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Revision as of 00:38, 22 February 2023

Autumn Courtier

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  • Watch This Space


  • Simon Dubois - Thank you so much for the kind introduction you provided to some of your business partners. I appreciate it greatly.
  • Vincent Drake - A young man with grand ambitions. I'm curious to see how many of them you can follow through on.

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RP Hooks
What're Ya Buyin'?: Those Lost who passed through the various games and 'adventures' of the Game Master might recognize Arthur as the poor sod stuck behind the counter of various shops, bars and taverns, selling wares that did little to actually aid in surviving their encounters. He still has that salesman vibe to him, with enough charm and chutzpah to sell ice to a polar bear.

Acquisition Expert: Arthur hit the ground running upon arriving in Philadelphia in early 2023, getting a feel for the local smugglers rings and sidling his way into that aspect of the underworld in short order. If you need something sub rasa he can get it, or at least knows who to get it from at a good price.

Silver Spoons: Arthur hails from an old-money family in New York City and came of age during the Greed is Good era of the 80s, pulling his weight on Wall Street until his untimely capture by the agents of his Keeper. Maybe you come from similarly monied circles and knew him or his family?

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Mask: Arthur is a dark-haired man of average height with pale brown eyes and a rod-straight posture that calls back to the old boarding school elite. Those who can only see his Mask find his features set in a polite expression reminiscent of a customer service agent listening intently to whatever's being said, occasionally shifting to a kilowatt smile when necessary.

Mien: As befitting a former denizen of the Game Master's realm Arthur's form fades off at the edges into smatterings of pixels, drifting around him like digital fireflies before fading into nothing. His features are more neutral, with see-through masks taking the form of various shopkeeps he's served as over the years flickering into place before cycling out once again.

Mantle: Just outside of earshot the low thrum of 'boss music' comes from nowhere in particular, readying those around him for something to be coming.

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Have a quote? Leave it here! - Name

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Arthur Franklin

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Full Name: Patrick Fitzgerald
Legal Name (Alt ID): Arthur Franklin
Occupation: Acquisitions Expert
Birth: April 24th, 1964
Nationality: American
Age (Actual): 68
Age (Apparent): 25
Height: 5'8"
Public Effects: Fixer
Mantle (Autumn) 3
Rigid Mask
Status (Crime) 2
Seeming: Wizened
Kith: Uttervoice
Court: Autumn
Court Position: Twilit Page
Keeper: The Game Master
Motley: None

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Played By: QuicksilverFox85