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Latest revision as of 09:44, 27 December 2022


Lux, Marjorie the Shrouded, Lumi Aaltonen, Izzy Higgins, Roger Gimlin, Joy Hamidi, Ylva Theodulus, Vorpal, Jack Martingale, Asbolus, Evan Shaw, Avery Frisk, Arthur Phoenix, Sloane Clarke, Evan Shaw.


Freehold Hollow, part of Winter Crowning 2022


The Shortest Day is over, and for those who may have been waiting in the Freehold Hollow -- which definitely includes most of the Freehold's non-Winter NPCs -- the arrival of the Winter Court is something to behold. There are tables upon tables heaped with all manner of good food: entire roast chickens by the dozen, an entire cow slowly turning on a spit, a whole table overflowing with gluten-free baked goods and another with vegan goodies. Tables, comfortable chairs, gathering places around firepits, all set and ready.

As the sun lowers in the sky on the shortest day of the year, brushing against the horizon, the Winter Court emerges from its seclusion together as they do every year. Pages of the Long Midnight followed by Archers of the Lonely March. An empty place in the procession, mourning the fallen and traitorous former Steward of the Midwinter Hearth. Sun Banishers, and then the Sage of the Onyx Mirror, walking ahead of the Knights of Utmost Silence, each arrayed on either side of a tiny figure wrapped in a dove-grey cloak, covered entirely from head to foot. Lumi in a dress studded with a thousand crystals, wearing a glittering knife at her side, stands at the left-hand side of the diminutive creature, while Izzy in their sharp suit is on the right.

The group pauses at the edge of the freehold hollow, and as the sun continues to descend, it is as if the world holds its breath...

Ylva is sitting on one of the tables watching as the procession starts. She is idly carving at a piece of wood in her hands with her claws. Her offering not quite having come together yet.

Her hair is braided, tails brushed and swirling behind her. She is wearing short shorts and a tank top, her leather jacket sitting beside her. All remnants of blood scrubbed from both her clothes and her fur.

Joy is among the courtiers to enter alongside her court, presumably. A very short woman made out of wooden branches growing in a humanoid shape around and from a stone core, she wears a white hoodie, pants and shoes, most of them adorned with a single snowflake. The nerdy and astute from the freehold may recognize that as the official Ice-type symbol from Pokemon. She pulls at the hood to reveal her head is adorned by a simple tiara/diadem piece of jewelry, she blends amidst the rest of the court, scanning the room for both the new and unfamiliar presence.

Lux had changed out of their dark casual clothes they'd curled up in during the day--now wearing a long gown of silver and white that is sequined to reflect their colored light all around like a prism. Long billowy sleeves, looking like some mystical robed fae of color and light and cold. They smile softly as they walk along in the procession, and once through the gate they look back fondly towards their Queen, then out at the waiting crowd, lips quirking up wider. And finally breaking the day of whispering, Lux raises their voice to call out joyously, voice ringing hypnotically. "Hail Marjorie the Shrouded, Queen of Winter!"


His attire, from his place among the Archers, stood out. It was a brilliant emerald green suit, with a deep ruby red tie. The fabrics were the highest end of mortal fabric, and would be recognized on the advertisements for his Stage Magician jobs in the area.

Though, it would be noted that they still wore a leather belt under the suitcoat, which held pouches and a pair of knife sheathes. The leather had the symbols of winter across it, but had no specific magic on it.

The Courser Helldiver's eyes flickered around, back and forth, always ready for a threat, even or perhaps especially on this momentous occasion.

The words that Lux speaks come as the sun finally dips below the horizon, and the tiny figure in its robes pushes back its hood.

The Onyx Crown glitters across Marjorie's brow, the tiny, doll-like woman inhumanly beautiful and still as fresh-fallen snow. She blinks, twice, and spreads her hands. Her mellifluous voice carries across the hollow. "Welcome. Let all who are hungry come and eat, let all who mourn be comforted. Here, we are the light against the dark, together."

The Pages spread out across the Hollow, kindling fires and lighting candles, bringing back light at the darkest point in the year.

Asbolus entered the hollow alongside the rest of the Winter Pages, dressed in a well-tailored all-black ensemble that only served to enhance the sharp edges of his Mien. Pale eyes scanned over the hollow and it's occupants as he moved to aid his fellows in lighting the fires that ringed the festivities.

Joy emerges from the scattering of the courtier, returning from the simple, yet important task of lighting a fire, she's fiddling with a spinner in her hand and has already procured a plate of food for herself. As she walks through the crowd, the new faces gets a friendly, casual nod of the head and a smile. She raise the fidgeting hand in greetings to Asbolus too. "Woo, Go Queen of Winter!" she joins in the chorus of congratulation with moderate enthusiasm.

Ylva mutters quietly to herself "Hail Marjorie the Queen of Winter."

She is feeling a little awkward. Its her first big gathering and her first change of season. She gives Joy a polite if reserved nod with a wave of a tail as she continues carving.

A little more enthusiastically she waves to Asbolus with a few tails.

As Winter spread out, he meandered towards the table of food. He wasn't there to grab anything for the moment, but rather he wsa finding a place to scout from, and watching folx go through the line seemed wise.

That, and truth be told, he didn't know many outside of Winter with which to chat.

Lux doesn't sit. They buzz around the Hollow here and there like a busy bee, chatting to everyone who looks at them. Urging people to eat, to celebrate, and for those interested in divinations, pulling them to the edge of the Hollow where the darkness lingers just past the candles, where the lingering night can be whispered to for secrets.

As always, Artie is here clad in a pristine dark red sweater, a brassy zipper part way up his chest. A fine leather messenger bag crosses that same chest, resting idly on his hip. The wizened is aglow with cheer, his mantle a beacon of summer with its heat haze wafting off of him.

As Marjorie is revealed as Queen once more, he sighs with relief. Stability was good. He lofts a fists and lets out a cheer as all began to hail.

As the cacophony died down, he amiled and slipped his way through the crowd like a snake til he comes acros @Fofo (They/Them) Lux.

"Hey! Season's Greetings. I don't think I've ever heard you yell before." The tailor chuckles. (edited)

Evan's camped out in the corner furthest from the roasts and meat, likely thus closest to the vegan offerings. The gray-skinned Ogre isn't really dressed up- he doesn't have much to dress up into, those steel tusks of his are the fanciest things he owns- but he's in a button up blouse that's skipped the top few (doing wonders for his unabashed cleavage), and his hair's in a tight braid down his back, limiting the slow drip of chimerical blood to being mosly out of sight. He's got an olive drab duffel bag with, on the ground nearby. He's not disturbing the table full of treats, but just...

Eating a jicama like an apple. Skin and all.

Joy walks past Asbolus and gives him a friendly shoulder check. "Do you know any of the new people in here? I've been an hermit for a while, I almost turned into a crab."

She takes a significant bite out of her food, stuffing the fidget spinner into the pocket of her hoodie, and fiddles with her diadem from there.

Lux stops by Artie and smiles, pulling the Wizened into a quick hug. "Season's Greetings." Their lips quirk. "Well, its a good time to be loud. How are you?"

The Courser waved to the Ogre with the jicama, given them an appreciative look at the outfit. Then the gaze kept moving across the hollow to see the charcoal wized by Lux and noting the new face, and another new face by Asbolus, made of rock and leaves that were as green as his suit. He gave them each a wave as well.

Lux stops by Artie and smiles, pulling the Wizened into a quick hug. "Season's Greetings." Their lips quirk. "Well, its a good time to be loud. How are you?"

Artie returns the hug in earnest while he considers. "Mmm... Nervous I guess and weird. Like..." He gestures at the mountains of food., "There's so much to eat and I didn't get to make any of it. It feels weird. But I'm also excited to see so many friends. We don't do a lot of getting together." He replies. (edited)

As Roger waves, Evan looks up, tossing an upnod his way. Swallows. "Wassup, bruh." CRUNCH. There goes another quarter of the jicama.

Lux perks a brow. "Nervous? Because of the crowd? But you're right, it is nice to get together like this. It's been a while since I've seen you out and about."

"My first Winter as a member of the Freehold, and as an Archer of the Long March. It's been an interesting day so far, and a day of new experiences for me... I'm Roger," he offered the Ogre.

"Not that I have much room to talk, I suppose. I haven't either," they muse.

Lux perks a brow. "Nervous? Because of the crowd? But you're right, it is nice to get together like this. It's been a while since I've seen you out and about."

Artie shakes his head. "No. This is the ok type of crowd. I'm just squirmy about the burning and having to say stuff part. I don't wanna sound stupid in front of everybody..." The wizened admits quietly.

Then he thinks again. "I guess I haven't poked around a whole lot lately. Speaking of you... Have you heard about the weird dream stuff? I figured everyone would be calling you left and right about it."

Joy returns to the food table, passing by the others on the way there. Grabs herself something to drink, this time, Then moves back around through another path, heading back again to Asbolus

Lux blinks, then shakes their head. "You don't have to say anything, Artie. You don't even have to show anyone what you're burning if you don't want to." They squeeze his shoulder. "I don't plan on advertising what I'm burning. It's your burden to let go of, not anyone else's."

The Bright One sobers immediately. "Yes, I've heard. It's... a lot."

He lifted a hand, again, to Joy as they grew closer to the food table, "Hello! I'm Roger, new Archer of the Long Night of winter, I saw you in the March near Asbolus..."

Ylva bounces down from her table and goes to grab a snack. Grabbing an entire chicken and some soda returning to her table. Giving a wave to Evan, Artie and Lux.

Evan waves right back at Ylva, eyeing the chicken, but saying nothing. It's not the place or time. He just crams the rest of the jicama in his mouth.


"Hi, I'm Joy." She stops when addressed, immediately taking the fidget spinner out of her hoodie's pocket, then spinning it with just one hand. "Just a Page of the Long Midnight at the moment."

"Pleased to meet you Roger."

"I think we match," he offered an arm up to Joy, with his emerald colored stage suit looking a lot like the gems in her mien, "Is this where I get in trouble for wearing the same outfit?"

Asbolus smiled and waved to Ylva, about to head her way when he got that shoulder bump from Joy. "I know a few," he replied, nodding to Roger as she headed for the food table.

He stood back near one of the bonfires, not wanting to crowd those at the feast table and quite content to observe the goings on for the moment.

Lux blinks, then shakes their head. "You don't have to say anything, Artie. You don't even have to show anyone what you're burning if you don't want to." They squeeze his shoulder. "I don't plan on advertising what I'm burning. It's your burden to let go of, not anyone else's." The Bright One sobers immediately. "Yes, I've heard. It's... a lot."

"I don't? Oh. Well... I want to though so all of you can help me keep my promise to myself.... And all of you." The last Artie mutters though at this proximity, Lux assuredly heard just fine.

Seening his friend's face tighten a bit, Artie returns the comforting squeeze to the shoulder. "I figured as much with the images hitting so many of us. I don't even think I'm like... Psychic or prophetic or whatever and I mean I got 'em so. Yeah. But if it's something I can help you solve though, you know I'm there in a heartbeat." He offers with a cheerful grin.

Another wave to Asbolus, looking a lottle overwhelmed.

She continues carving while eating idly. The carving starting to come to shape and looking awfully like a shape of Ylva. (edited)

Avery was trying to enjoy themselves, but was struggling. He sat near the edges of the tables, hands cupped over his ears, and only had a bit of food on his plate. This was his former Court and he was proud for them, but he was also in a bit over his head with the noise level. They simply nodded to the few people that passed by.

They were dressed up in a blue jacket and jeans, at least TRYING to be presentable despite the volume they knew they would expect. (edited)

"I think we match," he offered an arm up to Joy, with his emerald colored stage suit looking a lot like the gems in her mien, "Is this where I get in trouble for wearing the same outfit?"

"No, I appreciate blending in with the crowd, plus like, I'm the size of a bush" She comments with a smile. "I'm mostly wearing white and ice-type merch from pokemon." She keeps fiddling with her spinner. "I think we're fine on the outfit front."

Addendum: "Good, I might need further introduction to people" To Asbolus

Lux glances over and smiles at Ylva, waving in greeting.

They look back to Artie and nod. “If that’s what’s best for you.” They frown at him. “Well… you could help, actually. If you could let me search your dreams? But… I understand if you would prefer not to.”

"Well, you are a very pretty bush-sized person to meet. What do you do Ironside when you're not paging here?" Roger spoke to Joy, before motioning Asbolus to join them near the table as well.

TO Evan, "Also you, what do you do Ironside, brother?"

Evan looked up from fishing out another jicama, blinking faintly. "Whuh? Oh. Me? Nothin', really. I got a place over here, I patrol a bunch- pretty much the only thing I do Ironside is bait bigots into brawls, kick they asses, and use whatever cash they had to buy veggies. Tha's... Tha's about it, really." He shrugs. "... oh! And I hang out with my sister and folx. I do do that."

Asbolus nodded to Roger, holding his hand up in a "one moment" gesture before sliding across the room to where Avery was sitting. He gave his mentee a quiet smile, pulling a small case with earplugs in it from his pocket and offering them to the Courser. "These may help," he said quietly, looking them over. "You doing alright?"

"Right now, I'm a cleaning lady at a motel." She bounces to the tip of her toe and rolls back to the ball of her feet, spinning her fidget a little faster. "And I play video games. That's about it currently."

She glances to Asbolus and what he seems to be doing and that seems to bring a smile to her.

Avery looks up as his mentor approaches, a smile when they do. They greatfully take the earplugs and put them in their ears. It isnt enough but it's better than nothing.

He looks over to the main group, then back to Asbolus. "I'm okay. Don't know too many people and its loud. Don't know how to say hi to so many people."

"Very cool. I've been known to play the occasional game... but I grew up in the age of Pong and the like. Took some getting used to these days... and I had to trade some of my knowledge once upon a time,," he tsaid thoughtfully, before moving on, "Quick, favorite pokemon from the original 151."

Evan quipped, "Zubat, cuz it's the only one I caught."

Lux glances over and smiles at Ylva, waving in greeting. They look back to Artie and nod. “If that’s what’s best for you.” They frown at him. “Well… you could help, actually. If you could let me search your dreams? But… I understand if you would prefer not to.”

The wizened's head tilts curiously. Well... Ok sure. I don't think I have any secrets or anything. At least not stuff you'd know."

"I can introduce you if you like." He replied, offering Avery a hand up if they needed it. "And if it gets too loud no one will begrudge you stepping back to catch your breath."

Avery nods to their mentor, hands going back up to cover their ears, even with the plugs. That made it bearable. "I would like to meet people...please?"

Lux shakes are their head. “I’m looking for pieces of a map. They’re hidden among people’s dreams. You might have dreamed of it without realizing it.”

"Original 151, my favorite is Bulbasaur." Joy responds, settling her movement on her two feet, only fiddling softly with her fidget spinner.

"And Zubat's nice, rough start to train it, but it does really well in a lot of situation. Plus the design is dope."

Evan grins, lopsided around his chrome tusks. "Eh, I wouldn't know. I caught it on Bailey's phone. Zuzu's just chillin'. Like a bawss."

Ylva tilts her head listening to the Pokemon conversation. Pulling out her tablet and doodling on it, little carving put aside for the moment.

"Very cool," the Sasquatch said, looking between the group, and keeping an eye out. NOticing Ylva, he waved the fellow Beast over, and then watched Asbolus with Avery, hoping one of their newest friends would come with the Darkling.

Joy smiles a little bit at what Evans just said, blinking a few times. "That's nice for Zuzu!"

Another glance toward the tables food and drinks and Joy goes silent for a moment, like someone doing mental mathematic as she pulls a notebook from her other hoodie's pocket.

"Oh. Cool. Do you know where it leads too? And you're probably right. That dream is... Slippery. It's so hard to remember any of it." Artie admits.

Ylva waves back at Roger she shaked her head. Taking a moment and moving a touch closer. Continuing to draw on her tablet.

"Oh. Cool. Do you know where it leads too? And you're probably right. That dream is... Slippery. It's so hard to remember any of it." Artie admits.

Lux hesitates, glancing over towards where Marjorie, the newly crowned Queen, is sitting. “Yes. Past the Dreaming Roads, into the Oneiros.”

"Let's." Asbolus nodded, guiding Avery over to the group standing by the food tables. "Good evening, everyone. Enjoying yourselves, I hope?"

"Yes, enjoying myself, just doing some random food maths." She replies, still half distracted, peeking into her note book. "What about you?"

"Oh, my favorite is also Bulbasaur. He's Number 1 after all. So cute and the noises are adorable..." he realized that he hadn't traded his answer with theirs yet. Then to Asbolus and Avery, "QUick, favorite 151 pokemon!"

Avery keeps his hands on his ears but watches the group, looking at the new faces. At Roger's question he looked confused, then looks to Asbolus. "Those are...the small game monsters? I don't know any."

Lux hesitates, glancing over towards where Marjorie, the newly crowned Queen, is sitting. “Yes. Past the Dreaming Roads, into the Oneiros.”

"Hmm... That's a new word to me. But that sounds um... Deep in there. Is... Is it a dangerous place? Do... Things live there?"

“It’s where everything that’s ever been Dreamed lives, I think? It’s like… the collective consciousness, capital D Dream.” Lux nods. “I think it will be dangerous, yes.”

"Doing quite well." He nodded to Joy, chuckling at Roger's question. "I'm not that familiar with them either, I'll admit."

"It's okay you don't have to know them to be cool." Joy says, giving up on her food math and turning her back on the food with an air of detachment.

"I'm Joy, by the way" She says to Avery

Avery looks to Joy, beady black eyes confused for a second that they were being talked to, but then they responded.

"You may call me Avery. Its...very loud tonight." (edited)

"Is it like the Deep Hedge? Isn't the Hedge like... Made from the dreams of everything? Ever shifting because dreams are... Twisty and indistinct and stuff?" artie asks. It's clear his perspective on things is a bit.... Narrow. But who could blame him?

He offered Avery and Asbolus a hug as they approached, "I only just recently got back into technology and I'm catching up to pop culture."

Ylva eventually wanders a bit closer to the group having finished her drawing. Settling two tables away as she finishes her chicken. For those that can see it is a drawing of each of the people that said there favorite Pokemon with the Pokemon at their feet.

"Is it like the Deep Hedge? Isn't the Hedge like... Made from the dreams of everything? Ever shifting because dreams are... Twisty and indistinct and stuff?" artie asks. It's clear his perspective on things is a bit.... Narrow. But who could blame him?

They shake their head. “No… not the Hedge. It… goes beyond the Hedge, the Dreaming Roads, to… another plane of existence? I’ve never been there. I’ve only heard stories that it’s even possible to get there. But the mages are confident that with this map, we can get there.”

"Yeah it can get like that during big parties. But we know a lot of us don't like that, so there's always a spot you can hang on the edge at." Joy explains, bouncing a little on her feet. The drawing of Bulbasaur at her feet has her blinking "Oh wow, thank you." She picks it up

Evan grabs his duffel and slips off. Maybe it's his turn to patrol or something! He'll be back for the Return of the Sun, though.

Which leaves V to dip in, sweeping into the party in a simple but very pretty peasant dress with a shawl over her shoulders to hide the knives at the small of her back. She catches some interesting talk along the way and ends up next to Lux and their conversation partners, the white slices of her eyes wide and delighted to hear talk of deep Hedge and Dreaming adventures. "Did I hear beyond the Hedge~?" (edited)

Avery gives a small smile to Joy, thankful. "I can...stay for now. I want to meet more people. I don't know enough of the Freehold."

Ylva smiles as Joy picks up her tablet. Feeling a lottle overwhelmed. There is a Mew swirling around her head in the drawing.

"Your welcome. Im not very good at starting conversations." She says running her hand through her hair and flattening her ears down to her head.

As Ylva showed the picture, he melted into a puddle, giving the here-to-unknown Kitsune a giant sasquatch hug, "Thank you so much. THat is such a sweet thing to do for us. "

Joy gives back to Ylva the tablet very quickly, a wide smile there. "It's okay, I'm terrible at it too. My first few attempts at talking to someone at the freehold was me throwing gravel at them to get their attention."

A chuckle "Now, I just ask people to introduce me if pokemon won't get me a conversation starter."

Then to Avery and Asbolus. "It's alright, happy to help with that where I can, which is admittedly a bit limited."

Lux looks up as Vorpal comes over, smiling softly. "Hey, Jackie. Yes, you heard correctly."

She hisses a bit at the hug, scrambling out of it. "Please dont."

After a second to breath she responds to Joy.

"My first few interactions involved trying to eat the people I was meeting."

As she says that she blushes, then hides her head in her hands.

"Sorry." (edited)

Avery looks to Asbolus, seeing him distracted and looking a bit lost. A comment to Ylva, as they are still covering their ears. "If its loud, covering your ears helps me?"

And then he pulled back into almost an at-ease "Sorry about that, Ylva. I'm sorry, I was just so moved."

Then he decided to slip out of the conversation and do a patrol around the hollow to give a breath.

"Ooooh. Is this a joint operation? That sounds neat. I wish I knew more magey people. The only one I know is a cop I think." The smith replies.

"But also... This is... Like uncharted never done stuff from stories? That does sound cool. I hope I'm cool enough to get to go."

The winter chill in the air eases as a flickery, charcoal-sketch Changelings slips into the hollow, late - as important as the Shortest Day is, sometims Ironside requires pesky things like work. The scent of a late spring storm is suddenly in the air, clean and fresh - and soured by the slight tang of metallic blood underneath.

Jack's Mien is barely visible under the voluminous green scarf he's wearing, tucked into the collar of a smart black peacoat, and his black beanie is pulled down low over the shaved sides of his head. His hands are shoved deeply into his pockets and his shoulders are hunched against the cold as he scans the scene before making a beeline in the direction of his beloved Lux.

Ylva reaches a hand up to Roger. "You dont have to go, I can leave its fine." by which time he is already gone and she decides to stay.

She shakes her head to Avery. "No, its not the noise its just lots of people. Havent been around lots of people recently and its a lot. Just lots on my mind."

"You and me both," murmurs V on the topic of "ooh ooh me me". Her head turns a moment to catch Ylva twisting out of someone's arms, but explaining herself a moment later; catch Avery offering advice to reduce overstimulation; catch Jack's entrance with a bright grin and an up-nod to Teagan's metamour. Vorpal's Metamour? She's not sure but it's a good smile, either way.

"I need to find all the pieces of the map before a plan for actually going is put in place, but it needs to be... soon. Hopefully. But yes, I've been working on this with Vasya--and Vorpal," with another smile towards the Helldiver. "I need to update you on... new findings. I've been trying to find people who will let me go into their dreams so I can find the pieces of the map."

They look over and spot Jack approaching, lips curling into a wider grin. "Babe!" They reach out to take Jack's hands once he's close enough, pulling him into a warm kiss.

Joy seems to throw another look at the food tables, then shakes her head, giving a quick wave good bye to people around her and ducks out rather rapidly, or maybe she's just really good at hiding her escape

Avery nods to the current Gristlegrinder, easier to focus on one person. "There are a lot of people. Can I help?"

Jack's sketchy smile is warm and wide, his cheeks dark with a smudgy, scribbly blush, and he snuggles against Lux, happily returning the kiss.

"You look fantastic, babe. Sorry I couldn't be here until now..." Another short kiss to make up for his tardiness before he turns to the rest of the assembled Changelings. "Happy Solstice," is his greeting to them all, and Vorpal gets a returned upnod, too. He's the kind of person who individually acknowledges everyone, even if he doesn't know them, though he lets the flow of conversation continue, rather than immediately introducing himself.

Artie offers a bright smile to Jack and Vorpal "Heeey guys. How be?"

Ylva shakes her head. "Not really. I dont think? Need to find a Goblin Market some time soon." She finishes trailing off.

"GUYS?" Vorpal plays at offense. "How dare you use the term GUYS, Artie. WE-" She declares, twisting to the side to ghost-lean against Jack as she prepares to drop the most ridiculous Drag Dad pun on the planet. "-are showcasing STYLE EXPERIENCES."

Get it?



V thinks it's hilarious.

"But I'm doing quite wonderfully, Artie, and it's so sweet of you to ask~"

Avery nods to Ylva. "I hope you find whatever you need to find, Ylva. We could...also do art if that helps? You do digital, yes?"

"S'up, bitches," Sloane says, appearing in full Hedgespun armor and... is that a cape? He piles his plate high with meats and sits down at a table a bit away from the rest of the flock.

Lux wraps an arm around Jack's waist, pulling him against them. "Thank you. You look amazing too." They give a playful little tug on the scarf, then pauses to stare at Vorpal. It takes a few seconds to get the joke, before they let out a little huff of amusement. "Funny."

"That is the precise correct response. I will also accepts groans or plaintively moaned "DAAAAAAAAAAAAD"s as well~"

Ylva nods pulling her tablet back out and opening some art that she is working on to show Avery. For those that can see it is artwork of all of her friends. With more done for those that she is interested in. There is a lot of art of two people that no one here would recognize being her wife and Dommy Mommy.

Avery tilts their head and looks at the screen, studying the faces before looking to Ylva. "When you have free time...can you teach me digital art? I have only done traditional before."

Jack huffs in mild amusement at Vorpal's antics, and basks in Lux's wintery light. "Dressed up just for you. I promise I am in dress clothes, it's just...too damn cold to take any layers off. Doing well Artie, you? How's business?"

"uhm... Sorry?" Artie replies. "I guess I shoulda said folx instead. But it's great to see you g- all." The summer blushes his trademark molten orange, his cheeks glowing.

He returned from his patrol and saddled up next to Lux, whispering to them, "SO, any prospects for our dear Bobo?"

"Oh, sorry nothing, Artie, you did nothing wrong," reassures Vorpal gently. "it was a pun- G-U-I-S-E is a word for a look or an appearance, I was pretending you insulted our outfits. Not my BEST work, I'm afraid, but I'll happily accept the reluctant grin and chuffed laughs."

Speaking of said Darkling, Asbolus drifted over towards the pod with Lux et al, giving his motleymates-to-be a warm smile and the rest a polite nod. "Evening, everyone."

Lux smiles at Jack. "Oh, I'm sure I'll see the many layers of your outfit sooner or later tonight," they tease. Then perk a brow at Roger, head tilting. "Hm? Um... Not yet. Any thoughts?" they whisper back.

Roger gets a curious glance from the scribbly Changeling as he appears, before his attention is caught by Asbolus. "Happy Solstice, Bo." He opens his mouth to speak again, as Lux teases, which puts a scribbly flush on his cheeks. "Yes, I am going to need some warming up, at some point."

"New findings... forgive me, Lux, I skipped right over that. I'd be delighted to discuss everything you've discovered. And to help with hunting down those map pieces, if I can. But for now~"

Vorpal detaches as the throng gets bigger- with bright smiles for all involved, mind, but still, she does- and drifts over to Ylva and Avery, resting a hand on Ylva's shoulder and bending to kiss the top of Ylva's head. "Happy Solstice, Ylva." Said with a smile! Then to Avery. "Happy Solstice, Avery. Could I borrow you?"

"I would love to teach you to draw. I can teach you a bit now?" She says with an interested smile to Avery.

"Oh hi Vorpal." She says turning and giving Vorpal a hug. Looking a little down cast. "We can do it another time."

Avery smiles at the offer to teach, then looks back up to Vorpal.

"Um...yes, I don't have a tablet so...later works?" He nods to the other Beast before standing up. "Is everything okay Vorpal?"

"We'll talk soon!" Lux says to Vorpal as they go. Then squeezes around Jack's waist. "Did you get something to eat?"

"Nah, I saw you and forgot about being hungry," Jack admits with a grin. "Well. Hungry for -" a vague gesture at the tables of food. "But-" a glance at Roger, "I should at least introduce myself before I start making too many sex jokes - I'm Jack. Sylvan Emmissary on this side of the Hedge."

Ylva watches them wander off and heads to the food table grabbing something to eat and settling down with her tablet to continue drawing.

"Hello, Jack, I'm Roger! You might see the mask around town. I'm an Archer of winter. "

To Lux, "Nothing yet for me." (edited)

"Happy Solstice." Asbolus replied, chuckling at the exchange between Jack and Luz and giving Jackie a nod as she departed.

"I guess it's not too surprising that I'm surrounded by winters, given the occasion." The Spring chuckles and shakes his head. "Nice to meet you. You're new in town, yeah? Relatively?"

"Relatively, yeah. Early October to get settled in..." A glance towards the cottage's direction before returning to Jack, "Left the first life I built behind."

"Mmm." Jack nods in understanding. "It can be like that - I hope this iteration serves you well. I grew up just north of here - of Philly, I mean - so if you need navigation or a recommendation for a good place to eat, hit me up, yeah?"

"Roger does stage magic," Lux chips in, tilting their head with a look between them. "Maybe he'll end up working a show you're helping to manage, sometime."

"you've got it, Jack. I'm ..." He looked between them, "Oh yeah? Very cool. You know some of the secrets behind the curtain then... In more than one way."

"Oh - fuck, nice - yeah I'm a stage tech. I do a bunch of shit, but if you're looking to book gigs I've got ins with a few of the smaller stages around. You been to Stardust? It's still mostly jazz but they've been branching out into open mic nights a couple days a month."

A minute or three after Avery left with Vorpal, they return looking a little shaken. They quickly find themselves to the entrance of the Hollow and take their leave until the bonfire without saying anything on the trip out.

Vorpal's not too terribly far beyond them, and looks pretty somber when they rejoin, sitting near one of the fires and staring into its depths.

"I'd love to do some close up, street magic style at a club like that... Could be very fun. And I do like me and jazz from time to time."

Asbolus watched as Avery made a speedy exit and Vorpal stayed off to the side, a small frown gracing his features as he made a mental note to check on the Courser later on. "I believe you said you had a show on Christmas Eve, yes?"

"Stardust is a good time, I wish I had more time to mix there. I've been getting pulled in a lot of directions recently, but it's one place I always like to spend time at when I can. What I will not be able to do is go to a Christmas Eve show, I'm in Nutcracker hell until New Years." He shudders for theatrical affect.

"Yes, I have my largest show yet. Should be a good one! It's at," he listed a mid sized theater in the area, "And it should go well."

Lux gives Jack a sympathetic look. "Sick of the ballet, huh? Poor thing." They rest their chin on Jack's shoulder. "We'll get you a nice hot bath and massage when we get home."

"My condolences." Asbolus gave Jack a sympathetic look. "Thankfully Luigi went with a different production at our theater this year."

"I'm sick of the dance moms." His silhouette darkens for half a second as he grimaces. "And all the janky-ass set pieces they've been dragging out of storage every year since the 70s. But - shit, Roger, you're that Roger? You got a good crew for that show, you're in good hands. Bunch'a smart kids"

"Yeah. I pay them well for the best group that I can. They even give me some extra help or something."

Apparently tonight Ylva is doing art to keep her brain on straight. Now she was drawing Vorpal sitting in front of the fire. Their shadow back-lit by the fire.

After a few moments she gets a bit concerned and wanders over. Plopping down next to her. Wrapping a tail around her waist and showing her the art with a smile.


"Yeah. I pay them well for the best group that I can. They even give me some extra help or something."

"Unfortunately in a place like this, at least, at a union house like that you're more likely to get more help rather than necessarily better help. It...mm. We're working on it." Jack's laugh is a little weak. "But like it said, the crew that's called for it is competent folks so you won't have a problem. I know a lotta people are excited to go see it too, a lot of the kids in the ballet who aren't dancing the show that evening are gonna go see you." (edited)

Apparently tonight Ylva is doing art to keep her brain on straight. Now she was drawing Vorpal sitting in front of the fire. Their shadow back-lit by the fire. After a few moments she gets a bit concerned and wanders over. Plopping down next to her. Wrapping a tail around her waist and showing her the art with a smile. "Hey?"

V looks up when approached, and manages a bit of a smile. "Oh. Heya, Ylva. Nice work. Good at pretty much any medium, huh?"

Ylva smiles back leaning her head into vorpals 'shoulder'.

"You okay? Looking a bit off."

"Am a bit off. Had to deliver some bad news to Avery. They'll be fine, everything will be fine, just. Rather be making bad jokes than ruining someone's solstice."

He produced a business card from somewhere, and handed one to Jack. "Here, for you."

"You want a hug?" Tail automatically squeezing a little tighter.

"Or you want me to leave you alone ?"

"Wouldn't mind a hug. Not really keen to be alone, just. Didn't wanna shove mope all over everyone else. Still a Lotta people having beautifully good times. They deserve to keep doing so."

Ylva wraps the remainder of her tails around V and gives her a gentle squeeze.

"We can mope together then." She says with a half hearted chuckle.

"You, uh. Catch the news, I take it?"

Roger went back on patrol.

Ylva nods her head.

"Sorry for eavesdropping. I didn't really mean to was just focusing on not the crowd."

She holds a hand out for V to hold if wanted. Sitting on the edge of the tablet, not forced.

"You don't get to forget the other option I take it? You see both realities."

She paused, briefly. "What?" Two important conversations. Which first.

"Ylva, I meant the actual news. The police are looking for you and Astrid. Did nobody tell you yet??"


The hand offered to V turns and grips the edge of the tablet cracking the screen.

"What? What do you mean. No. I've been in the Hedge. I've got. What?"

V reaches and peels Ylva's hand off, taking the tablet and exerting a touch of magic to rewind the device to pristine condition, sliding it back over after.

"The police have been pressured into looking for Mitchell. Both you and Astrid are wanted for questioning. He was videotaped twenty minutes before his appointment at your store."

"Oh no, oh no, oh no."

Her body shakes a little as Vorp speaks.

"What. But. But they can't find him."

A hand twitching to her stomach.

"Qhat am I going to do. V. V what am I going to do?"

"Well. After the Solstice, I would talk to Winter and ask what can be done- and stay in the Hedge. As for Astrid, someone can go and find out where she is. I don't have a perfect answer, but that's a start."

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

She is shaking as she speaks.

"Oh god. Why did I put this off for so long. Oh fuck."