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Bones, Vincent Drake, Vorpal, Teagan, Sigrun


Maddy's Wafflehouse


Tommy sat at their usual corner table. Unlike many, it wasn't for the paranoia of having a back to a wall... the world was too strange for walls to matter. No, this was so they could easily see both the conventional door and the portal and greet those who arrived. They had a carafe of coffee and a mug full of steaming hot beverage.

The staff took away one of their plates full of their dinner's remnants. The staff seemed to almost be exasperated with all of the apologies that Bones was conveying to them.

The magi's journal and pen were infront of them, and opened to a page full of Ancient Egyptian phrases, and strange symbols next to them.

Tommy's frame was feminine today, including the cuts of the business suit.

Vincent walked into Maddy's, unsure if he should be here considering the last time he was here, but considering this seemed to be the shared hub of Philly's supernatural it was likely best he showed up now and then, 'just wish Avy could be here' he thought. Looking around he smiled as he saw his Magical knowledge source,

"Bones!" he calls from the entrance, "Looking lovely this evening, may I?" he says walking to her and gesturing to the seat

"Sure, feel free," she motioned to the seat. The mage sat up and smiled a bit, "I got to talk to Maddy earlier. She forgave me my trespass so now I'm here. Wanted to come and apologize in person to the staff..." the staff said 'We forgive you!' again, "...and I missed the food!"

"Really, that sounds good." he says smiling while inward he's pissed Avery is still banned for defending him, "So, how are things in the merlin side of things, any cool new artifacts to dig for?"

A pique of the brow at the microexpression on Vincent's face, "Oh. I'm sure all Avery has to do is contact her, and Maddy would be willing to talk through the situation..."

And then she shook her head, "I'm invading, sorry. I need to not always say what I see. Whilst to your question, new artifacts? Isn't that an oxymoron? But at present, kind of in a holding pattern. Even the magical community is busy these days with various holidays and the energies with each day's belief."

"What kind of energies?" he asks, "Like, is magic better come Christmas, yule tide enchantments and all that," he chuckles, "Have to admit, I always loved the holidays, big spenders ready to get their money taken from them, new shit to swipe while everyone is Black Friday shopping. . .it's a wonderful time." he grins darkly

"So the watches weren't just a ... fashion choice. Understood," as she can't help but glance at the gold-adorned pen and book infront of her, before looking up to Vincent, "Depends on one's own beliefs, or the spell one is trying to cast. A spell connected to charity and faith might work better on Christmas. A spell about extending energies or even 'Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit said the Lord of Hosts' type spells, so more subtle, or spiritual spells might work best during the eight nights of Hanukkah."

"So your telling me 'the power of goodwill' can increase a spell?", he grins but has a tiny scoff, "I guess those spells don't work that well, considering how little of that quality is out in the world." he says as he eyes some of the waffles that are coming and going about the place, "Damn I miss eating." he mutters to no one in particular

"The belief in those days, the faith behind it, are a magic and power all themselves. Places, times, objects can all be magical. Performing a blessing while in a church or temple or mosque might be easier. It might also be easier if one is using the ceremonial gathering, a Mass for example, to cast it. A blessing using Holy water could be useful as well to be kind of short cuts through gathering the images and energies needed."

he rolls his eyes, "Oh please don't tell me religion works?" he can't help but have the contempt ooze a tad from his words, "I may be a scam artist but I'm not selling people false hope." he adds before collecting himself, "Sorry, didn't mean to insult you or anything. . .me and God, we never saw eye to eye."

"I've met with multiple gods from across faiths. I've used magic easier in places of strong belief. Many of those like me have a very Abrahamic bent to them. Others might be very Norse, but among the Path that I walk, symbols and elements of faith are important. Even among those that don't believe anymore, or believe in a different way, it's still a tool to use. Notice, I gave you multiple ways that someone might use it... you could even use say, Buddist trappings to help inspire an idea, or calm emotions, or think through all angles of a plan."

"The if their all working," he says, "Then why are most people arguing with eachother, 'mine is better than yours?', why can't normal folks just get along?" he suggests

In reply to that, she very pointedly looked at the table where Avery, Vincent and Titania were seated, not that long ago.

"Ok, point taken," he adds, "If we can't, I guess I shouldn't expect normal people to be able to do so."

"Indeed. Especially among beings where a scowl can cause trouble. The internal urges exist in humanity writ large as well, it's just a little more... personified... among the more supernaturally minded."

"So, I've been meaning to ask," he says, trying to change the subject, "How did you, or anyone really, become a mage?"

"Honestly, it's simply best described as a moment of intense, universal understanding. The when, why, where and how's all vary depending on the who. Some Awaken in a second and remember conversations, or weeks or more in a different world... others may even live entire lifetimes. Others might start putting together a puzzle that no one else, literally, can see. That they're hallucinating over the regular world. Maybe a virtual world or alternate reality simulation style."

"So one minute your washing your hands the next you understand the meaning of life?" he chuckles, "So, does this happen to normal people or do we all have to be sexy Indiana Jones figures?" he asks with a smile

"Anyone can awaken. That's a matter of discussion, philosophical and political. So it's as possible that an archaeologist or a soldier, a drug dealer, or a mass murderer Awaken."

"A mass murderer with magical powers. . .yeah, that makes me feel safe and secure," he says with sarcasm, "So. . .do you just do magical artifacts or do you also deal in mundane, safe, . . .sellable?"

"I am an Academic and I do not and will not participate in black market archaeology," Bones' tone went the harshest that definitely Vinny, but perhaps anyone at Maddy's, had heard

"Ok, ok, I get it, admire that, good feeling that the folks who can throw fire balls have moral integrity." he quickly begins nodding, "What is the damage if normal people got a hold of magical artifacts, do you need to be a mage to use them or will it result in a," he motions with his hands and makes a explosion sound

"Depends on the item. Also, some magical items are made by using spiritual, ghostly, or astral energies and that isn't limited to us."

"Has any natural disaster I know been magically caused, how often does magical incidents happen?"

"Most assuredly. I myself wouldn't have to struggle to make an earthquake or tornado or similar happen. And if something happens, the are the others that worry about it. "

"Like who?"

"One of the groups is really obsessed about keeping things secret. Another likes to overcome challenges, especially fights. They like to clean up those kind of messes."

"So theirs magical freemasons and magical fight club. . .what are you in?"

"Indiana Jones."

"But cute." he nods, "So, have you been to the temple of doom?"

The door opens, and a curious figure steps in, closing the door behind. She's pale, and scarred- all over, twisting whorls of artistically applied bladework turning her entire body into a work of art. Her hair's jet black, and

holy shit she moved.

It's only when she's IN motion that the unsettled twist settles. It's smooth. Too smooth. WORLDS too smooth, like an 8-bit sprite watching 120 FPS live video. To Vincent, if he's paid attention to the Elders, it might be immediately recognizable, though perhaps not identifiable. To Tommy, it might be easier to recognize as someone stepping beyond human limits.

Way. WAY beyond.

The staff spots her enter and a glass of ice water is set out without a word or an offer in front of another patron. Before they can protest, it's plucked up and taken with the skinny, pale, scarred woman.

"Mm- new faces." She heads their way and drops into a booth across from them, staring silently. "Don't tell me. I want to guess."

Tommy looked up as the arrival appeared. A grin crossed her face as she waved, "Hello there!"

Bones tilted head then in a moment studying the newcomer and the way they reacted to the pair.

"As you wish, let me know your guesses."

"Sure, but let me guess you," he considers, "Your pale with scar art. . .did I open a Lament Configuration?"

"Working on the guesses. Just sat down. You're both breathing but there's a cheat to that so everything is still on the table." The words are offered plainly without judgment. "Can I ask what a Lament Configuration is? I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar."

"It's a puzzle box that summons BDSM demons, Hellrasiers a classic." he grins

"OH. Then I'm afraid not, apologi-hrm. Hrm. Actually, by SOME definitions I suppose I could fit that description, though demon would surely be a misnomer. Thematically adjacent, we'll say."

"Do you flirt with everything that moves?" she teased Vincent, "I thought you were making lovey-dovey eyes with the local bird-Lost."

"Yes." he says to both, "I plan on having a conversation with Avy about that though." he admits shrugging, "I can't help it if I'm having a conversation to two beautiful women, you try belonging to a group called fucking Succubi."

"Vampire." Vorpal states calmly, looking at Vincent. "The Mages wouldn't name themselves something so predatory as Succubi, they're all about wisdom and humility. As for you," She says, looking to Tommy, "It's a small thing, but you stated Guesses, implying a mental divorce between your self identity and his, suggesting you are of a different group, and as neither of you are of mine?" She tapped the table firmly. "I'm guessing Mage." She glances between the two. "How did I do?"

Vincent blinks, "Lucky guess." he shrugs

She tugged her journal and pen to her from the table, tucking it in her satchel next to her, to make room for the other two to have their own space, even if there was nothing to be ordered.

A bob of her head, "Si, I am indeed a Mage. I am called Bones. As you are one of the other groups, and I do not feel the energies of death per se that I'm starting to get used to, nor do I feel a spirit. So I would wager the Lost?"

"So it was," Vorpal confirms, lips curling faintly at Vincent's comment. "And precisely so. Soy Vorpal, de la Corte de Otoño, si te place. y si no lo hace, para el caso." Apparently, she took the deviation into Spanish as an invitation.

"So, Vorpal. . .which Season do you hail?" Vincent asks, noticing the curl of the lip, already trying to adjust his words with some knowledge of the Lost to ingratiate himself. . .or else add this Vorpal to the list of those who may prove to be difficult to deal with.

"They're the court of Autumn, or so they just announced, and please call them Vorpal whether you please or not," and then a tingle in the back of their mind, a thought or memory that they think on while the discussion goes.

Vorpal nodded, pleased with Tommy's explanation. "Indeed. Autumn- the Leaden Mirror. It was a close call, but. Autumn's my home. Shame we'll be leaving it so soon. Four more days, alas," she bemoaned. She had to check herself a moment, and added, "Apologies- Spanish is my second language. I meant to say simply that I AM Vorpal, if it pleases- and if it does not. More a statement of identity than a demand."

Vincent smiles, "Autumn's my favorite season, the changing of the leaves, the chill in the air, those perfect temperature days, not to hot or cold, Halloween," he sighs, "great memories, so, what does this. . .court entail, how's it different from Summer?" he asks with a tone of innocent curiosity

"It's close enough. My parents are a part of the First Peoples of Mexico as a Mom, and a European Spaniard of a Dad who moved to the US for work. They met in Texas and moved up here, so it's a familiar language, but with the play on dialects for me..." she scratched her jawline, "oh sorry, rambling," and she pulled out her notebook to write something down.

"Cider," V adds wistfully. "One of my favorite things about it, personally."

There's a question posed, though, and Vorpal considers it a moment. "I don't mind sharing an overview- but what do you know about the courts and seasons already? It's nice to know what ground's been trod already."

"Rambling is fine, it's a sign of an active mind and an open perspective," V reassures Tommy. "I'm afraid I've no hispanic heritage, but I've a loved one that does. I learned for them, so no need to apologize."

"My. . ." he takes a breath to fully admit the relationship with himself, "partner is a member of the Summer Court," he begins, "I know that much really, I want to know more about their side, what's going on with their life and their society." he blushes, "I want to help them if I can."

"...so many folx here accept my rambling. So may times over the years, I've been chastised and put down for it... but Ylva, Kl...Psyche, Soltera, Fox, and others.... and now even you two. Thank you for accepting me for me," and she took a drink of her coffee, a deep honesty in her tone.

Then a widening of her gaze at Vincent's admission and then a nod of approval and happiness for him and Avery.

Sleek. That's the first word that often rises to describe the person who the door to Maddy's opens to admit. Sleek as the pouring of light along the grey metal of a gun barrel, as quicksilver running over glass, as the edge of a blade. Six feet tall almost to the millimeter, with rumpled black hair and cheekbones that could cut glass like diamond does, Teagan shoulders open the door and shrugs their heavy charcoal-grey duster back into place, hands tucked loosely into their pockets. To Vincent and Bones, they look like a late twenty-something Dominican androgyne, somewhere ineffably outside traditional gender but always running along the butch continuum. Their hazel eyes -- or to Johnnie, the broken-glass inlays of their eyesockets -- swing over the diner, and one corner of their mouth tugs up slightly as they lope lazily over towards the explosion of shadow which is their motley-mate.

Even to Johnnie, Teagan is just a little bit more these days, their back-of-the-mirror black-quicksilver skin carrying the undertones of an oil slick, their Summer Mantle all radio static and the smell of hot pavement cooling after sundown filling up the room and sidling up alongside her rattling dry leaves and crisp, cold wind. "Hey, Johnnie," they greet, their low contralto like August sun over tumbling gravel.

At the new arrival, Tommy peaked up again and waved with a smile!

"Hi there!"

And then as Teagan approached Johnnie, Bones held out a hand to the new arrival, "I am called Bones. Nice to meet you."

"You're trying. That's very good. What's your name?" She waits for the response, however it comes, then nods and continues. "I heard you reference Avery before. Allow me a moment to interject." She smiles as the door opens without needing to look to see who it is, simply offering a delighted, "Teagan, love. Sit with me." as they enter. It implies something simple to Teagan, and not anyone else. A good something! She's sitting in the booth across from Tommy and Vincent.

"As I was saying," she states, turning back to Vincent. "Avery is in a very particular place in their life that I am personally very familiar with. It is a delicate place with need of much support and understanding. More the latter than the former. I am selecting these words very specifically, here, so please take them to heart."

She allows a beat for Vincent to truly listen.

"It will be best for everyone involved if you take Understanding Avery very, very seriously and accept that they will need that understanding most likely in perpetuity- or else step back sooner rather than later if that sounds like entirely too much. Either will be respected." The next four words crash down like steel to an anvil.

"Half-assing it won't."

And in a heartbeat, the sternness is in the wind and she's moving on like she didn't just darken up the whole damn mood. But Vorpal is very, very acquainted with the sort of things that intensely high Wyrd (funny Teagan should mention being More just before this post!) has on a person, and she's doing her best to spare Avery the worst of its pitfalls.

Like a snarky SO denying a strange exprience shared instead of engaging with the story.

"Now. Do you want to hear more about Summer itself, or about Autumn? Your question was how they differ and I'm not sure what you don't know."

"Vincent, a pleasure." the vampire nods as he finally made up his mind, 'Whelp,' he thinks to himself, 'between Avy, Titania, Bones, Vorpal even, this newcomer proves it, all hot and attractive people are magical one way or another,' Vincent finally comes to this conclusion, 'so that must mean I'm hot. . .that's nice, although now I have to find out if Margot Robbie or Robert Pattinson are supernatrual. . .oh god what if Robert was a vampire, then he goes back to the real world, "Um, VIncent Drake," he answers Vorpals question, "Um, if you don't mind I'd like to know about Avery's court." he nods, feeling he just got the 'hurt them and I'll kill you' speech

Their left hand draws from their pocket first, and the eagle-eyed will notice a flash of some sort of weapon at their left hip; it stays where it's hidden, however, and their scarred palm slides along Johnie's dark cheek in greeting. Their thumb curls along her cheekbone, and then they withdraw their hand. A tip upward of their chin towards the waitstaff. "A carafe of coffee and a couple mugs, please, and some tiramisu waffles with crunchy bacon, which is just for me." A tip of their head towards Johnnie. "No stealing," they intone, totally deadpan.

The hand they offer to Tommy is long-fingered, warm, and has a thick, ugly old scar horizontally across the palm. "Teagan." As if the mononym is identification enough. There's a flash of an ornate green tattoo on the back of their right wrist, and as they settle in, a flash of some sort of typewriter text on the back of their left wrist. They drape themselves lazily into the booth, eyebrows rising. "What's this about a Summer?"

"A pleasure, Mister Drake. I'll give you my number later. It's good to have emergency contacts for one's partners."

That seems to be the end of it.

"As I suspected! For Summer talk, I defer to my OWN Summer partner." Beat. "One of my Summer partners." Beat. "One of my MANY Summer partners. Reagan, love? This young man, who happens to be a vampire which I am sharing to minimize the chances of a surprising reveal later on, is dating Avery and wants to know more about the Court. Perhaps you'd prefer to give the dust jacket rundown?" Her response to Teagan's physical greeting is delighted, leaning into the touch and beaming faintly, an expressive thing for her usually placid expression. And the insistence she not steal?

"I'd NEVER."

Yes she would.

As the handshake was returned, Tommy felt a blush rising and admired the art.

The mage curled up and studied the trio, while writing in her book every so often. She seemed to be 'attracted' to Teagan, not in in the physical/emotional sense, but in the 'someone else that is queer!' way.

For now, she was content to listen.

"So your in Avery's Court, what's it like, what's it about?" "For what now?" Teagan asks of Johnnie, one sharp eyebrow lofting briefly. Their broken-mirror eyes reflect back shadow at her for a moment, or, well, maybe they just look at her, if you can't see all that fancy Mask stuff.

They lean back casually in the booth, looping their left arm around Johnnie's shoulders as if that should mean something to the Autumn, and look across the table at Vincent, their stare assessing and totally deadpan. "Is that so," they answer casually. "Hmm."

"Avery. I don't think I've had the pleasure, though the name is new on the roster." They tick their tongue against the roof of their mouth. Teagan's accent is pure South Philly. "A Court is a coping mechanism. Do you have the faintest idea how we're made?"

he sighs, "Avery mentioned. . .your taken by these. . .well I don't know what, your taken and they do things. . .I've had to calm them down and I already want to kill whoever the fuck did that to them." he says in finality after thinking on his encounters with Avery, "If I could I would tear them limb from fucking limb."

"And they are different than the Fae of the Mage's Arcadia, apparently," they inserted after Vincent.

V blinks, puzzled, then double-takes. "OH. I'm not a partner. I'm the emergency contact. Avery's the partner. Sorry, that wasn't very clear. Don't worry, I'm not dating-slash-pursuing anyone we haven't already talked about. Promise." Oh, dear. Was that a frequent issue? Perhaps it used to be.

V nods a touch at Vinny's reply. "A mild revenge response to what's been done to them, but still within acceptable parametI'm sorry the what now." That last to Bones, who suddenly has her entire attention. It doesn't take much to pick out that her comment on "tear limb from limb" being "mild" is more a reference towards the depth of the depravities executed upon the Lost than towards some failing of Vinny's to be angry, either. There's no judgment in her tone, for instance.

"That's a running theory, anyway, nobody really knows," Teagan offers to Bones without turning their face; their singular gaze remains on Vincent for the time being, an endless and completely unblinking stare. Everybody knows about the concept of Mage Arcadia, right? If Teagan is surprised, he's not letting on.

"You'll never get a chance to kill whoever did that to them." There's a long pause, there. "It's a good instinctive reaction, and if you want to die, an interesting way to do so. But wrath is a means to focus the reaction." A beat's pause. "Do you know the difference between Wrath and Anger?"

Vincent thinks, both where emotions he never really had much, Vinny was alot of things, greed, envy, lust with a dash of pride all mixed in the form of a pretty boy. . .wrath, anger, those clouded the head. . .not good for buisness, but these freaks that hurt the Lost. . .that got Wrath going, he thought on Teagen's words

"The sin is called wrath rather than anger. . .I would guess wrath burns you along with the target while anger. . .anger can be a tool?"

"When a regular person Awakens to becoming a Mage, they walk through one of the five magical realms. One looks like Heaven, one looks like Hell, one looks like the Underworld, one looks like the Spirit World, and one looks like Faerie. Thorns of fate, time dilations, all sorts of things. Sounds very similar, but very different, at the same time to the version of Arcadia to where you all have been..." she nodded in complete agreement to Teagan, "They may or may not be the same. Or they were the same and now they're different, or they will be the same. Time and Fate are such odd things."

V lifts her left hand up to tangle into Teagan's, listening closely while Bones explains. If it's an explanation she's encountered before, her player forgot. "I can only imagine they must be different. Anyone wandering into Arcadia proper would be a plaything. As I understand it, anyway." She lets Teagan handle the explanation for Vincent, meanwhile.

"Backwards," Teagan answers Vincent. They run their thumb along hers, a lazy little gesture. "Anger is diffuse. It spills everywhere, it hurts everyone. Anger doesn't care what it hits, it only knows 'I'm hurt, I want to hurt someone else.'" There is, if nothing else, something extremely focused about Teagan, all the time. Right now, for better or worse, they are focused on Vincent. "Wrath is righteous. Wrath is focused. Wrath knows that it can't fight everything everywhere all at once. It has to pick its target. It has to know its enemies. It has to know how to fight them." Their head tips towards Johnnie just a little bit while still their gaze remains on the vampire. "Sometimes it knows that not raising its fists is the best way to fight, and it finds other ways to win."

"So. . .if I'm picking this up right, Summer is the season. . .of Wrath?" he hazards a guess, "I was wrong to compare the Courts to the Covenants it seems, yours sounds much deeper than ours."

Vorpal shrugs. "I can't say if they're deeper, I don't know about the Covenant Courts. But ours are, specifically, rooted in a core aspect of our personality- what emotion we wield against danger and trauma. Summer focuses anger into wrath. Spring coaxes desire out of mere wanting. Winter refines sorrow from sadness. And Autumn distills anxiety into fear. All the courts then use it as motivation. Autumn uses fear of the unknown to empower our drive to learn and know our enemies, for instance."

"Whoa. That's... there's some Mind magi that I know that would love to study that more, I think..."

V makes a faint face. "That's a bit of wordplay, I just mean to say that the unifying factor of each court is the refined emotion they rely on for drive. Nobody is actually brewing Sorrow liquor or anything.

That I know of."

"The covenants. . .will I don't know how the others see themselves so I can't be trusted on them, I'm in the Estate, think a club of old rich white dudes but for vampires, from what my boss says the Carthians are. . .vampire commies, I think, then ya got the Circle who from what I can tell are neo-pagan goths, you got vampire catholics and folks who study ghosts. . .once again I'm new so this is just the observations of a new guy. . . also I might be killed for even saying this so please keep it to yourselves."

Tommy is scratching some notes quickly, an idea occuring to them.

Vorpal drawls, "I find it highly unlikely that sharing that "vampires have commies, goths, catholics, ghostbusters and white people" is an executable offense."

"Especially in this town. We use a lot of power together and are facing some common, or related threats. After speaking to the proprietor, it seems to be the goal of this very place."

"I mean. Sometimes we use a lot of power together.

Sometimes I just decide it's gonna snow."

"Other than that, from what I can tell the philly vampires adopt eachother into 'famalies' I still need to join one and have been hinted that I need to." he shrugs

There's a sort of extra-blandness to Teagan's face to Johnnie, but their Rigid Mask prevents any sort of emotional read on them whatsoever for Vincent and Bones, which might be kinda weird in and of itself. Who can say? "No idea why I'd give a fuck what you think of other vampires," they point out mildly.

"Intrasupernatural politics seem to all be very parallel, and it makes sense as it seems to parallel that of humanity as well."

And the Mage's notes were still scribbling through things.

"The vampire population outside of Philly is..." V takes a moment to consider her words. "... less than conducive to the continued liberty and happiness of the cities they occupy. You'll have to forgive Teagan. They have very good reasons to feel the way they do." She pauses a moment. "I suppose so do I, now that one's rolled up on me with some poor innocent girl hoodwinked into trying to force me to murder my friends."

"If you'd like, I can share knowledge on vampires if you can share knowlege on mages, think of it as your own interview with a vampire," he says to Bones with a sneaky smile, then turns back to the Lost couple, "Yeah. . .I'm not going to lie, Vampires seem like the folks who read the Prince as a 'how to' guide for life, I don't trust any of my own kind."

"Ain't nobody has to forgive me for shit in this particular circumstance." The tiramisu waffles they ordered arrive, and the coffee, and Teagan pours out coffee into two different mugs, doctoring one with tons of cream and no sugar, but a little salt, and the other with lots of milk and sugar. The latter they set on the table and cover with their palm briefly, saying, "Mine, not for thieving hands." They curl their fingers around the mug, allowing the warmth to seep into their scarred palm.

"Well, make sure you ALSO don't trust ghost owls, apparently," Vorpal adds for Vincent's benefit as her shadow steals the sugary mess of a coffee and lifts it to her lips. "On a related note. I found out that vampires were not so thoroughly resistant to being punched as I previously believed. Next time, I think I'll punch the owl instead." Yes, you read that right. Straight up Peter Pan shadow hijinx up in here.

"Oh, with that in mind, what is your favorite genre of music, Teagan? Something that just let's you relax or blow off steam or whatever you'd like to call it?" Bones asked, pulling out a crafted piece of petrified wood about a foot long from her satchel. It had strange symbols in it for those who study it.

And then the shadow moved. She laughed loudly, and clapped in a very kid-like way.

"So no knowledge sharing?" Vincent mutters as he looks at the shadow with a very 'how the fuck does that work' face

Now, let it be known, Rigid Mask allows Teagan to emote past that mask if they specifically wish to, and they sort of give a sidelong look to Vincent. "Dude, read the room a little." They go back to inscrutability in a heartbeat, though, and don't pay any attention to the shadows at all, as if this is all going according to plan, or at least very normal for them. "Depends on who I'm hanging out with," they answer Bones, taking a sip of their coffee. "Why?"

"Come now, Teagan, that's hardly kind," Johnnie teases as Teagan puts Bones on the spot to explain why they want to know about their favorite music. "Sabes que siempre hay más del cincuenta por ciento de posibilidades de que la respuesta a 'por qué hiciste eso' de un Teagan sea 'porque quiero en tus pantalones'. Creo que solo quieres que lo diga."

"You know there's always a better than fifty percent chance the answer to "why did you do that" from a Teagan is "because I want in your pants." I think you just want to make her say it."

Did Vorpal forget that Tommy can speak Spanish? That's unlikely.

Maybe she's trying to help her show off? Also another shadow creeps up from beneath the table and tries- with explicitly zero attempt at stealth, it's meant to be noticed- to make off with whatever snack Vincent has in front of him. It's not meant to succeed, just to entertain. "I thought having some good background music for the conversation would be conducive. I mentally chose you out of a 1-3 guess as someone to pick for music. What type would be best for this setting?"

And Tommy's sidelong glance to Vincent said, "I've shared things with you already. I've shared things tonight even. You'll get more when it's relevant or my brain bubbles something up."

Her face went FULL BLUSHHHHH after Vorpal spoke in Spanish. "Someone needs a lesson in theft." Vincent says to the shadow, 'I need to learn spainish' he thinks to himself as well "Well, not if the intent was to give you a better look after your "wtf was that" look earlier. It's more fun if I do it like that. "Please, scrutinize my arcane talent like a bug under a lamp" is hardly a "fun" way to proceed," Vorpal countered. Vincent shrugs, "I like knowing things, it's a weakness, If I don't know a secret I want to dig it up, it's why I'm getting into the information game." The shadow seems to have taken umbrage. At least, that's one conclusion reachable once it taps Vincent on the shoulder to get his attention- and pushes his wallet over to him like it's a payment for a drug deal. Two fingers, sketch posture, the whole shebang. Vincent eyes the shadow. . ."Crack or Weed." he simply says to it Shadows pop up all around the booth holding their fingers like guns or pantomining holding badges.

Apparently, this was a sting. "Curiosity is never a weakness," said the academic, Mystagogue Savant, "It's how you decide to use it that is important. Politeness is also a strength to know about.......... for example, Miss Vorpal, may I pretty please use my magic to study your shadow and how it's doing these things?" the last was said in Spanish, in a Southeastern Mexican dialect. Behind the Mask, where Johnnie can see their reactions -- and more to the point, behind the Mask, where five years of experience give Vorpal the ability to read Teagan's microexpressions, there's the tiniest hint of a smile, a glittering shimmer of rainbow like oil shimmering under sunlight, that shows their amusement. "I would never be so crass," they deadpan back to Vorpal in English, the thumb of their left hand, still draped around her shoulder, tracing a line up the side of her throat, as if to catch on a necklace chain. They fully ignore all of the shadownanigans. This is all normal, apparently. "But in mixed company like this, I favor Vintage Alternative. Familiar to most, not overprocessed, fades into the background easily enough." Johnnie's lips curl mischievously at the response and that question, offering for consideration, "Or. Y'know. Could play a little Maneskin.



Gawd, that smug little smirk of hers.

"But yes, you have my permission to examine my shadow in any ways that won't alter its substance or nature, or anyone else's but your own. Since you asked so nicely~" Vincent sits back and watches the three, not sure what to add but wants to see where this goes Every one of those little microgestures from Teagan lights up Vorpal's eyes. The little proofs of the long-standing closeness, the knowing of each other, every last one is a delight. She took a breath and began speaking in a mix of what sounded like Ancient Egyptian and another obvious magical language. After a moment, she pointed the wand at the booth. Then around them, as if from perfect speakers for surround sound, satellite radio's Vintage Alternative station began to play.

Thereafter, the mage brought up their Sight and focused on the Shadow itself to learn more about it.... There's the tiniest flicker of amusement behind Teagan's Mask, but their expression just doesn't read to anyone else. They can be kind of confusing to bounce off of when you're bouncing off that Rigid Mask. "Nice," they pronounce the music, deadpan, and set down their coffee to reach for a bacon piece, crunching into it. Apparently they like their bacon to fracture into shards. Vincent once again finds this place should have blood bags in a fridge. . ."Do they have a suggestion box?" he asks no on in particular "Suggestion box by the register," she pointed, blushing severely still at Vorpal's comments. Still studying intensely on the shadow for now. he stands up, writes Blood bags for vampires, am thirsty in a paper sheet and puts in the box, walking back over, "This place needs blood bags. . . " he mutters aloud, "I'm thirsty and watching people eat sucks." The "stakeout" has, of course, dissipated by now, and one shadow is posing and taking modeling stances for Tommy. Another is over her shoulder, nodding and pretending to contribute. It's all the equivalent of shadow puppetry- whatever the magic reveals, there's only the one mind- Vorpal's- behind it all. The explanation for how the shadows can impact the physical, though...

Go ask the STs, Johnnie don't got your answers. "Would a particular pose help your work, miss? Perhaps if it got closer?" There's ever so slight a tease to Vorpal's comments, from where she's tangled up with Teagan. In through the portal steps an imposing woman, broad shouldered and square backed. She's wearing sweat shorts over work boots with a PFD hoodie worn over a Timberwolves jersey and a black sports bra. Her own twist on the winter dress of the Philly lesbian. She has a duffel on her back, her apparently curly hair tightly curtailed into an ornate series of braids that spill down her back. Eyes shouldn't get that blue, but she makes it werk.

"Oh, uh. Yeah. Hah." She let the sight go after the sensation of the portal opening distracted her away. A smile split those blushed cheeks as Vorpal teased again.

And then in came the freaking VIKING. Tommy was fairly certain that if she were to find the symbolic concept of Female Viking Badass in the astral, it would be the woman that just alked into the room.

Vincent finds himself humming 'my mother told me'

The Mirrorskin slowly sets down the rest of their piece of bacon and leans back lazily in their booth, arm lazily looped around Johnnie's shoulder tightening just a little bit. But at the instant the door opens, Teagan swivels their head to look over their shoulder towards the door, they don't so much disentangle themself from Johnnie as simply slip away in a way that looks way too fluid for a human being to manage it, just way way too fluid and too alert for any real person. They lazily vault the back of the booth they were sitting in, all the better to cross the distance between the seated trio and the incoming woman and scoop her up off the floor, spinning her around in greeting.

Oh yeah, by the way, apparently Teagan is a Wife Guy. Vorpal leans into the booth with a delightedly satisfied look as Teagan swoops off to scoop up Sigrun, turning to look to Tommy and Vincent, offering towards both softly. "You know, sometimes there's the temptation to be just the slightest bit jealous in those instants when I'm not the total center of attention from my motley- but do you see how happy they all make each other?" She sighs- not wistfully, but that soul-deep, "things are correct" way. "How can you be anything but thrilled with that~"

Sigrun has an affable demeanor but a generally stoic bearing. Resting bitch face, but sweet as a Georgia peach. (Or a Minnesota apple.) So she goes from nonplussed to apparently confused as Teagan approaches. "Husband," comes her simple unadorned greeting. And then she's lifted up and spun around and all pretense flies away as she peals with bell bright laughter followed by a profound gigglesnort. She spends most of her time being spun about swatting Teagan's ass in retaliation, thus demonstrating the wards seem to understand the concept of safewords. Sigrun will likely be very apologetic in a bit.

"One can never be truly jealous of true love. I think the only thing one can feel is a wish to be there, rather than to steal it from another being... I agree entirely, Senorita Vorpal..."

As Vincent began to hum the song, the station of the magical radio changed to play the audio of My Mother Told Me performed by Peyton Parrish.

Her head tilted as she said with great happiness and warmth, while her hand reached out to the new arrival, "Hi! I am called Bones."

"Vincent," he nods, "I take it your part of the polycule?" he asks, already knowing the answer by Teagans actions, "Charmed."

"Wife," Teagan greets, kissing the corner of her mouth at the very end before setting her back on the ground. Their ineffable swag returns a moment later, as if a black cat just knocked a glass off the table and is walking away ever-so-innocently. "I have tiramisu pancakes which Johnnie cannot steal, and this is Bones, a wizard, and Vincent, who is a vampire apparently dating a new Summer named Avery." If there is subtext there, in the tone of their voice, it gets hidden from the non-Lost. Damn that Rigid Mask!

Sigrun's duffel makes a very distinct 'LARPer going to a live steel weekend while not wanting to alarm the normies' sort of sound as she drops it somewhere in the greeting. Why nothing, officer. Your gym bag doesn't make muffled clangs? As she's returned to her feet, she adjusts herself for a modesty her attire lacks entirely and takes in the crowd and persons being introduced. Vincent has become of particular interest. "Ya don't say, then?"

"Well, what else is it when someone breaks into your house, sits their and watches you sleep, then you cuddle and watch Netflix?" he asks, "I'm going to be honest. . .I've never dated before, one and done stands sure but dating. . . what are feelings?"

It is probably fair to note that Teagan spinning Sigrun around reveals to the sharp-eyed that they've got a largeish bladed item attached under their coat at their left hip, and a dagger on their right hip.

"I think that's a very wise take on it all, Miss Tommy. And not -just- because I'm so thoroughly agreed with~" She smiles faintly- sincerely, though!- and looks to Sigrun. "Now, if you'll excuse me a moment~"

Vorpal herself slips to her feet in one of those *excuse me waiter there's a GLITCH in my MATRIX" movements, following Teagan over to Sigrun and slipping behind them both, curling arms around both waists and tucking half-between, half-behind them, opting not to derail the interactions but still moving to gree Sigrun and follow Teagan and generally just Be With Her People.

Are there discrete, carefully timed Sig-cheek-smooches that avoid interfering with possible deliberate accumulations of imposing stature?

They're discrete, how would you even know?!

At this point, she took more notes in her journal, in the corner of the booth, a smile on her face as they study the four folx with her. The Obrimos loved the warmth they were all showing.

Sigrun is, apparently, somewhat used to being climbed like a tree and slash or spun about at random intervals. She might roll her eyes and swat and on occasion, as now, reward with a greeting and escalatory kiss that is meant to put an end to the PDA. But never judgment. So after said smooches, she does make a point of hefting up her duffel and heading to a booth nearer Bones and Vincent. She drops it on the table and begins to open it, pulling stuff out. Tightly rolled up homespun clothes to look at it.

"Hello," she interjects to both. "Sigrún." She points to herself and then draws a crooked jagged S in the air. "I'm with them." She indicates heckle and jive behind her with a thumb.

"Sigrun is one of the founding members of Direct Action, that's correct. My polycule is not synonymous with my motley, though there's a large overlap." The Return of the Ineffable Swag means that Teagan slides up next to the table again, standing at Sigrun's side as she pokes through her bag. They casually peer over her shoulder, and indeed there's the subtlest of changes in their behavior, though their facial expressions are deadpan as ever, as though they're a black cat now climbing over the shoulders of the blonde rather than someone identically as tall as she is bothering her while she's sorting through her things. Even for those who can't see past the Mask, there's something of a neatly-matched aspect to the pair of them. Teagan's totally deadpan, Sigrun's easy expressions, her Midwestern affect and their East Coast accent, dark and light, matched and opposite.

Vincent smiles, "It's nice to see people in such healthy and loving relationships, I wish you all many years together." he says, "So, Sigrun, Teagen here was explaining to me the Summer Court, so I may better understand my own Lost partner," he nods to Teagen and Vorpal, "Your advise has been eye opening."

Now that Sigrun has joined the table, she stood and reached out a hand. Then she looked up...and up... and up to the woman. Then she studied the dynamic between Teagan and Sigrun with appreciation again. "As they said, I am called Bones. It is a pleasure to meet you Sigrun. I've had the pleasure of meeting these two ladies tonight as well. Are there more to your...motley's(?) numbers?"

Vorpal wends along behind the pair, staying out of each's way while remaining near. She does pause, for a moment, at the comment about "what are feelings", but seems to do her best to take it as a joke and stay relaxed. She glances to Tommy, too, doing her best to take stock of whether anybody's feeling left out or out of sorts by anything besides the presence of a vampire, floating in limbo a bit with the addition of Sigrun but the lack of settled seats, as if unsure where exactly to Be. While she's standing, she takes her phone out- or, well. A shadowy hand pushes it up out of her pocket into her hand, anyway- and she sends a brief text message.

Curious how others might answer Tommy's question about their numbers, she holds back to see the responses!

Sigrun sets aside some skirts, what looks like a chemise, a bodice, and some various accoutrements. Then she pulls out a sword belt that just reeks of leather and sweat. It, the blade scabbard hanging from it and the hand axe looped in it are set down, too. The seax she puts into her boot casually.

"That's a weirdly forward question but also easily discoverable information so what the heck. There's a few more of us, yeah. I'm not comfortable spilling their tea, though."

With her gear sorted, Sigrun's attention settles on Vincent, "You seem to have your partner's best interest at heart. Would you be interested in ... relationship assistance?" She's starts shaking out the chemise. It's ankle length.

Vincent considers but nods, "Um. . .yes, I would." he admits, "That would be welcomed."

All the while, Teagan is just hanging out behind Sigrun, kinda leaned over her shoulder, chin on said shoulder so they can watch what she's doing. Chilling. Just a cat on the shoulder. "Oh. Uh. Sorry. Yeah, I guess it would be secretive. I apologize deeply," she blushed again, this time of embarassment, "I was just curious if this was the entire group. Please don't take offence."

Vorpal tucks her phone away, smiling to herself. "It's not so much secretive. Just not our place to share their stuff, you know? No offence taken. At least not by me," Vorpal amends. "... holy crap, I just realized, I would be SO GOOD at holiday decorations. I could just stick hooks or ornaments in midair and leave'em there. Take a Santa sleigh roof display and leave it floating above the chimney."

Sigrun pulls the chemise over her head, leaving it like a tent on her shoulders. She pokes her arms through the sleeves to pull on her underskirts and overskirt with the perfunctory efficiency of a soldier stripping a rifle. Then she pulls her arms back in and begins to wriggle like a Norse caterpillar.

"Good. That's good! See. Last city I stayed in had one of you-- a lady --and she blood bound one of ours. Everyone was super angry. A lot of yelling. Some mean words. Threats."

She tosses a Timberwolves jersey out, followed by her sports bra. Then her arms slide back into her sleeves and she slides her bodice down, turning her back during the more indelicate work required. Once proper, she turns back about and belts her sword belt into place.

It's perhaps odd to most modern sensibilities, a woman in a dress fully armed. But she pulls it off. It's not to her weapons she reaches, though. It's to her pouch, and the needle wool sewn into it. She pulls out a single hand made needle, holds it up to the light, then leans over to set the needle in front of Vincent.

"Informed consent. So long as your list of what you want for you and Avery includes not hurting Avery, I'm happy to help it come to pass." Sigrun then perches on the stool opposite Vincent and Bones and spins it about once with her on it, "Let's make a deal!"

"What kind of deal?" vincent asks where a air of caution and a raised eyebrow

A brow piqued and she began to write more in the notebook, "A deal? A Contract?" she tilted her head to see if the word was correct contextually.

"Or a deal with a lower-case d?"

"One typically is informed of the proposed terms of the deal at some point after the suggestion to make one," Vorpal points out. "And no, not a Contract. Those are different and spelled with an upper-case C. This is more of a... "let's agree on a thing you should be doing anyway, and keeping your part of the bargain will be beneficial to you" sort of deal.

... with a side order of "if you DON'T do the thing you oughtta be doing, there's consequences" for good measure."

They really grease those stools. She spins away in a manner that implies that wasn't intended. The next trip around she drops her boots to stop the spin.

"If you will pick up that needle, draw blood with it, and tell me what you'd like for you and Avery? With the understanding that I will be tacking on Avery not coming to harm? Tell me what it is, and you're like to get it."

It's all a little Rumplestiltzkiney in here but this lady is earnest faced and acting like this is just the most typical sort of transactional discussion.

"I will become your fairy godmother for the purposes of your relationship to Avery, subject to the needs of the service."

"If y'all do agree, I would love to study it!" she bounced in her seat.

He eyes the needle, all this sounding a tad faustian. . . but he takes the needle and pricks his finger a spot of vitae trickling, "I want Avery to be safe and happy, to not have constant anxiety anymore, I want to provide for them and give them everything they ever wanted. . .I want Avery to be my constant companion and partner." he says, mentally yelling at himself for being honest with people but something in his dead heart compelling him to.

The Mirrorskin kind of looms behind Sigrún (and maybe touched her boobs during the turn around bit, you can't prove nothing). Teagan may in fact be the alternative to Sigrún. They grunt once at the thing Vincent says, and the Lost in the room can hear a crackle-pop-pop-pop like distant thunder or gunfire as a sudden surge of heat accompanies the sound.

The archaeologist took detailed notes during the goings ons, with or without the sight up, dpending on the permissions. It was very interesting to see it all occur. The heat bloom seemed to worry the mage, given recent events.

"So you want to help Avery be safe and happy? If so the rest will follow as a consequence, if it's Avery's will. But I can bless you working to be the person Avery will need for you to be."

Is Sigrun giving good advice? Massaging the wording of her fairy dweomers in her favor? In Vincent's? In Avery's? At the end of the day it's a question of trust.

Bones will no doubt feel the spider sense tingle as Sigrun's mantle begins to manifest. The temperature notches up, the air dries out. Ravens begin cawing out in the forest. Sigrun's eyes shut, and she reaches one scarred and calloused hand for the needle...

...when it all dies down again, Sigrun looks perhaps a little winded, but none the worse for wear. Vincent may not feel anything so much as inspired, if he were not already, to undertake these goals.

Her mantle fades and the ravens quiet down again.

"Let Avery know saying 'Fuck off, Sigrun' will void my protection. On tuem capum est or whatever. But I'm in your corner, %1,000 in favor of you not hurting Avery. So thank you. Call on me if you need me." She makes a phone with thumb and pinky, holding it to her very, very blond head.

he turns to Vorpal, "Does she do this often?" he says, not ungrateful but confused

"Oh, wow. That was spectacular. I could feel it, and it felt powerful. Were the ravens because of you, or because you were targeting Mx Avery?" the mage looked closely at the needle to think if they got all the notes needed until they could scrutinize something, eyes going back and forth between the group.

Vorpal watches this all go down, enjoying the show of competence- for Indeed, it is a TREMENDOUS show of competence- and blinks herself back into focus at Vincent's question. "Ah? Clarify. Does she do what often? Find the most positive way possible to safeguard a member of the Freehold while respecting their independence from a threatening situation proven credible by previous experience? Or use that particular trick? The former, no due to few opportunities, the latter, all the time. What better trick for a homemaker than to spin fortune to favor for her and herrrrrrs?" The last word drags out, choking a bit as she shakes her head to try to warn Tommy off inquiring about the ravens. "Threatening situation. . .it's because I'm a vampire isn't it?"

It can be difficult to tell, Rigid Mask and all, what Teagan thinks of all of this, but they don't seem to be trying to stop Sigrún, so maybe that's a positive? They just kind of loom for the moment. "Yes. And because I know more than you what Avery lived through. We do what we have to in order to protect ourselves, Vincent. You can look me in the eye and tell me I am good enough and that I matter and that I make a difference and count and I will never believe you any longer because of what They did to me. I don't have trust any longer, Vincent. Not for you. Not for anyone who aren't my people. But for you I have this."

he nods, "You'd be right not to trust me," he admits, "But I appreciate this none the less, you folks have an ally in me."

"Yes. You see? And now I don't have to trust you. And you don't have to trust me. Because we have this." She gestures between herself and he, as though she's actually being understood. And surprised it's so. "You get me. Good. Good!"

That deflated the excited academic down quite a bit, as she remembered previous conversations, "Sounds similar to what...another friend suffered. I haven't heard a lot about it, but ... goodness gracious... I cannot begin to imagine, obviously, everything that the Lost have gone through. However, if any of you need something that I can do to help, whether it be with symbiology, archaeology, or even my magics, please let me know. Your Freehold's dreams, the Mage's dreams, and whatever else might be going on? I want to help when I can."

"Never you mind that she makes the armor that protects everyone she loves. That she forges the weapons that cut down everyone that threatens them. That she provides for her loved ones hearth, home, and amazingly stylish clothing. Never mind her adoring husband, or the number of people who love her more than literal life.

She has more reason to see her worth than anyone i have met in my life, and she can't. That is the kind of broken we become. And we're all broken.

Including Avery."

Including Vorpal.

She let that end it, though. Sig found a high note to end on.

"... an ally in you, eh?

Which one?

And how long ago did you eat them?"

Apparently... Vorpal found a way, too.

"We'd be glad of the help on matters that permit. Can I ask what your expertise is, Tommy?"

With her deal concluded, Sigrun gives Vincent a tight smile of reassurance and turns attention back to others. "Sorry. First rule of pledgecrafting: no side conversations. Nope, I don't mind that you examined it all, it was pretty cool, and the ravens weren't exactly me. But 🎶We Don't Talk About Ravens, no no🎶." She's trying to make up for lost manners, a fact somewhat stymied by her choosing this moment to pull her sweat shorts off from under her skirts.

"Do you want the full long mage answer, or the gist of it all?" She asked seriously. Since meeting Lyuda, some of the formalities just don't seem as important.

Then with Sigrun, she nodded, "Next time, hopefully, I can study while it's happening with a different eye, but thank you for letting me take notes as is."

Shadows gather up Sigrun's shed garb and collects it to pack away, including taking the shorts from her to tuck away without interfering with Sigrun's conversations. "OH, You can give me the cliff notes. Mostly just curious what you're good at and what you're studying to improve so I know when you might want a call."

"Fire, Metamagic, time and spirit are probably my best. Though considering a lot of recent events, I might look into Fate itself."

"Ooh, fire, I like fire." Sigrun says it perhaps a little too eagerly. But given her profession it's probably more accurate it'd be a respect if interrogated too closely. Now fully composed in her usual and preferred attire, she perches back on the stool. Doesn't cause trouble with her sword!

"I don't really have any tremendous skills like that. I have a strong back. Sturdy knees. Don't shun hard work. The rest is having the right people around you, you know?" Maybe not. Sigrun's brow furrows as though she hopes it's so.

"So, is their anything you folks would like dug up, I deal in information." Vinny offers to the Lost

"I should clarify... not just fire, but energy itself, in all its forms, hence the music right now... what's your favorite genre of music with which to relax, Lady Sigrun?"

"You mind sharing your preferred methods? I only ask because sometimes we know where information might be and need a special someone to get it. Easier to contract your services if we know what niches you fit. If not, we'll assume general ear to the ground street level stuff and keep your name in the mix, for sure." Sigrun's earnestness is infectious. Every word drips with sincerity. It's possibly a bit jarring if one's not used to her brutal forthrightness.

"Punk. Hard-core. I used to be in a b-- nobody cares. Punk. Yeah. And it's just Sigrun."

"Oh, cool. Can you make a device that brings a smelter furnace to a given temperature and hold it perfectly?" Sigrun then shares four words as though she were proposing scandal, "I have a forge."

Vorpal's immediately doubtful expression suggests she strongly disagrees with Sigrun's assessment of her skills as less than tremendous. "There's- hm. I haven't got anything, myself, I'm afraid. The offer is appreciated, for sure."

Sigrun's comment about having the right people around, Vorpal steps over towards her and rests a hand on her shoulder. Is she happy to be one of those people? Is she stating Sigrun is, herself, one of those people? Unclear.

But she sure does seem to adore the Minnesotan.

Once Sigrún is all changed, Teagan sits down in the booth again and tugs the Valkyrie to sit on their knee. One arm looped around her waist. They rumble amusement at something or another, but don't volunteer any more words at the present moment.

Sigrun, knowing damn well, swats Teagan's arm playfully.

She adjusted the dials to her 'radio' in the air, the music changing with Sigrun's request. She found a pirate-radio style punk station on the internet and had it broadcast to the table.

And then a grin split her face, "You have a forge? And you want me to make it an exact temperature? Do you want the forge always at a temperature, or the ability to alter it?"

A different page on the notebook to start scribbling notes and idea concepts.

"A bellows could work, but I don't have one..."

She put a big question mark in a quick sketch of one, "Oh, what if it's just a thermometer?"

"Street rumors, paper trail, sometimes I pretend to be someone from the paper and interview folks," he nods, "The internet is a fishing net, I got a good contact list of street kids I know.", he girns, "And who else can keep ya up to date on vampire news." he quickly adds

"I have a furnace doing double duty as a smelter in a shop the size of an eighty foot pole barn. Got some other stuff in there too, point is heat management and space aren't really considerations. But, yeah. I want to be able to dial in a temp and have the belly hit and hold that point. You're probably thinking this is a simple thing. And it's just now setting in. Air flow. Admixture. Oxygen composition. Ferride composition. So many variables." Sigrun holds on to Teagan's arms with her own, then points out to Bones, "It's a sexy problem! It's why the best smiths aren't always material engineers, but the better ones often are. I just haven't solved it." Sigrun adds to Vincent, "That's true. I don't really have a vampire 'guy'." She gives Vincent a grin and asks Vorpal, "What do you think? Drop him in the rolodex?"

"Well, at least one of those things is something new," Teagan deadpans. They take their swatting in good stride and hook their chin over Sig's shoulder. They listen, mostly.

"Sounds like a plan." Vorpal states, her phone lifting from her pocket again as she steps over towards Vinny to trade numbers. She's drifted quiet, letting Sigrun speak- she's good at it, and Vorpal would be lying to say she didn't enjoy the sound of her voice.

Vincent smiles, "Pleasure to do buisness."

Bones looked up at Sigrun and shook her head, "Oh, no, not simple. So many folx have trouble getting a regular charcoal or propane grill to be the right temperature... but yes. I can buy a forge thermometer and take a few hours work, and have that ready for you without issue! I can even keep it connected, so that if you need me to alter it, it could be."

And then she spoke out her number from the bulletin board post last month, for Vincent and Vorpal.

"If you think a thermometer that's accurate is enough, I can give it a try. I had been going by the color of the metal, but of course that's imprecise. I never forge with fairy magic, though, if I can help it. Pisses em off when their magic cleaving super weapons bounce off case welded damascus." Sigrun is willing to try anything for a slightly better forge experience. "Do you have hobbies? I have a lot of hobbies."

It's all of a moment or two, and both numbers are set into V's phone. "I'll transcribe onto the Rolodex once I'm home," She quips, tucking the phone away. As Sig speaks of hand forged gear, Vorpal sets out a sheathed knife with a knuckled guard. Clearly a custom piece, and undeniably masterful.

"Oh, when I'm done, you'll be able to set the temperature to what you want, not just read it," she was back to her notebook, sketching a few ideas for imagos in High Speech and Egyptian mix.

"Hobbies, hobbies... hrm... I like to do a little computer building or programming... I go to a gun range now and then... otherwise I consider things like this to be my hobby. Just heading to the local restaurant, bar or whatever and talking. OOOO and KNITTING. I started Knitting recently."

In silence, Teagan looses one hand from Sigrún's waist and shifts their weight slightly, removing the small blade from their right hip. It's a gorgeous off-hand weapon, all dark metal with dark sapphire accents and black leather wrap and sheath, with runes on the hilt and sheath both. They set the dagger on the table as if in demonstration.

The gear made her mouth drop open. From her bag she pulled out five conventional, store bought steel throwing knives in a circlet style sleeve.

"These are some of my preferred methods to fighting when the need to be deadly but not magical is present."

"I have a set of those!" Sigrun squirms around in Teagan's lap to go fishing around I'm her bag for a leather roll. It's set down, rolled open, and ten ring hilted steel throwing knives are revealed. "I also have throwing axes. And a bow. And two spears. And three swords. And several shields! I once made a sword just to kill a lady with, and then I killed her with it." A beat. "I'm a firefighter now. But, yeah! Super duper, thank you."

"Where should I deliver?" she made a little box with a space to get an address or other method, "And those are some great fun weapons... if you ever need them to cut just a little... harder... let me know. Or if you want to swing it here, and hit the tree out there, let me know," pointing at one of the trees outside."

"Do you make Christmas sweaters?"

Something someone says makes Johnnie just. DISSOLVE into giggles, which she does not elucidate on but which leave her out of the conversation for some good few moments, covering her mouth delicately with scar-traced fingets as she calms down.

Once they've shown off Sigrún's handiwork, Teagan's scarred palm closes around the hilt of Sigknifr again, secreting it away on their person once more. Their arms wrap comfortably around the Valkyrie again. This is my Valkyrie, says that gesture. Maybe she'll share, but she's Mine. It's a little gesture, but it's expressive.

"I fuck people more casually than I knit sweaters for them. But I can knit. And spin. And sheer. And husband sheep. And grow their forrage." Sigrun says it all blandly, manner of factly. Not a boast, precisely. "I made everything I carry on me most of the time." She picks up the needle and puts it back into her pouch for safekeeping, to drive home the point. "Anyway. I'd be down to throw things at trees." Sigrun leans over to scribble down her address and phone number. If not on a slip of Bones' paper, then on Bones if possible.

"I haven't tried yet? It's pretty new to me. I probably could though... " in reply to Vincent and his sweaters.

THe laughing JOhnnie made a brow pique, and she fought some of the contagious laughing, so she could focus on Sigrun and the overall conversation.

Her head tipped towards Teagan to acknowledge the grip. THen she turned the journal and handed the pen to Sigrun so she could write in the book, but equally held out her hand, just in case.

"Sig's the whole package," confirms Johnnie. "Living embodiment of farm to table, except instead of being a supply reference, it's just holistic production skills." V's own blade disappeared beneath her coat as well. "Sorry about the laughing. Sometimes I do that "laughs at inappropriate times" thing. Everything's fine, promise."

Vincent get's up, "Well, it's been a blast but I got to head out, moonlight's a wasting," he says as he walks away, "Call me up if ya need something dug up."

"Be safe, Vincent," she says simply, watching the Kindred leave, before focusing back on the Lost present.

"We will, Vincent. Tell Avery I'd love to chat, if you could. Say I send Freyja's blessings." Sigrun gives a reassuring smile and a little wave Vincent's way. "If Vince is taking off, we could head home. Drag Bones. Stop for steaks and Stromboli. I can take Garm out back and show Bones the forge, then crack open some mead and maybe start the fireplace."

"Glad to meet you," Teagan offers in that same deadpan to Vincent. "What Significant said."

They pat Sigrún on the hip, as if in agreement. "You've got the keys," they say to her, like that's some sort of explicit statement she'll understand, and Vorpal will too.

"Pleasure to meet you, Vincent. For what it's worth, I can wholly empathize with being made into a monster and feeling shackled with the weight of that reputation and situation. I think you seem to be doing about as well as one could be expected to. Do your best with Avery, alright? And stay safe."

"I'm certainly okay with this plan," V states as the conversation shifts. "Is there anyone home just now could do with a heads up?"

"Some might be. I can call ahead." Sigrun gets to her feet and grabs her now far lighter duffel to head back out again. "I guess we can take my truck, once we're back through." She pauses to settle the tab, tips generously and conspicuously so, and then steps back out the portal in a way people aren't supposed to be able to do to thin air.

Taking their last piece of bacon - the first thing they've eaten since Vincent started talking about blood bags - Teagan bites down into it with an audible crunch and follows after Sigrún with liquid swagger. She popped to her feet, settled her journal and pen into the bag, put the bag over her shoulder and adjusted that, before following the trio of Lost. Just following three fae folk through a magical portal to their home? Couldn't possibly go wrong.