Cillian Rory Temple: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 00:39, 4 January 2023

Description: Red headed man of clearly Irish descent. He lived healthy and it shows through his body. He has muscles for days, looking much, much thicker and heavier than someone his height normally would, however the muscles aren't of a body builder, but of functional use. For fashion, he tends towards carpenter pants, cargo khakis, et cetera, but when he's schmoozing, he has a few suits that were made for him. His voice is a deep bass, and his hands are filled with scars from cuts, busted knuckles, and burns from a lifetime of work, and probably more than a few fights.

Personality: Cillian has always been a fit, friendly personality. He lies only sparingly and probably terribly if you meet him. There's a severe honesty to his personality. Also, he's got an inner fire that burns for good and ill. If you do him or his wrong, he'll burn you to ash. If you need help, he will raise you up to the sky.

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  • your name here - my view there.

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RP Hooks
  • Cre-8 Center: A former warehouse with a rough history, Cillian has spent a lot of time and money to convert it into a full community center. They offer counseling, art, speech, ESL, crafting and first aid classes. He often will teach the crafting classes himself, especially in metalworking. Temple will also exercise and train folx in self-defense.
  • Union Lead and Local Lobbyist: A leader in the local United Steelworkers Union, and uses his skills and passion to help build the union, laws, and worker safety in the area. Do you belong to that Union or another one? He can help.
  • Vengeful Fury: The Sin-Eater's passions turn to wrath when he finds corruption in organizations meant to protect others. It was part of his initial death, and the death of his Geist, and so those who betray their oath get no mercy. Maybe, he saved you or your ghost friend, once.
  • Martial Artist: Cillian is a master fighter in multiple forms of martial arts. From Close Quarters Combat to Kino Mutai and more, as well as using that focus as a traceur. It is hard to run away from him, or overwhelm him. Just come to the Center and he'll do what he can to help.
  • Krewe Catastrophe: His last Krewe, based out of Pittsburgh, met an untimely end, with more than one death mask being made that night. He doesn't know what happened to those masks, or the ones that killed them or why. Do you?

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  • Your view here - Your Name Here

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Cillian Rory Temple

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AGE: 35
BIRTHDAY: September 25, 1987
DEATHDAY: March 13th, 2018
HEIGHT: 6'2"
PROFESSION: Community Center Organizer and Politician
PUBLIC EFFECTS: Staff (Empathy, Expression, Persuasion, Medicine)
Languages (English (native), Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian and French)
Status (Union) 3
Status (Government) 2
Fame (Local Politician) 1

BURDEN: The Vengeful

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Rank: 4

Description: They are a dessicated corpse, mummified at the bottom of the shaft. From their eyes, mouth and heart, a red-orange fire light glows, the rage at those that killed him.

Liminal Aura: Dusty desert with the dry heat and sense of dehydration. Heat from the inside out. (Radius 50 yards, Anchor Condition)

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Played By: QuicksilverFox85