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Latest revision as of 19:55, 20 December 2022

Content Warning

allusions to vore, cannibalism


Hyena, Ylva Theodulus, Bones with a cameo of a Teagan


DA House


Hyena had found herself in a good mood recently, having acquired several bags of food and done some reconnecting recently. This was home however, and where she felt the most content.

And of all the places in the house she liked, the kitchen was pretty high up there. It was where the food lived, after all. Lived, that is, until she got her paws on it and it either met its fate there and then, or was held until a feast took place. Said feast being any amount of people from 2 upwards.

Right now, therefore, she cooked as V had recently, content and singing in low key fashion as she worked on some fajitas, deliberately waving the pan to help the smell spread a little more in the hopes of luring others into her lair.
For the fourth day in a row, Tommy found themself at the Direct Action house. It was a lot better energy than many places they've been recently, and it came with good views.

Today, they approached the home in a more traditional manner, with their four-door sedan down the drive way. Today, they appeared enby, with their masculine form's hair cut, with the face being somewhere between their other forms. Their form was shaped masculine with the femme curves. They wore their knee-length black pleated skirt and a white collared button-down, open three buttons, and rolled up to their elbows. Black tennis-style shoes covered their feet.

As the car turned off, they made a three fingered claw like motion over their mouth and hopped out with a touch of magic tingling.
Hyena looked up at the sound of a car parking, canting her head and moving to the door to peer out. It took her a second before she smiled in recognition and raised a hand to wave at them. "You have great timing!"
Grabbing their satchel of toys from the back seat, they carried it by the handle rather than the strap this time. Then turning to face Hyena, they lifted their hand in return, "Hello Hyena. Nice to see you again! Great timing, you say?"
"Yes." A big grin. "I'm here, you're here. That's timing if you ask me. Oh. And also I'm cooking. Do you eat chicken? Got fajitas on the go. I could eat them all myself, but sharing is good."
"Yes, I eat just about every food I've ever tried. Not a fan of bananas though for some reason..." she shrugged. Hyena might note that she started and stopped the reply a few times, really thinking about how to answer that.

"And of course, good timing in that way! I'd love to chat with you after our brief introduction. You seemed highly interested in magic?"

If any of the animals were around, they were greeted with kind words, magically understood.
"Very much." Hyena nodded with a beam, gesturing Tommy inside and starting to dish up said food. "Meat is best for me, I.." She paused. "Right, sorry. You don't see my spots. But let my name be a bit of a hint." A wry smile. "And yes, magic. I know a little, have a book that knows a lot more if it decides it wants to tell me. My own blend tends to run a little towards storms, lightning, that kinda thing. Good with mirrors too, they're handy."
"Very cool. I'm a bit of a weather witch myself, if the need calls," they replied, following Hyena and offering them a hug in greeting.

"I thought that might be the case, but I keep running against... Durance?... memories and hitting sore spots about people's diets or the like. So I didn't want to reply as sassy as I would have originally."

And then a tilt of their head, "Oh, The Autumn Leaves book? Vorpal showed me theirs, yesterday."
She accepts the hug happily, leaning down to return it and nodding contently. "Back.. well, back a ways, you would have. I.. well." She chews her lip. "I wouldn't have talked about my spots then, would have tried to hide them. So I appreciate you doing that." She smiles. "So you know though, I've nothing against a bit of sass now and again." She ponders, tilting her head. "Vorpal knows the witchcraft side of things too. Can ask my book a question of just about anything and there's a fair chance it'll give you the answer, even sometimes one that isn't written down anywhere else."
"That's what I did. It gave me a hint as to how to see everyone's true forms, outside of the Hedge," she replied, "My original comment was going to be, 'Oh, don't worry, Hyena, I eat everything,' with a wink. But, that kind of stuff can cause trouble, I've found, so... I'm trying to be more thoughtful of my words."

"Tried to hide your spots? You're able to hide from each other if needed?"
She pauses, then nods, offering a plate of food over. "Hiding matters to us. I know you know a fair amount, mm? Been seen, well, we're careful with it. This seeing, you'd keep mum about it where you can?" She settles in a seat herself. "But to cease my rambling, yes. I hid myself out of some pretty negative feelings. Teagan and the others worked on me a good amount until I came to my senses."
Ylva hadn't slept well last night. Her hollow felt like a trap and Klajre was already asleep by the time she tried to go there.

So this morning she was poking her way to the DA house to see who was around.

There was a slow knock at the door. She was wearing oversized pj's and a fluffy pink dressing gown looking very tired this morning.
They took the food and waited to see if they'd sit at the table, or where, to eat.

"It would only be with permission, or in potential self-defense or the like. I wouldn't want to invade privacy... it's a problem with mages, I know, but I try to be better with it.

At the knock, they waited for Hyena to answer the door, trailing her to see who was here.
"Oh, sorry. Mm, sit if you like, or stand." She smiled. "No need for formality here. And thanks, that's appreciated. As said, I did want to talk about swapping a bit of knowledge." She looked up at the knock, nodding and leading Tommy to the door. She opened it and peered at Ylva before frowning and holding out a hand. "Hey, hey. Are you alright hon?"
Ylva took the hand sort of projecting herself into Laura's arms.

"No but I'm here. Rough night of sleep after talking ti Polly.didnt do anything dumb just. Yeah."

A kiss to the bottom of her chin.

"Hey Bones."
"Speak of the Devil, and she shall appear," she murmured before approaching the doorway to hug Ylva as well, making a Kitsune sandwich and kisisng the back of her head, "Well, Hyena and I are here for you now, darling. She just made some fajitas, you can have my plate."
"Tch." Hyena bends down to scoop up Ylva if she appears willing, further cementing her Kitsune sandwich status. "I'm a hyena Bones. I made more than enough for a whole crowd of people. And you are both more than welcome to all you can eat." A keen nod there. "But as said, we're here for you indeed."
There's the opening of a door, a brief grunt, and a heavily-tattooed Mirrorskin appears from behind a door with a rush of the smell of water and floral air. Teagan wears a pair of boxers, and a tank top. They pause in the hallway, wander to the fridge in the kitchen, take a half-gallon of orange juice out of the fridge, and then wander back through the door, which closes with a soft thump and the sound of Sigrún's distant laughter.

Ylva wiggles happily at being picked up. Its all tails as she takes Bones plate and eats it. Not the Fajitas though. She leaves those in bones hands.

"Good morning."

Her head tilts to the kitchen as Teagan wanders through.
They looked over as Teagan walked from their door, to the fridge, and back, admiring the view, before returning to the conversation, "Hyena, I meant so she doesn't have to wait for it to be served up," and they lifted the plate up to Ylva's hands.

Then when the fajitas were handed back, they stared at them, and back up at the plate. Even as a mage, that was one of the stranger thigns to see (not) happen with the mix of mask and kith... the surprise was evident on their face.
Like Bones, Hyena takes the chance to give Teagan an once over, waving with a toothy grin as they wander through the kitchen. A nod of understanding at Bones but she blinks as Ylva eats the plate and leaves the food untouched. "Ah, please don't?"
Ylva leans her head into Hyenas chest. Not used to being so high.

"Sorry. She said have my plate and im feeling very literal this morning."
The Awakened still was holding the fajitas with confusion. There was no spatial ripple. There wasn't a life energy change. There was nothing in terms of power. And yet, there was a plate now somewhere in Ylva's digestion tract, and they were trying to process the procedure.
An elbow nudges Bones' side gently. "One of you eat them. The fajitas that is." She specifies quietly, taking the high Kitsune to a seat and gesturing at another to invite Bones to follow suit. A foot reaches out, tugging said chair nearer so they have the option of physical contact if they choose. "So. Ah. We were talking magic Ylva. Is that kinda thing of interest to you?" She grins slightly. "Penny for your thoughts Bones?"
Ylva proceeds to then eat all the Fajitas. Again likely an amount that should not be able to go through her mouth.

"Magic! I don't really know anything besides what I've seen Vorp do. I would like to learn more. I've seen you mirror walk which is. Diffirent?"

They started to eat the fajitas, right before Ylva ate them, which thet let the Kitsune eat happily.

Turning their gaze to Hyena's question, they replied, "I just... that was so supernatural, and I almost missed the blip of it. It was so subtle compared to what I'm used to feeling. Wasn't space or matter or time or other things that I'm so used to... so my brain is processing it. Sorry. Academic, magey, geek moment."
"I like geeking out moments." Hyena winked. "Have them myself, time to time." She smiles at Ylva, nodding. "It's handy for getting around, as you've seen in the past." She considers Bones. "So to us, magic is about, well, arrangements, deals, so to speak. We can give something in return for getting something back. I.. think that works as a sum up, maybe?"
Ylva blushes at that comment but listens.

"Like I can spend some glamour and turn into an Animal. Or I can eat some of the animal and not have to spend the Glamour. Im not sure im explaining it good."

Settling into the chair more, Hyena pats Ylva's side gently. "Are you needing to nap at any point? You do like a little drained, gotta say."
"At some point yeah, just didnt want to be alone today."

There is a cute foxy yawn and a wiggle of the tails, one of which then pokes Hyena in the cheek.

"Late night figuring out what scares me about things, figuring out my plan for what I want to be."
A nod to that, a hand tapping at said tail playfully. "Happy to be keeping you company, mm. And how is that plan going?"
"Figured out im almost as scared of becoming who I was a decade ago as I am of eating someone. So like. Thats a thing."

Tail bouncing playfully.

"Discussed an option for the hunger problem."
"Gonna Autumn this up and say that fear is a guide, a protective instinct. Sometimes you have to listen to learn what it's truly telling you, but.." She smiles. "I'm not lecturing, am I? Anyhow." She carefully snags a tail, stroking it lightly. "With Polly? What did you come up with?"

"No your not." A wiggle at the snagging, is this what she wanted, maybe. "Its telling me ive never been in control."

Her voice goes a little queit, almost a whisper. "Goblin Merchant......"
She blinks, then frowns slightly. "It's you, your choice. Just.. be careful, yeah? And consider things and all?"
"Right. I heard them called Contracts before. That makes sense. Eating to turn into an animal. I'm sure I could use a piece of the animal as a sacrament for similar, with a little more power."

SHe served herself more food, and then sat next to the ladies.

And then the talk of eating people did make her slightly pale, but she seemed curious about Hyena obviously grabbing something but she couldn't see it. That was a Mystery they could focus upon.

A tilt of the head, "Goblins? They're from the other world?"
"If there isnt a hunger it'll maybe be easier. I dunno. Just thinking of options."

Another tails pokes Bones in the cheek sadly to no response. A frown forming as she uses the rest to continue to poke Bones. Looking up to Hyena and laughing.

An understanding nod at Ylva before she laughs. "I'm not sure if you're teasing me or Bones, or both of us." A nod at the mage sat next to them. "They live in the Hedge, mm. We can trade with them and get, well, a whole variety of things, and not just in the physical sense. But you do need to be careful about what you offer up."
"Interesting. I mean, it makes sense, considering what I saw SIgrun do was straight out of Rumplestiltskin or SLeeping Beauty."
"Im gonna say both." She says wrapping said tails around Hyena.

"Like in theory I could trade them my Kith. My. How do I explain that Laura?"
Hyena beams with clear adoration. "Beauty and Sigrun go together utterly perfectly." A keen nod. Sigrun is adored, that's quite clear. She then glances back down at Ylva, exhaling and falling silent a moment. "Part of your story." She finally offers, tone a little tense.
"...Only if you want to explain it. I don't need an explanation for everything, other than you are in rough shape and confused and want to feel better," her hand rested on Ylva's knee while she was on Hyena's lap.
"Part of my story. A part that makes my life hard. But you think I should keep?"

She reaches down touching Bones hand.

"Its the how I guess, its why i can swallow things far too large, its why im hungry all the time."
"I didn't say that." Hyena told Ylva softly. "Again, it's not my choice. The only one who decides that is you. All I ask is for you to consider things, and make sure it's truly what you want if you do take that step." A nod at Bones. "And you have the two of us, and others, to be with you, to support." She kisses the top of Ylva's head.
"We care all about you, dear Ylva, we are hre for you," she reiterated. The Mage scooched closer to cuddle puddle with the two Courser Gristlegrinders, and offered the last fajita on her plate to Ylva.
"Im just struggling. I'm not going to make any rash choices it just feels like a way out and I haven't seen one of those for a while."

There is a pause for a moment.

"Not a healthy one anyway."