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Revision as of 04:47, 20 January 2023

When most people hear that Canary is a former soldier, they expect some gung-ho, militaristic grunt. That's their first mistake. When they meet the fairly studious woman with a passion for anything that beeps and lights up, a research tech that never saw active combat, most people tend to assume that she's not a threat. That would be their second mistake.

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RP Hooks
  • The Devil in the Detail: Canary is involved with the Lost Boy group known as the Detail, and resents the Military and the Protocol for what they did, and continue to do.
  • She knows her way around the (engine) block: Canary is (not literally mind you, that's a different splat) a wizard when it comes to fixing and tuning up vehicles. She loves getting her hands on models she hasn't worked on, and will sometimes do repair work for a steep discount for the chance to do so.
  • Very very frightening: There's been some vigilantes sighted around town. Someone swears they saw one shooting lightning bolts.

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Canary Quill

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Full Name: Canary Quill
Shadow Name: Argus
Birth: January 21st, 1993
Nationality: American
Age: 30
Height: 5'5"
Public Effects: Universal Translator
Closed Book (2)
Status: The Detail (3)
Template: Lost Boy

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None yet

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Played By: Geekkid1