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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= *Arthur Franklin *Juliet Morrigan *Klaire Henriette *Vincent Drake | setting=A Pizzeria | log='''Vincent Drake:''' Vincent was currently out and about, jeans and Phillies shirt tonight, what he was up to was anyone's guess. He was eating pizza with cheese fries and garlic knots on a table outside a pizzeria, so he had a good view of the street, despite the meal he had a book opened on the table and was reading it, carefu...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 22:56, 17 May 2023


A Pizzeria


Vincent Drake: Vincent was currently out and about, jeans and Phillies shirt tonight, what he was up to was anyone's guess. He was eating pizza with cheese fries and garlic knots on a table outside a pizzeria, so he had a good view of the street, despite the meal he had a book opened on the table and was reading it, careful not to get any food on it.

"And then they moved the capital, those fuckers," he muttered to himself, "God, imagine if Philly was the nation's capitol."

Arthur Franklin: Seated outside as he was Vincent would spy a familiar-looking Lost idly making his way down the sidewalk, a pleasant smile on Arthur's face and a bit of spring in his step as he went. He was dressed casually for a change, dark jeans and a grey t-shirt leaving him relatively inconspicuous.

Vincent Drake: Vincent looked up as he was drinking his Mt.Dew, of course he has a Mt.Dew, and gave Arthur a wave as he walked down the street, then another bite of a garlic knot as he flipped the page of his book.

"Damn you Jefferson and Hamilton, stole our spotlight."

Arthur Franklin: Upon spotting Vincent that smile shifted to a kilowatt grin, giving the Daeva a nod as he headed for his table. "Good evening! Getting a bit of light reading in with dinner, I see?"

Vincent Drake: "I prefer to think of it as a midnight snack, but it's not midnight and this is too much for a snack," he shrugged, "But I reject that reality and substitute my own, since it's my reality, you need to use Vinny bucks and we all have to break into giant K-Pop dance numbers every other hour." he chuckled and gestured for him to sit, "Been researching some things, looking for some things, maybe I shouldn't have dropped out of school."

Arthur Franklin: "You don't want to see me dance, trust me." He chuckled, taking the offered seat as he gave the book's cover a proper once-over. "What sort of thing are you looking into?"

Vincent Drake: "Research project, want to find the first location within city limits that was actually settled by natives, basically, the first actual urban area, proto-philly."

Arthur Franklin: "Ah...interesting." He nodded, watching Vincent curiously. "And what will you do with that knowledge?"

Vincent Drake: "Build a shrine," he said simply, like it was obvious, "It's only proper place for one, first place where people came together for a permanent community, wanna learn where, honor it and enshrine everything Philly to it, some sports cards, lil drawing of the liberty bell, maybe some Lenape stuff too, and of course lil plushies of Gritty and the Fantatic." he smiled as he ate some fries, "Please, help yourself to some food."

Arthur Franklin: "A...shrine." Cue a curious arch of the eyebrow. "To what, exactly?"

He thought a moment before nabbing a garlic knot, being surprisingly dainty with it as he ate it.

Vincent Drake: "I just said, to Philly," he raised his brow before sighing, "Sorry, sorry, it's my," he looked around , thankfully most people where inside and the side walk was a tad dead in this area, he leaned and said a tad softly, "Listen, I know you got your Seemings and Kiths, we do too, it's my Kith." he leaned back, "I have a. . .strong affection for the city, some would even say religious devotion," he blinked, honestly with all the new age religions popping up, it would not be too weird to say aloud, "No, no, that is exactly it, I worship the City itself, it's how my brain works these days." he smiled, "Which, factors into my motives for our lil project."

Arthur Franklin: Arthur leaned in as Vincent did, that eyebrow arching even higher before he eventually nodded. "I see...more power to you. Whatever belief I had in a higher power ended when I went over There, but to each their own."

Vincent Drake: "Opposite reaction for me, I was a hard line atheist then I found out thing exist and was like, I need to make sense of it." he chuckled, "And the more I think of it, the more it's not a new concept, Romans worshiped Roma, Athenians may have worshiped Athena but she was largely a symbol for the city itself, it's nothing new." he drank some more of his drink, "but listen to me, being all weird and creepy, how have you been?"

Arthur Franklin: "Fair enough." He replied with a small smirk. "Doing well enough, all told. Finalized the staff at the warehouse and got some new improvements done there, everything's looking solid. Other than that just getting to know the city."

Klaire Henriette: Klaire was walking by, eyes searching the crowds. One could tell she was looking for...something, but who knows what.

Then, as she was looking around, she locked eyes with Vincent, and stopped, almost getting bowled over by the person behind her who cursed. She took a second to readjust herself before finding a crosswalk to make her way over.

Vincent Drake: "You want the grand tour, I can give you the grand tour, I don't even charge anymore." he chuckled, then he looked to see who was cursing about what and saw Klaire, last time he saw Klaire. . .well, his smile faltered for a bit but came back and he waved, "Want some Pizza, oh, we got Garlic Knots!" he called over to her

Arthur Franklin: "I may take you up on that." Arthur replied with a chuckle before he glanced over to the crosswalk at the hubbub, catching that look on Vincent's face before giving Klaire a quick salute and a polite smile.

Klaire Henriette: Klaire made her way across, and her motions almost seemed to...shift as she approached. Like she was more open, more concern flooding her face.

"Hello, I would love some Garlic Knots if you don't mind."

She hesitated, looking over Vincent, but first looked to the Lost.

"Hello...I do believe we've met. Aaaaarthur? I want to say Arthur but I'm not certain."

Vincent Drake: Vincent nodded and ate some cheese fries, gesturing to the Garlic Knots

Arthur Franklin: "Right in one." Arthur replied with a warm smile, scooting his chair around so she had room at the table. "Who are you going by today?"

Klaire Henriette: Shs sits down and takes a few garlic knots, putting them on a napkin. After biting one she considered. Pretty good.

"It's...complicated. I'm currently Psyche, but I'll switch back in a moment."

A nod to Vincent, concern on her face.

"Speaking of...how are you feeling today, Vincent?"

Vincent Drake: "Better, better, things. . .popped up last time, don't know what the hell it was, but things are normal again. . .well, normal for me."

Arthur Franklin: Arthur nodded, watching the pair as he nabbed another knot for himself. A hint of curiosity flickered across his features at the mention of something coming up the last time they spoke but remaining quiet for the moment.

Klaire Henriette: She nods.

"I figure that's not a topic for here, but I hope you are okay. And that you look for whatever help you need."

She takes a deep breath, and closes her eyes. A second later, she reopened her eyes and was...definitely different. A bit more purposeful in her movements, and not as open. It would be hard to say she was the same person if she wasn't sitting in front of them both the entire time.

"Now, I would prefer to be called Klaire."

Vincent Drake: "Nothing to do with anything, just a. . .momentary curiosity," he said to Arthur's curiosity, "Bad day dream." he sipped his drink, "So Klaire, how was your day, that issue solved up yet?" asking if she caught the killer

Arthur Franklin: Arthur offered a nod to Vincent, watching the shift in Klaire's demeanor with a notably placid look on his own features. "Understood."

Klaire Henriette: "That's technically classified, but no. It's moved beyond me now, someone else is handling it."

Vincent Drake: "Well, that's good to hear," he smiled as he took a garlic knot, "Not much has happened for me, but hey, I'm living day to day," he sipped his drink again and took a slice of pizza, "Following this Philly season of course, praying we get another World Series shot."

Arthur Franklin: "Phillies are doing pretty well so far. Been keeping an eye on them along with the Yankees." Arthur smirked a touch as he polished off his last knot, then nodded to Klaire. "How many cases do you end up working normally, out of curiosity?"

Klaire Henriette: "I grew up in Pittsburg, so my father was a Pirates fan. I decided to not follow after I moved "

She considers.

"That's...too inconsistent to give an answer on. Basically, when I finish one I move into the next."

Vincent Drake: Vincent cringed at the mention of the Pirates, but decided not to hold it against her, "You ever give yourself vacations, just a little time to cuddle and watch Netflix with Ylva and Rook, a nice cuddle pile with some popcorn. . .fuck it," and then proceeded to text Maria and Avery for Disney cuddles when he get's home

Arthur Franklin: "Fair enough." He nodded to Klaire, smirking a touch at Vincent's comment. "Must be an interesting line of work, though."

Klaire Henriette: She smirks at the face. Ammo to use later against the Kindred.

"That is in fact most of my free time, and my preferred form of relaxing. Netflix and dinner together."

A nod to Arthur.

"It is, if taxing. I'm luckily very good at it."

Vincent Drake: "Do you two have a favorite Disney movie, for me, I'd have to say Hunchback, I can sing Hellfire from memory."

Arthur Franklin: "Glad to hear. Nothing wrong with putting your talents towards a good end." Arthur said with a smile, then sat back in his seat as he mulled Vincent's question. "Musical-wise, Mary Poppins. In general, Flight of the Navigator."

Klaire Henriette: "Why does that not surprise me in the slightest."

She answers Vincent dryly, then a nod to Arthur.

"Older picks, but good ones. Anastacia would have to be mine, I'd think. With Once Upon a December being the favorite song. I don't watch too many of them, though."

Vincent Drake: Vincent stood up and gestured with his arms all dramatic like, oh lord he's gonna sing.

"Beata Maria, you know I am a righteous man, Of my virtue I am justly proud, Beata Maria, you know I'm so much purer than, The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd , Then tell me, Maria, why I see her dancing there?, Why her smoldering eyes still scorch my soul?, I feel her, I see her,The sun caught in her raven hair, Is blazing in me out of all control."

Oh no, he just went for the whole opening lines, then he sat down and laughed, taking a big bite of his slice then chasing it down with some Dew, "Anyone notice the villains get like, the best songs, Be Prepared, Poor Unfortunate Souls, Gaston, like, they are great bangers." then a blink, "As much as I love Dark of the Night, not Disney."

Arthur Franklin: Barring a brief arch of the eyebrow as Vincent stood up Arthur's features remained completely unreadable to the pair while the Daeva sang, his thoughts on the impromptu show kept firmly to himself. He did offer a small round of applause when Vincent finished, however, smirking a touch at Klaire as he looked her way. "Haven't had a chance to catch up on the more recent movies, I'll admit. Got a list of things to work through and not a lot of time to do it."

Klaire Henriette: She sighs at him singing Hellfire, not particularly liking that one.

"It's not? It feels like it should be."

A frown in Arthur's direction.

"If you would like to, I can share my Disney+ so you may watch them. Ylva might demand you watch them if she hears about it. The time aspect I entirely understand, but I hope it can be something you look forward to."

Vincent Drake: "It's twentieth century fox, but Disney got Fox so now it's on Disney+," he smiled, he's helping, "If I can offer my two cents, Hunchback, Hercules, Mulan, Atlantis, and Emperor's New Groove, those are the must see's, I also find Black Cauldron to be criminally underrated, but it's a high fantasy adventure, don't know if that's a no no for you."

Arthur Franklin: "I may take you up on that." Arthur nodded to Klaire with a small smile. "I still need to run into Ylva at some point; our paths haven't had a chance to cross yet."

"Eh..." He rocked his hand back and forth at Vincent's comment. "I think I remember seeing that one before, and it might be okay. Tron would be right out, though, which is annoying because I loved it when it released."

Vincent Drake: "To be fair, I've never seen Tron," he offered, then blinked, "Ok, ya know what, I'm going to list some things I think you should avoid, which pains me as I love some of these, Ready Player One, Jumanji, Zathura, Vox Machina, any anime that you hear called an 'Isekai', want me to write them down?"

Arthur Franklin: "I got it." He pulled his phone from his pocket and tapped a few times before he started typing, going quite speedily for someone relatively new to this era of smartphone. "Much appreciated."

Vincent Drake: "Also, The Dungeonmaster, avoid that one all together." he listed every video game film he knew

Klaire Henriette: "I'm obviously biased but she is wonderful. She is still relatively new as well. Late last year."

Klaire looks confused at the list, but after a moment makes a silent "oh" and nods. Frowning at the realization and looking apologetically at Arthur.

Arthur Franklin: Arthur went about diligently adding everything Vincent mentioned to the list, giving Klaire a thankful look in return when she turned his way. "Thanks for the heads up. Better to be safe than sorry, yeah?"

Vincent Drake: "I've learned to avoid all things Norse with my partner, meaning I only have a certain amount of time to play God of War Ragnorok to kick Odin's ass."

Klaire Henriette: She nods slowly, needing to take a deep breath, and a second.

"I am generally in control of my emotions, but hearing what you and yours have been through...it makes me furious."

Arthur Franklin: "You and me both." Arthur replied with a sharp smile, the air around the Wizened humming with unseen energy for a brief moment before fading back to normal. "They'll get what's coming to them in the end."

Vincent Drake: "If they ever set a foot in my city. . .I'll call someone else but offer moral support, because as much as I want to kick their asses, it's above my paygrade, I will offer garlic bread, I'm very good at making garlic bread."

Klaire Henriette: "If what came after Ylva and Avery tries another run at Ylva...I will kill them."

It was the most fury behind Klaire's eyes that Vincent had likely ever seen. Then she tried to move onto lighter topics.

"I am also quite good at garlic bread. We should trade recipes."

Arthur Franklin: Arthur watched Klaire for a brief moment, that always-pleasant smile in place, before he gave an approving nod. "I am a sucker for good Italian food, I will admit. The pizza here still isn't as good as New York, but it's pretty solid."

Vincent Drake: Vincent nodded and ordered even more food, Pizza Fries as well and another pie, "I'm a sucker for pizza, but I well never suffer the deep dish to live."

Klaire Henriette: "As am I. I cook far too much pasta. You're from New York?"

A nod.

"Pizza is quick and easy and generally pretty good."

Arthur Franklin: "Mmhmm, born and raised." He said with a smirk, asking for a soda for himself when Vincent went about ordering more food. "Here here. Chicago deep dish is a casserole and I will die on that hill."

Vincent Drake: "YES," he stood up and did a little jump, "FUCKING YES!" he pointed at Arthur, "This man, this man fucking get's it, I am so happy I've met you good sir, that. . . fucking sums it up!"

Klaire Henriette: She smiles at the energy, just barely.

"How are you enjoying this city instead, Arthur? Moving can be a lot."

Arthur Franklin: "It's been good, actually. I've got a nice little place in Society Hill, been able to walk around and get a feel for the place, meet some good people." He motioned to the two of them with a genuine smile. "It's still a bit of an adjustment but I'm getting there."

Vincent Drake: "I was born and raised Philly, don't worry, it's not just me, everyone one in this city is a little off," he chuckled, taking a slice from the fresh pie, the cheese falling off of it a bit, that's how ya know it's fresh, "I've even climbed a greased pole once."

Klaire Henriette: "Fairhill with my family. And then my own place in Pennypack Woods that I moved out of recently but I'm keeping as a safe spot for myself and Ylva."

She nods, and then sighs

"That does not surprise me in the least."

Arthur Franklin: Arthur thanked the server with a bright smile when they came by with the new food, taking a sip from his drinks and eyeing the pizza fries curiously before taking a few to try. "You do seem the type."

Vincent Drake: "I love Pizza fries," he said as Arthur took a few, "Best combo ever, and yes, I wanted to see if the grease would work, turns out it did work," he nodded sage like, "Last riot I was in, I'm pretty sure I led a mob dressed as a super villain."

Klaire Henriette: Klaire elects to keep quiet.

Arthur Franklin: Arthur took a bite of the fries, nodding with approval after a moment. "Not bad."

"Again, you seem the type." He smirked a touch, finishing off the fries. "Definitely not my sort of scene, but more power to you."

Vincent Drake: "And what type is that exactly?" he asked with a chuckled, not insulted at all

Klaire Henriette: "Chaotic." She answers simply

Arthur Franklin: "I was going to say spontaneous," he motioned to Klaire with a smirk, "but that works too."

Vincent Drake: he shrugs, not denying it, "Hey, sometimes a little chaos is needed, am I at least Everchosen?"

Klaire Henriette: "I have no idea what that is. Spontaneous might be a nicer word."

Arthur Franklin: "Not familiar with the term either, I'll admit."

Vincent Drake: he waved his hand as if to say, don't worry about it, "But sure, I'm spontaneous, it's frustrating at first but it's fun to watch, and it keeps people underestimating me, which in my work, is what ya need."

Klaire Henriette: She sighs.

"Not the words I would use, but I wont argue."

She takes some more food.

Arthur Franklin: "It's what you need, until you need people to take you seriously." Arthur replied, taking a sip of his drink. "Flipping that switch too much can damage things in the long run."

Vincent Drake: "Yes, but do I want people to take me serious because I try hard, or have them come to see me seriously after they view my deeds." he sipped his drink, "I'll just be who I am, me, and if my work warrants it, they'll respect me, even with my quirks."

Klaire Henriette: She looks at Arthur, a slight grimace, and lets him try to explain it. He seems to have a better idea of how to get through.

Arthur Franklin: "There's a difference between trying hard and being a try-hard." Arthur sat back in his seat, looking Victor dead on. "Actions matter, that is true, but sometimes appearance does too. More so with some people who don't like others acting a clown around them."

Vincent Drake: "Well, I'm not working now so this isn't how I'll be when working," he sipped his drink, "I may not look it, but I have made a living reading people, and while I know a lot of people who I've met recently think I'm a joke," he didn't move but glanced at Klaire, "I know how to adapt myself to the situation." he said, his demeanor shifting, less jovial, his eyes not leaving Arthurs after the quick glance to Klaire, "I act a clown when I'm around friends."

Arthur Franklin: That implacable mask settled into place once again as Vincent met his gaze, offering the Daeva a small nod. "As long as you know when to do what you need to, you should be fine."

Klaire Henriette: "I'm afraid I have a habit of being judgmental and full of grudges."

She leaves it there, and eats more.

"I appreciate that you invited me over for food. That was very nice of you."

Vincent Drake: "You're my friend, at least I think you are, I like to break bread with my friends." he shrugged

Arthur Franklin: "Indeed, the invitation was much appreciated. It's always nice getting a chance to talk with good people."

Juliet Morrigan: -It was a fair 71 degrees out which to be honest isn't really that bad all things considered. Juliet made her way inside as it had been . . . time since she'd been inside of a pizzeria. She was actually wearing what one would consider to be 'street clothes'? It was definitely not her normal look but she was still able to hit the mark on what she was going for. Which was probably fashion, right? (pic in pick spam)-

Klaire Henriette: "I am glad you see me as a friend. I'm not close to many people and don't trust easily. And I'm still relatively new to the Maddy's crowd as a whole."

Vincent Drake: he nodded at their words then spied his boss as she walked to the door, raising is drink in her direction in a lazy salute, "Well, Klaire, I see a lot of myself in you, in opposite ways but enough to see the duality, Arthur, you've taken a chance on my dream and I feel indebted to show it's not a wrong move, I respect you too." he smiled brightly

Arthur Franklin: Arthur glanced towards where Vincent was saluting, giving Juliet a brief once-over before offering her a smile, his face a mask of pleasant politeness. "Good evening, ma'am."

Juliet Morrigan: -Juliet totally went inside super briefly because her player saw earlier a pizzeria and thought it was still happening inside. So now she is outside holding a drink which may or may not be red wine or fruit punch, whichever makes the most sense.-

"Good evening to all of you do you, I hope your evenings are going smoothly."

Klaire Henriette: "I am... humbled you still think that, Vincent."

A look to Juliet. Almost not recognizing her in her 'street clothes'.

"Hello again Da- what would you prefer to be called in public?"

Vincent Drake: Vincent gestured to a free chair, "Good to see you out of the office, Arthur, may I introduce my boss, Juliet Morrigan," no titles in public, "I've worked at her club as a bartender, helped show me the finer points of running a nightclub, this is Arthur Franklin, an associate and my supplier for the finer things."

Arthur Franklin: "Pleasure to meet you, Miss Morrigan." The smile remained firmly in place as he offered a hand to the elder Daeva.

Juliet Morrigan: "The public eye can be a touch . . . complicated at times. Calling me by any of my appointed titles would be very strange. I feel Miss Morrigan would probably be the best idea. Since I technically no longer hold the title of "Lady" calling me that would be problematic."

-She holds out a hand for Arthur before moving to take a seat and crossing her legs.-

Klaire Henriette: Klaire nods.

"Miss Morrigan, then. I am glad you could join us this evening."

Klaire was certainly adept in talking to those in high society.

Vincent Drake: "We got a pie and a half, cheese fries, pizza fries, and garlic knots," he gestured to the assorted food on the table, his book now resting by his foot, "How has your week been, if I may ask."

Arthur Franklin: Arthur gave Juliet's hand a firm, practiced handshake, practically muscle memory at this point, adjusting himself in his seat as the elder Daeva claimed her own. He remained quiet for the moment, taking a sip of his soda as he looked over the pair of Kindred.

Juliet Morrigan: "I appreciate the invitation and thank you for the invitation."

She looks over the food for a few moments before taking a single cheese fry to sample

"I have not have this type of food in a solid minute. Not terrible."

A short nod

"My week has been find so far. I am attempting to push a few things through and working on a minor surprise for someone. We shall see how that goes."

Klaire Henriette: She nods along.

"Pushing things along are always quite nice. May we inquire what kind of surprise? For conversation's sake."

And totally not my curiosity vice.

Vincent Drake: Vincent nodded, suspecting a certain Ventrue Knight, "A lot of junk food is amazing, I prefer a bacon cheeseburger myself, and now a days I don't need to worry about my weight, metabolism is a mysterious thing." totally not because he'll have to get rid of it later, he did take another big bite of his pizza and chased it down with some soda

Arthur Franklin: "It's always nice when things go smoothly." Arthur added, taking a small sip of his soda.

Juliet Morrigan: "I sadly can not divulge whom the surprise is for, after all loose lips sink ships. Plus I would not wish to make promises if, on the off chance my attempt fails, it would be quite disappointing. I am certain with Mister Drake here though you were most likely discussing his passion project?"

Klaire Henriette: "Of course. I only asked out of curiosity."

A look to Vincent eating the food.

"We weren't, actually. It was largely where the conversation led itself. Although I am likely a reason they are staying away from the topic. Loose lips sink ships."

A small smile.

Vincent Drake: Vincent chuckled, "The conversation has ranged from religion, Disney, pizza, and such," he shrugged, "Arthur has been to the premises, he helped supply some materials, some of the finer glasses and such, the man is a wonder with finding good material and great prices," recommending a trusted source to his boss and finding Arthur a new client, great move, right?, "Miss Morrigan, if I may offer a Disney movie, Emperor's New Groove, it's hilarious."

Arthur Franklin: "That is what I do." Arthur replied with a bright smile, lifting his glass in a small toast. "Happy to do my part with the set up."

Juliet Morrigan: "I do need someone to forge something specifically for me, completely unrelated to the other issue. Is that something that you are able to do or is there another source for such a thing? The Emperor's New Groove? I will consider it, though most humor tends to go a little bit over my head."

She looks over to Klaire

"How about yourself, how have you been lately. I have not seen you in awhile and learning some of your hobbies could be interesting."

Klaire Henriette: Klaire goes a bit quiet at the forgery bit, suddenly very interested in the garlic knots. It takes a second to realize she was being spoken to.

"Oh...I've been alright. I am quite a boring person in all actuality. Most of my time is spent working as a PI, talking with others, or spending time with my partners."

Vincent Drake: Vincent glanced at Klaire and chuckled, "Forging items can also mean just having a custom built item, blacksmiths and all." he shrugged

Arthur Franklin: Arthur spared Klaire a brief glance and a polite smile, nodding at Vincent's 'explanation'. "We can talk at a later date." With a quick flick of the wrist a business card appeared in the Wizened's hand, offering it to Juliet with a smile. "Feel free to give me a call any time."

Juliet Morrigan: "I apologize . . . was I not clear about that? Yes. I need metal forged."

She does seem slightly confused as to what just happened

"I do not think people are ever really "boring" I think that sometimes their interests simply do not align with that of others as often as others. This does not ever mean that a person is "boring" more that they are unique and have more refined tastes."

Klaire Henriette: Klaire's eyes go a slight bit unfocused, like she was thinking. And then at her revealing it was metalsmithing, she sighs and pinched her brow.

"I had presumed you had meant something else. That was my fault. But no, my interests tend to be very plain. I quite enjoy my work, so I work a lot. Many others do not see it as an interest."

Vincent Drake: Vincent smiled as he sipped his drink and took a garlic knot, "I know a pretty good smith, but it's a contact I'd like to keep close to chest, that being said, If Arthur can't help with it, I do know someone else whose specialty is custom built items."

Arthur Franklin: Arthur let the card linger in his hand for a few seconds more before setting it down on the table within Juliet's reach, nodding quietly. "I know some people - possibly the same people," he eyed Vincent at that, an eyebrow briefly arched. "But I'll see what I can do."

Juliet Morrigan: She reaches out to take the card and places it into her phone case that seems to be currently holding some of her other items

"Work is an interest and there is nothing wrong with having it as such. Most of my life has been dedicated to work after all so I understand the dedication it takes to maintain that type of work ethic."

She offers a card to Arthur which details some ways to get in contact with Juliet

Klaire Henriette: "I believe I may know who you mean for custom items. He is certainly someone I recommend, but that sounds like a more private topic."

She shifts her bag, which has a chimera pin on it, if Vinny knows what that means.

"I'm certainly glad you see it that way, Miss Morrigan. I've tried to make a name for myself, and that is a passion I hope to continue. How about yourself, what are your hobbies?"

Vincent Drake: Vincent has been to the armory, hell he has a special order placed recently, so he smiled on seeing it, "If the three of us are all talking the same source, you can trust us Miss Morrigan, it's quality work and service." he smiled, taking another slice and some more pizza fries, "I love supporting local businesses." he chuckled as he ate

Arthur Franklin: Arthur took the offered card, flicking it out of view with a similar grace that he summoned his own with. "What sort of work do you do, Miss Morrigan? If you don't mind my asking, that is."

Juliet Morrigan: "I do a variety of work, which sometimes includes teaching some of the younger members of our society but this is not my primary work. The best way to surmise what I do would probably simply be to say that I tend to manage things and people within our specific circle. Who also like to dabble in business creation because I believe creating a successful businesses is fun."

Klaire Henriette: Klaire looks around.

"Would we like this conversation to be more discreet, perhaps over text?" Her tone indicated she didn't mean text.

Vincent Drake: Vincent ate another garlic knot, "She is my direct manager back at the firm." he offered, his usual corporate jargon to cover for Vamp stuff

Arthur Franklin: "Ah...I see." Arthur nodded, about to say more when a faint beep came from his pocket. After glancing at his watch he gave the trio a small smile. "If you'll excuse me I need to get going. Was good seeing you both, and a pleasure to meet you, Miss Morrigan."

Juliet Morrigan: "I actually need to be heading out myself. I came by to socialize for a little bit since the night is still somewhat young, I would like to get back to work. This has already been a longer "break" than I had initially thought I would be taking. I appreciate you all taking some time out of your nights to speak with me"

Klaire Henriette: Klaire nods.

"Do travel safely."

A look to Vincent.

"Are you willing to stay and talk for a few minutes?"

Vincent Drake: he nodded to the two, "Good to break bread with you Arthur, I'll see you around the office boss." he smiled before turning back to Klaire, "I got time, tonight's my night off." he smiles

Klaire Henriette: "Here, or elsewhere? I will admit I am not as much of a night person as you are. Nor do I enjoy traveling alone this late."

Vincent Drake: "If you wish to walk, I'll walk with you." he says, taking out his wallet and leaving cash, it's a lot of food so he leaves $300, 200 for the food, 100 as a tip, "If my company is welcomed."

Klaire Henriette: Klaire starts to pull out her own wallet to help pay, then eyes the cash. She puts away her wallet and grabs her bag...and a few to go Garlic Knots.

"It is welcome, for now."

She tilts her head to gesture, then starts walking.

"Do you know why people tend to look down on us? You, and myself?"

Vincent Drake: he got some knots himself along with a container for pizza fries, and the whole left over pie for the partners, ok, he has his hands full. it took a bit for him to answer

"Because we wear our emotions on our sleeves?"

Klaire Henriette: She chuckled at the display.

"No, because we are selfish. It took me a little bit to realize that was the mirror we were reflected across. The sides of our coin."

She eats one of her garlic knots.

"I don't trust easily because I have been hurt too often. I used to be able to count the people I trust on one hand. I'm finally on my second. You had to fight for everything, so take what you can. I looked at your record. You and I are selfish for our people. They are the important ones to us. Would you argue with any of that?"

Vincent Drake: he chuckled, "Hope it was a good read," he said simply as he carried food, thank you Vigor, "No, I would not, and same, for the longest time it was me, then Alice, then Val, now people seem to be adding up more and more, and I'll do anything for my people, anything." a beat, "The world hurt me growing up, so I came to view it nothing but suspicion and hate, now, it's just suspicion."

Klaire Henriette: "People are suspicious of us because we are suspicious of them, even if we don't realize it consciously. You are overeager to prove yourself, and are...I was going to say reckless, but I'll use Arthur's word, spontaneous. You act at the first sign of something, instead of reacting after thinking, and that is why others are nervous around you."

A look over at him to check she wasn't being too harsh.

"Learn to take that breath, and react. Instead of jumping topics to try to earn the spotlight, try getting them to talk about themselves and their interests, and share that spotlight."

Vincent Drake: he nodded, "Maria is so much better at this then I am," he sighed, "I have the ideas, the vision, I can fit where things are, what goes next and such, I've made a living off of selling pipe dreams that now when I'm trying to play with the big kids," he shaked his head, "I have my heading and course, I just need people to stop seeing me as a fucking joke, you, Ylva, Guy, I know you all think I'm some kind of idiot, but Avery, Maria, Arthur, even Miss Morrigan, they see something and I don't want to let them down."

Klaire Henriette: "Then learn to quiet down a little. I don't see you as a joke, I see you as inexperienced."

She frowns, sighs, and admits.

"And a little bit of myself. Do you mind if we walk in silence? Just for a bit."

Hint hint.

Vincent Drake: he nodded

Klaire Henriette: She takes a moment, and starts eating her garlic knots.

Have I told you when my powers first manifested?

Vincent Drake: I think you mentioned Highschool.

Klaire Henriette: Indeed. Have I mentioned I didn't have control of it?

Vincent Drake: Yes, which honestly, sounds like a living hell with high school brains, kids are cruel and hormones are raging.

Klaire Henriette: Exactly. But I was also quite a gossip. I suppose I saw it as revenge, threatening to sell secrets so no one crossed me. I was not popular, or athletic, or any of those things. But I was smart and rich and I waved that in people's faces.

She looked over.

You are very cunning, Vincent. You connect all of the dots, and connect them in ways others don't think about. Some people don't want that waved in their face. Some of your cards should be kept to your chest. You can't sell a secret that everyone knows.

Vincent Drake: You're just saying that, he rolled his eyes, but let's say you're right, it's like, first few months I made an ass of myself, now I'm trying to make up for that but people just seem to see the ass, but ya know what, I can use that, they underestimate me and don't see me coming- then he remembered Maria's words, King Shit doesn't brag, he doesn't ask, he doesn't make a scene, King Shit is where the power is and people come to him he recited Maria's lesson

Klaire Henriette: I'm saying it because I don't want you to be bitter like me. People see the ass because that's what you started with. Don't give them a different reason to hate you. Earn that trust and...as you say, 'King Shit' will have a basis to work with.

Vincent Drake: he chuckled, Maria's pet name for me, he blushed, I'm just going to lay low for a bit, after the club opens just lounge from there, I'm starting a new side-project, nothing illegal so don't worry about it, community service is all he then blinked at that, That reminds me, I got the kitchen at the center tomorrow night

Klaire Henriette: You...have odd pet names. But I think that's a good start. Community service is definitely a good start. I'm glad you are helping at the center.

Vincent Drake: he shrugged, Centers are a god send, helped me through some shitty winters, and it gives me an excuse to cook, can't really fully enjoy my own food anymore, so I'm just happy that some people will enjoy it.

Klaire Henriette: They are, and I hope Ylva's is among those god sends. Ylva also needed help from those centers when she was young, and that's how she met Astrid.

A considering look.

Have you considered cooking as your way to connect to people? Across the board, people like food. Hmm, although saying that, I'm realizing that may work less with the Kindred.

Vincent Drake: he considered, It's always just been a personal hobby really, connect how?

Klaire Henriette: Offer food, make yourself known as 'that guy that always makes great meals' rather than 'that guy that's new to all of this'.

Vincent Drake: And how exactly would that work in function, hand out free garlic bread, cause that's what I use for olive branches and apologies.

Klaire Henriette: That olive branch is already doing that, then. If you need to meet with someone, offer them a meal. If it goes well, then everyone is happy. If it goes poorly, then at least there was good food.

Vincent Drake: Not a bad idea, have a kitchen in the Corax, not just club food but equipped for fine dining for the meeting and conference rooms.

Klaire Henriette: Exactly. Once again, everyone loves food.

Vincent Drake: Ok, I'll try that stratagem, thanks. he smiled, "My place is around this turn, anything else?"

Klaire Henriette: "Just a safe place to call a cab."

Also known as a spot to teleport without people seeing me.

Vincent Drake: he pointed to an ally, as scary as it looks, not that used, broken security camera, no windows facing it, sounds like a great place for a mugging, but honestly, haven't had issues of that kind

Klaire Henriette: It will work. Have a good night, Vincent.

She steps into the alleyway, checks for other people, then with a wave, she disappears.