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Revision as of 04:36, 5 March 2020

Autumn Courtier

Born and raised in Philly, Rudolph Meyer was trouble from a young age, going from fight to fight. Joining a street gang, he seemed to be on the road to self destruction when, at 25, he was taken by a privateer and found himself in the realm of Le General Taire, transformed into a wolf-like creature and spending the next decade fighting against other changelings in the form of holy hunters.

He did his best to escape, in between hunting and being hunted, but his skills were almost entirely limited to punching. He failed hundreds of time, until he pulled a wolf from the night sky and rode it all the way to freedom.

Upon finding himself back in the mortal world, he beat the shit out of the privateer who grabbed him in public and joined the Summer Court. He has since rejoined his old gang under a new name but finds himself unfulfilled when he isn't fighting to defend the Freehold.

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RP Hooks

Howl to the Moon: Scourge is a member of a gang called the Night Howlers in Hunting Park. He has a fair amount of pull within the gang, and can get some nasty things done for the right price.

Privateer Pulveriser: Scourge hates privateers with a passion that is probably mentally unhealthy, and it isn't hard to get him to come along with the promise of hurting them.

Scary Monster: In trouble? Need a big scary guy to help you out? Scourge will always have his fellow changelings' backs.

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Mask: An extremely tall man, Rudy has obviously lived a hard life. With short-cropped prematurely grey hair and a neatly trimmed beard, you could be forgiven for not noticing the faint scars on his face. He usually wears jeans, some sort of band t-shirt, and a duster with flame patterns on the arms and a red anarchy symbol on the back.

Mien: Scourge's hair grows out of control under his mask, giving him a wild mountain man look. His fingers sprout claws, and his teeth are clearly wickedly sharp. His limbs seem to shift in length, though they are always unnervingly long, and he seems to be on the verge of becoming a true werewolf at any time. The flame patterns on the sleeves of his duster dance like real flames, and the anarchy symbol is painted in fresh blood.

Mantle: The smell of a campfire follows Scourge wherever he goes, along with the sound of crickets chirping and the feeling of oppressive humidity. When he's mad, he puts out enough heat to feel like a campfire.

Hati: A huge wolf seemingly made from the night sky, with jagged claws and fangs made of ice. Her mask is an eerily silent motorcycle, with faint stars glimmering in the paint.

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Full Name: Rudy Meyer
Nationality: American
Age: 35
Height: 6'6"
Public Effects: Air of Menace
Mantle (Summer) 3
Status (Night Howlers) 3
Firebrand's Coat (Hedgespun Duster)
Hati (Fae Mount)
Seeming: Beast
Kith: Hunterheart
Court: Autumn
Motley: None
Sheet: Scourge

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Played By: Talandar