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Aurelio's Apartment


Aurelio Menegi:
When Micah arrived at Aurelio's apartment the building looked much as it had the last time he visited, a short but sturdy structure that fit in with the rest of the neighborhood. Conveniently the Torrent's motorcycle was parked outside, so it seemed he was home! How fortuitous.

Micah Bradley:
After having met several other Lost, Micah had questions. This place seemed far more open about themselves and what makes them... Tick... Back in London, the Changelings were a whole lot more guarded. At least, they were when it came to Micah and his family line. Though he had learned enough about them to understand that every one of them will have some degree of PTSD along with a host of other issues, he couldn't really... Empathize with them, not in the way that seemed appropriate at least. Many back home thought Micah specifically was reckless and a daredevil, while the rest of his family line had very little interest in the Changeling world.

Coming here to Philadelphia opened up avenues to the Avowed that he never thought was possible. Not only was he glimpsing the horrors that the Lost had faced in their Durance and beyond, he was also glimpsing a seemingly higher number of high Wyrd beings, so it was fascinating, to say the least.

Determined to learn as much as he could, he fell back to the one person he knew would try to explain things without freaking out or running away: His Great Grandfather. He smiled satisfactorily at seeing the motorcycle and without missing a beat, walked up to the flat in which the Torrent lived. Micah rang the doorbell and waited...

Aurelio Menegi:
After a bit of shuffling in the apartment the door was opened in short order, the Torrent behind it dressed casually in all black as was his wont. He looked pleasantly surprised to see the Avowed, smiling as he stepped aside to let him in. "Buona sera. Did not expect to see you. How have you been?"

Micah Bradley:
"Hello! I thought I would drop by for a visit as it has been a bit since we last had a sit down! I have been well enough. This place is interesting. I can see what attracted your line here. And yourself?" he beamed as he entered the apartment casually.

Aurelio Menegi:
"I have been well overall." He motioned for Micah to take a seat where he wished, whether it be on the couch or at the kitchen table nearby. "You've talked with some of the others here, I take it? How has that gone?"

Micah Bradley:
"Ah..." he mumbled as he tried to find the words to describe his recent encounters. The young Avowed took a seat on the couch comfortably. "It's been odd, if I may be honest. Two out of the three encounters has ended in them... Running away? Something triggered their Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome, but I cannot quite understand what exactly. The third encounter was... Intense. Something I said made them... I wouldn't say angry, but they were not pleased."

Aurelio Menegi:
"I see." He nodded quietly, claiming the armchair for himself as to not crowd Micah on the couch. "Were you told of the triggers for such things where you were before?"

"What was the third moment about, if you recall?"

Micah Bradley:
"I was given a very... Broad and vague list of triggers. I suspect my mentor did not wish to re-visit those moments, so it was tough trying to find out anything more." he shrugged. Then he looked thoughtfully at Aurelio. "It was about pronouns and gender identity. I haven't come across too many openly gay folks, so being curious, I started asking questions that... I guess they felt offended by?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"Ah." He offered another nod. "This place has many storied people, and those breaks hit harder for them when they happen. Had a brush with it myself recently speaking with one of the local strega, but it did not dig too deep."

"Mayhaps. The Lost here are strong in that community as well, and may not have seen the innocence in your questions. Some ask things not in good faith, and that can make for anger at times."

Micah Bradley:
"I understand, hence why I did not pursue either issues. But... I will be honest, my curiosity is strong and that leads me to wanting to know more. If only so I do not make the same mistakes again."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Curiosity is not bad in itself, but know that pushing too hard can make trouble. Some things are not comfortable to speak on, or cannot be said at all for reasons of oath or other such things." 5:07 PM]Micah Bradley: He nodded in understanding and agreement to Aurelio's warning. "But then, how else can I learn more without questioning? Are there materials I could study perhaps?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"Perhaps. I do not know if your Court keeps such things here, but they would be most likely to do so. And you may still question, but be careful. For all our strengths we can be fragile in certain ways."

Micah Bradley:
"I see that." he chuckled. "Would you be willing to tell me about your own experiences?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"I can, although if it becomes too much I will say so." He sat back in his seat, thinking a moment before looking Micah over. "What do you wish to know?"

Micah Bradley:
He grinned and his eyes take on a glimmer of intense interest. Micah leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "I've heard that what you go through when They take you, is called a Durance, but I have never heard of what actually happens besides the fact that it's a horrifying time... What happened exactly? How did you get taken?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"It varies depending on the realm and the whims of the Keeper in question. For me, an odd man came to the workshop and spoke of a larger piece that his mistress had in her home which needed repair. I agreed to go with him to see it and was then taken into the Thorns."

"Her realm was one of beauty but shrouded in darkness, and cold to the bone and deeper still. Light and warmth were a rarity, a gift from Her that only lasted for so long. In my case I was made to steal that warmth from others, my touch turned to destruction instead of creation."

Micah Bradley:
He frowned as he listened. "... So it is exactly like an ice cream truck tempting children away?" he asked rhetorically. "They take advantage of the trust of adults. How curious. And did you? Steal warmth from others?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"For some, yes. Others make deals that they do not know the full price of, and others still are just...taken."

"I did, yes." He nodded, letting out a quiet breath. "One does what one must to survive."

Micah Bradley:
"You would have perished if you did not?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"I was told as much, at least." He glanced down to his right hand as he flexed it before looking back to Micah. "Another lie of Hers, perhaps, but who is to say."

Micah Bradley:
"Well... When was the last time you stole warmth from another?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"In defense of the freehold, perhaps a year ago. Since returning it has been a possibility rather than a need, although the cold still runs deep."

Micah Bradley:
"And yet, you are still very much alive. I think it was indeed a lie. Or she told you as such as a threat? That she will discard you if you did not do as told."

Aurelio Menegi:
"If it was told I do not remember Her words, but it became clear soon enough when the stone began to spread." He paused briefly, shaking his head as though to clear it. "Best to speak of something else for a moment, if you do not mind."

Micah Bradley:
Disappointment flashed into his expression for a moment but then fades as he schooled himself. Micah leaned back and nodded. "So! Seeing anyone new?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"Other than Jack, no. Haven't felt the need to look. Yourself?"

Micah Bradley:
"Nah. I don't think I should bring anyone into my life, especially if I'm going to be busy in this magical community. Who is Jack?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"Jack Martingale, one of the Verdant." He smiled softly as he gave the name, his fondness for the man clear. "We have been close for some time."

"Busy or not, keep your mind and heart open. You never know what you may find."

Micah Bradley:
"I'm still young. There is no rush." he grinned. "Tell me more about Jake?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"He works on stage, or behind it I should say, and is part of the union leadership for it here. He is a good man, kind of heart and willing to stand up for others when they need it."

Micah Bradley:
"Aah, another of the arts! Planning to introduce me anytime soon?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"We have both been busy as of late, in honesty, but when the stars align, most certainly." He nodded with a small smile. "Who else have you met so far?"

Micah Bradley:
"Hmm, Vorpal, Avery, Saya, Rieko and Roger... That reminds me, Saya and Rieko would like to meet you over tea someday soon!"

Micah Bradley:
He paused for a moment, glancing at Aurelio with a raised eyebrow. "That is... If Ms Rieko is feeling better..."

Aurelio Menegi:
Aurelio nodded along to the names given, his eyebrow arching up in kind. "Oh? I take it she was one of those who felt the weight of her story?"

Micah Bradley:
"I don't know. It wasn't anything I did, I don't think. But it sounds like Saya lied to Rieko. I thought it was just a joke, said sarcastically. But then Rieko started freaking out and stuttering. And then she ran off and Saya chased after her."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Most likely, then. A lie told by someone trusted has a heavy weight, moreso if what was lied about was important. The same goes for..." The words trailed off as he thought, trying to find the word in English. "Gaslamp, I think? Denying your experience to make you doubt it."

Micah Bradley:
"Oh, gaslighting? Interesting. Saya asked Rieko if she forgot about the 5 children she left behind. I wonder if Saya caught up to her..."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Si, that's it." He nodded, eyebrows climbing skyward at that little tidbit. "That explains much, and one can hope."

Micah Bradley:
"Mm. Rieko didn't have children, so I guess the lie was too much. What of Roger though? I did not lie to him, or gaslight him. I simply wanted to examine his claws at his offer... But then he quite suddenly jumped away from me and walked off as well."

Aurelio Menegi:
"That I cannot say. A reminder of something that happened There, perhaps; strong memories can shake the mind as well."

Micah Bradley:
"Hmm. He should not have allowed me to examine his claws then. Though I regret not having the chance to do more examinations... Would you allow it?"

Aurelio Menegi:
Micah earned a quiet look at that. "It is best not to blame others for actions they have no control over."

A curious arch of the eyebrow followed. "What sort of examination?"

Micah Bradley:
"I was not blaming. Simply stating that he should pay closer attention to his triggers." he sighed apologetically. But then he smiled at his Great Grandfather enthusiastically. "Oh, it is nothing invasive. I would just appreciate a closer look at your... Well, differences."

Aurelio Menegi:
He thought on that a moment before nodding. "Alright..."

Micah Bradley:
"... Are you sure?" he hesitated, studying Aurelio's expression cautiously.

Aurelio Menegi:
"Depending on how close you mean, it should be fine."

Micah Bradley:
"With a magnifying glass, if you don't mind. Just... Let me know to back off rather than walk away?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"Ah...that should be no trouble." He nodded. "Would the table be better?"

Micah Bradley:
"Table? Hah, no. Just... Sitting close is fine." he grinned and patted the empty space on the couch next to him. As he did so, his magnifying glass with a light attached appeared in his other hand from a pocket.

Aurelio Menegi:
He moved to join Micah on the couch, smirking a touch as the magnifying glass emerged from his pocket. "You keep that on you all the time?"

Micah Bradley:
"Of course. It helps in moments when I suddenly come upon an old scroll in my job... Or a willing Lost." he giggled. He held out a hand to ask for Aurelio's arm.

Aurelio Menegi:
"I see." He chuckled, holding out his arm as requested. The first thing that Micah would notice is that his skin was cold, not quite to freezing but enough to make one pause at first contact. Beyond that it was smooth as any other marble, primarily white with a few swirls of light greys worked in for good measure.

Micah Bradley:
He does indeed pause. frowning at the arm in his hand. Makes sense. Marble was cold in general. Shrugging it off, he raised the magnifying glass to take a closer look. Gentle fingers caressed Aurelio's skin, tracing over the swirls with curiosity. He started with his hand, first the back of it and then the palm before moving further and further up. It was like a priceless artifact being examined at a museum to catalog the item in question.

Aurelio Menegi:
Aurelio remained still as Micah looked him over, watching him curiously in turn. "Are you looking for something in particular?"

Micah Bradley:
"Not exactly." he murmured softly in concentration. "It is more... How to say... A curiosity over what makes you different to me. What do They do to you? Why?"

Once he reached Aurelio's shoulders that was covered by clothing, he moved to look at his other arm so that he could compare both limbs.

Aurelio Menegi:
"I see." He nodded quietly, shifting position as needed. "The why, no one can say for certain, although many ask. As for the what, the Wyrd touches us as we remain in the realms, molding us to better fit. Sometimes it is guided, for others they are tossed out into the wilds and things happen as they will."

Micah Bradley:
"You mean this can be more accidental?"

Aurelio Menegi:
He started to answer then paused, shaking his head after a moment. "Not quite, no. More controlled by the Keeper or left to its own devices."

Micah Bradley:
"I see... Have you ever seen your Keeper?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"When she allowed it." He used his free hand to tap below his eye, his gaze a sharp icy blue to those who could see behind the Mask. "Always the eyes, sometimes other parts."

Micah Bradley:
"Oh. You've never seen her full form?" he asked with a frown as he started examining Aurelio's fingernails... Or where there should be fingernails...

Aurelio Menegi:
"No." He shook his head in response. "I doubt anyone has."

While there were no nails per se, the marble there was carved in such detail that it certainly looked like it.

Micah Bradley:
He gently rubbed over Aurelio's thumbnail with his. "I am guessing you no longer need to cut your nails?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"I do shape them on occasion, but not often."

Micah Bradley:
"They grow back?" he blinked in surprise.

Aurelio Menegi:
"Si, although not fast. Stone takes it's time."

Micah Bradley:
"Amazing! Do you slough off dead skin?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"Not that I've noticed."

Micah Bradley:
"And hair?" he asked, looking up at Aurelio's head.

Aurelio Menegi:
"Like the nails, slow but there." He smirked a touch. "Very hard on scissors, as you can imagine."

Micah Bradley:
He nodded eagerly. then gestured to his hair. "May I?"

Aurelio Menegi:
He nodded in return, leaning forward a bit to make it easier. The hair itself was as thin as normal human hair just spun from marble, moving freely with the motion of his hand.

Micah Bradley:
"Wow..." whispered the Avowed as he ran gentle fingers through the Lost's marble hair. "If I didn't know better, I would have said this was magical."

Aurelio Menegi:
"I would say it is, personally." He chuckled quietly, watching the wonder dance across Micah's face. "For all the pain that came with that place there is beauty too, and I do my best to hold onto that."

Micah Bradley:
"I know time doesn't run the same in the Hedge... Is that also true in... Well, wherever you were taken?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"That varies as well, from what I know. I cannot say how long I was there, though; with only darkness keeping track of time's passing was not easy."

Micah Bradley:
"Ah, so there wasn't even the warmth of the sun there? That seems miserable. Your Keeper must be an Ice Queen or something. Like that movie Frozen, hah."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Not quite that kind, no." He shook his head, a wry smile on his face. "The ice fits, though."

Micah Bradley:
"Oh, you've seen it then? Cool! What else have you watched since coming back?" he grinned. He tucked the magnifying glass away, his examination done with unless Aurelio were to strip... Which would be beyond awkward and weird.

Aurelio Menegi:
"Not as much as I should, perhaps." He smirked, settling back in his seat. "Too much to watch and not enough time. I know some from conversations with others, though."

Micah Bradley:
"Perhaps you and I could go for a movie night sometime!" he nodded.

Aurelio Menegi:
"I would like that." He nodded in return. "What sort of stories do you prefer?"

Micah Bradley:
"Adventure, of course." came his answer with a wide excited grin.

Aurelio Menegi:
"Of course." He smiled a touch. "What about it draws you in?"

Micah Bradley:
"The excitement, I suppose. The wonder of experiencing something new, something different!"

Aurelio Menegi:
"Makes sense. The allure of that is...well, alluring."

Micah Bradley:
"Yes. How often have you been into the Hedge since coming back?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"A fair bit. My primary workshop is there, along with visiting the freehold hollows and taking part in patrols." He watched Micah for a moment. "Yourself?"

Micah Bradley:
"Not often enough." he answered shortly and a hint of madness, of obsession, of desperation entered his eyes as he continued staring at Aurelio intensely. "Before I knew where to find the Hollows or the Freehold, I found a random gateway and stumbled into a pack of Briarwolves. Thankfully, Vorpal and Avery rescued me, but that ended my exploration stint..."

Aurelio Menegi:
Aurelio frowned briefly, giving a little nod. "Glad they were able to help. If not going to the hollows make sure you have someone with you. Even without the wildlife the Thorns are dangerous."

Micah Bradley:
"Of course..." he shrugged nonchalantly. There was an unspoken dismissal in his body language, as if Micah felt that he doesn't really need a babysitter.

Aurelio Menegi:
"I do not speak lightly on this, Micah." He looked straight at the Avowed, his own tone and posture serious as the tomb. "You said you have been trained, and I do not doubt that, but the danger there is beyond what you may expect. That place can taste your confidence and twist it around you until you have nowhere to go but into its clutches."

Micah Bradley:
"I am aware. Don't worry, I'm not going to throw myself to the Gentry."

Aurelio Menegi:
"I never said you were. Just...be cautious." He sat back in his seat, concern clear on his features as he looked Micah over. "I hold my family dear to me, and I would not want to see you hurt."

Micah Bradley:
He grinned at his Great Grandfather again, all charm and cheerfulness. "Nah, I will not get hurt. But if I do, I'll let you tell me I told you so."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Mmm." He eyed Micah at that. "Perhaps, but do not let your confidence be your downfall."

Micah Bradley:
"I am very careful despite my confidence, Grandfather." he winked. "You should come watch me practice sometime. I believe there is a large community here in Philadelphia infact."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Maybe. What do you prefer as far as style on that front?"

Micah Bradley:
"I'm more of a rural sprinter than I am an urban one like most people, though I can do both. Just prepares me more for the wilderness of the Hedge."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Ah, the leaping between buildings and whatnot." He nodded quietly. "Not something I have looked into."

Micah Bradley:
"It's called parkour. Training the body to react instantly without thinking, to be flexible and to become one with your surroundings." he explained.

Aurelio Menegi:
"Interesting. A good skill to have, that." He offered another nod, pondering. "Where do you stand as far as the martial is concerned?"

Micah Bradley:
"I can hold my own against another person, I suppose. But I do not really have the desire to fight. I know I will not survive if I tried, so I concentrate on dodging and staying out of reach."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Fair enough. Would like to see where you stand on that at some point, if you are willing."

Micah Bradley:
"A spar? With you? Hell, why not?" he chuckled.

Aurelio Menegi:
"Good." He nodded with a small smirk. "I will speak with one of the Spear to see if we can use their hollow, they have a space for such things."

Micah Bradley:
He lit up excitedly at the thought of visiting the Summer Hollow, which he hasn't done yet. Like a little kid being told they were going to the toy store, he rubbed his hands together gleefully. "That would be fantastic."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Indeed. I have not been back since I took up the Verdant, but I maintain my ties to the Spear so they should not have issue with it."

Micah Bradley:
"What is the Verdant like here? The London Verdants were very flighty."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Very good folk, overall. Energetic, one could say, but not in a bad way."

Micah Bradley:
"In the Verdants' case... Has it ever been a bad way?" he giggled.

Aurelio Menegi:
His eyebrow arched a touch at that, not seeing to get the humor in it. "I cannot say."

Micah Bradley:
Noticing that Aurelio was not amused, Micah sobered up and sighed. "It was a joke, Grandfather."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Ah. Forgive me for missing it, then."

Micah Bradley:
He waved a hand dismissively. "No forgiveness necessary. I forgot that you were from a different era. Would you show me your workshop?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"Another day, perhaps. Would need to tidy it up a bit before having guests." He said with a small smirk.

Micah Bradley:
"I don't mind mess, but if you insist."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Grazi." He nodded, sitting back in his seat. "How have you found the city so far?"

Micah Bradley:
"Different. And yet, the same too. I suppose people are still people, no matter where you are."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Indeed. I have found it welcoming so far myself."

Micah Bradley:
"How did you meet Jack?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"At a bar I went to with some coworkers. Had a good conversation, then met again elsewhere and things developed from there."

Micah Bradley:
"Did you know before that? That you were attracted to men?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"I did, yes, although such things were not discussed as openly as they are today."

Micah Bradley:
"Oh? Did you... Well, ever tell anyone back then?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"There were some, yes. Not many, though, as to keep it from getting out too far."

Micah Bradley:
"I don't remember any mention of your preferences, but I assume Cesare was one of the ones you told?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"He was not, actually. I intended to tell him, but the time never came for it."

Micah Bradley:
"Oh... I am sorry... Well, I guess you told him through me? So, still an achievement, hah!"

Aurelio Menegi:
"Indeed." He nodded with a small smirk. "Being able to express that part of myself more freely these days is a blessing."

Micah Bradley:
"I can see how." he smiled. "Do you only like men? Or do you fancy women too?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"Both, although I know there are some who are between or neither as well. One of Jack's partners is such, Lux if you have met them yet."

Micah Bradley:
"I have not! You are in a polyamorous relationship, then?"

Aurelio Menegi:
"A spoke in the wheel, one can say. Jack has a number of partners and I am one of them, but I am not seeing any of the others in the same way."

Micah Bradley:
"Oh, I see. How interesting. I would love to meet this Jack."

Aurelio Menegi:
"Hopefully soon. He has been busy as of late."

Micah Bradley:
"You have my contacts. Do let me know!" he replied as he stood up. "I do not wish to take up more of your time. Thank you for the chat, Grandfather... You do not mind if I call you so, do you? It just... Feels right..."

Aurelio Menegi:
"I don't mind, no." He nodded with a small smile, moving to stand and escort Micah to the apartment door. "It feels good to hear."

Micah Bradley:
Micah grinned back and offered to give Aurelio a hug at the door. "Then Grandfather it is! Man, am I glad to have found you at last!"

Aurelio Menegi:
There was a brief pause before Aurelio allowed the hug with a nod, the chill radiating from within him all the more apparent with such firm contact. "I am glad you are here as well. Stay safe, and I will see you soon."

Micah Bradley:
The Avowed couldn't help but develop goosebumps all along his arms, but he didn't flinch from the cold embrace. It was a short and very 'bro-like' type of hug too. "Have a great day, Grandfather."