Logs:Addicts Anonymous: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast=Ylva Theodulus, Vincent Drake | setting=Ylva's Shop | log= Ylva has been spending most of her evenings here. They have probably figure...")
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"Cmon. We are not talking out here."  
"Cmon. We are not talking out here."  

he follows her, "But we've only just met, at least let me guy you a coffee," he jokes, "Sorry, that one was too easy, names Vinny."
he follows her, "But we've only just met, at least let me buy you a coffee," he jokes, "Sorry, that one was too easy, names Vinny."

She pulls them inside closing the door behind her.  
She pulls them inside closing the door behind her.  

Latest revision as of 02:45, 26 January 2023

Content Warning

Feeding, talk of Sex Addiction


Ylva Theodulus, Vincent Drake


Ylva's Shop


Ylva has been spending most of her evenings here. They have probably figured out she is doing work around the shop. But for now it's all she can manage.

She is wearing one of her usual outfits. Cute booty shorts, ripped stockings, bitch stomping boots and a leather jacket.

Her long white hair is braided all the way down her back and her side shave is freshly cut.

Vincent was out and about, looking for blood or an interesting distraction, whichever came first, "Now that I think about it, I need to ask Avery and Maria their birthdays," he mutters to himself, "presents are important in relationships right?" he asks no one as he continues the evenings walk, his thoughts are interupted seeing someone wearing booty shorts in the freezing temperature, "Strange, Dark Vinny isn't reacting, so not a vamp" yes, he has named the Beast 'Dark Vinny' and no one needs to know that, "That can't be an average person?"

There is infact nothing average about how good Ylvas ass looks in those shorts as she wanders around. She catches sight of Vinny and waves. First with a few tails he can't see then with her free hand.

he waves back a tad confused, "Um. . .hey I don't mean to be weird but. . .aren't you cold?" he asks, "Like. . .it's fucking freezing."

She looks down and then looks a little flustered.

"Um. Yes." Its not a very convincing lie. But the reality is. No my fur keeps me warm.

"Your lying," he says flatly, "Um. . ." he looks around, checks if anyone's their and leans in and whispers, "Does the name, Maddy's Waffles mean anything?"

"Fuck me."

She says flatly pulling her keys out of her pocket and heading back to the shop.

"Cmon. We are not talking out here."

he follows her, "But we've only just met, at least let me buy you a coffee," he jokes, "Sorry, that one was too easy, names Vinny."

She pulls them inside closing the door behind her.

"I need to stop talking to people. First Ria now you."

She chuckles taking a seat and casually pulling the neck of her coat down.

"You can call me Ylva."

"Wait, we talking Val?" he asks, finding his own place to sit, "Wait, first question, what exactly are you?"

"Valeria. Yeah. The new Ghoul."

She nods.

"Im one of the Lost and your the Vampire dating Avery."

he blinks at that, ". . .is it that obvoius?" is is first words, "Do I have raven feathers on me." he gives a chuckle, "You're. . .not going to tell me I shouldn't be are you, I know not everyone approves of us." he looks a tad determined, "I love them."

"I've been teaching them art. They've mentioned you."

Then a tilt of her head. Her voice growing serious and hard for a moment.

"Don't hurt them and I don't give a fuck. Hurt them and I'll put you in the ground."

he's wide eyed, cowed by her promise, cause that was more than a threat, "I won't," he promises, "I promise you I'll love and cherish them, like I've been doing." he sighs a bit, "I've. . .I've never dated before, but when I met Avy. ..I just wanted to protect them," he looks at her, "I take it you're close"

"I helped them when they were letting you take too much blood. Gave them a few fun toys and tips and a drawing tablet. They are Lost. You aren't. I value them more than you."

"Yeah. . .that was a lesson," he says about the blood, "Now I know just to take a little sip," he nods, "You have no reason to value me at all and every reason to value Avery." he says, "Wait. . .you gave them, toys?" he asks, not sure to chuckle or raise an eyebrow, "Please tell me you mean action figures."

She tugs at her collar again fishing for his reaction.

"Yes and. No. No I don't. Your little pecker can only go for so long. A magic wand can vibrate at mach 3 and go all night."

that earns a laugh that lasts a bit, "I try," he says laughing, "But yeah, I can't go all night so maybe a Hitachi would serve them well," the laughter dies down, "I am to please them in every way I can, but if I'm not able, that might be the trick" he chuckles again, "I'm sorry, that. . .I like the cut of you jib." he says, holding out a hand, "Let's try to be friends, for Avery?" he says, a bright smile on his face, "Their friends are my friends I hope."


A tilt of her head at the offered hand.

"Sounds good, I just, don't shake hands. Sorry. But we can try being friends yeah."

he retracts the hand, "No problem." he says, "So, Ylva, how's life been treating you?" he asks, trying to break the ice

"Better lately. The cops aren't chasing me and my wife. That's always a good start."

"Fuck your the-" he stops, "Sorry, I heard the robots where after a Lost, didn't know it was you." he says, "At least it's over and done with, I'm done the first month of undeath so. . .that's whats been going on with me." he shrugs, "I'm not that interesting, but Avy seems to think otherwise."

"Yeah. Thatd be me and my cute ass."

Its half flirt half bitterness.

"Congrats I think. Welcome to immortality."

"It is a cute ass," he shrugs, "Thanks, although I would have loved some input in it," he sighs, "My sire apparently broke the law by not asking the boss's or my permission to turn me, so she's got offed," he makes a slit motion on his throat, "So now I'm looking for as much guidance as I can from the more experienced ones, but alot seem to think I'll be dead by the end of the year, they haven't said it but I can feel it."

"Thanks. Your welcome to it but you'd need to talk to Avery first."

She says frankly.

"Though that is for selfish reasons."

Then a shrug.

"Prove them wrong then. Fight, survive. Show them you can live. Is live the right term?"

he chuckles, "Um, thanks and it's tempting, but I'll check if close friends is too awkward for Avy," he replies, "That's my plan honestly, survive and give them the finger when I'm running the show. . .and yes, I like to think of it as living." he nods, "I hope to become powerful enough to provide and protect Avery and all the others I care for. . .I'd kill anyone who wants to hurt them."

"Fair enough. I mostly. Um."

She pulls at her collar again.

"Im mostly curious. But yeah. Surviving is the best way to give them the finger."

"Living well is it's best revenge," he says and rubs the back of his neck at the curious bit, "I think my. . drive is one of my greatest foes when it comes to 'healthy relationshipping'," he admits, "I love my partners with all my heart but. . .to be honest Val's been helping me realize I'm an addict."

"To blood or sex? I can only advise you on one of those."

"The latter."

"What is it for you? The high? It makes you feel alive? It makes you feel loved? It makes you feel. Anything?"

"It's. . ." he thinks, "It makes me feel alive yeah, like someone actually gives a shit about me. . .like I'm wanted, even if just for my body in a hookup." he sighs, "I just find myself chasing it, after shitty days, after fights, after depression. . .like I can just forget myself in it."

She nods.

"Hey. You have worth beyond what your body can do. I know people have told you that before but from. One sex addict to another. You do. It's an escape. It's no diffirent to drugs, trust me."

his eyes widen with a small smile and nod, "Look at that, we do have things in common." he says giving a small chuckle, "I haven't told my partners. . .you think I should?" he asks

She nods.

"Yes. Absolutely. If you don't. I will. At least Avery."

That turns to a smile.

"Telling my wife and lover why helped me at least somewhat deal with it. I still have bad days but it means they know. She asks why do you want to get railed into next week before she does it."

"I had a fight with Val a few weeks ago," he admits, "Pretty bad one, about the ghoul stuff. . .right afterwards I went straight to Avery and. . .well now that I'm realizing I have a problem I feel like I just used them."

"And now I'm curious if that was the night she was here."

Her head flicks to the tattoo table in the other room.

"You did. Sorry to be blunt. But. You did."

he sighs, "I don't deserve them," he says, "I have two amazing people and every day I ask myself how the fuck I have them with me. . .but I'm trying to do better for them. . .I don't want to use Avery like that again."

"Don't say that. Ever. If they choose to be with you, you deserve them."

She nods her head.

"Then talk to them. Tell them what happened. Why you needed them that night. How it made you feel. Before, during, after."

he blushes, "Avery. . .well you know them and how they are around that subject, I'll do so." he nods then smiles, "I know Vorp but to be honest she kinda intimidates me so. . .keep an eye on them, whenever you folks do what Lost do, keep them safe, I know they can handle themselves but, yeah know how it is to worry about your partners."

"That's an excuse and you know it. We had a conversation about how to have sex and I gave them sex toys. Fuck off. Be gentle but don't use their awkwardness as an excuse."

There is a blush at Vorpals name but she nods.

"Worry is normal. I'll do what I can but they are way out of my league power wise."

"I wasn't saying I wasn't going to," he says, "I wasn't trying to excuse-" he breathes, "Sorry, I'm sorry." he breaths again, "How bad is it that I never dated before, but when I do I not only do so as a vampire but with a Lost and another partner in a Triad?" he asks, "Talk about a trial by fire."

Ylva shrugs.

"I met my first partner who is now my wife at 14 high on heroin in a homeless shelter. I'm sure you can manage."

"Shit. . .sorry, how you two doing now, sorry not my place to ask." he says, retracting the question, "I've been managing ok. . .at least I like to think so, Avery and I only had one or two fights so far, but a fight is healthy now and then. . .like I said, the main issue for me is 'self-worth' stuff."

"We were doing okay. We keep each other clean. Mostly. And make sure we get help if we aren't clean."

She shrugs.

"Discussions and disagreements can be healthy. You don't need to fight but yeah. Gotta work on your self worth kiddo. For what its worth. The idea you can feed on me makes you pretty valuable to me right now."

he raises an eyebrow, "How so?" he asks, "Maybe it's just being around Avery so much but I apparently not all vamps can sustain on Lost blood. . .I find it delicious." he says, "Sorry, that sounded weird." he realizes

"Avery has talked about how good it feels. I'm curious."

She shrugs then nods.

"Yeah. It really did."

"Sorry," he says, "I didn't mean it to sound. ..yeah that was bad wording," he fully admits, "Avery says I can feed on whoever, just talk to them if it becomes more than feeding, if you really want to know what it's like I wouldn't be opposed to it, only if you wish of course."

"Yes please."

She says probably a little too quickly.

"If. You. Ya know. Want to."

"Ok," he says standing up and walking over, "So, neck or arm?" he asks, "I won't take too much and if you want it to stop, just say."

"Neck sounds more fun."

Then a tilt of her head.

"You can take more than you do from Avery without it causing me any problems."

"Ok," he says, "Um, you just want the bite, I usually kiss the neck a bit but I'm not sure to do that here." he admits, "It's just the way I feed, my clan are called Succubi."

"Do whatever brings you joy."

She pulls down her coat fully revealing a myriad of hiccies and scars.

"Ok then," he says, moving closer to her he leans in to her neck, giving a few soft kisses before biting, say what you will about the witch but now he knows how to bite to make it enjoyable and he copies, it's slow and deliberate, focusing on how to feel best

She brings her hand up holding the back of his head. Making it harder. A moan of pleasure escaping her lips. Masochistic side showing.

he bites deeper then, adding some pain to is, gripper her sides as he does so and holding her a tad closer, Lost blood, it's better than human in every way

She grimaces as he feeds. Not in a bad way in a yes please way.

A muttered. "Fuuuuuck." Escaping her lips.

he gives his own moan, enjoying the sensation and taking a good amount of blood, getting caught up he moves them to the wall and shoves her against it

She let's herself be pushed. It's not the first time she has been pushed against the walls of her shop. One hand stays on his head. The other moving up to the wall. Wanting to be pinned there.

he pins her as he feeds, at this point his eyes start turning red a bit, he grips her waist a tad, as if to communicate 'say when to stop', also just to hold her at this point

She let's him keep going. She doesn't want him to stop. She wants to feel this. She needs to feel something tonight.

it's a good drink, enough to cap him in all honest, he continues for a good moment having her pinned against the wall before he stops, slowly retracting his fangs from her neck before kissing it again, he pants a bit and looks at her, staring into her eyes, "I think we both realize we're dangerously close to our poison." he admits, "And we share someone who we don't want to do that too."

Ylva slumps to the ground twitching slightly a smile on her face, eyes looking distant.

It's a long time before she speaks, blinking a few times.

"I like to enjoy my poison personally. But I'm not crossing any boundaries of my relationships."

But she nods.

"I will note. If it's like that every time. I think you need to have a deep look at what that means to you."

He sighs, "I like my poison as well. ..and yeah, it is and I imagine you see why Avy loves it." he says taking a thing of paper, "My number, in case you want to feel that again l, I wouldn't be opposed to more feedings," he says, "I'll ask Avery if.. .in case you want to share poison as it where," he hands her the paper and sighs, "be honest. . .do you think I'm bad for Avy?"

"I can yeah. What i meant is sex isn't crossings any limits for my relationships."

She smiles taking the card.

"I would."

A pause.

"Im not the best to answer that. You pretty much just got me off in my own shop the night we met. But. For what its worth i don't think so. I think your both dumb idiots that need to have a reality check. But not bad for each other."

"Thanks, that means alot," he says, "I don't want to let Avery down," he blushes that he got her off, "Your welcome, you want to donate just give me a text, I won't text you about it." he promises, "Your a nice person. . .I'm glad we can be friends." he smiles before exiting the shop

"Have a good night."