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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning=Durance Scene. Gore, trauma, depression, medical procedures, PTSD, abuse, chases, amnesia. | cast=* Azuma Hiroko * Hannah Candles * Tonya Brooks | setting= Arcadia: Domain of The Child of Joy <br />''Scene played out May 2023.'' | log= '''Tonya Brooks:'''<br /> It had thrown a tantrum today, It wasn't happy. Which is exactly why the whole house breathed a collective sigh of relief when...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 00:13, 22 May 2023

Content Warning

Durance Scene. Gore, trauma, depression, medical procedures, PTSD, abuse, chases, amnesia.


Arcadia: Domain of The Child of Joy
Scene played out May 2023.


Tonya Brooks:
It had thrown a tantrum today, It wasn't happy. Which is exactly why the whole house breathed a collective sigh of relief when naptime came, then subsequently held their breath so It didn't wake back up.

The Grimoire was in the Bottom Shelf, caring for one of the toys hurt by It's rampage.

And where are our other toys?

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko was curled up on a rug in the same room that had the bookshelf a certain book was on, nursing her most recently bruise after having been kicked by It. She actually managed to escape a lot of damage this time, so she simply helped the other more injured toys get to Tonya and Lamp for repairs after It went to sleep.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp, her dim light currently on and pressed as she ran around frantically trying to help to all those she could. Her trauma and first aid bags running low of patches, and thread thanks to IT.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya peeked out, and after casting something to let herself fade away from notice for the journey, she came over to Hiroko.

"Hey, hey. I'm here. How are we feeling? Should we go get Lamp?" She looks to the ears. One for yes, two for no.

For Lamp meanwhile, the toys were greatful for her help, a few in the Bottom Shelf having learned to help from her.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp had crouched down to help a fellow toy, the toy was one the likes of a green army man. One of their arms had been bent to the point of break. Lamp helped to carefully reattach the arm with a mixture of glue, and a 3d printing pen, as well as a low temp wood burner to help flatten out lines and insure full function. She lastly puts a sling on the toy before sending them on their way.

Azuma Hiroko:
Her ear flicked once and she nudged Tonya before softly padding over to where Lamp was. She knew exactly where the toy medic was due to having helped ferry injured toys to her! When she saw that Lamp was now free, she bumped her head against her gently.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya nods, gently grabbing onto the gentle giant. Her eyes weren't that great, so she could barely see from one side of the room to the other. Simply, it was easier to catch a ride fom the larger Beast.

The toy soldier was oh so thankful at the help, and hobbles off.

As the pair approach, the Grimore looks to Lamp.

"I hate to ask, but there are some injured back at the Shelf. It did a lot today. Would you be willing to help? A favor of equal value in return, if you wish."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp reached out with an open hand gently rubbing Hirokos head as she was smiling. She turned to look up at Tonya. "YeaSureThoImLowOnStuffIllDoWhatICan." she takes a breath "I agree to this deal"

Azuma Hiroko:
A soft purr vibrated the entire ram dragon and the book holding on to her. Headpats were very enjoyable!

Tonya Brooks:
"That's all I ask. I can get you more supplies."

She looks at Hiroko.

"Could you bring us to the Shelf, dear? I'll have someone look you over when we are there." 1:03 AM]Azuma Hiroko: She crooned her agreement and lowered herself for Lamp to climb on too.

Tonya Brooks:
There were likely a few others picked up on the way, but they eventually made it to the bottom shelf. It had become a bit of a safe house for the injured, a neutral space for trades, and a place that the Grimoire encouraged memories of the past. And It didn't know about it. Or at least, if It did, it let them be in peaceful ignorance, and everyone bought the lie that told them they were safe.

It had grown slightly, tents, some ramshackle sheds, one or two 'houses' for important things...and 2, maybe 3 dozen injured and tired toys who were surviving. Barely getting by and leaning on the others for some semblance of hope here.

Tonya know so many of them, her pet project was taking the souls that had earned trust, and giving them that hope...only hoping she could fulfill it.

As they arrived, Tonya checked with some of the self proclaimed 'guards', a pair of those rock 'em sock 'em boxers, and then she ran back out.

"Dear, if you could stay here and keep watch for just a little but, I can have someone treat your wounds. Lamp, we do have someone we need your help with. Some of the others are worried she may not make it."

Azuma Hiroko:
She flicked her ears twice and then shook off her entire body. She was fine and didn't need treating! Or so she tried to convey without bleating loudly. And then she laid down again to keep watch.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp looked around taking in the new structures and people, very different then the near pure darkness she had once visited. Her body glowed from her light.

She nodded to Tonya her go bags on her back and her tool boxes in her hands.


Tonya Brooks:
Tonya makes a whole show of looking for something, before pulling out a small box of medical supplies.

"Thats all we can ask."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp took the extra supplies nodding. She placed the box in her dedicated first aid go bag.

Tonya Brooks:
The Grimoire checked on a few people as they passed, but brought Lamp to a small tent. Inside was an injured teddy bear that had a large gash across its front, stuffing only held in by pressure.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp crouched down her natural light helping put light on the patient. She immediately went to work. She started off a bit slow, surveying the damage and taking stock of her remaining supplies. She pulled out a kit of needles, thread, spare fabric, as well as gloves. She laid all her materials down besides the patient, and if her patient was still awake she gave a piece of rolled up leather for them to bite down on.

She put on her gloves and went to work. Normally jittery hands still as she worked. Her stitches quickly formed along the gash now just these stitches holding the stuffing in place. Once her inital stitch was completed she went back over with spare fabric. Gods she wished she had a fabric closer to the fur of the bear, but the only fabric she had left was a olive green. But that was going to have to do.

She went back over with the extra fabric, stitching it in place. She sat back sighing as she looked at her work and her patient, hoping it was going to be enough to save them.

Tonya Brooks:
And it was! It clearly exhausted the other Lost, but by the end, Lamp was confident the stitches would hold.

Meanwhile, Hiroko had another toy or two snuggling her, much needed after the day they had. Rubs through the floof.

And, she was keeping watch! How well was she keeping that watch? (Aka perception)

Azuma Hiroko:
Though she kept a watchful eye out for any hostile Lost or It waking up, she still paid attention to those snuggling into her floof, once in a while giving them a soothing lick and doing her job of being a calming presence.

Tonya Brooks:
Hiroko almost missed them, having looked away for the half second to lick one of the Lost with her, but a shadowy figure peeked out from the next room over. Hiroko would recognize them, one of those Beasts that It gives special treatment. That It uses to track down unruly Lost. That It uses as its self defense. After all, It would never hurt you, never. It would never do any of those things.

But they would. It licked its chops, staring right at Hiroko, right at the Bottom Shelf, before slinking off into the next room once more.

Azuma Hiroko:
She didn't growl. She didn't move. Hiroko stared at the doorway where that Beast disappeared for a moment longer. Then she got up carefully so that she didn't cause the snuggling toys to fall over. She padded over to Tonya to nudge her in the shoulder.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya was checking up on a few of the toys, and turns.

"Yes? What is it, dear?"

Azuma Hiroko:
The ram dragon mewled softly and then looked over at the doorway in question.

Tonya Brooks:
She squinted, not able to see that far.

"Is something wrong?"

She looks to the ears.

Azuma Hiroko:
They flicked once and she mewled again, urgency in her voice.

Tonya Brooks:
She looks worried back towards the encampment.

"Should we move the injured?"

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp perks up hearing a worried Tonya. She stands up grabbing her gear. "WhatsGoinOn?"

Azuma Hiroko:
Her ears flattened back on her head and she gave them both a pitiful and fearful look. She mewled again and looked over at the door once more.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya grimaces, talking to not only Lamp but the few able bodied Lost nearby

"We've been found, we need to get the injured to safety."

As Hiroko turns once more to the door, a lion-like Lost is right behind her, and pushes her into the book shelf. Several of the toys underneath scream. 3, maybe 4 other Beasts starting to circle the room. And worst of all, in the next room over, It watches, giggling. A demented, childlike giggle.

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko yelped loudly, more from shock than from pain. Being a dragon has its perks, she was far sturdier and hardy than one might expect from being so poofy! She turned to face It, fear and apologetic submission in her expression.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp, shot forward standing infront of her patient and any other toys she could, she turned off her glowing light and grabbed one of her heavier bags by the handle. Ready to use it to defend those close to her if need be. She shifted her weight foot to foot as she surveyed the area. 5:11 PM] OP Tonya Brooks: Tonya flinches, turning and yelling.

"Go! Help the injured! Get out of here!"

She grabs something and tosses it in the air in front of the lion, and it yelps as it's eyes go dark for a second. She pats Hiroko.

"Run! Go!"

What are Hiroko and Lamp doing amongst the chaos?

Azuma Hiroko:
The ram dragon instead cowered down, ears flat, head bowed and tail between her legs. Her need for approval and affection from It was far stronger than the Grimoire's urgent yell to run. Where would she go anyway? This was all there was. There was nowhere for her to go. It will eventually forgive her... She just needs to accept her punishment and behave. So she ignored Tonya, ignored the chaos, and just... Watched It and waited...

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp set down her stuff and slowly walked up along side Hiroko. She made sure she was visible as she walked up. She stood besides hiroko and got low besides her. She took a breath and began sto speak. Her hand slowly followed the stitches from where lamp first treated Hiroko.

"Rammy, I need you... they need you." She gestures to all the terrified toys as well at the very injured teddy bear. "With out you. I cant help them... I'm not strong enough. As well as if you stay, I Won't Be Able To Help you and any injuriesyou receive." She takes another breath and walked up face to face with Hiroko, her back to **IT*. She pressed her forehead against Hirokos. "Please come with me... I want to learn your true name."

Tonya Brooks:
It watches with interest, eyes turning towards the ram dragon, a childlike glee on Its face at seeing the Lost fold to It. A little giggle, It was oh so sure Hiroko would cave to It.

Azuma Hiroko:
Those big multi-colored eyes looked up into Lamp's. There was sorrow there, confusion, pleading. Lamp needed her... But so does the Child... But... Lamp had never torn up her wings or plucked out her fluff... Her shoulders slowly relaxed and her tail untucked from between her hind legs. She gave Lamp a tiny reassuring lick. Yes, she will help the human-like torch. She will follow her.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp reached out and lead Hiroko to the multiple toys in need. "RammyCanIPlaceOurInjuredFriendsOnYourBack?"

Lamp grabs her bag again, holding the bag in a defensive manner just incase.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya spent her moments trying to make people scatter. One of the Beasts tried lunging at her and another of the toys jumped in the way, taking the blow for her. A chant and a flash of symbols and she repelled that one, before another came up behind her and bit her leg, causing her to howl in pain. Left and right, the Beasts were chasing down toys.

Tonya Brooks:
Meanwhile, Lamp's eyes spy two Lost desperately trying to open a window, struggling to get it open because of how small they were. And possibly other reasons but who knows :3.

Azuma Hiroko:
The poofy Beast mrred an agreement and nudged a nearby toy to climb on.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp pats Hiroko on the side. She quickly helps Cary the injured bear to Hirokos back. Upon seeing her fellow toys struggling to open the window she runs help open the window.

Tonya Brooks:
Ambulance Hiroko eventually gets some help, some of the stronger Lost helping hoist the injured onto her, a few succumbing to the Beasts that were very clearly making a lesson out of them. She's unfortunately only got the strength to pull 2 or 3 of them.

Lamp meanwhile runs to the window, having to jump up to the ledge, and sees the problem immediately. The window is locked! And like...super obviously so. If it weren't so scary it would be funny.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya decided that her best course of action was to go from being loud and helpful to uh....hiding for her own safety. Her leg had dark ink stains pouring from it, and she was limping heavily.

Azuma Hiroko:
Seeing that her other companion, the Grimoire, was injured, Hiroko trotted over to help support her, concern on her features and momentarily forgetting that It was still there...

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp opens the window to help those able to escape before running over to Tonyas and Hirokos aid.

"YouOk? WeNeedToGoNow."

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya leans on the two, grimacing.

"We do need to go. Past the house, through the Hedge. If we can get Ironside we will be safe."

What the fuck do THOSE words mean? She grabs tight to Hiroko's fur, holding out a hand for Lamp. Her leg didn't look too great but that was NOT a right now issue.

Azuma Hiroko:
Blinking her confusion away, the ram dragon launched into action, leaping out the now open window quickly with her charges in tow. She was going to trust her new friends. They would know what to do.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp follows in toe, her gear on her back and in her hands.

Tonya Brooks:
The Beasts take heed to the escaping Changelings, and after a look to the Child, two of them take off after the Ram Dragon and co, and two more chase after another group.

Azuma Hiroko:
With her fellow Changelings on her back urging her on, Hiroko charges off as fast as she could, big clouds of steamy hot breath pumping out of her flared nostrils. The ones chasing them added to that sense of danger. She may be a dragon, but she is also a ram and has some prey instincts. This spurned her on further, her powerful hind legs pushing her body and her load forward. Fear shone in her eyes as she ran. What the fuck was she doing?! This was pure disobedience! If the Child caught her... Oh no... Oh, best not be caught...

Tonya Brooks:
The two Beasts, the Lion from before and a Leopard that bit Tonya, were moving in perfect sync. Which was terrifying and sounds great, until they lept through the window at the same time and... well... for stuck for a few seconds. Much to the escapee's blessing.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
As they ran Lamp watched Hiroko lean body. She watched Hirokos body flex and moved and suddenly it dawned on her duh....

"RAMMY!!! YourWings!!! They Can'tCatchWhatTheyCan'tReach! YouGotThis!!!!"

Azuma Hiroko:
She bleated questioningly at her friend. Her wings? What about them? Wait... OH SHE COULD FLY OFF AND THEY COULDN'T! The realization hit her and her muscles immediately tensed up. Her wings opened, they were white and large, almost translucent. The speed at which they were already running meant that air immediately gathered under them. With one final pounce, Hiroko leapt into the air, wings beating strongly.

Tonya Brooks:
The two Beasts look to each other as Hiroko takes flight, a non-animal nod of the head as they head along the ground, keeping up and trying to make up ground, but falling even farther behind...however, with that much weight, they know Hiroko couldn't fly forever.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya waited until that height started to diminish.

"Head for those thorn bushes in the distance. We have to make it through there."

As they land, Tonya starts chanting. The language sounds dark, and wrong, and the earth behind them erupts with vines and sharp rocks. The Beasts skitter to a stop but have to carefully pick their way through the area before keeping up the chase.

Azuma Hiroko:
It was difficult flying with SO many passengers. They were right, it wasn't long at all before she had to land. The landing was rough and bumpy as her wings gave way a foot above the ground and everyone had to tumble off or get squashed by giant floof.

Panting hard, she folded her quivering wings and turned back to watch Tonya change the ground... How did she do that? That was really cool... Hiroko's eyes were then drawn to the two large cats, trying to pick their way through the vines. Why? Why were they doing their best to catch them? Do they not fear It? Why wouldn't they realize that they can run too?

Tonya Brooks:
Everyone tumbled off, including the other three Lost with them. They were already starting to scramble away, spliting up in the Hedge. It was clearly the big one they wanted! Maybe they could have better chances on their own!

As for how Tonya did it, well we will just have to find that out later.

The Beasts were starting to get skittish, being this far away. Hiroko would know that these were It's favorites. The ones It treats even better for that fierce loyalty. If they did well, maybe It would even reward them! But if they did poorly...the same fate as all the other toys awaited them. And when you had a Gentry's favor, you did NOT give that up lightly. But it was clear they were starting to wonder if they could double back and find easier prey.

Ahead of them was that section of Thorns, large, foreboding thickets that were dense and would be very hard to navigate.

"We need to get going!! They won't follow us through!"

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp took a look over the 2 beasts that where chasing them. She took out the extra first aid kit and tossed it to them. "It'sForYourInjuriesFrom it JustLetUsGo.... WeArentWorthIt"

Tonya Brooks:
The pair look at the three, then back at the long path, then the hedgespun ground, then the giant thorns in front. And sometimes the screaming prey makes some sense, ya know? It would probably be easier to just go back and find someone else that escaped...the problem is that neither of them have hands for that first aid kit.

Tonya starts pulling Lamp towards the Thorns, nudging Hiroko too. "We need to go. We won't be out yet but through here will get us much closer."

As the trio moves through, the thorns scratch at them. But it leaves no mark on their skin. It takes some distance to realize it, but some details start slipping. What did the Child really look like? Were there 3 rooms in the House? 4? Infinite? How often did It nap? Did Lamp live on the desk or in a drawer? Did Hiroko fly or just glide?

But that's not all that changes. The action figure started to look less like fire made of a grabbable material and more like, well, an action figure. The Grimoire started to go from a book to more humanoid, just with papery skin and runes across her body. The Ram Dragon went through the most obvious changes, going from a giant floor to...well more a humanoid ram. But again, was this what they really looked like? Is this what they always looked like? It was so hard to remember.

But something did make itself known as they start to breach the other end of the Thorns. Something was watching them. And that Something was NOT going to be as open to negociation. Tonya looks around at the Hedge, horror dawning on her face.

"Run, we are almost there. I know where we are!"

Azuma Hiroko:
The white Beast stared at the other two hunters, sorrow very stark in her expression despite being an animalistic face. Her forehead was creased together with worry, eyes wide with fear. Her posture was one of submission, with her head bowed and body lowered and tucked. For a long moment, she didn't move, even when Tonya nudged her. Was she starting to have regrets? Was she wishing to return to her master?

But then Hiroko turned away, still so very sad, to follow after her two new friends. She barely noticed her surroundings, simply plodding along like a sad puppy getting pulled away from her mother to the chopping block of adoption.

She didn't notice when she began morphing and eventually, she had to stand on only two shaky legs to walk... Which most certainly needed a lot of help from the other two. She shrunk too, going from a big great dane size down to a slim 5'1" young woman. A woman with horns on her head, sheep ears and a giant mess of silvery white fluffy hair. She still looked sad... Though she didn't really know why...

Then Tonya snaps her out of her fugue and she looked around blearily. Run? Where? What? Was something the matter? She felt so tired, she didn't know if she could run anymore...

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp looked at Hiroko and Tonya. She flexed her hardening plastic joints. She slow got used to her new movements and form. She helped hold Hiroko up as they hobled along. "ComeOnRammyWeAreAlmostThere!!!" Lamp looked down at hiroko and gave a soft reassuring smile, one only given by those that truly care. She knelt down before Hiroko. Her now hardened plastic body retracting the light with amber hues. "WouldYouLikeUppies? YouJustNeedToHoldMyStuff" She said right as she heard the word to run, but making sure those with them were ok took prioity.

Azuma Hiroko:
She stared at Lamp in confusion. "What... Are... Up...Pies...?" she asked, her voice sounding hoarse and soft from lack of use. She didn't forget how to speak at least. There was a strong Japanese accent as well.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp looks at Hiroko smiling hearing her speak. "UppiesMeansToGetUp. InThisCasePiggyBackRide. AlsoWhatsYourName?" She spoke as she walked waiting for Hirokos answer.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya looked around in fear, the Hedge shifting.

"She's asking if you need to be carried. We need to go. I can get us to a safe place and explain things. But we need to go now."

As they keep going, a door bordered in light appears.

"Through here. This is our safety."

Azuma Hiroko:
Carried? Her? Oh heck no. Carrying is for little kids. She was a big kid. She didn't need any carrying, despite being so very tired. And hungry... Why was she hungry? When was the last time she ate? She couldn't remember. With a shake of her head to emphasize her answer, she replied, "No... Thank... You... I... Am... Ah... Zu... Ma... Hi... Ro... Ko..."

The urgency was not lost on her however, so she forced herself to hurry after Tonya. She would be told later why she had to hurry. For now, it was best to just trust her companions.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp nodded mimicking the name hiroko gave as they hurried along, she looked over her shoulder every now and then just to be sure they were clear as they ran. Lamp sighed loudly not used to the friction in her joints. Where is some wd-40 when you need it.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya presses a hand to the door...and it opens, into an alleyway. She gestures to follow her and she steps through.

The air past the threshold feels...wrong...yet somehow familiar. A home long forgotten.

Immedietly, if they exit, they're all met with the sights of tall buildings, sounds of cars honking in rush hour traffic, and the putrid scent of alleyway trash. Tonya opens her arms and looks...happy? No, more. Ecstatic.

"We made it!"

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp looks around her nose turning up at the smells of the city. She hugs both Tonya and Hiroko happily "WhereAreWe¿" She leans against the ally wall just taking it all in, clearly very overwhelmed.

Azuma Hiroko:
The moment she stepped out into the Ironside, Hiroko froze, eyes wide at all the noise and pollution. The hug felt nice, but she couldn't process, also very overwhelmed. Her prey instincts take hold and she cowered next to Lamp, looking as small as possible.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya closed the door, now revealed as the door to the back end of some kinda shop.

"Ironside. We are Ironside. Not in It's Arcadia, or the Hedge. The land between."

She looks back at the door.

"I...don't know when...but...as for the where..." she peeks out of the Alleyway.

"I am hoping this is still Philadelphia. I'm really hoping that."

A pause.

"There might be newspapers, that would tell us!"

She seems almost giddy.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp shifts so hiroko can hide behind her a bit better. "IllStayGuard? IfThatsOk?" On the outside lamp seems to be doing ok but internally all of her emotions began to spring back up, those emotions immediately being shoved back down as she learned in Arcadia.

Tonya Brooks:
"Okay. Please take care of...did you say Ahzumah? Of her. I'll be back in just a moment."

And as so many times before, she dissapeared. Except it...wasn't as much true dissapearing, as now she was just a bit unimportant to the mind. She wasn't what the two needed to pay attention to right now.

5 minutes later, she reappeared. Making sure to not surprise them.

"I have some good news, and some potentially bad news. We are in Philadelphia, so I...hope the place I'm thinking about is still standing. I have a possibly odd question for you two...do you remember when you were Taken? When was the last year you remember being...here. If you don't remember, it is okay. This is so I know how much to brace you for the information."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"Um1997 IThinkUmmmIWas10IThink....IHaveNeverBeenToPhiliadelphia... IsItLikeWashington?"

She said curiously, not fully aware where Tonya was going with this. She gently rubbed Hiroks head as they had fallen asleep.

Tonya Brooks:
She looks down at the sleeping Hiroko, a small smile that she was safe with them enough to sleep.

"Washington DC, more or less...from what I remember. Washington state...not so much I think. I need you to be prepared, Lamp. It is currently the year 2023. Lots of things will be different, and...I likely won't be able to help much with it."

She cups Lamp's cheek affectionately. Like a mother might.

"I was Taken much earlier than you. For now, our goal is shelter. I...severely hope my library is still here. I have a safe space in the Hedge, there. What we call a Hollow. If we get there we can rest, and be safe. I know we are all tired and injured, but our journey will be done for today if we can make it there. I promise, and you can seal that if you need for comfort. Can you do that for me?"

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp pauses looking at Tonya with wide eye, as she idly pet Hiroko. "W-w-wellHopefullyIt'sNotToDifferentFromWashington D.C... w-w-waitIfIts2023DoYouThinkTheyStillHaveTheAtari?" she wonders looking around for a moment. "DoYouKnowHowFarThisLibraryIs?"

Tonya Brooks:
"I... don't know what that is. But no... unfortunatly not. I don't know where in Philadelphia we are, but we need to get to Fishtown and I can... hopefully find it. But... hopefully someone can help."

Tonya Brooks:
Turns out, not that far! Tonya guides them to the Fishtown Free Library, happiness and excitement on her face that it was still there. Was she ever like this in Arcadia? It was hard to remember.

She had to have Lamp bandage her leg a bit to not walk into the library bleeding, but once that was done, she lead them to the encyclopedia section, one at a time tilted out encyclopedias for H, then O, then M, then E, and finally lead them towards the back, opening a door to what would be the staff break room that lead into her Hollow.

Inside the Hollow were tall shelves, full of dusty books. The ceiling was a pattern of stars. Tonya looked a bit dismayed at how untidy the space was.

"This is it. We will be safe here. There's reading and relaxation nooks that we should be able to sleep in, I hope. I...suggest we stay closer to the entrance for now. I made this place a maze so I could be safe here, I don't want you two getting lost. And now that we are safe...I think I owe you two explainations. I know you both likely have dozens of questions, so I will do my best to answer them."

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko woke enough to be able to walk... With help... But she was exhausted, the journey having taken its toll long ago. The morph back into a humanoid form was also taxing, though she didn't know it. So once Tonya stopped and said they were safe there, she went and found a corner nearby to curl up and promptly blacked out.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp also followed suit, she sat near hiroko and laid her head against the wall here eyes closing. "AsYourCareTakerIDemandAllThreeOfUsSleepFirst, ThenTalk"

Tonya Brooks:
She chuckles at the implication that Lamp was the caretaker.

"I would be...so very fine with that, dear."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She nods quickly drifting off to sleep as well.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya gets up early, finding some food amongst the ruins to bring back to them, and sits, propped up. Not only keeping watch but also beginning to write. She has 7 or 8 balled up pages next to her, but has made sure to stay quiet for them.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp slowly stirred awake. Flinching back for a second seeing her more plasticaken body, she looked around panicked for a moment before remembering where she was. She reached out and gently pat hiroko.

Azuma Hiroko:
The pat does indeed awaken the girl. She opened her eyes blearily and looked around, very lost and sad. Where was she? What happened?

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya smiles, bringing over a few hedgefruit from a garden long overgrown.

"Eat, gain your strength. We are safe here."

A look towards the center of the library.

"I am going to leave for a little bit later today, and hopefully contact some friends. Do either of you know what a Freehold is?"

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp shakes her head. She takes the fruit looking the fruit over before taking a bite. She sits down and begins to go through her bags. Her sewing kit very low on materials.

"Tonya... YouStillInjuredShouldn'tYouWaitTillYouCanGetHelp? ONeOfUsCanMeetYourFriends..."

Tonya Brooks:
The fruit was full of energy and emotion, and nicely filling to the Lost.

"I will be fine. Light-Shy will hide me. I also do not want to force you to go back into the Hedge this early. I was going to leave a message on the Trod for them to find, instead of searching for them."

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko was ravenous. Manners flew out the window when you're so very hungry and you're still half asleep. She literally pounced on the hedgefruit to start eating quickly, juice getting all over her fingers and face.

Jeez, when they said 'Beast', surely they didn't mean actually animalistic...

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"CanYouAtleastLetMeStopYour InjuriesFromGettingAnyWorse? IDon'tHaveAlotButLetMeAtLeastTry?"

Lamp watched Hiroko devour their fruit, Lamp took another bite of her fruit before tossing the rest to Hiroko. Was she still hungry? Absolutely but her friends mattered more, she could get more food later. Plus she had more pressing matters to worry about... like Tonyas leg.

"JustLetMeGetSomeGlueWaterAndPaper. ICanPatchYouUpTemporarilyTillYouGetBackAndWeCanDoSomethingMorePermanent."

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya smiles, passing over a towel to Hiroko and gently patting her.

"Okay, we can do that. There should be some glue around somewhere, I have plenty of paper here...spare paper, don't rip up my books, and then water in the fountain. Will that make you worry less about me?"

Azuma Hiroko:
She paused her eating and froze, a soft growl emanating from her when Tonya gave her a pat.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp watched Hirokos body language as she growled. Oh duhhh some of the big cats at the Zoo had that. It was text book food aggression. "OkImGonnaGoGetSomeWater. HeyTonyaCanYoyGetMeTheGlueAndPaper? LetsLetHirokoEat."

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya flinches backwards, not interested in being attacked, and nods.

"Sure. Let's let Hiroko eat."

She hobbles off with Lamp to get the stuff.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"AlsoINeedABowl." She pauses looking at Tonya. "HirokoIsPortrayingTextBookFoodAgressionShesNotMadAtYou." Lamp follows Tonya to the rest of the materials.

Tonya Brooks:
"I'm certainly glad about that, then. I won't get in the way of her food. Let's get everything you need."

As Lamp finds out, and likely Hiroko will later, the whole Hollow is a sort of maze. Books line the walls in an endless group, but Lamp can likely notice some familiar landmarks on the way back that hints that, eventually, anyone could learn the maze. Tonya seems to navigate it perfectly and it just appears as another defense mechanism of the Hollow.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp nods. "ItWouldBeLikeIfSomeoneTriedToInteruptYouMidChapterOfABook" Lamp had gotten all the materials she needed and laid them out on a table. "OkINeedYouToSitVeryStillForMe. CanYouDoThat?"

Tonya Brooks:
"I see, I certainly wouldn't want to do that again."

She sits down opposite of Hiroko, a soft smile her way, then nods to the doctor in the room.

"I can certainly do that. Thank you, Lamp. While you do that, I am certain you both have many questions."

Azuma Hiroko:
She most definitely devoured all the fruits in sight, then sat back with a soft sigh before looking down at the mess she made on herself and a slow blush of realization colored her cheeks. Her teachers would be SO disappointed in her... Hiroko had no clue what had gotten into her, but she quickly grabbed the towel to wipe herself off as best she could.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp began to mix the water and glue till it was the right consistency, she then began to tear up strips of the extra paper. She slowly soaked each sheet before packing it into the wound till the wound was filled. Then she spread some sheers over the now packed wounds creating a fairly seemless bandage and potentially permanent addition to Tonya. Lamp looked up from her work. "OkSoWhatIsAFreeHoldYouSaidItEarlier."

Azuma Hiroko:
The little sheep girl looked up at that question, eager to know as well, now that she was fed and awake.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya would never be a dissapointed teacher, and looks glad Hiroko is able to control the urges.

"That feels better already, that is quite impressive. But yes, a Freehold. They are collections of Lost, like us, that have escaped from their captors. Not all of them will have been from It's domain. Because of the diversity, we can all rely on each other to keep each other safe."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"OkAndTheHedgeWasAllTheThickStuffBetweenHereAndACertainPlace?" LampSaysLookingOverHerWork.

Tonya Brooks:
"More or less. Arcadia is what we call the Realms of the Gentry, It being one of them. It is taboo to say their names because They can see us if we do. Ironside is the human side of things, the Gentry are weak Ironside so do not go there. Everything in between is the Hedge. This Library is hidden within the Hedge as well."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"OkSoTheHedgeIsTheTrainTracksArcadiaIsOneTrainsStation, AndIronSideIsTheOther?"

Tonya Brooks:
"Yes, but I would recommend staying closer to this station and stay as far away from the other as possible."

Azuma Hiroko:
Having never seen a train before, but knowing of them, Hiroko simply nodded in understanding.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"MakesSense....AndYouSaidIts2023...... IWonderIfTheZooIsStillRunning? A-andMyFamilyAndFriends, BothHumanAndAnimals, IWonderIfTheyAreOk...."

Azuma Hiroko:
2023? What was that? She looked from one Changeling to the other questioningly.

Tonya Brooks:
Tonya frowns.

"I can't tell you for sure. What I can tell you is that it's possible to move on if they are not around, and we will be here to support you."

She looks to Hiroko, recognizing that confusion.

"Hiroko...I have a question for you. You were unfortunatly asleep for it yesterday, but after you saved us we did not want to wake you. Do you remember what year you were Taken?"

Azuma Hiroko:
"... Ta...Ken?" she rasped, still unused to talking.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
She moved to sit beside Hiroko recognizing that she may need someone to lean on. She looked to Tonya to further explain as she herself still didn't fully understand everything.

Tonya Brooks:
She frowns, taking a deep breath.

"We were human before, just like many of those you will see Ironside. They do not know Arcadia exists, or if they do, imagine it as only folklore. But it is very much real, as are werewolves, and vampires, and wizards, and ghosts, and many more. For whatever reason, you attracted the Gentry's attention, and It took you to Its realm as a plaything. Time does not work the same in Arcadia. I know Changelings that have experienced decades in a month and are much older than they would be, and like myself, ones that have spent a much shorter time in Arcadia than has passed Ironside. In either case, fitting back into your old life will be extremely difficult. And I am sorry that I do not have a way to fix that. It is currently the year 2023, Ironside. The world has moved on...and now its our job to refind our lives and move on with it."

Azuma Hiroko:
A brief moment of shock flashed through Hiroko's face. It was the year 2023?! She was supposed to be 43 years old by now?! She shook her head to clear it, wonder in her eyes. "I... Remember... Nineteen... Ninety... Three..." she replied softly.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp took Hiroko in a huge embrace hugging her like their lives depended on it "IRemember 97.... That'sW-whenIWasTaken....IRememberItWasJanuary...AndCold...."

Azuma Hiroko:
"Lamp... Younger?" she asked, snuggling into the embrace happily. Her fingers were still sticky...

Tonya Brooks:
She nods slowly.

"You were taken close together, and appear not to far off from each other. That will be good as you have similar experiences, and can rely on each other."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp nodded hugging her back, she sniffles for a moment before pushing it all back down, she will process her emotions later... right now her friends need her at her best.

"W-where are you from Hiroko? I'm from Washington D.C"

Azuma Hiroko:
Surprisingly, Hiroko just looked sad, but she smiled and rubbed Lamp on the back like one might console a younger child. "I am... From... Hokkaido... What is... My Age?" she then asked as she turned back to Tonya curiously. She didn't feel like an adult, that was for sure.

Tonya Brooks:
"Hokkaido...Japan, then? I want to say the Northernmost part if I remember correctly. I apologize but your adjustment will have to be across distance as well. As for your age, that is a harder question. Time passes in Arcadia, but not at the same rate. Based entirely off your features, I would put a solid guess on late Teens to mid 20's."

Azuma Hiroko:
She nodded, satisfied with her answer. "Then... I am... Free..."

Tonya Brooks:
"That you are, Hiroko. That you are. I am glad I could help you find this freedom."

Azuma Hiroko:
She shook her head and looked around, wondering how to explain what she meant. Perhaps she could write it? But... She didn't know if she could write anymore. She could barely hold the fruit when she was eating...

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"IfWeAreGoingOffMathIThinkIm35.... NiceToMeetYouHiroko! ForLackOfBetterTerms.... WelcomeToTheStates....." Lamp cuddled against Hiroko,

Tonya Brooks:
"You also look to me like someone in their mid 20's, Lamp. If that matters to you."

She sits back, sighing in relief at the lack of pain.

Azuma Hiroko:
"Pleased... To make... Your... Ackwantans..." she murmured back, the last word sounding very off and garbled.

Tonya Brooks:
"Ah-quay-ten-says." She corrects on instinct, but not harshly. Guiding. Teacher like in a way.

Azuma Hiroko:
She repeated the sounds of the words after Tonya, immediately falling into the student role. But it still sounded off, as though her throat and tongue couldn't quite form the words properly.

Tonya Brooks:
She smiles proudly.

"Good job. That was much closer."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
Lamp smiles and pats hiroko on the back. "NiceJob!"

Azuma Hiroko:
She beamed, clearly happy. "Thank... You..."

Tonya Brooks:
She smiles.

"Of course. Do either of you have any more questions?"

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"Uhhh.... INeedMoreStuff....CanIGoOutAndExplore? OtherwiseNotRightNow"

Azuma Hiroko:
She thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. "What... Do we... Do now?"

Tonya Brooks:
"Just the library or beyond that?"

She takes a slow and calming breath.

"Ironside still presents its own dangers, as does the Hedge proper."

She looks to Hiroko.

"Now...we find how to be ourselves. I will help guide as I can, but our next step should be to contact the local Freehold, which I was planning on doing today, hopefully. I am not sure if it is even the same Freehold as when I was last here."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"Ummmm INeedToGetFirstAidSupplies... WhichWouldMeanGoingOutside. ThoIDontHaveAnyMoney. ButIShouldOnlyNeedLike10$?"

Tonya Brooks:
"I...unfortunatly don't have money on me. I will not keep you here, but I would like to go with you if that is alright when we do trek into Ironside. Simply from my own paranoia. The Freehold should be able to help us with money, however. Or...I may be able to if I take back ownership of my library..." she looks a tad lost in thought.

Azuma Hiroko:
Hiroko looked down at her legs, now seeming so spindly and fragile compared to... Compared to what? She couldn't remember... For some reason, she felt smaller and far more easy to break. Absently, she rubbed her shoulder where there was once stitches on a dragon's body. There were none there now, but she didn't know there used to be.

"I... Think I... Will Rest... Here..." she sighed, understanding that she needed some time to collect herself.

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"Yea...ThatsFine...ThenIllJustExploreTheLibrary. IWondeeWhatNewAnimalsHaveBeenDiscovered!" She says excitedly standing up and stretching.

Tonya Brooks:
"Please do. I should be back soon. If you do become hungry, please don't starve just because I asked you to wait."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"HowWillWeGetFoodWithoutMoney...AlsoWon't PeopleSeeUs? OrDoWeLookLikeOurOldSelves?"

Tonya Brooks:
"They will see you as you used to be, yes. Other Lost will see you as this, so do please be careful if that needs to happen. As for the food issue...I don't know how this day and age is...I hope that you can find someone compassionate, but if not I am certain there are ways. This is the future, maybe compassion has grown."

Hannah "Lamp" Candles:
"Ok, ThenIllExploreTheLibrary, GoodLuckStaySafe."