so much, like, so much, compared to when you were taken. How has that been slotting back in?"

Saya Kemmochi: Saya accepts the answer with a nod, pulls a bookmark out of the back of her book, and drops it into place. Then she closes it, leaving it face up on the table. The whole cover is written in Japanese, though, so it's possible the title is still a mystery.

"I think it might have been easier in some ways, and harder in others. I think I had a Fetch, based on what records I can find, but it died long before I came back, as did everyone I knew. That's a challenge of its own, for sure, but it also meant I didn't have to figure out how to deal with my old life, whether I'd try to slot back into it."

Her grin returns. "I had to learn how the modern world works, of course, but that ended up coming easily to me. I love technology. I ended up turning into a bit of a geek."

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva smiles genuinely.

"I'm glad that technology came to you easily and I can understand what your saying. It tracks with what others have told me. So much of my energy is going into slotting back into my life. Back into who and what I was before."

She thinks for a moment pondering her thoughts, hand tapping at her tablet idly.

"I don't have a fetch, so, my wife knows I'm back, but knows she cant see me at the moment. Its a whole thing. But I've got some of my art supplies back which has been nice."

Saya Kemmochi: Saya's expression brightens a little sand she says, "that's actually one thing that's been easier, too. The fact that I'm attracted to women is really not so much of a thing, and I haven't had any reason to hide it. So, you know, that's nice." Then the sympathy returns. "I'm sorry you're having to deal with that relationship trouble, though."

Ylva Theodulus: "That is true. I'm glad for you. Its been, easy for me in that regard since I left the deep south." She shudders slightly.

"We are getting there, I was able to visit my shop and pick up a few things. Technology means I can call her when I am feeling put together."

Saya Kemmochi: "Before I came to America it was one of those things that I mostly just got away with, even where it wasn't fully accepted, because nobody wanted to be rude enough to get involved," Saya responds with a smile. "Here, most people just don't care. There are some exceptions, but generally nobody whose opinion matters."

She tilts her head. "What kind of art do you do? Is that what's at your shop?"

Ylva Theodulus: "Ah I see, sadly here people were rude enough to say something. Albino Alt Girl Dwarf living in the deep south of America. Not a fun time." She shudders again though gets a smile when Saya mentions her art.

"I'm a tattoo artist and piercer by trade. But that means I do a lot of other art too. I paint and draw and do a bit of heavier body mods now, ear pointing and such."

Saya Kemmochi: "The person I was before would probably have cared more, too," Saya admits. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. For me, the problem was mostly a matter of familial expectations. I largely existed to be used to cement one political alliance or another by marrying who I was told, and wasn't meant to have any real say in the matter. Expectations that don't exist for me, any more."

She hmms softly. "Piercings and tattoos are one of those things I admire on other people, but haven't done for myself aside from my ears." Though she doesn't have any earrings in at the moment.

Ylva Theodulus: "Expectations are a hell of a burden aren't they."

She chuckles reaching up and touching where her human ears would be on her mask. "Most of my body is covered in tattoos though I suppose you cant really see them under the fur. I did have to throw out most of my piercings though, Iron and all that."

Saya Kemmochi: "Or a hell of a lever," Saya says with a wicked gleam in her blood red eyes. The fact that it comes with the rumbling of distant thunder from her Mantle adds a bit to the effect. "When you can apply them against other people."

She shifts in her seat as she pulls her backpack onto her lap, and then adjusts it so that she can pick up her book and slide it into the opening with her lone hand. All in all, the fact that she's missing most of one arm doesn't seem to slow her down much, though the added movement does come with a few sounds like rough steel edges grinding against each other.

"Can't you get gold or titanium ones to replace them, at least?"

Ylva Theodulus: "True. Working on that part of being," Gestures generally at herself. "This."

Nodding she smiles.

"Yeah i have some titanium ones to replace them, but that was a shock when i went to put some of my normal ones in."

Saya Kemmochi: Saya nods in understanding, and then changes the subject with a sharp veer off in a random direction. "Do you play video games at all?"

Ylva Theodulus: A smile at the chaotic direction of the brain.

"I did, haven't been able to recently. I cant, stay Ironside too long. Habits sort of start to become a problem. What about yourself, what's your favorite?"

Saya Kemmochi: "I change things up quite a bit, but I prefer competitive pvp games, personally," Saya answers, sliding into her conversational comfort zone. "Whether it's in MMOs, MOBAs, FPSs, it doesn't really matter too much. Variety is the herb of life, as the saying goes. Do you mind if I ask what sorts of problems?"

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva nods.

"Im a fan of MOBA's myself. I was mostly playing Pokemon Unite before I was taken, with a side of TFT." Her head tilts at the slightly off quote but she doesn't poke at it.

"I am still having trouble dealing with the addictions my Keeper gave me and what he made me into. I was his Garbage disposal and Guard dog."

Saya Kemmochi: "Hmm," Saya says, a sound thoughtful but not judgmental. "I struggle with some of the remnants of my time there still, so I understand in some ways, even if probably not the same ones. Not to mention some of the ways the experience changed me, both psychologically and physically." She lifts up her right arm, which stops about half way from her shoulder to her elbow, with the sleeve of her sweatshirt pinned up so that it's not just dangling loose. "I think we all do, in different ways. Which doesn't make it easier, I know."

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva nods a solemn smile on her face.

"We all have our struggles and it has changed all of us. One way or another."

Her tails swirl behind her one coming forward into her hand.

"You lost a limb and I gained a few. Though it isn't easier I do appreciate the understanding."

Saya Kemmochi: "Just so. I don't know if I can do anything to help you with all that you're going through, but I will, if I can." Saya briefly purses her lips before speaking again. There were nine-tailed foxes where I came from, you know." There's a short, soft laugh that underlines the understatement of what follows. "I don't remember any of them distinctly, but I remember enough to know the kyuubi no kitsune were trouble. Much like the legends about them I grew up with."

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva chuckles a wry smile crossing her lips.

"My apologies, my pet and I must be quite jarring for you. A nine tailed fox and a Kitsune all in one meeting."

A soft shake of her head and she looks away from Saya but her eyes linger.

"There is nothing you can do to help that I would ask of you."

Saya Kemmochi: Saya's lone hand makes a casually unconcerned wave. "I deal with jarring well. I would say that I hope you didn't spend your time in the same place I did, but I don't honestly know if anywhere else over there would have been better. And if you did, well, I try hard not to hold against people the things people had no choice but to do in order to survive the ordeal."

Ylva Theodulus: "I was in service to The Glistening God. One of his Favoured Pets."

There is both a bitterness and a sadness to her voice.

"I think my form is based off of what my name translates to and my interests. Ylva Theodulus."

A pause before continuing.

"She wolf - Slave of God."

Saya Kemmochi: Saya winces as she nods in understanding. "I don't think being favored by any of them bodes well for us, long term. But I was not. I was more of an afterthought, a tool to bind someone else in deeper ways. I was the sword wielded by someone who was favored, and not favored myself, and when I broke, I was simply discarded. I didn't even have to escape, probably never would have been able to as unaware as I was most of the time. I'm mostly grateful, but some part of me that I can't help but hate still hurts at being thrown away."

She laughs, the sound a little brittle and even colder than usual. "My given name was Saya before, which could have been taken to be the scabbard for a sword, but I think that might just have been coincidence. My family name now is a joke to go along with it, though. Kemmochi means more or less to have a sword."

Ylva Theodulus: "I was favored because I was useful and did my work. He kept trying to recreate me, but never could."

A little chuckle before she continues.

"I understand that hurt, I may not have experienced it but, I saw it on the face of far too many lost. Though because of it you are here now which is, a positive. I'm never sure if our names mean anything, mine is just too accurate to not bother me. But I love my name. I love being something my parents would have hated with the name they gave me."

Saya Kemmochi: When Saya laughs again it's brighter and clearer this time. "Oh, my parents would have had fits if they saw me now, and for reasons that have nothing do with what I was turned into. They just would have hated my life, but I love it and they can't do a single thing about it, so if they were still alive, they could suck my dick."

Ylva Theodulus: A smile and a cute little giggle from Ylva.

"Cheers to that. Mine are still alive, probably. But they don't mean anything to me. I left that home at like 12 and never looked back."

Saya Kemmochi: "Good for you," Saya says, and she leans across the table to hold up her hand in an invitation for a high-five.

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva awkwardly leans back her eyebrows furrowing.

"I, sorry."

She doesn't raise her hand.

"I can't trust myself to touch other Lost yet, sorry. Not without my anchor here. Sorry."

Saya Kemmochi: Saya draws her hand back and leans forward in a small bow in her seat. "My apologies. I should have thought about that, based on what you've said so far in this conversation and not put you in an awkward position."

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva closes her eyes taking a few deeps breaths and crunching on her lollipop.

"Its okay, really, not your fault. Its a totally normal gesture and one that is wildly appreciated."

As she finishes her lollipop she eats the stick and grabs another from her pocket.

Saya Kemmochi: "Very well," Saya says as she returns to upright. "I'm grateful if you take no offense. I should probably be going, unrelated to the awkward moment just now. I'm supposed to meet up with a friend in a bit, and I never like to bet on the trip back out to the world not having any complications. Usually it doesn't, but you never know..."

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva nods a smile on her face and she opens her tablet.

"I hope you have a very good day then. May your trip Ironside be as carefree as it can be."

She hesitates for a moment before adding.

"Id love to get coffee again some time."

Grabbing a card from her mass of tails she places it on the table.

"No pressure."

Saya Kemmochi: Saya perks up, opens a pocket on her backpack and pulls out a card, and then offers it to Ylva. It only has her name, phone number, and email address on it, no job titles or anything, but she does have a card. She also takes the offered one from the table. "I would be happy to meet up again. It's always nice to have more friends."

Aurelio Menegi: Not long after Saya's departure the gate into the hollow opened to allow another ingress, the Torrent that emerged a tall fellow seemingly carved from white marble that contrasted sharply against his all-black ensemble. Bright blue eyes scanned the grounds as he looked to see who was about, watching Ylva curiously for a moment before giving a polite nod. "Bueno sera."

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva looks up as this new Lost approaches, finishing the shading that she is currently working on before closing the screen and smiling at them.

"Hiya." A gentle wave of a hand and a tail.

Aurelio Menegi: At the greeting he moved into proper conversation range, glancing at the tablet briefly before looking back to the Beast herself. "Sorry if I interrupt. Good to see new faces, though."

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva shakes her head.

"Not a worry at all, this will take me a good while still to finish and honestly the battery is getting pretty low so i should take it Ironside to charge it."

She gestures at the seat opposite her.

"Feel free to join me, you can call me Ylva."

Aurelio Menegi: "Aurelio, good to meet you." He took the offered seat, looking her over. "You draw, I take it?"

Ylva Theodulus: A gentle nod as he sits.

"Nice to meet you. Kind of, on the side, im a tattoo and body mod artist primarily. But drawing comes as a part of that."

Aurelio Menegi: "Ah...living art, then." He nodded with a quiet smile. "I work in glass myself, and dabble in other things. Drawing comes with that, too, for making designs."

Ylva Theodulus: "Ooooh Glass is an intriguing thing. Drawing comes with so many works of art. Its interesting, ive never considered myself a drawer until its the only art I can do at the moment."

Aurelio Menegi: "Si. Trained in it from a young age, but always learning something new. What keeps you from your craft now, if you wish to say?"

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva looks down at her tablet for a moment before answering.

"I've only recently returned from Arcadia. Almost a month. Im not quite stable enough to do work Ironside yet and haven't quite figured out powering a tattoo machine on this side."

Aurelio Menegi: "Ah...I see. Was in a similar place myself when I returned...many things to adjust to, if you follow."

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva nods.

"Yeah, many habits to break before I can even try and slot back into my life."

Aurelio Menegi: "Mmm. One does what they must to survive There, and most things do not carry well to the world after." His tone implied he was all too familiar with that sort of relearning, offering a small nod. "Hope it goes well for you, though."

Ylva Theodulus: "Its. Going."

She sighs looking up.

"I can be out of my Hollow, by myself and I haven't tried to eat anyone all day."

A chuckle trying to make a joke of it but its forced.

Aurelio Menegi: There was a brief pause before Ylva could almost see the light bulb go off over Aurelio's head, the 'ah hah' moment clear as day. "Quite a burden, that. One I am familiar with, in a way."

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva tilts her head.

"Oh? Do you mind sharing, I'm intrigued in others similar experiences."

Aurelio Menegi: "Where I was taken was cold by its nature, and that dug in deep over time. To regain warmth I had to take it from others, causing harm for comfort that faded quickly. Upon returning that was no longer needed, but the temptation lingered."

Ylva Theodulus: "Thank you. I can understand that. Though different it is still a hunger."

She pauses chewing at her lip.

"How long did it take for that to fade? To be able to do art without it consuming you?"

Aurelio Menegi: "It took...some time, although that came more from the time lost while There. Was more focused on learning of the world to better fit in it." He smirked a touch as he continued. "Still get a little lost at times, but others have been understanding."

Ylva Theodulus: "I understand."

A deep sigh before she continues.

"I don't have that problem. If not for my issues I could've slotted right back into that life."

Aurelio Menegi: "Mmm...a harder burden to bear for that." He nodded quietly. "If there is help I can offer in this, I am willing."

Ylva Theodulus: Ylva chuckles shaking her head gently a smirk on her face.

"You are the second person I have met today that has offered that. And as I said earlier. There is nothing you can do that I would ask of you."

Aurelio Menegi: "Helping others is part of what makes this place, especially those newly freed." He motioned around them, the air about him taking on the gentle warmth of a spring morning for a brief moment. "We have all been where you stand, and guiding to a new path forward is good for us all."

Ylva Theodulus: "Sure, but I would like you to continue standing and walking and guiding people on that path and about the only thing I am craving right now is to know what you taste like which isnt exactly going to end well for your ability to do those things."

Her voice is calm and she is talking in facts not currently having to hold herself back.

Aurelio Menegi: "Very cold, from what I've been told." He offered with a brief smile, adding a bit of levity that he hoped would be well received. "Learning to keep those urges in check can be helped, though."

Ylva Theodulus: A quick raise of the eyebrow and a smile.

"Well, that's why I'm still sitting here, not trying to jump over the table and take a chunk out of you. Progress."

Aurelio Menegi: "Benissimo." He replied with a proper smile. "Not an easy road to walk, but you make strides as you can and get to a good place in time."

Ylva Theodulus: "Working on it one day at a time. Thanks."

Looking up at them she smiles.

"I think its time for me to head home for the night. Been out a bit too long."

Aurelio Menegi: "Welcome, and if you need aid don't worry to ask." He nodded, moving to stand himself. "Can walk with you if you'd like. May no longer be a Spear but I can do the job well enough."

Ylva Theodulus: "Sounds great. I'm down a bit further."

She smiles standing and heading for home.

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio moved to follow, keeping his pace even with hers despite the difference in height. "Lead on."