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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= *Asbolus *Hannah Candles | setting=Fairmount Park | log='''Asbolus:''' The City called to Asbolus as if often did, and as he often did in response he took to wandering Philadelphia's streets, letting its sidewalks take the Darkling where they wished. On this particular evening that came to be one of the city's largest parks, a lovely gem of green - but not that green - which offered a fine place to walk and think about recent e...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 01:25, 23 May 2023


Fairmount Park


Asbolus: The City called to Asbolus as if often did, and as he often did in response he took to wandering Philadelphia's streets, letting its sidewalks take the Darkling where they wished. On this particular evening that came to be one of the city's largest parks, a lovely gem of green - but not that green - which offered a fine place to walk and think about recent events.

The Mountebank was dressed casually in jeans, grey t-shirt and boots, his pace leisurely as he made his way down one of the paths. To the Lost he was a potent fellow indeed, the strength of the Wyrd easy to sense as every motion cut through the air like a finely-honed blade.

Hannah Candles: The confinement of the library was truly getting to lamp. She needed to walk around and explore. Even if that exploring landed her on a bus with a one way ticket to fairview. Who knew helping someone with an injury at the bus stop would be such a bartering tool.

She walked around the park taking in the fresh air and was enjoying all the animals. The Squirrels, pigeons, and other wildlife that called this park home reminded her of her own home.

Lamp sat at a bench trying to see if a Squirrel was going to let her pet it. Lamp herself wearing a yellow sweater and way to long jeans she she found in the lost in found. The thing that truly stood out was her vibrant red hair.

Asbolus: Asbolus' pace slowed as he spotted Hannah, keen eyes taking in every detail of the Elemental as she tried to coax the furry little fellow into friendliness. After a moment he smiled, continuing his path towards her but keeping his steps quiet as to not spook either of them.

Hannah Candles: Lamp looked up out of the corner of her eye still very very alert after all she had been through recently. She slowly reached out for her bag, her body screamed at her to run, but her curiosity was getting the best of her. Her other hand trying to still pet the Squirrel cause well Squirrel!!!

Asbolus: Asbolus' smile widened a touch as she looked his way, hands free at his side in a non-threatening manner. "Sorry to interrupt," he offered, his voice quiet and accent thoroughly London. "He seems like a friendly fellow, though, so I'd say you're close to winning him over."

Hannah Candles: She looked at him wearily. She nods, "Agreed, WhichInIsKindaBad. ThatMeansTheSquirrelIsntScaredOfPeople. AFeedAnimalIsADeadOne." She said with a Dmv accent, her speech quick and rapid, the full sentence falling out of her mouth. "ButYouAreRightTheyArentShowingAnyScaredBodyLanguage."

Asbolus: The speed of her speech didn't seem to be a bother for the Darkling, nodding along with her assertion. "Very true. I wager they get quite a bit of attention from other park-goers."

"Whittaker Sharpe, by the by. A pleasure to meet you, Miss..."

Hannah Candles: "YesTheyDoUnfortunatly. Lamp. NiceToMeetYou..."

She reaches out and the Squirrel finally hey her make contact. Her hand gently petting the Squirrel.

"UmmSoWeAreInFairmountParkRight? DoYouKnowHowFarWeAreFromFishTown?"

Asbolus: Philly being Philly the name given didn't throw him off too much, a smile forming as the squirrel finally crept her way and allowed itself to be petted. He thought a moment at the question posed, looking eastward as he mulled. "It's across town from here, so about four miles or so. Are you in need of an escort home?"

Hannah Candles: Lamp looks at him for a moment. Contemplating her choices... did Tonya tell her not to leave? Yep! Did she anyway? She sure did! Is she gonna pay the consequences of her actions later.... hell ya. "IfISayYesDoYouPlanOnDoingMeHarmInAnyWay?" She said bluntly

Asbolus: "I do not, no." He shook his head firmly to emphasize.

Hannah Candles: "Do you promise?" She says seriously still petting the Squirrel.

Asbolus: "I promise that I will cause you no harm between here and your place of residence, and will step in if someone attempts to do so along the way."

Hannah Candles: She nods. "ThenYesIWould AppreciateAnEscort. IHaveNeverBeenInPhillyAndPhilly'sSimularToHomeButNotTheSame."

Asbolus: Asbolus paused as the words were sealed, watching Lamp for a moment before offering her a hand up. The sharpness of his mien made itself known if she took his hand, the sensation of being this close to a well-honed blade coming through his touch. "I take it that you got back recently, then?"

Hannah Candles: She gave the Squirrel one last pet before taking his hand, whinging slightly, her own hand felt warn to the touch m, like one would feel of someone with a fever. She nodded. "AFewDaysAgo"

Asbolus: He gave an apologetic look at the wince from his touch, nodding as he began to move down the path towards the east, keeping his pace even with hers. "Welcome back, then. Am I the first of us you've run into since returning?"

Hannah Candles: She shook her head as she stopped strengthening herr mask, her mein fully apparent, now Standing before him is now someone that looked like they belonged to an x-men comic, very similar to Frankie Raye (Nova) A plasticaken orange transparent body, with a light up button and looked like fire. "Uhhh KindaIEscapedWithTwoOthers."

Asbolus: He watched curiously as her mien revealed itself, giving another nod. "Good to hear. I can point you towards the local leadership and get the ball rolling for you being recognized."

Hannah Candles: "ThatSoundsGreat! I'mSureTheOthersWillWantToMeetYouAsWell!" She says excitedly. She looks around as they walk soaking as much in as she can.

Asbolus: "One can hope." He said with a small smirk. "I know my story is rather potent these days, so that may cause some hesitance. Lord knows I was very skittish when I first got back."

Hannah Candles: She looks at him curiously but doesn't ask or dig. She shoulders her bag, it alot lighter then it had been. "Yea...IAmToButINeededToGetOut.... andExplore."

Asbolus: "Understandable, especially if you've been gone a while. Where is home for you, out of curiosity?"

Hannah Candles: "HomeHomeIsNewJersyAveOffKStreetInWashingtonD.C I'm CurrentlyStayingInFishTown."

Asbolus: "Ah. Never been there myself, I'll admit. I'm from London, but Philadelphia has be very welcoming in its own way. A little eccentric, but endearing nonetheless."

Hannah Candles: She nods listening to him. "WaitIsItTrueInLondonYouDriveTheWrongWayDownTheRoad? Doesn'tThatCauseLotsOfAccidents?"

Asbolus: "Usually only with tourists who are used to driving on the right-hand side." He replied with a chuckle. "I didn't drive for a while here myself to get used to it first."

Hannah Candles: "OhThatMakesSense. ItsLikeTouristsInDCWhenTheyHitAllTheRoundAbouts...."

She looked around for a moment surveying for danger before continuing. Her head constantly on a swivel.

Asbolus: Asbolus kept an eye on their surroundings as well, staying close to Lamp without crowding her too much. "Indeed. It takes a little getting used to, but you get there eventually."

Hannah Candles: "YeaItsWeird.... 2023 Is....Well...NotWhatIExpectedAtAllAndWillTakeGettingUsedTo...." she greatly appreciated the fact he was giving her room as they walked.

Asbolus: "How long were you gone, if you feel comfortable saying? It was about five years myself."

Hannah Candles: "Ummmm97wasWhenIWasTakenSo26YearsIThink"

Asbolus: "Quite a bit to catch up on, then." He nodded quietly. "Those of us here will be more than willing to help with that as needed, of course."

Hannah Candles: She nods thinking for a moment. A few random memories of her childhood bounced around in her head, all of them on the tip of her tongue but just out of reach.

"T-ThankYou. IHaveLotsOfQuestionsThatICantThinkOfRightNow.... IfYouWantAndPromiseToNotHurtMyFriends, YouCanMeetThem, IfTheyWant."

Asbolus: "You're very welcome." He offered a reassuring smile, nodding as she continued. "I promise to cause no harm to them either."

Hannah Candles: She nods relieved, that she found someone who A seems nice.. B has contacts to the Freehold, Wonder if Tonya knows him? Only one way to tell.

"IRememberedAQuestionIWasGonnaAsk. UmAreThereAnyZoosHere?"

Asbolus: "There is, yes. I haven't been there myself, admittedly, but I've heard good things about it."

Hannah Candles: "ThatsGood! ICantWaitToGo. IRememeberGoingBasicallyEveryDay. ItWasSafeThere."

Asbolus: "What was your favorite exhibit to visit? I always liked the bird house at the zoo in London."

Hannah Candles: "HmmmIDontExactlyHaveAFavoriteExhibit. ButIDidGrowUpWithAKomodoDragon. TheyWereTheFirstBornOutsideOfIndonisia! IWonderIfKraken...IThinkThatWasHerName. IWonderIfShesStillAlive.... SheWasSooooCute!"

Asbolus: "Perhaps." He nodded, smiling a touch. "I don't have any pets myself, although one of my roommates has a dog who's quite the sweetheart."

Hannah Candles: "DogsAreCute. ButILikeMoreWildAndWeirdAnimals. YouSaidYouLikedTheBirdHouse. DoYouHaveAFavoriteBird?"

Asbolus: "It was finches for a good while, but ravens have taken that spot lately thanks to a dear friend of mine." He said with a soft smile. "You may meet them at some point, they're a part of the local group as well."

Hannah Candles: "OhhhCorvidsAreCool! ILikeShoeBillStorks! TheyLookLikeAMoodAlsoTheirMatingCallScratchesAnItchInMyHead. OhhhCan'tWaitToMeetThisPerson."

Asbolus: "That can certainly be arranged. They go by Avery, if you run into them before I'm able to introduce you."

Hannah Candles: "WhatDoesThisAveryLookLike?"

Asbolus: He lowered his voice as he answered, keeping the conversation between themselves as they walked. "About your height and rather corvid-like themselves, mostly black feathers with white feathers along their back."

Hannah Candles: She nods trying to soak in the information. Will she remember thus Avery persons name in a few minutes probably not considering how she forgot the name of the person she was talking to right now.... but oh well.

"OkSoLivingCorvid, GotIt. AlsoHowFarDoYouThinkWeAre?"

Asbolus: Asbolus glanced around, mulling a moment on the distance remaining. "Probably a bit yet. I can order a car to take us the rest of the way if you'd like."

Hannah Candles: "DoWeHaveFlyingCarsYet?! IfSoYesIfNotNo...."

Asbolus: "Not yet, no." He replied with a chuckle. "And with how people in this city drive I would be leery of seeing an airborne bicycle, let alone a car."

Hannah Candles: "ItCantBeWorseThenD.C....WeHaveTheWorseDrivers. WellHad...ButIDoubtItsAnyBetter..."

Asbolus: "That I couldn't say." He smiled a touch, pulling his phone to see what cars were in the area. "Do you know the address for where you're staying, or just a rough area?"

Hannah Candles: "FishTown....OhhhALibrary...ALibraryInFishTown!"

Asbolus: Asbolus nodded, searching for said library and saving the address. "Think I've found it. Would you prefer to keep walking or take a ride there?"

Hannah Candles: "UpToYou. IDontMindToBeHonestIJustHopeMyFriendComesBackWithFoodAtSomePoint."

Asbolus: "Perhaps the car may be better, then, if someone is waiting for you to get back."

Hannah Candles: "OkSoOtherThenNoFlyingCarsHaveCarsChangedMuch?"

Asbolus: "They have more bells and whistles involved, for sure. Most of the newer ones have some sort of computer built into them, and some are completely electric rather than using petrol." He replied as he queued up a ride for the pair, keeping an eye out while he did so.

Hannah Candles: "HuhWaitSoTheyHaveFullyBatteryCars? WithComputers?HowBigAreTheseComputers?TheyMustBeFairlyBig."

Asbolus: "They do, and not too big, I imagine." Once the car was requested he showed his phone to Hannah. "This model's a year or two out of date but close enough to new, for example."

Hannah Candles: She looks at the phone "w-WaitSoThisPhone...ItsLikeAComputer?"

Asbolus: "Indeed. It allows access to the internet and a variety of other applications along with making phone calls."

Hannah Candles: "S-so IfComputersAreThatSmallHowAreVideoGames? IsTheAtariStillAround?"

Asbolus: "Not as a console in itself, no. There are a few others around, though." He reclaimed the phone, checking how far out their ride was before pocketing it. "One of my roommates has a Playstation, I believe, and I've poked at it on occasion. Not much of a gamer on that front, admittedly."

Hannah Candles: She nods taking all the new info in. "OHWhatAboutMusic?IsItAllStillOnCD's"

Asbolus: "CDs are still available, yes. They can also be bought directly online, which is the path I tend to take personally."

Hannah Candles: "Huh...InterestingSoHowAboutMovies? AnythingNewThere?"

Asbolus: "That depends on who you ask." He replied with a chuckle. "There are a few larger series out there, mostly tied to comic books characters and the like, along with a number of remakes and sequels to older properties that pop up now and again. I still enjoy the cinema myself, though, and try and keep up with the newer releases as time allows."

Hannah Candles: "Huh....ThereIsSoMuchToGetCaughtUpOn....IWishItWasThe90sAgain...."

Asbolus: "There have been some improvements, I will say. The plights of some marginalized groups are being better recognized, for one, and others are being worked on." He glanced towards a black SUV that pulled up, checking the plate against the one noted on his phone before moving to greet the driver and open the door for Hannah to head in. "You'll catch up in due time, though."

Hannah Candles: She nods not really fulling understanding any details only being in 4th grade when she was taken but she knew enough to understand the gist of what he was saying. She wearily got in the car, her hands wrapped tightly around her mostly depleted first aid kit bag.


Asbolus: Once Hannah was settled inside Asbolus slipped in to join her in the back seat, closing the door and getting himself buckled in as the driver headed off towards their chosen destination. "How are you feeling at the moment?"

Hannah Candles: "Weird....IForgotHowItFeelsToBeInACar...." She said her face glued out the window as everything wiped past them.

Asbolus: "It has been a while, from what you said." Asbolus replied, watching both the new Lost and the city as it went by through the window. "It is handier than walking, or at least quicker if you need to get somewhere in a timely manner."

Hannah Candles: "ItHas,AndItIsQuickerThenWalking, AndItDependsOnTrafficIfTheMetroIsQuickerThenTheCar."

Asbolus: "Indeed." He nodded, going quiet for a long moment as the car wove its way through the city streets. "Do you and yours need any specific help at the moment? You mentioned one of them going out for food."

Hannah Candles: "UmmmNotReally? IMeanWeDontHaveMoneyButIThinkMyFriendHasSomeStashedAway...ThatsTheOneGettingFood."

Asbolus: "Alright. With any luck we'll get back to the library at the same time and I can properly introduce myself."

Hannah Candles: "Yea, I HopeSo, IWantMyFriendsToMeetYou. HopefullyWeGetThereSoon."