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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning=Durance Scene. Gore, depression, hopelessness, medical procedures, PTSD, Abuse. | cast=* Hannah Candles * Tonya Brooks | setting= Arcadia: Domain of The Child of Joy <br />''Scene played out March 2023.'' | log= '''Tonya Brooks:'''<br /> Tonya was on the bottom shelf, as she has started calling it. Hidden away towards the back where It could not find them. In the safety of darkness. The sl...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 00:00, 22 May 2023

Content Warning

Durance Scene. Gore, depression, hopelessness, medical procedures, PTSD, Abuse.


Arcadia: Domain of The Child of Joy
Scene played out March 2023.


Tonya Brooks:
Tonya was on the bottom shelf, as she has started calling it. Hidden away towards the back where It could not find them. In the safety of darkness.

The slightly torn book sat with a small teddy bear, stroking his head and whispering a story of hope. The bear's front was torn, and dirty. The Child had played with him a long time ago, and tossed him aside when he was broken. The Book was here for the discarded toys, and offered hope to be loved once more.

That said, she was still an offputting sight. Her papery skin was inked with strange symbols and moving pictures that inspired fear. It was obvious...she was not one of ITS creations.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp had been sitting at her bench earlier in the day when she had locked eyes with one of her patients, a ram like dragon who she still hadn't figured out the name of tho for now she is probably just gonns refer to her as Rammy. After locking eyes Rammy had looked towards the underneath of the bookshelf with the familiar look if a frightened animal. Intrigued and knowing Rammy was trying to tell her something she decided to grab her emergency bag and quickly booked it towards the shelf.

She quickly crawled underneath the lip of the shelf and now walked in a hunched manner, looking around her eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. A very very quiet whispers leaves her lips, her whispers fast and all jammed together.

"H-helloAnyoneThere? ImOnlyHereToHelp"

Tonya Brooks:
The book had frozen at hearing the sound, the shadows lengthening as she called upon the promises of lost toys, hidden where one will never find them...and sees another toy, offering help. And as all know, your word is Law in Arcadia. She whispered quietly to the bear.

"There is a friend here, I will be back soon."

She quietly walks to the front, quite small. A grimoire of shifting spells, and frayed and torn pages. She spoke pointedly but quietly.

"Who told you of this place?"

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"Well... uhh.. ItWasntToldToMeMoreItWasGestured.... RammyGeaturedThisWaySoICame. IGoByLampIfAnyoneNeedsHelpICan. IfYouDontWantMeHereICanLeave."

She said her words still quick and jammed and jumbled together, she takes in the book before her, at first she was kinda put off by their papery skin, watching its shifting words curiously. But they are definitely not the weirdest toy here, but that being said this book seems different... maybe not a toy cause.... why would IT want to read......

Tonya Brooks:
Maybe IT had wanted a storybook, but this book did not want to be a story, so many of its pages were ripped.

"Rammy...oh, okay, yes. I did not realize that was her name. Hello Lamp...yes, we could use your help. Be quiet so it does not find us, please." She starts to step back into the dark. There is safety in the dark.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"Ummm... It'sNot? TheyCantSpeakSoIGaveItToThem. Ok, IWillBe."

She follows the Book into the darkness letting them lead. Her eyes glued onto the torn and ripped pages, her mind trying to come up with varying ways to fix the tears. As they went further she noticeably got a bit jittery not used to darknesd like this. 2:52 PM]Tonya Brooks: She gives an amused smile. "I'll keep that in mind, they are quite kind."

She returns to the teddy bear, gently lifting its head once more.

"Hello, I am back, friend. We have someone new."

The teddy bear gives a weak wave in the dark, a tiny bit of ambient light to see outlines from the back of the bookshelf.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She looks at the teddy bear, trying to look over them but was struggling in the darkness to make out any fine details. She takes off her bag and reaches behind herself to press something, only for a dim orange light flowimg through her translucent body, the light transmitting enough for her to see in the darkness, before the book and teddy bare stood a action figure that looked to almost come out of a marvel comic. Their whole body, from hair to feet, is hard plastic that looked like fire. A small button on their back as well as a small spot for what looked to be some sort of battery's.

She leans down and examines the teddy. Her voice low, still as quick as before but now softer, more caring. "HelloWhatHurtsTheMost? CanYoPointToTheWorstPainForMe?"

She quickly reached into her bag digging though it as she spoke.

Tonya Brooks:
The book looks worried at the light, eye...s flicking towards the light of outside, hopefully It couldn't see this. But then even more worries at the fire, staying back behind the bear.

The bear, however, pointed to the right spots.

Eventually, the book spoke up.

"You are...a healer, then? We are glad to have you."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Seeing the look of worry and fear in the books eyes she looks up at her. "I'llBeAsQuickAsICanBe, AlsoICantHurtYouItsNotReal" She said tapping herself, a light tap is heard, hoping to reassure the book and bear.

She got to work grabbing needles, patches, and thread, her stitches, tight and neat. She didn't look up but answered the books question.


AndThanks,ThoWhosWe? AreThereMoreINeedToHelp?"

She looked up worried, quickly scanning to see if there was anyone else that may need help.

Tonya Brooks:
She looks relaxed at realizing it wasn't real. Well...wasn't real fire.

"Healers are important, for both mind and body. There are...a few people that stop by here...what I've started calling the bottom shelf. A safe haven for those of us forgotten."

She pats the bear's head.

"But I mean we...as a whole. The Lost. All of us that were Taken and forced here...do you remember before here? They may be painful to remember, but they are important."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nods listening as she continues patch up the bear before her. She smirked at the name, it was catchy.

She paused cutting the thread quickly before finishing the stop knot to secure all of the stitches in place. She looked up at the book, her eyes coated in sadness. She shook her head. She took a breath and tried to slow down her words slightly.

"N-noNot really, IRemember, small bits, butNot alot. I rememberThe smells,and sounds more thenAnything."

She quickly put everything away and pressed the button on her back, once again surrounding them in darkness.

Tonya Brooks:
The bear nods to the book, she did this for him too. The book sits next to the healer, offering a papery hand.

"Hey there, it is alright. That is more than some remember. Is there a sound in particular you remember?"

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She took the hand sitting down, she looked down for a moment. "T-theSoundOfTheBigCatsRoaringEarlyIntheMorning" She said sadly, her mind filtering through memories trying to find them.

Tonya Brooks:
"Good, good." She nods to the figure.

"When times get hard...hold onto those memories...they will be your guiding light."

She looks out to the light.

"This is a safe space, healer. We are those that It doesn't play with anymore...but we are also the Lost. I hope...to get as many people here Home as I can...but we need your help too."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nods still wrapped up in her thoughts, listening, but not truly digesting what was being said.


Tonya Brooks:
The book looks at the other Lost.

"Many of us here are hurt, and we are few in number and strength. Having someone who can help us stay healthy, it increases our chances of escape. You seem a kind soul, and I would hate for you to stay here when we could help you, but that means we need you to help us."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nods still not fully listening. "Ok,IllHelpButIfImNeededToHelpSomeOneWorseOffTheyAreMyPrioityNoMatterWhat.

Tonya Brooks:
The book grabs her hands.

"Please, take a deep breath for me, this is important. Can you listen?"

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She looks up the sudden grab pulling her out of a spiral. She looks at them nodding. "Yes"

Tonya Brooks:
She looks directly into Lanp's eyes, well...her eyes are kind of circles of ink so its hard to tell but the intent is there.

"The Lost here are in danger. It must NEVER know this space exists, if you tell It, It will kill many of us, likely including you. You will never hear those sounds again, and you will cause many Lost to never hear their sounds again. I have a job for you, okay?"

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp turns to look at her, her hollow translucent eye sockets meeting the books eyes. She nods, she would never put others purposely in harms way, she would rather die. "WhatsTheJob?"

Tonya Brooks:
"First, you must never tell It that we exist, for everything we just covered, second...while It is awake, you can do your job and fix those it hurts...but when It naps...I want you to come here, can you do that? Help those of the bottom shelf that need you."

She clasps both her hands around the action figure's.

"I need you to save lives, it is very important to all of us. And when the time comes...I will do my best to get you back to those sounds you remember. Deal?"

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She listens carefully, nodding along when seen fit, "OkSoIDoMyNormalDutiesThenComeToHelpOutHere........ AlsoYouHaveVerySoftHands..... AnywayIWillDoEverythingICanToSaveAsManyAsICan."

9:09 PM]Tonya Brooks: "Thank you, I would love nothing more. And...I suppose they are, aren't they? What may we call you, friend?"

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"LikeISaidBeforeYouMayCallMeLamp....." she pauses and realized she may have spooked to fast. "YouMay call me Lamp. WhatMayWeCallYou?"

Tonya Brooks:
"Then we shall still call you Lamp, if that is what is preferred."

She nods to the teddy bear.

"You may call me the Grimoire, be careful with who you share it with, but know that those who know me are friends. Welcome to the Bottom Shelf."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nods, "NiceToMeetYouGrimore. AndThankYou. IsThereAnyoneElseThatNeedsHelpWhileI'mHere?"

Tonya Brooks:
She shakes her head slowly.

"I do not believe so, thank you Lamp. I think we are fine for now, please, travel safe."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nods, she zips up her bag quickly, she begins her way out towards the light. "WillDoIllTellRammyYouSaidHi. ItSeemedYouKnowThem."