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Revision as of 23:21, 27 November 2022


Maddy's Wafflehouse


Klaire Henriette: Klaire was sitting in the corner of Maddy's, still getting used to the mass of supernatural creatures and...frankly wanting waffles. Rook sits curled around her feet, a bowl of...well now air but at one point it had snacks for him. His vest was off so he could relax, but the leash was still on so that he didn't run off. Quiet snoring noises could be heard if the diner was quiet enough.

Klaire meanwhile was still focusing on her waffles, keeping a half eye out for any familiar faces.

Tommy Shanks: The Obrimos came through the physical door of the diner. Today, she wore khaki shorts and a vest, looking as much at home on a safari or archaeology dig or a fishing trip. She even had the wide-brimmed hat on her head. She futzed with her satchel as she finished up whatever she was doing and released the attainments she was using.

Looking up, her gaze swept and she saw Klaire and then... ROOK! No Vest!! But he was sleeping.... however, Bones quickly crossed her mouth with three claw like fingers. As she approached, she smiled but there was a slight wariness to her gaze, "Hi KLaire...Psyche? Klaire?"

Klaire Henriette: Klaire looks up with a smile, noting the outfit with a questioning look. As the scatterbrained archaeologist approaches she gestures to the seat opposite of her with a bemused smile.

"Hello Bones, I guess Psyche works if I'm here? I'm still trying to figure out which name to use where."

She reaches down and gives a small scritch to Rook's ear, who gives a yawn before noticing the Mage. The dog in question's tail starts wagging at approximately Mach CUTE at the friend joining them.

"You can pet him if you want today, he got a little tuckered out earlier from the smells."

Tommy Shanks: "Oh. Well, this isn't official mage space, but there could be other ears, and your name, if it's your true name, can be used against you, so it's kind of like pronouns. Whatever you want, I'll use," a bob of her head, and then a tilt of her head and she started talking in little yips and growls and barks to Rook.

Hello Rook. I am called Bones. I think I'm one of your friend Klaire's new friends. I'm glad to meet you without your vest. Thank you for being the bestest search and rescue dog.

Klaire Henriette: Klaire considers for a moment. "I guess...Psyche then? I should get used to it more anyway."

Klaire's eyes meet Rook's for a moment after the barking, and Rook pants. His tail is still wagging.

Oh hi, you can talk! I am Rook, and I help Klaire! It is good to meet friends! Do you have treats? I like treats!

Klaire gives a bemused smile. "He doesn't need more treats."

Tommy Shanks: She switched to regular English, just as easily understood by Rook and Klaire both, "I do not have any pupper treats on me. But you are the cutest boy..." and then to Klaire, "So Psyche... are you okay? Last we saw each other, you seemed pretty shook... and then the very next day I managed to somehow fuck up a conversation with your counterpart, Ylva.

Klaire Henriette: There is a slight whine, before another excited noise from the SAR dog.

Well I like pets too, I have no thumbs!

Psyche takes a moment. "I made a few realizations, I am better now. What exactly went wrong with Ylva? She still seems to like you from what I last understood."

Tommy Shanks: Her hand went to scritch under Rook's jaw, "Well, we were talking...flirting really.... even very personal things like Dominant and SUbmissive stuff... and then I mentioned seeing what else she eats and she went... silent or withdrawn or what not and quickly left after."

Klaire Henriette: Rook gives a contented sigh and leans onto the hand to get MAXIMUM scritches.

"She tends to be very flirty, but she is good with boundaries. For what its worth, we are partners yes, but her wife is someone else. She has...various needs she fills with other people and some of those needs are things I have no interest in."

She donates her own scritches to Rook as a worried expression grows on her face. "As for what else she eats...I have been struggling to help with that too so please don't take it personally. I don't know all of the details and its her information to share but...she has a hunger that she can't control now. They...well they are afraid of hurting someone, especially someone they care about." She gives a forced smile. "But she is very caring and supportive, even after everything she has been through, and I think that's something to admire."

Tommy Shanks: "Oh. SHe. Oh... and I said... fuuuuuuuck. Sometimes I think I should just transform into something with my foot in my mouth at all times..." her head drops, "I really like them, truth be told. Though, their one of the first individuals to give my female form attention, without being a gross man about it...."

An ironic giggle, "I might as well have asked the Vampires for a drink, if I understand you and her correctly."

Klaire Henriette: Psyche gives a calm smile, and Rook reaches up to lick Bones's hand to ground him.

"We all have moments like that, its something I appreciate about you. You let whatever thought is in your head out so its easy to trust you." A pause for a conspiratorial smile. "But yes, she does quite like female forms, I will admit. She is a good partner in lots of ways if you two ever get close enough for that. I just kindly ask for...none of the details."

Tommy Shanks: "Thank you for that, Psyche," she lifted her head and smiled broadly, "While I'm attracted to her, and wouldn't mind eventually being your... metamore? is that the term?" in moments like this, her Father's european style spanish accents her words, "I already have a feeling like you're my sister in a lot of ways. Could just be that we both showed up around the same time and everything."

Klaire Henriette: "Metamour" she corrects, a distinct French accent with the word. "But yes, that is the word. I don't keep track of her partners, so that would be something just between you and her. To be honest...she was my way to ground myself, and now thats changed a bit."

She pauses for a moment before switching to the other train of thought. "Well, you've been involved in this level of strange for a while. I kept myself on the outskirts. I am glad you have fond opinions of me at least."

Tommy Shanks: "Well, I'm new to town, and it's unique culture. The Children of the Tree and the other ... unique energies and dreams and what not."

Klaire Henriette: "I've lived here my whole life. Fox...helped me join the Free Council so that I was at least part of a group and wasn't a danger to anyone. I am still finding where I fit in."

Tommy Shanks: "I've met and worked with quite a few Councilors over the years. They definitely have unique applications of technology, religion, and other methods. Seems a good fit for you as well," she scratched her jaw and then turned to snatch a piece of leftover food of another plate and hand it to Rook here my friend.

Klaire Henriette: Klaire smiles. "Well as long as it fits." The smile falters. "I will admit I didn't want to join any group at first. I am...slowly getting accustomed to everything."

Tommy Shanks: "I could tell. Meeting with Jay and I? You seemed hesitant, but then really excited to know people who didn't judge you for your abilities... and then when he did the connection, and I inserted my foot to mouth..." a shrug.

Aurelio Menegi: As the pair conversed the portal did as portals do and allowed for the emergence of a tall gentleman dressed in all black, a faint whirl of cooler air swirling around him as he got his bearings. Spotting those present Aurelio gave a polite nod and a smile. "Buongiorno."

Klaire Henriette: Psyche shakes her head. "It wasn't anything to do with you, promise. I just...had a few realizations about my own powers when I couldn't stop the connection at will. But yes...it was nice to have people to confide in."

Klaire freezes for a moment at the appearance of the Ling, a thought crossing her mind. She gives a hesitant wave in return.

Tommy Shanks: As the man entered, she gave him a once over, as if filing something in her mind, before lifting a hand to a wave, "Hola! I'm To-- Bones," a blush, "Nice to meet you!"

And then to Klaire, "You can always reach out to me. And I give you permission to use me as a mental anchor if you need to sometimes, like you seemed to with Ylva."

Aurelio Menegi: "Aurelio, good to meet you both." His accent matched the Italian greeting, glancing at the table. "Would you mind extra company or should I take my own seat?"

Klaire Henriette: "Psyche, and this is Rook. I'm fine with it if she is." She glances to Bones. "Thank you Bones, I'll keep that in mind."

There is a significant pause. "I have...a strange question if you don't mind Aurelio."

Tommy Shanks: "I am always good to meet new people, as long as the local laws are upheld, such as they are," a bob of her head, "Pleasure to meet you Signor Aurelio!" Down to the dog, "This is Aurelio." The magic was there, might as well use it.

Aurelio Menegi: He smiled at the dog, giving it a respectful nod as well, before sliding into the seat. "This place is made for strangeness. Ask away."

Klaire Henriette: Rook looks up at the new friend eagerly, scooting to be right in the middle of the table and see EVERYONE! He gives a response to Bones. The friend said that! Does he have treats? Or pats??

Klaire looks down to Rook, a bemused smile at her service dog's energy. She gives Bones a glance before asking. "Please don't be alarmed...but are you one of the Lost?"

Tommy Shanks: A brow piqued at why PSyche would ask that question specifically. Did she have that sense that some seemed to have to notice other supernatural beings?

Her eyes ping-ponged between the pair now.

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio's eyebrows shot up at the question in surprise, followed by curiosity once the shock settled. "Si, I am. Are you able to see such yourself?"

Klaire Henriette: Psyche's brow furrowed. "No, I can't see through...I forget what Ylva called it." She turns to Bones, half directing the sentence at her. "But I sort of...know. I apologize if that doesn't make much sense."

Tommy Shanks: "Senorita Psyche, living up to your chosen name, I think. That is definitely an unique talent. Keep careful with that, I think... being able to see strangeness can bring forth many troubles. It may be that your association with both the Lost and the Awakened is changing something within you. What you describe?" she pauses and thinks through it.

"It sounds like what we call the Mage Sight, though there's really ten possible individual varities, and then each person ... " she stops herself from rambling.

"Sorry! I think, you might be picking up a little extra strangeness radar. I've ran into things like that with those related to werewolves being sensitive to the animistic spirits of the world."

Aurelio Menegi: "Ah...I see." Aurelio nodded, still looking rather intrigued by the whole thing. "Ylva I know, have spoken with her a bit since her return."

Klaire Henriette: Psyche listens close to Bones, a considering look on her face. "Well...I guess that does make sense. Ylva had similar thoughts."

She turns to Aurelio. "Sorry for that, Ylva is my partner. I thought the feeling was just her but...well you are now the fourth Lost I've met so you just happened to be the one to confirm the pattern."

Tommy Shanks: She pulled out a black journal with gold filigree and a steel and gold pen. Finding the right book mark, she opened it and started writing in it. Thoughts flowing from mind to page quickly.

Aurelio Menegi: "No harm." He replied, waving off the apology. "Is not bad that you know, but some may be wary if you reveal it too openly. We are hidden from others for a reason, which you may know."

Klaire Henriette: "Well...now that I know what it is I'll keep it close to the chest. But yes...I know why." She looks back to Bones. "Part of the reason I joined the Mages...to protect Ylva."

Tommy Shanks: "And the Pentacle is stronger for it," she bobbed her head to Klaire, before focusing on Aurelio, "So, when you aren't being interrogated in a diner for the supernatural, what do you do?"

Aurelio Menegi: "I work as a glassblower out of a studio in South Philly. Did the same work in Venice before. Yourself?"

Tommy Shanks: "Oh, glassblowing? That's some beautiful work. Watched a competition on it before..." she mused, "I'm an Archaeologist actually. Currently in between digs, or universities or what not, but," a gentle shrug of her shoulders, "I'm here to take care of family."

Aurelio Menegi: "It is. Difficult at times, but worth the effort." He nodded as Tommy continued. "Family is good to have, whether blood or found. Hope they are doing well."

Klaire Henriette: Psyche gives an uneasy look at the word interrogation, but focuses back on the conversation.

"I'm a private investigator. I usually work on missing person's cases...that's actually how I found Ylva when she got back." She gives Rook a scritch. "Rook is a former Search and Rescue dog, and so helps me on my cases while also helping to keep me grounded."

Tommy Shanks: "Mi Papi," she said, "He's ill, and it isn't something that I can go... PFFT away. And even if I could, should I?" she shook her head, and then gave Psyche a look, "Hey. It was a joke. You're an investigator and you're curious. I'm an academic and I'm curious. It's okay to ask questions," she reached out for Klaire's shoulder for a squeeze, before looking back to Aurelio, "Any works that I might know of, or is it more a per order for client?"

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio nodded to Psyche, holding a hand out for Rook to sniff. "More the latter." He replied, using his other hand to grab his phone and tap around before setting it on the table facing Tommy with the website for the studio pulled up to the gallery page. The pieces displayed were varied, ranging from vases and glasses to larger statues and stained glass pieces, including a 3D tree with ravens perched in the branches.

Klaire Henriette: Rook sniffs at the hand before licking it, seemingly content with the attention.

Klaire gives a glance to Bones, almost saying something but deciding not to. "Glassblowing seems interesting, what got you into it?"

Tommy Shanks: "Huh. Very freaking cool," she ooed and awed over some of the works, thoughts coming to mind about potential orders. The discovery of previously unknown ruins paid well after all...

Her ears listen to the conversation while looking through the images.

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio made with the scritches once Rook gave the okay, glancing between the pair at the look Psyche gave Bones before answering her question. "Family trade, going back centuries. I apprenticed once I was old enough and was in line to take over the studio myself when things happened."

Klaire Henriette: "I'm glad you found a passion so young. It took me a while to know what I wanted to get into." She scritches Rook, a slight tilt of her head as if she were listening to something.

"I should probably go soon. He probably needs a bath after all the food people have been giving him. Thank you both for joining me."

Tommy Shanks: She finished the gallery and passed the phone back.

To Klaire, "I meant it. You need things, reach out, traditional or non-traditional."

Aurelio Menegi: "Was good meeting you as well." Aurelio nodded, reclaiming his phone. "Feel free to come by the studio if you like, is called Murano Glassworks."